Caribbean Wellness Day Sept. 11: “In it Together! Building Healthy Communities

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- Caribbean Wellness Day (CWD) will be observed across the region on Saturday, September 11 to promote good health and well-being of the whole of society, the Collective Prevention Service (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) said on Friday.
The overall theme is “In it Together! Building Healthy Communities." The theme is aligned to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Caribbean Wellness Week slogan “Building Equitable Communities” which follows the call to action from World Health Day to eliminate health inequities, “Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone.”
CPS is calling on all citizens to review their eating habits and behaviors to see what can be changed to prevent chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes that lead to heart attacks, strokes, and premature death.
Many cancers are attributable to lifestyles acquired while we mature from youngsters to the aged (adulthood). Changes made to poor dietary practices and the lack of activity such as exercise can greatly improve health outcomes and overall wellness. CPS encourages members of the community to consult with their family physician or other health related organizations to learn more about healthy lifestyles and take action to improve the overall wellness.
Ministry VSA is moving in the direction of overall wellness and is currently working on a National Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) strategy with PAHO.
The objectives for CWD 2021 are: promote equitable access to health; work together with various sectors (governments, communities, civil society) to empower and engage individuals and communities to promote health and well-being.
In 2011 the CWD was expanded to become Wellness Week in the Americas, and this was part of the Political Declaration of the United Nations NCDs.
The CARICOM Heads of Summit on Chronic Diseases in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, September 2007, established Caribbean Wellness Day.
Caribbean Wellness Day is observed every year on the second Saturday of September. Join CPS in safeguarding our health and well-being, collectively taking a responsible role and making an informed decision.
Inaugurated in 2008, Caribbean Wellness Day (CWD) is an annual event which provides an opportunity to increase the awareness of the non-communicable diseases burden in the Caribbean; mobilise and strengthen public, private, and civil society partnerships for NCDs; promote multi country, multisectoral activities in support of wellness; and showcase national and community level activities to promote healthy living and encourage residents to develop good health practices.