An Air Antilles Twin Otter Crashed in St. Barths, WINAIR aircrafts stuck as Airport closed operations. (UPDATED)

airantillescrash24082023Saint Barthelemy: --- A twin Otter owned and operated by Air Antilles crashed at the Gustav 111 Airport at 11:42 a.m. on Thursday. The flight left Guadeloupe for St. Barths. The twin otter crashed into a helicopter when it landed on the airport tarmac.

No details on the cause of the crash have been released. On board, the aircraft were about seven passengers with two pilots.

An investigation is currently underway. It should be noted that the cause of the accident is not known, however, Air Antilles twin otters are part of the latest series in production, meaning they are the newer twin otters in operation.
The airport closed its operations as soon as the crash occurred, reports are there were no injuries. Shortly before the crash two of WINAIR's flights landed there and they were unable to depart.
The Gustav 111 Airport just momentarily ago resumed its operations after dealing with the accident for about five hours.

 SMN News will update this article when official information is released either by the airport or Air Antilles.