VMT to host Pop-up Vaccination in Dutch Quarter on Saturday at the De Weever Estate.

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Vaccination Management Team (VMT) encourages everyone who hasn't received their vaccination to come to the vaccination Pop-Up at the De Weever Estate in Dutch Quarter on Saturday, June 26th from 9:00 AM until supplies last.
The VMT is pleased to see a steady number of persons who are coming for their first COVID-19 vaccine but emphasizes that we still have a long way to go to reach herd immunity and to go back to normalcy. We are currently at approximately 46%, while we need to get to 85%.
Only when we reach that level can life return to normal again, which means easing of COVID-19 restrictions, unrestricted travel, economic recovery (more jobs), and celebratory events like Jump-Ups and Carnival. Additionally, the mass vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine will stop on July 31st, meaning that July 9th will be the last day you can come for your first dose to get your second dose three weeks later.
All persons older than 18 years or older than 12 years with underlying conditions are encouraged to come for their COVID-19 vaccination at the Pop-Up location at De Weever Estate in Dutch Quarter on Saturday. During weekdays, Caribbean Cinemas in Cole Bay will be open for vaccination walk-ins from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM until July 2nd. The Ministry of Publica Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Service (CPS) is also still available for vaccination walk-ins from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM on weekdays.
Vaccination will always be a personal choice, but every choice has consequences, so when you choose not to get vaccinated, you endanger the health of others and put the future of our island at risk.
With your choice to take the vaccine, you reduce the chance of infection and the possibility of infecting others by 95%. 1.4 billion people worldwide have taken the vaccine, which is scientifically proven to be safe. Your choice is also a social one, as the future of our island depends on it. We have to stand up as a country, unite and do this together, the VMT points out.
The VMT encourages everyone and all organizations to join the movement, become creative, and do whatever they can to promote our Drive to 85! We have to do it together.
Sint Maarten Protected Together.