Driving License Exam Committee introduces new Objection and Review Policy.

PHILIPSBURG:---  The Driving License Exam Committee is proud to announce the implementation of our new "Objection and Review Policy," a significant step towards fostering transparency, accountability, and fairness within our organization. The Driving License Exam Committee was established according to the National Decree on Driving Licenses to test the competence requirements of driving exam candidates. The Driving License Exam Committee is the competent authority to decide on the issuance of a declaration of aptitude and skills (as referred to in Article 89, first paragraph, part b, of the Road Traffic Regulation). This is done after the candidate has demonstrated through one or more separate examinations (theoretical and practical) that he or she has the necessary requirements of competence and skill.
At the Driving License Exam Committee, we understand the importance of open communication and the need to address concerns or disputes that may arise from time to time. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and organizational excellence drives us to establish a robust Objection and Review Policy that not only benefits driving license exam candidates but also strengthens our internal operations.
Key highlights of our Objection and Review Policy include:
1. **Accessibility and Transparency:** We believe that an effective objection and review process begins with accessibility and transparency. Our policy clearly outlines how candidates can voice their concerns, whether related to services or internal processes. We are committed to making this information readily available through the government’s website and other communication channels.
2. **Prompt Response:** Time is of the essence when addressing objections and reviews. Our policy sets forth specific timeframes within which we commit to responding to objections and review requests, ensuring that concerns are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.
3. **Impartial Review:** To maintain objectivity, our policy outlines the steps we take to ensure an impartial review process. Independent examiners are involved in assessing the objections and reviews objectively.
4. **Accountability: ** To maintain transparency and accountability, we will regularly report on the results of our objection and review process. This demonstrates our commitment to learning from experiences and our dedication to resolving issues effectively.
We invite all stakeholders to familiarize themselves with our Objection and Review Policy, available on the Sint Maarten government’s website www.sintmaartengov.org and to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Together, we can continue to improve and evolve in pursuit of excellence.


Review/Objection Policy for Driving Exam

Effective Date:   January 1, 2024
1. Purpose 
The purpose of this policy is to outline the review and objection procedures for all categories of theory driving exam in order to ensure transparency, fairness, and accuracy in the evaluation process.
2. Review Eligibility 
Only candidates who have appeared for a driving exam are eligible to request a review of their exam results. 
Review requests must be submitted within [5] working days of the release of exam results. 
3. Review Process 
Candidates seeking a review of their exam results must complete and submit the official "Exam Review Request/Objection Form," available on the government of Sint Maarten’s website. 
The review request should be submitted via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with the subject line "Review Request - [Exam Name] - [Candidate's Full Name]."
The review process is limited to verification of grading accuracy and calculation errors. Questions about question content or interpretation will not form part of the review process. 
3.3. The candidate's original exam will be re-evaluated by an independent examiner, who was not involved in the initial grading process. 
The re-evaluation process will be completed within 10 working days from the date of the review request submission.
4. Objection Process 
Candidates who believe that there is an error or irregularity in the conduct of the driving exam may submit an objection via the official "Exam Review Request/Objection Form," available on the government of Sint Maarten’s website.
The student’s objections to the assessment must be submitted within [5] working days of the release of exam results and be as specific and comprehensible as possible (e.g., with legal references). It is not enough to maintain, for example, that the examiner was too strict or was biased. The examiner must respond to the candidate’s objections in a substantiated and specific manner and can accept or reject the objections. 
The objection form should be submitted via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with the subject line "Objection - [Exam Name] - [Candidate's Full Name]."
5. Review/Objection Outcome 
After the review process is complete, the candidate will be notified of the outcome via email. 
If an error or miscalculation is found during the review process, appropriate corrective action will be taken, and the candidate's exam results will be adjusted accordingly. 
5.3. In the case of an objection, a thorough investigation will be conducted, and if the objection is found to be valid, appropriate measures will be taken, which may include annulment of the exam for the candidate affected.
6. Finality of Decisions 
Decisions made as a result of the review/objection process are final and binding.
7. Confidentiality
All review and objection proceedings will be treated with strict confidentiality.
8. Amendments to the Policy
This policy may be amended or revised by the Inspectorate of Economic and Transport Affairs as necessary. Any changes will be communicated through official channels.
By adhering to this policy, the Inspectorate of Economic and Transport Affairs aims to uphold the integrity and credibility of the examination process while providing a fair mechanism for candidates to address concerns regarding their exam results.