MP Arrindell Sounds Alarm On VSA Minister’s Non Action.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In a recent correspondence to the Honorable Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA), Ms. Veronica Jansen-Webster, MP Arrindell expressed his concerns regarding the lack of action being taken to address the issues affecting health care, social efforts, and labor rights on Sint Maarten. “Firstly, there has been no update regarding how this government plans to tackle the deficit in the healthcare funds, of which the CFT has once again raised the alarm. What is more alarming is the fact that the SAAHA was proposed by the previous Minister as a possible reform to address this problem, but it appears as though politics is more important than the well-being of the citizens of Sint Maarten” stated MP Arrindell. The honorable MP alluded to the fact that the Honorable Prime Minister, during his time in Parliament, was adamant about addressing health care issues but had since appeared to have lost sight.
MP Arrindell also questioned if the Honorable Minister is aware that there are allegations that student nurses in the practical training phase of their studies are not receiving any stipend for their services. According to MP Arrindell “the nursing profession is vital to the healthcare sector of St. Maarten. All healthcare staff should be treated with equal respect, honor, and care in such a manner that would ease the unnecessary stress for the staff, that will lead to a positive work environment and better healthcare services”.
The MP also questioned whether the rumor circulating is true regarding government closing down shelters that are known for providing food to the needy. “In a time when citizens who are already facing challenges to make ends meet, reducing the number of shelters is a questionable move, to say the least” stressed MP Arrindell.
In closing the MP touched on the matter pertaining to employees receiving short-term contracts with extended training periods for the same positions within the hospitality field. “How can it be that an individual who has worked more than a year as a server is being told that they are still required to go through an extended training period for the same position for their follow-up contract? It is clear that certain employers are abusing training periods in labor contracts and this needs to be addressed immediately” stated MP Arrindell.
MP Arrindell is concerned that the Ministry of VSA is beginning to underperform and urges the Honorable Minister to outline what the plans of the Ministry are to combat these issues.