The St. Maarten Little League Association is pleased to announce that Social & Health Insurance (SZV) has partnered with us to host the 3•• Annual Challenger Jamboree on Saturday, June 15, 2024. The Challenger Jamboree is a fun softball game for those with different (physical or intellectual) disabilities.
We are partnering with institutions such as Sister Basilia Center, Prins Willem Alexander School, and 721 Kids Foundation, as they regularly care for qualified persons to participate in the games. There is room for more athletes, so we are encouraging families from the wider community to register their loved ones if they form part of this group of special people. The registration deadline is June 7th, as final preparations are being made for printing the lime green T-shirts for each participating athlete.
Volunteer buddies will be on hand to assist the special athletes as they bat, run, catch, and have a great time. Thanks in advance to organizations such as the Fire Department and the St. Maarten Police Force for their continuous support of this annual event.
'The Challenger Jamboree softball game is a unique and important event fostering more inclusivity within our community. SZV is honored to join the St. Maarten Little League Association in hosting this year's game. It is our wish that as many persons in
our community come out on June 15 to cheer on the athletes during this special event."
- Charonne Holder, SZV Manager Corporate Communications
The general public is invited to come out to support our special athletes on Saturday, June 15. The games will be held at the Erwin "Baca" Richardson Little League Stadium from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The day of fun will commence at 9:00 a.m. with an opening ceremony, and the games will start immediately after. Lunch will be served to all participants to close off the day.
Anyone wishing to register an athlete, volunteer, or learn more about the event can contact the St. Maarten Little League Association at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call
+1721 523-0B50 I +1721 556-1779. Monetary or in-kind donations for refreshments are welcome.
Come on, St. Maarten. Bring out your families and friends, and let us collectively show support for our athletes. Food, drinks, and music will be on sale, so there is no excuse for you not to attend!