Is the Case of Bonaire imminent to Caribbean destabilization and Caribbean war?

Last week CARICOM held its 44th Regular Meeting of Heads of Government in Nassau, Bahamas where the Europe-based war-conflict in Ukraine was carried to the Caribbean, to the CARICOM forum and leadership.
CARICOM has stood out and established itself as one or the major Caribbean Regional organizations that have helped build and shape the Caribbean we know today. Furthermore, CARICOM as the leading force of the unification of the Caribbean region, consisting of the youngest sovereign nations in the world, moving towards a clear vision of “Caribbean Integration.”
This progressive vision of integration and hence the continuous dedication to the unification of the Region, has made and maintained the Caribbean as the world's Region or Zone of Peace.
In this unsuspicious Caribbean peaceful life, we, as the island of Bonaire, have emerged as an imminent threat of war, a real threat to Caribbean peace since October 10, 2010, when the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved. On this ignoble symbolic Columbus Day our island, Bonaire was recolonized by illegal annexation and the forced undemocratic integration into the Dutch Constitution under unequal rights. Our autonomy was reversed, and the island returned to full colonial Dutch rule from The Hague in Europe. It may seem that our territory is of no harm due to our size and population and political arena, might look insignificant. Hence, with the acquisition of Bonaire, Holland forcefully expanded its Exclusive Economic Zone with an extra 200 nautical sea miles Exclusive Economic Zone of the Southern Caribbean Sea Basin. This expansion is seven times more EEZ than what they possessed before 2010 in the North Sea in Europe, in which they have absolute power by complete colonial rule from The Hague, Netherlands. Bonaire, only 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela and possess a deep-water-harbor and the Dutch continuous efforts in expanding the international airport beyond commercial requirements to military standards. Together with the continuous effort in buying properties around the airport has changed the Caribbean perspective towards an imminent war build-up by the unilateral Dutch political control and rule of our island.
In 2018 and 2019, it became very clear that the Western superpowers along with Holland kept the colonial narrative alive in the region using our islands' geographical location as the main point, to provoke and incite a War in The Caribbean with Venezuela-boycott-and-conflict. (See our warning letters to CARICOM 2018, 2019)
After we blew the whistle on the Dutch government's very advanced plans and actions, where the Dutch Minister of Defense, Bijleveld, was ordered by the Dutch parliament to “seek support from France, Great Britain, and USA to develop a robust defense and militarization of our islands”.
CARICOM leadership took our call for attention in the same 39th Heads of States Summit in Jamaica. They took a position and rejected this war build-up and provocation leading towards the destabilization of Venezuela and with an escalation hereof that will destabilize the whole tourist economy based the Caribbean, in a war by the NATO and European superpowers in our peaceful Caribbean.

Today, in 2023, the threat is not over as the same Dutch government that missed their chance by CARICOM resolve in 2018 to stop the war-propaganda build-up against Venezuela seemingly are using another strategy with the same objective is, to use our island’s strategic geographic position to continue the threat of war as it will be an economic capitalization and control of the region after all. The Dutch will remain safe in Europe meanwhile the Caribbean islands and civilization will be destroyed by colonial war for our natural resources one more time (as they did with the so-called discovery hence colonization of America, the extermination of our ancestors on both sides, our indigenous American civilization, and our enslaved African forefathers)
Our concerns are that the Dutch will continue to be persistent in their efforts to incite and provoke war at the world level with their sights seemingly set on the Caribbean or South American emerging golden coast. Since 2018, aggression and provocations started and as of last September 2022 Dutch Prime Minister Rutte in his address to the UN did everything he could to incite and provoke a world war based on the Ukraine armed conflict.
It did not remain at that, but it continued with direct frontal world war-provocation statements and actions as such has provided their Rotterdam port to facilitate warships equipped with warplanes for the Ukraine war to land in Europe, as we want to warn the CARICOM leadership against. We recently warned CARICOM that the Dutch Apology for world propaganda is directed to divide the CARICOM leadership that resolved to maintain a united integrated peaceful region. At the same moment, the Dutch promised millions to the Dutch Apology international propaganda campaign on slavery while our islands are under complete Dutch colonial rule The Dutch recently financed the Ukranian war with 500 million to keep it going and escalate it to a world war and catastrophe.
We would like to state that it may not be a coincidence that at the same time, the Caricom Summit is discussing agenda points on the “Dutch Apology” that “Ukrainian President Zelenskyy will address CARICOM leaders''. So far, history has taught us that our history of the enslavement of our ancestors and continuing colonization up to today is not by coincidence but a well-planned military strategy and intervention.
With this, we as colonized peoples and Caribbean citizens, feel that we have the duty for ourselves first to denounce this looming threat as we will be the first victims of the escalation and war and then our Caribbean brothers and sisters will be dragged into war and herewith wants to caution CARICOM to maintain the position of non-interference and peaceful resolution of disputes and to de-escalate hostilities and work towards a sustainable peace primarily for the Caribbean and consequently the world.
To prevent all of this Caricom countries should support Bonaire to submit a Resolution in the 77th General Assembly to put Bonaire back on the list of the United

Nations of Non-Self-Governing-Territories