VP Steven Patrick.
MARIGOT: --- Vice President Steven Patrick who held the portfolio of Urbanism and Environment said in an interview with SMN News that the President of the Collectivite of Saint Martin allegedly formed a coup with his Director-General Adjoint (DGA).
Patrick said he strongly believed that he was heavily undermined by members of his own team because he informed the executive council on several occasions that DGA was not performing his duties. This person is always late with his work. “Because of the lateness, I am not able to properly look over the files that have to be presented to the Executive Council for decisions to be taken. Last week Wednesday I felt I had enough, and it was time to take a stand, I then informed the President that I need a week to look over the files before the council deliberates on them. While that executive council meeting was taking place the DGA walked in with the files and the President decided that he would handle the files despite he was informed and know that I had concerns for over a year now. I then walked out of the meeting because I believed a coup was formed. I want to make clear that I had concerns about the DGA and the way he works, and I made those concerns known for over a year now. Yes, I agree I did something stupid by locking out the DGA from his office, but one must understand that enough is enough also that DGA already found a job elsewhere and he is scheduled to leave, be assured that I did not attack or hurt anyone."
Patrick said the service he is responsible for has been dysfunctional for an exceptionally long time, he said since the arrival of this DGA who was hired to manage the department has not made any improvements. He said that the DGA even told him that he had to subcontract some things that had to be managed by him. “This makes me ask myself why was the DGA hired if the Collectivite has now pay someone to do the job then also have to subcontract projects that would then have to go through a bidding process and which would cause further delays and I would not be able to accomplish anything at the end of this term."
“I need to make clear that there is a management problem within the Collectivite.” The VP said that the DGA’s are withholding information from civil servants which are delaying everything that relates and would benefit the local population.
Regarding the sanctions taken against him, by thePresident, Patrick said that there have been several incidences at the Collectivite where people were assaulted and the President did not intervene or did anything to avoid any further recurrences. He said he is wondering if the actions taken by the President are not political.“With this being said I want to make clear that I am not running away from my responsibilities with the way I handled the situation.”
“I am not looking for titles, I just want to represent the people who elected me. I am not a ship jumper, certainly, I will not contest 2022 on Team Gibbs list.”
Patrick said further explained that he will not be running on the Team Gibbs list, however, he said that he is not a ship jumper. Maybe he will not contest the 2022 election but stay out completely "I already resigned which will go into effect as of August 1st, 2020, as of now I can say boldly I am not part of the majority and if the President wants me out of the Territorial Council then he will have to vote me out."