Kaminata Yu i Tata 2020 Cancelled.

 PHILIPSBURG:--- The health and wellbeing of our Team Members Participants are important to us.
To our faithful Partners, Volunteers, Supporters, Donors, and Sponsors we also wish you the best of health. We will be counting on you next year, during Kaminata Yu i Tata, on Sunday, November 21st, 2021. You are a Meaningful and Significant contributor to the development of active fatherhood in Curaçao.
Fatima Albino and Kubuví, Rochelle Martijn and the outstanding youngsters of scouting group God’s Soldiers, the volunteers of Banko di Boluntario, René van Espelo from El Grill & El Mexicano, John Fayad from Panaderia Isa, Curom and Z-86, Stichting Johannes Bosco, ABC Busbedrijf, Lorrie Kramers, Jinèsa Hato and the entire SVB team, Agostinho Capelinha de Andrade, APC, KPC and the Special Permits Unit, Malaika Ignacio, German Gruber, D.J. Kandela, Jan & Maritza Beaujon from Curaçao Pharmacal N.V., Robbie’s Lottery, Dusron Bouwbedrijf N.V., Simon & Steenbaar Notarissen, EcoVision N.V., Dani’s Fruit Center, Nu Capital, ORCO Bank, Vidanova bank, Amigoe N.V., Mr. Duarte and Esperamos Supermarket, Lover’s, CBCS, Douglas Hollander and Bremar Agencies, Multipost, Sebier Attaf, Massy United, Azalea Architectural Studio Design, Banco di Caribe, Core N.V., CHB, Tonnie Rossen, dr. Pascal & Marika Sahoury, Maximex Trading, Pompstation Sta. Maria & 24 uit de muur, Grand Café Mahaai, De Jongh’s Sporthuis, Zuikertuintje Mall, Building Depot, Van Den Tweel, Sambil and Mangusá Supermarket.