The ‘Perpetual Plastics’ Plastic Recycling Social Workspace is open to public.

perpetualplastics08062024PHILIPSBURG:--- The ‘Perpetual Plastics’ Plastic Recycling Social Workspace, under the EPIC (Environmental Protection in the Caribbean) Foundation, has launched and is now open to the public three times a week.
At Perpetual Plastics, the public can drop off their plastic types 2 & 5, also known as HDPE (High-Density PolyEthylene) and PP (PolyPropylene), to be recycled into useful, reusable items. The numbers of the types of plastic can be found on the bottom of the item as well as under the cap/lid, within a small recycle logo. At the workspace, the team can provide more information and guidance on the full process of how things are made and what they can be made into. Workshops and teambuilding activities can be provided.
The team is currently in the process of preparing for the new school year, as the educational component will then be expanded on, going into high schools and more primary schools. Schools and businesses that are interested in participating should feel free to make contact for further information. The social aspect of the workspace is also in the process of launching this coming week, with persons with a distance to the regular labour market, partaking in the pilot, which will later be further expanded on.
The Perpetual Plastic workspace is open on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 8am to 4pm, and on Saturdays between 9am to 12pm. It is located on Union Road 125-3, next to Burger King, in Cole Bay.
The Perpetual Plastics workspace has been made possible by very kind contributions made by various companies, institutions, private donors, businesses, supporters, and volunteers, to which the Team is truly grateful. The project is also partly funded by the Government of the Netherlands, under the Sint Maarten Trustfund, implemented by R4CR, administered by VNGI, and overseen by the World Bank, as well as by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied.
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