To all the mothers of St. Maarten, We thank God for you.

Thank God for that one Sunday in May where we get the opportunity to pour extra love and adoration upon you. We are given the opportunity to remind you that you've been the architect of our dreams and the backbone of our families. You've laughed with us in joy, and wiped away our tears in sorrow, you've been the comforting embrace we seek.

The Caribbean mother has always been a figure of immense power and beauty and a fierce protector. You have shown us that wisdom doesn't always come from books, but often from the lived experience. Mothers are our greatest teachers, not just in words, but in the eloquence of their actions. With all of the words written about motherhood, none have come close to fully expressing the thankfulness and joy owed to mothers.

Giving flowers is always a good idea. But I hope that on this Mother’s Day, we’ll recommit ourselves to doing more than that. Through deeds that match our words, let’s give mothers the respect they deserve, give all women the equality they deserve, and give all parents the support they need in their most important roles.

Special kudos goes out to the mothers in the Police, Fire, Ambulance and Nursing services. You are the women who rush towards danger to serve and protect strangers, all while maintaining a home that is a sanctuary of love and discipline. You are the embodiment of courage, and your dual service to your families and the community is a testament to your extraordinary character.

For those who've taken on the role of mother, whether through birth, adoption, mentorship, or simply through the love and guidance offered to a child in need, we salute you. You have extended the definition of motherhood, showing us that the heart's capacity to love is boundless.

To our women who are raising small children, I cannot emphasize enough that the amount of love and attention, teaching and discipline that we provide our children will determine the future of this country. Let us teach our children to discern what is truly valuable. Let us teach children the importance of respect and perseverance. Let us teach them the importance of discipline, and instill in them a sense of morality and decency.

The government recognizes the tireless efforts of these mothers. We are committed to creating policies and providing resources to make your lives better, to afford you the opportunities and support you need to continue your invaluable role without the burden of undue hardship.

On this Mother's Day, we honor the women who have nurtured, taught, and raised us. We honor their endless patience, their unwavering support, and the boundless love they bestow upon us. Let us recommit ourselves to supporting and uplifting our mothers in every way possible.

So, to all mothers, foster mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, and mother figures, we honor you. Happy Mother's Day. May God bless you, keep you, and continue to shine his light upon you.

Lyndon Lewis
Minister of Justice