Minister of VSA seeks nominees for Council for Public Health.

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (Minister of VSA), is seeking nominees on behalf of healthcare organizations, medical professionals, patient organizations, and insurance companies, to fill the positions to be of a member of the Council for Public Health.

The Council for Public Health is tasked with advising the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labour on a variety of healthcare matters, as outlined in the National Ordinance

on the Council for Public Health. A maximum number of nine (9) members will be selected.

Interested healthcare organizations, medical professionals, patient organizations, and insurance companies are

asked to submit their nominees via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and,

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in CC. Applications end on Friday, May 12th,2023 at 5:00 p.m.

The following positions are requiring nominees:

1. Chairman of the Council for Public Health

2. Representatives of Healthcare Organizations

3. Representatives of Medical Professionals

4. Representatives of the patient organizations

5. Representatives of the Insurers

The profile of a member of the Council for Public Health is as follows:

1. Must be a resident of Sint Maarten;

2. Has expertise in at least two of the following areas;

a. Healthcare

b. Health insurance

c. Representation of patient interest

d. Laws and regulations

e. Accounting/financial management

3. Is capable of giving sound scientific advice;

4. Has experience in providing a comprehensive and balanced assessment;

5. Contributes to ensuring that there is a balance representation;

6. Has practical knowledge and experiential expertise;

7. Has aptitude for multidisciplinary work;

8. Has a broad knowledge of the relevant field expertise;

9. Has no (in-)direct/personal and or financial expertise;

10. Can provide advice without seeking personal gain;

11. Sufficient knowledge or expertise in the field of legislation and regulations in healthcare;

12. Is versed in English- and /or Dutch language;

13. Is prepared to gain expertise in the other aforementioned areas within the foreseeable future;

14. Is reliable and honest and must be able to manage confidential information;

15. Is expected to be able to act in accordance with laws, regulations, rules, norms, and values;

16. Follows current developments in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals;

17. Has the ability to collaborate and work with others

18. Is decisive.

The email must include the following:

  • A letter of support for the nominee addressed to the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and

Labor, including the name, function, and address of the nominee

  • Indication of what group the nominee will represent
  • A copy of the nominee’s passport or Sint Maarten ID
  • An extract from the civil registry no older than 3 months
  • A signed curriculum vitae