SMCC staff protesting, Sterilization Department flooded with sewage water.

smmcprotest28112024CAY HILL:--- The Windward Islands Health Care Union (WIHCUA) called out its membership this morning to protest a hazardous situation that is neglected by the management of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC).
Workers of the SMCC discovered that the Sterilization Department of SMMC has been flooded out with sewage water, they called upon their union to intervene since the situation creates a health hazard for them and the patients at SMMC. A meeting was to be held at 2 pm today with management to discuss the situation further, but management canceled that meeting late last night to attend another meeting overseas.
The WIHCHUA finds that SMMC management has their priorities wrong and, as such, has called a general membership meeting this morning.
SMMC nurses and other staff can be seen outside the premises protesting with placards.
A message from the President of the WICHUA, Brunilda Illidge, has called on all members and nonmembers to join the protest since they are all being affected by the situation.