JCI St. Maarten Elects 2012 Board of Directors.

jci2012board28032012In a ceremony held earlier in the Month JCI St. Maarten elected their 2012 Board of Directors.

The President is JC Meandra Hazel
Vice President International JC Georgino Barns
Vice President Community & Bussiness JC Ingrid Delgado
Vice President Trainings JC Corwin James
Treasurer JC Janine Hunte
Secretary JC Corinne Isaac
IPP JC Lionel Lawrance

JCI St. Maarten is the local chaper of JCI International which is a World Wide Leadership training Organization.

This years JC Meandra said her forus will be on bringing back the past members, associates and Senators together as much as possible to work on projects.

On the 8th & 9th of June 2012 JCI St. Maarten will be hosting the Dutch Caribeean Mid Year meeting. All memebrs and past memebrs are invited to fellowship with their other JCI members from the Dutch Caribbean Islands while attending some dynamic trainings workshops and socials.