First sets of National Decrees (LBs) signed off by Minister of Justice.

recepientslbs04032024PHILIPSBURG:--- The Honorable Minister of Justice, Anna E. Richardson, during a signing ceremony announced another triumph in the journey towards fair compensation for the Justice personnel. On March 1, 2024, Minister Richardson received the first nineteen (19) National Decrees (LBs), signed by His Excellency Governor Ajamu Baly, representing a turning point in the issuance of the new salary scales and National Decrees (LBs) for Justice personnel.
Acknowledging the importance of this moment, Group One (1) of the Justice personnel was invited to witness the official signing of their LBs at the Government Administration Building on Monday, March 4, 2024. This event symbolizes a step forward in recognizing the service of Justice personnel.
Meanwhile, Batch 2, comprising twenty-five (25) LBs, is currently undergoing review by Governor Ajamu Baly for signing. In addition, Batch 3, also consisting of another twenty-five (25) LBs, is being finalized for submission to the Ministry of Finance for processing.
ā€œ Iā€™m so proud to have signed today, the first batch of the 19 National Decrees. Back in December 2023, we were able to sign the legal basis to make this all possible. The Justice personnel was in the unfortunate circumstance for more than a decade of not having their National Decrees established and in proper order and with that being a legislative process it took a very long time. I am grateful that we were able to complete this and get the entire process of the individual National Decrees started. The signed LBs have to be registered through the DIV department within the Government, and the Justice personnel will receive their National Decrees in their hands this week. It was an honor to see the smiles on the faces of the recipients, as this milestone is well deserved,ā€ declared Minister Anna E. Richardson after the signing ceremony.
This journey began in September 2020, when the Minister embarked on the journey of completing the Justice legislative package. Following the legal channels, the Function Book was approved on December 21, 2021.
Minister Richardson co-signed the Justice legislative package on December 27, 2023.
The historical signing of the National Decree contained the General Measures for the Legal Position of officers with police tasks and the New Salary Scales, along with the National Decree to enact the Legal Position and the approved Function Book.
The milestone could not have been achieved without the commitment and dedicated work of the Ministry of Justice, the external support of Attorney Peggy-Ann Brandon and the support of the Ministry of Finance.