Graduates at Autonomous University of Santo Domingo receive Africa in My Skin by Rafael Nino Féliz.

authorrafaelnino30082021PHILIPSBURG:--- África en mi piel / Africa in My Skin / L’Afrique dans la peau was presented to Dominican Republic university graduates by the book’s author Rafael Nino Féliz. The political science graduates from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), each received the trilingual poetry book at the main campus on August 9, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP). The author said that the collection is “a poetic journey about the African origins of the inhabitants of the Americas,” focusing on the Caribbean with poems about the nations he visited, from Haiti in the northern flank of the Caribbean Sea to Curacao in the southern part of the archipelago. Féliz is also an essayist and UASD educator. The Spanish, English, and French edition of Africa in My Skin was published in St. Martin by HNP last June. The presentation to the students was facilitated by Adonis Martín, director of the UASD School of Political Science.