Seven Seas Water Group Donation for Sundial Breakfast Program.

sevenseasdonation05092022PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sundial school has become the recipient of a donation made by Seven Seas Water Group (St. Maarten) by means of a cheque, destined to keep alive a breakfast program, implemented for students attending the school.

According to Seven Seas Water Group Managing Director Franklyn Richards, the company will carry on supporting initiatives such as the breakfast program for the Sundial School.
“Our Seven Seas Water Group will continue to assist the Sundial School in its pursuit to positively influence the lives of young people in need and in so doing build a stronger St. Maarten community”, adds Richards.
Post-Covid pandemic economic situations continue to place more vulnerable families in difficult positions. As such, any assistance that can be provided should therefore be considered, he maintains.

The Sundial School breakfast program was first introduced by now-retired educator, Jackie Morris.
School principal Mireille Regales expressed Sundial’s heartfelt appreciation for the cheque donation on Monday when she was joined by a small group of enthusiastic students, cognizant of the difference the breakfast program makes for them in their daily lives.

The Sundial school breakfast program is one of numerous community-based initiatives sponsored on a continuing basis by the Seven Seas Water Group, ever since the company launched its St. Maarten operations, some years ago. These include a scholarship fund for St. Maarten recipients, known as the Desalination Resource Development Program, abbreviated DRDP.