Minister Samuel Congratulates Dr. Kemper on her master’s in medicine. Sint Maarten is Proud.

melaniekemper01032024PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS) Hon. Rodolphe Samuel, extends his congratulations to Dr. Mahealeney Kemper, her family and friends for graduating with a Master of Science degree in Medicine on February 27.

“Dr. Kemper has completed her studies after a long journey in her pursuit of becoming a local doctor and specialist for the country. We are proud of you, the nation is proud of you, and we wish you much success as you continue with your journey,” Minister Samuel said on Friday.

Mahealeney Kemper was born and raised in Sint Maarten. After completing her high school education at the Milton Peters College (MPC) VWO in 2016, she left the country to embark on her journey of studying medicine.

Kemper started at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She completed her first year, earning her propedeuse, and completing her Bachelor of Science degree in Medicine in December 2019.

Kemper’s journey saw her complete several projects and internships at various teaching hospitals in different countries such as Ghana and Suriname.

Kemper was able to learn and explore the different fields within medicine which ultimately led to her finding her joy and niche in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

During her studies, Kemper kept up her passion for dance and teaches salsa dancing.