Freegan Food Market marks its 2 years existence and opens registrations for the next 6 months.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In June 2021 Freegan Food Foundation opened its doors to their client choice food bank. This style of food bank allows clients to select their own food instead of receiving a pre-packed or standard bag of groceries. With this method, clients do not have to take items they already have, do not like, or cannot eat for health or personal reasons.

A recent report from the United Nations states that 52% of all households in the Caribbean cannot afford a healthy meal. The Food Market steps in that gap and helps families who are facing difficult times with receiving fresh produce and healthy food options each week.

Every Thursday and Friday the market is open for people who are registered. From the 1st of August 100 new families can enter the program. If you are interested or know of persons who can benefit from this program, please send a message – no calls – to +1 721 580 2349. Applicants will receive an invite for an intake conversation which will take place in July. Registration for this program ends on the 14th of July 2023.

This food assistance is offered for 6 months, starting from August 1st until January 31st 2024. Persons are encouraged to register if they have little to no income in the household. Single person households, single (grand) parents with children under the age of 12 and pregnant women are prioritized. Individuals registering should be at least 18 years old and will register for the entire household.

Everyone can apply, regardless of their legal status, the foundation will never share any information with any other organization unless specifically given consent.

This program is financed partly by St. Maarten Development Fund and R4CR. The R4CR program is financed by the Government of the Netherlands via the Sint Maarten Trust Fund. The latter is administered by the World Bank and implemented by the NRPB (National Recovery Program Bureau). The R4CR program is locally managed by the VNGI (International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities) in close cooperation with 4C Foundation and other local partners.

Furthermore, Freegan Food Foundations’ own recourses through the sales of their thrift-store (located on Pondfill road) and income from selling their vegan meals makes it possible to help the almost 250 individuals that are in the program. For more information about the foundation, please visit Facebook/Instagram: @freeganfoodfoundation