The St. Maarten Achievers Toastmasters Club celebrated International Women's day in a Grand Way.

toastmastersmjacquesandlyorkduncan11032012The St. Maarten Achievers Toastmasters Club hosted an extra ordinary Mars vs Venus 'speech-a-thon'. There were six prepared speeches by its members on how men and women differ on love, relationships, and career. Given the theme of the evening and the hype thereof, the attendance was indeed overwhelming with representation of all five clubs on the island and a number of guests.

Presenters for the evening were: Club President, Malcolm Jacques' 'Gender Differences from a Mental Perspective', Vice President, Ludmila York-Duncan's 'Fem Corp', Alston Lourens' radio interview 'Women are Crazy and Men are Crazy For Them, Miloushka Euson's 'Appraisal', Dwight Williams' 'The Virtue of Manliness' and Arliene Chittick's 'Men Be(a)ware'.
The presentations were of a high standard, competitive and each one was well received by the audience.
The St.Maarten Achievers Toastmaster Club has been serving the St Maarten community since 2007 with a membership base of young professionals. The club has been experiencing a rapid membership growth while focusing on its goal of developing its members' communication and leadership skills.

The Club meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday at the Philipsburg Jubilee library at 7:15pm. Their next meeting will be on March 22nd, 2012. A special invitation is extended to the general public.