PUBLIC NOTICE: St. Maarten Zoo Hosts Movie Night.

A lot of excitement continues to be generated about Movie Night at the Zoo on Friday March 30th, featuring "The Bear".

Set in the late 1800s in British Columbia, "The Bear" lets us in on the misadventures of a bouncing baby bear (played mainly by a cub called Youk) and his big buddy (Bart the Bear). Due to a freak accident, the bear is orphaned as a tiny little thing; not knowing what else to do, he stays with the body of his mother until hunger gets the better of him and he must go in search of food. Before long he meets the old and wise Kodiak male who will become his friend, teacher and protector. This is a beautifully and poignantly told tale, without the need for words.
The shots of the scenery of British Columbia are outstanding.
The movie is rated PG and may not be suitable for very young children.

Movie Night starts at 7:00 PM at the Zoo and the movie will start at 7:45 PM. Purchase your tickets at the gate.
The cost is $15.00 and includes a free drink of champagne.
Drinks and snacks will also be on sale.
This is a fundraising to spruce up the Zoo and make some improvements, so please support us and come to a fun evening showing a very special movie.
See you at the Zoo!