Carib Swim Team Rebuilds Thanks to the R4CR Project.

renovations09112022PHILIPSBURG:--- Thanks to the R4CR project, Carib Swim Team, a non-profit association located in Cole Bay, was able to make much-needed repairs and upgrades to its pool facility.
Upgrades include new tiling for the upper deck, a new staircase to our lower parking lot, installed a lift to help handicapped clients enter the pool, and rebuilt showers and bathrooms. This is all work that has been needed since Hurricane Irma.
Still to come are some upgrades to our safety and security, including more lighting, security cameras, and rebuilt fencing.
These projects have been funded by the Government of the Netherlands under the Sint Maarten Trust fund, implemented by Resources for Community Resilience (R4CR), administered by VNGI, and overseen by The World Bank.