Fun Miles announces winners of popular letter hunt 'WordFun'.

funmiles17022022PHILIPSBURG:---  Tuesday, February 1st saw the prize drawing of the big Fun Miles end-of-year campaign WordFun. During the past months, many people on St. Maarten were enthusiastically collecting letters to form words for a chance to win one of the amazing prizes, including a brand-new Toyota Corolla Cross from Real Auto and tickets to Curaçao from JetAir. The grand prize winners are listed below and have been contacted and congratulated by Fun Miles. Fun Miles thanks all participants and partners, and will be back soon with fun new campaigns.

The winners
The Toyota Corolla Cross from Real Auto (including a full year of insurance from ENNIA) has been won by Ruchinella St. Luce; the 2 tickets to Curaçao from JetAir by Zark Sabaroche. Hundreds of additional fun prizes have been snapped up by those who played the online game 'Word of the Week'. A full list of winning Fun Miles card numbers can be found on

A welcome diversion in challenging times
For many, WordFun provided a welcome diversion during the current COVID crisis. This was clearly noticeable on social media, where many posted photos of families playing WordFun. Fun Miles did not organize trading days as it did during previous campaigns, because it feels that public health should always come first.

Popular online game will be continued
One of the campaign's most popular elements was the online game that required people to guess the word of the week, The more they used their Fun Miles card in stores, the more letters appeared in the online game.