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Psalm 121:1-2  I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth.

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved

Lucina Melsadie Hughes better known as Lou

Sunrise: 08 of June, 1946
Sunset: 30 of April, 2013


Left to mourn her home going:

Children: Norma Williams- Hughes in the U.S.A.
                 Anderson Hughes and family
                Jacqueline Hughes and family in Holland
                Marvis Hughes
                Ryan Hughes

Daughter in-laws: Judy Hughes, Fay Austin

Son in-law: Gregory Williams in the U.S.A.
                     Eric Verhagen in Holland

Grandchildren: Nahaila, Rusjeika, Jolita, Sergio, Serfinio, Ryanna, Dilan, Delano, Jude, Axson, Neovaun,and         Judisha

Grandson in law: William Mitchel in the U.S.A.

Sisters: Everette Richardson
              Veronica Hughes & Family
              Raphaela Hughes & Family (in Curacao)
              Amelie Gumbs & Family
             Rita Hughes & family
             Patricia Schmidt-Hughes & Family (in Aruba)
             Bernadette Carty & Family

Brothers: Daniel Hughes & Family (a.k.a.) Danny
                  Russell Hughes & Family
                  Franklin Richardson & Family
                  Leonard Hughes & Family 
                  George Hughes & Family (in Holland)
                  James Hughes
                 Wendell Hughes & Family

Sister in laws: Paulette Hughes, Rosie Hughes

Ex-sister in law: Imelda Carty & family,Delphine Lake & Family (in Holland)

Uncle: Claudius Richardson
Aunt : Francis Boddie in St. Kitts

Children of the late: Elwaldo Richardson, Aurora Arrindell, Justin Hughes, Helena Maria and Atlie Illis-Brown. The Hughes, Hodge, Webster families in Anguilla.

Godchild: Angelo Duinkerk

Special nieces and nephews: Dientje Muller and Jacintha Hughes, Lugene and Earlison Hughes.

Nieces & Nephews to numerous to mention.
Close friends: Edith Geraud in Curaçao

Many other families and friends to numerous to mention.

She was related to: Hughes, Richardson, Brown, Arrondell, Webster, Muller, Hamlets, Fleming, Carty, James, Gumbs, Duinkerk, Rogers, Hodge, Roumou, Cannegieter, Ellis, Frank, Clarks, Boddie, Pantophlet, Maria, Casseres, Kemper, Richies, Williams family.

A wake will be held on Thursday 09th of May 2013 at: Grapefruit rd.# 28 in St. Peters from: 8:00pm until 11:00pm.

The family wishes to retire quietly after the funeral service and kindly request no calls of condolences or visitors at home.

In lieu of flowers a donation to the church will be highly appreciated.

The Service of thanksgiving for the late Lucina Melsadie Hughes better known as Lou will be held on Friday May 10th, 2013 at the Cole Bay Methodist Church, Union rd Cole Bay. Viewing: 1:30pm -2:30pm. Service: 2:30pm. Interment: Cay Bay cemetery.

May her soul rest in Eternal Peace

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.

It is with deep sadness that we announce the sudden passing of

William Romney-Warno a.k.a Willy
6 October 1957 ~ 23 Apr 2013

Left to mourn is:
Children: Erwin Lake
                 Julaika Lake (Holland)
                Sharjentelly Martina (Curacao)
               Crystal Groeneveldt (Holland)
               Xannae Gumbs
7 Grandchildren
Brothers: Charles Brown, Romel Romney, Fernando Romney-Warno
Sister: Leotine Romney
           Patricia Illis-Romney
           Elanita Romney
           Juliana Romney – Warno
           Marina Warno
Nieces, nephews & Cousins too numerous to mention.
Aunt: Ephrem Romney, Julia Romney, Olive Fleming, Drew Warno
Uncle: John Warno, Alfonso Richardson
Close Friend: Torchie Meyers, dan Webster, Leo Maynard, Donald Cannegieter, Sylvine Flanders, Detective Rombley, Manfred Cannegieter, Robelto Flanders, Kadet Gumbs, Tony Cheff, Ermin & Austin Richardson, Russell Cocks, Charlie Arrindell, Boys from G.E.B.E, the cockfight crew.
Special Thanks to Mangement and staff of Emerald Funeral home, the Doctors & Nurses at the S.M.M.C, Illse Carter, Dionne Trusull, Janice Flanders, Annette Martin
He was related to the Romney Warno, Fleming, Therwil, Illidge, Vanterpool, Cocks, Lake, Jermin, Richardson, Flanders, Groeneveldt, Mathew, Illis, York, Martin, Brooks, Reed, Arrindell, Gumbs & Martina Families.
In our time of grief if we have forgotten to mention anyone we do apologize as it was not intentional.

A wake will be held on Monday May 6th, 2013 at the Cockpit in Oyster Pond from 6:30pm to 10:00pm.
The funeral service for the late William Romney-Warno a.k.a Willy will be held on Wednesday May 8, 2013 at the Philipsburg Methodist Church on Front Street. Viewing: 1:30pm to 2:30pm. Service 2:30pm. Interment: Cul de Sac cemetery.

The family kindly requests no visitors after the funeral service.

May his soul rest in Eternal Peace

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.

Constitutional legal minds are shaking their heads at Sarah's revelation that she sought advice on whether she should table the motion to dissolve Parliament. They find this lack of understanding of our constitution by our Prime Minister both shocking and frightening. If she is so ignorant of basic constitutional principles, it is thought, what is she doing leading a country?

First of all they point out, the constitution is the highest law in the land. Parliament can make no laws that conflict with the constitution. So highly is our constitution held in esteem that St. Maarten is the only country in the Kingdom with a constitutional court to ensure that laws that are in conflict with it can be legally challenged.

By way of example they point to Parliament's right to dismiss government by a vote of no confidence. This right is guaranteed to Parliament by the constitution. No legal advise can tell them when or when not to use it. That would be putting legal advisers above our Constitution. Similarly government cannot be bound by any legal advise about how and when to use the right to dissolve Parliament. The constitutional thinkers point out that only the voters have the right to decide whether government was right to dissolve to Parliament. This they can do this by either voting the party that dissolved government out of power or keeping them in office.

Furthermore they point out, the right to dissolve Parliament after a vote of no confidence is such a well established doctrine in constitutional law, that they fail to understand what the fuss is about or why advise is even needed., It is nothing new or unusual. The argument therefore that the Prime Minister advances for not tabling the motion to dissolve Parliament do not hold water. The right to dissolved Parliament is granted by the constitution, the very same constitution that gives Parliament to right to dismiss government. Constitutional rights are therefore "holy" and should not be tampered it.

Name withheld upon author's request.

In this entire saga that has transpired in the last few weeks it is revealing to see how some people can read the same document and come up with completely different conclusions. I felt it is necessary to try to explain some issues here for the clarification purposes.
On a radio program Mr. Michael Ferrier indicated that the Council of Ministers (COM) can only dissolve Parliament if there is no majority willing to form a new Government. He was not the only one with this opinion; MP Roy Marlin and others also shared this opinion. Mr. Ferrier said that this was clear in the 'Memorie van Toelichting' (Explanation of the Articles) but I have the document and I wasn't able to find this. If anyone out there can find it, I will gladly admit to being wrong.
There was also an article from Mr. Jeffery Richardson, who is the leader of a political party. He said that the letter submitted by the 3 MP's and the letter submitted that same Sunday was an official notice. AS a politician that wants to represent us in Government and Parliament, he should have more knowledge of our Constitution. In article 33 sub 1 it clearly states 'The Prime Minister and other Ministers shall be appointed and dismissed by national ordinance.' A letter written to the Prime Minister is NOT a National Ordinance. Again, I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
Even worse than the above, the Prime Minister on a radio program insinuated that article 33 to dismiss the Ministers held more weight than article 59 because it came first. Now the PM is a gifted orator and she was careful not to say this but only insinuate it. However the message was clear. All articles carry the same weight, there is no article more important, less important and there is no such thing as a technical article.
The fact is that the correspondence from the Governor was clear and to the point. The actions by the PM were equal to the subversion of democracy. No matter how we try to sugarcoat this, it is an embarrassing and uncomfortable situation we find ourselves in as a country. It now leaves to be seen what steps the Governor, Dutch Minister and Kingdom Government and the population of St. Maarten will do. If nothing is done, this will not only have an impact on St. Maarten but on the entire Kingdom.
This has nothing to do with a personal attack on anyone, but the overall view of the country to the outside world. One person cannot make a decision for an entire country, especially seeing that the decision is not theirs to make. Will the people, the Governor and the Kingdom stand by and watch this travesty occur? Remember the Kingdom is responsible for good governance, if this is not corrected, God helps us all!!!

Kendall Dupersoy

Sarah's letter of May 27th in which she bluntly refused to put on the agenda the majority in the council of ministers request to dissolve Parliament places the Governor in an awkward position. Her refusal is an open rebellion against his explicit advice on this matter. We will recall that the governor in his letter of May 16th, gave three pieces of advice to the Prime Minister.
The first was that the right to dissolve Parliament was a constitutional and autonomous right of government. The second piece of advice was that she should give space to the demand of five ministers in the council of ministers that government be dissolved. But the most crucial was the third. Not allowing the vote on dissolving Parliament would not do justice to our constitutional process.
In a breath taking display of hubris and overreach, The Prime Minister issued her letter to the Council of Ministers informing them that she had decided that there would be no meeting to discuss the dissolving of Parliament. This has placed the governor before an enormous decision. He cannot ignore the PM's intransigence and uphold the constitution at the same time. He must choose and we know how desperately he has tried to avoid being backed into a corner. But the PM 's decision, a fool hardy one for sure, has placed him and the young country before a momentous choice. At the same time it is an easy choice. No one, especially not the Prime Minister can violate our constitution. Government's right to dissolve Parliament is one such right guaranteed by our Constitution. The governor must now choose between article 59 of the constitution and Sarah.
The governor must decide quickly to restore constitutional order and discipline. Rarely does a governor get the opportunity to actively determine the direction of major issues. After all, his role is largely ceremonial, as Van Rijn described it, the right to heard, to advise and to encourage. But in this case he wields some important powers. For example he appoints the formateur. One of the first things he can therefore do is recall his appointment of the PM as formateur until article 59 is complied with. The majority in the council of ministers have made it abundantly clear that they wish to exercise this right. Until this right has been exercised the governor is fully within his right, to refuse to appoint a formateur or proceed with any steps towards the formation of a new government. He is aided in his decision by article 20 of the Rules of Order of the Council of Ministers which state that decisions are made by the majority.
The governor must choose between anarchy and the rule of law. He cannot proceed with the formation of a government in violation of the constitution. Such a government would be unconstitutional. Any laws it passes would be therefore unconstitutional as well as invalid. Citizens may then ignore such laws because the government that passed them does not have the moral nor constitutional authority to do so. This is the quickest way to chaos and higher supervision. And all because the PM desperately wants to cling to her position, even when the constitution tells her she must go.
The PM has drawn a line in the sand and challenged the governor to cross it.

Name withheld upon author's request.

An important issue for country Sint Maarten is climate change. It is an issue that needs to be addressed at the Executive and Legislative levels of Government, and plans of actions developed. The United Nations (UN) climate change body is warning that a stepped-up coordinated response is needed to fend off the impacts of climate change after the world's carbon-dioxide concentrations recently surpassed their highest level in four million years.

According to the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres, "The world must wake up and take note of what this means for human security, human welfare and economic development."

Sint Maarten must also wake up. C. Figures also adds, "In the face of clear and present danger, we need a policy response which truly rises to the challenge," she continued urging a "greatly stepped-up response across all three central pillars of action: action by the international community, by government at all levels, and by business and finance."

The latest info says that global concentrations of heat-trapped carbon dioxide in the atmosphere recently passed the 400 parts per million mark, which impacts efforts to limit global warming to two (2) degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) from pre- industrial levels.

The new measurement came from Mauna Loa, a volcano on the big island of Hawaii that has been monitoring the worldwide trend on carbon dioxide.

Governments will meet for two-weeks starting on 3 June in Bonn, Germany, for the next round of climate change talks under the umbrella of the UNFCCC. A central focus of the talks will be negotiations to build a new global climate agreement and to drive greater immediate climate action.

A report entitled, "The Caribbean and Climate Change – The Costs of Inaction," from May 2008 by Stockholm Environment Institute – US Center Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, points out that two dozen island nations of the Caribbean, and 40 million people who live here in the region, are in the front lines of vulnerability to climate change.

Facing Caribbean nations including country Sint Maarten are hotter temperatures, sea-level rise and increased hurricane intensity, which would threaten lives, property and livelihoods. The report continues, as ocean levels rise, the smallest, low-lying islands may disappear under the waves. As temperatures rise and storms become more severe, tourism-the life-blood of many Caribbean economies- will shrink and with it both private incomes and the public tax revenues that support education, social services, and infrastructure.

And these devastating impacts will occur regardless of the fact that Caribbean nations including Sint Maarten have contributed little to the release of the greenhouse gases that drive climate change.

The report offers a preliminary examination of the potential costs to island nations of the Caribbean if greenhouse gas emissions continued unchecked. The report offers two scenario's, an optimistic (entails rapid action to stabilize the impact of climate change or low-impact) and pessimistic scenario (entails business-as-usual or high-impact where greenhouse gasses continue to rise unabated).

The cost of inaction, or the difference between these two scenarios's, may be seen as the potential savings from acting in time to prevent the worst economic consequences of climate change.

The projections presented in the report are by no means a comprehensive picture of all climate change damages. They are based on three categories of effects: hurricane damages, tourism losses, and infrastructure damages.

The Caribbean's annual cost of inaction is projected to total US$ 22 billion annually by 2050 and US$ 46 billion by 2100. As each year goes by, the costs continues to increase, hence why it is so important to prepare from now by developing a plan of action for the next 30 to 50 years – because it is a long-term investment – to mitigate and adapt as a country.

The investment is made for the long-term, and for the sustainability of future generations of Sint Maarteners. It is an investment into our children and their children's children, by maintaining a secure sustainable living environment.

The costs of inaction mentioned in the report for the former Netherlands Antilles back in 2008 which Sint Maarten formed a part of, for 2025 up to 2100 would be US$ 2.7 billion of Gross Domestic Product based on (low/high impact).

What is country Sint Maarten's policy response in rising to the challenge of climate change?

Roddy Heyliger

Dear Editor,

I am responding to the opinion article in The Daily Herald on Tuesday May 28, 2013 entitled "Burning money or garbage" written by an unnamed concerned citizen.

Toward the end of July 2011 I contacted a company here in the US to inquire if they would have an interest in doing a wind energy project on St. Maarten. During the course of the conversation I was told, yes, they could do wind, but they also had a company that could provide a waste to energy plant. I asked for and received additional information about their system. After some study of their system I had some questions and once I received answers to them I put together an email to then Minister of VROMI Theo Heyliger outlining how I felt this company could be of benefit to St. Maarten.

Since what was being outlined would require No capital investment on the part of St. Maarten Minister Heyliger was initially somewhat skeptical stating what was being proposed as sounding like "The Holy Grail". He did however say he was willing to and eventually did meet with representatives of the company.

It seems anything in St. Maarten no matter how beneficial to the island can be and usually is, turned into a political football by the various parties. This was something I wanted to avoid because of the huge upside potential this project could have for St. Maarten. So around the same time I contacted Minister Heyliger, I also shared with William Marlin who was then the leader of the opposition as well as Kendall Dupersoy, the information being proposed to Minister Heyliger for his consideration.

When the first government fell last year William Marlin replaced Theo Heyliger as the Minister of VROMI, in effect becoming the new point man on the WTE plant. Based on the announcement of last week it seems things have moved forward to the point where the solution to a long standing problem is in sight. The company I initially contacted is one of the finalists along with three other companies. Who has the best proposal? That remains to be seen and decided upon by whoever ends up in charge of VROMI once the current political situation is finally settled.

However I must take exception to the spin this "concerned citizen" wrote, throwing out figures of $120 million being spent for a $40 million dollar plant and asking where the other $80 million was going. Why would he ask this? I'm guessing in order to create some sort of melee in the court of public opinion. I'm also at a loss as to where he is getting his figures. I would however urge him to re-read the article paying attention to where it was stated the WTE plant will have no financial impact on the people of St. Maarten. The people are not being asked to foot the bill! The initial costs for the plant are the responsibility of whatever company is selected. They in turn will recover their investment through the sale of the power produced by the plant to GEBE.

Far from being "the straw that broke the camel's back" this project is a "gift horse" that no one needs to look in the mouth. Solving the landfill problem and reducing the cost of electricity to the people of St. Maarten is a win, win in anyone's book.

Andy Croxall

I usually do not read blogs as I feel that anonymous journalist are not due my time. However, my Mom is an avid reader of the blog and upon her request I read a few and noticed a certain trend. The trend being that persons out there (probably 3 or 4 making multiple post under different names) are claiming that William Marlin and the other 3 Ministers are power hungry for not resigning right away. Hearing this I thought back and wondered if these people really know what power hungry means.
Let's start with Mr. Heyliger, you almost never hear how power hungry this gentleman is. In a recent article Theo claimed that William was holding on to power even though he lost his majority. This made me laugh because I can remember Theo openly campaigning against Sarah even though they were in the very same party as she and him publicly attacked each other fighting for the leadership of the party.
Theo even went as far as breaking with the DP on not one but two occasions in order to maintain his seat as a Commissioner only to run back home or in the second case to form the UP. Both these occasions were not about the people but to maintain his power. As in the second case, he left office to campaign for the 2010 elections months before the election.
Theo is also accused of trying to buy support on several occasions in the past, though none have ever been proven. Recently, MP Laville accused him trying to bribe him with first $250,000 and then he raised the price to $350,000. The Bada Bing tape was also allegedly created in order to blackmail Patrick Illidge into breaking the Government. I wonder why the bloggers ignore these facts and are blind to his hunger of power.
The Prime Minister also has a similar history, first she publicly fought with her candidate on her list and she has continuously made decisions with the sole purpose of maintaining her power. She even sacrificed Maria Buncamper in order to stay in power.
First the PM refused to execute a legal vote to dissolve parliament and call new elections. The PM also refused to allow the Constitutional Court to mediate a broad based solution with all three parties. Even the church got involved calling all 3 leaders together but not even that worked. So even the most biased observer must admit that this is about power and not about the people as they so want to us to believe.
Recently, a letter from the Governor was published clearly indicating that the actions taken by the Council of Ministers were correct and within their right, yet she totally ignored the letter in an attempt to remain Prime Minister. Now if this isn't power hungry I don't know what is.
In the last election, her party got just over 2000 votes most of them her personal votes. A party that used to claim as much as 6000 votes a few elections ago, yet for some strange reason she was appointed Prime Minister. That Government lost its majority in Parliament and she maintained her request to remain Prime Minister which was granted. Now again her Government has fallen and yet again it is said she will remain Prime Minister, again no doubt a request from the DP.
In all the years I have followed politics I have never heard of William Marlin as much as asking a DP or UP member to cross the aisle, no mention of offering them money, bribing them or sacrificing his party member to remain or gain power. Yet on the blogs, you see many comments about his lust for power.
Again this week, William tendered his resignation in the best interest of St. Maarten but not one media house carried the story as positive. The NA leader in the past has also lost the majority and has always walked away, even sometimes being criticized for not fighting harder. Now as he has decided to dissolve a Parliament which anyone who is paying attention can see is not functioning, he and the others are accused of holding on to power.
Seeing the above facts (check them if you think I lie), you must admit that if anyone is power hungry it is most definitely not William Marlin but more likely Theo Heyliger and Sarah Wescot William. I challenge anyone to come to a different conclusion.

Kendall Dupersoy

There are many similarities with respect to what transpired in Curacao in the latter part of 2012 and what transpired here within the past three weeks with the National Alliance led Government seeing its parliamentary support withdrawn. Of particular importance is what transpired at the parliamentary level of Government.

Back in July 2012 the Schotte-led coalition government lost its parliamentary support. This prompted former Prime Minister Schotte to dissolve parliament and call for snap elections (October 19, 2012) and for a new parliament to be installed by November 2, 2012. Governor Frits Goedgedrag had no choice but to sign the decree to dissolve the legislature after the Schotte cabinet resigned.

The New Curacao Majority in the Parliament of Curacao had 12 seats of the 21-seat legislature. With respect to Curacao, the New Curacao 12-seat Majority was not able to pass a motion of no confidence prior to the Schotte Cabinet resigning, and hence why the process headed towards snap elections in October 2012.

Even though the Schotte led Government tendered its resignation, the 12-seat New Parliamentary Majority was able to pass its motions of no confidence and also appoint an interim Cabinet. It all started back in September 2012, where a meeting of the Central Committee of Curacao's Parliament was cancelled because the opposition members did not show up. The 12-seat majority opposition members were of the opinion that the Chairman of Parliament of Curacao should convene a public meeting where they could adopt motions of no-confidence against the individual ministers of the Schotte Cabinet caretaker government. The President of Parliament refused to call any public meetings.

In the case of Sint Maarten, public meetings of Parliament were convened, but the Members of Parliament were not given the word and the President adjourned the meeting until another date.

One Curacao opposition Member of Parliament (MP) stated public meetings were requested on very important issues, but these were not convened, and that parliament is currently being held hostage. He added, we are being prevented from performing our duty to control government and making laws.

The MP further added, the President of the Curacao Parliament determined that the Parliament can only meet to discuss current matters and urgent issues, but he's the only one who determines what is urgent or not, and it is obvious that the rules of the legislature are being contravened. "We aren't even allowed to take the floor during meetings. The chairman determines when this is possible by sticking to his interpretation of the Rules of Order."

Curacao Governor Frits Goedgedrag asked advice from legal experts Carl Gruning and Roque Koeyers on the request by the majority of 12 of the 21 members of Parliament to install a "business cabinet" of professionals that will replace the already caretaker Schotte-led Government. The Governor received his legal advice, which concluded that it usually makes little sense to send home a government that already has caretaker status, it can be done in extraordinary cases if a majority sees the need.

The urgent need put forward by the 12-seat parliamentary majority for installing an interim cabinet is to prevent Higher Supervision by the Netherlands because it appears the Schotte-led caretaker Government has not complied with the budgetary instruction from the Kingdom Council of Ministers and that would be the next step.

On May 13, 2013, the eight seat majority of the Parliament of Sint Maarten met under the chairmanship of 1st Vice Chairman of Parliament Hon. MP Romain Laville, and a motion of no confidence was passed against five Ministers of the National Alliance-led Government Cabinet. There was some confusion as to whether the meeting was legal as well as the legitimacy of the motion. The Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot Williams provided a legal advice document prepared by the Department of Legal Affairs to the President of Parliament Hon. Rodolphe Samuel at that time, stating that the May 13, 2013 meeting was legal.

We can recall that the President of Parliament Hon. Rodolphe Samuel at that time stated that the May 13 meeting was not an official meeting of parliament and was only a gathering.

In the case of Curacao, the parliamentary majority of 12 held a meeting of their own and replace the Curacao President of Parliament and Acting Chairman with representatives from among their own. The Secretariat of Parliament was not involved in this public meeting and it was held in the conference room of the Parliament faction offices at the former Central Bank Building in Punda, rather than the House of Parliament in the legislative hall.

During the meeting an attempt was made to get the General Secretary to attend, but he refused because he considered the situation unclear. Instead, the meeting was recorded by the Notary and an unidentified employee of the secretariat.

During the parliamentary meeting, the MPs pointed out to article 120 of the Rules of Order which states that in all cases where these rules or other lawful regulations don't suffice, the majority decides.

Members of the Dutch Second Chamber of Parliament in The Hague were pleased that a majority of the Parliament of Curacao took matters into its own hands and convened a meeting, because the President of Parliament was refusing to do so.

The Governor received 10 motions that were passed by the 12-seat parliamentary majority calling for the immediate dismissal of ministers of the Schotte caretaker Cabinet. One of those motions adopted by the new majority specifically asked Governor Frits Goedgedrag to appoint a person charged with forming an interim cabinet to stay on until a new government is installed after the elections.

In mid-September 2012, Curacao's Governor Goedgedrag started a round of orientation talks on forming an interim cabinet to run the country until a new Parliament to be elected October 19 takes over, based on the aforementioned motion. The Governor asked Eduardo "Dito" Mendes de Gouveia to explore the short-term formation of an interim cabinet with a small team of ministers and supported by a majority of Parliament members.

Just before the end of September 2012, after the new 12-seat parliamentary majority confirm they supported an interim cabinet in conformity with the formation order from the Governor, the Governor ordered De Gouveia to form a cabinet who can count on the support of the majority.

Dutch caretaker Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Hon. Liesbeth Spies, stated that the Governor of Curacao acted within his authority as national representative when he appointed Eduardo Mendes de Gouveia to form an interim cabinet in Curacao.

On October 1, 2012, the embattled former Curacao Prime Minister G. Schotte occupied the Council of Ministers office in Fort Amsterdam refusing to relinquish power to the new interim cabinet. Schotte remained at the offices of the Council of Ministers for a 24-hour period before vacating the premises.

Dutch Minister of Kingdom Relations Spies at that time supported the appointment of an interim cabinet in Curacao, adding that the new temporary cabinet is in compliance with the country's Constitution and the rules in a democratic state of law. Spies pointed out that the dismissal of the Schotte cabinet and the appointment of an interim cabinet was in accordance with the wish of the majority in Curacao's Parliament.

Roddy Heyliger

Dear Editor,

I am completely baffled by the press release from the political leader of the United People's Party Theodore HEYLIGER. How can the leader of the United People's Party have the audacity to issue such a press release? A politician, who's, name, over the last two and a half year has surfaced in different scandals. There are many words in the press release of the leader of the United People's Party that in my opinion should not be part of his vocabulary. In his press release the leader of the United People's Party made mention of the following expressions: -do the right thing-let democracy prevail-tyrannical behavior-no respect for the rule of law-lost credibility to function-look at the message he is sending to young people-what example is being set-sabotaging democratic process-do the honorable thing. Now people let us be realistic and ask ourselves the simple question. Do you believe that a politician, who is involved/embroiled in three different investigations/scandals since the election for parliament in 2010, should use the above mentioned expressions in a press release to cry down another politician? This is a clear example of "the pot calling the kettle black". His boldness is beyond my comprehension. Let us take a look at the incidents/scandals in which it has been alleged that the leader of the United People's Party is involved. It has been alleged that the United People's Party was involved in the buying of votes during the election for parliament in 2010. The act of buying votes for an election of parliament is punishable by article 132 of the Penal Code. The Bada Bing Affair: Most of the world has seen this incident through the internet. The involvement of the leader of the United People's Party in this affair was made known by the suspect Jaap van de HEUVEL in a statement given by him to a local daily newspaper. And last but not least the alleged bribing of parliamentarian Romain LAVILLE, who filed a complaint by the authorities. Bribing a parliamentarian is a breach of article 183 of the Penal Code. As long as the prosecutor's office has not stated the contrary, these investigations in my opinion are still ongoing. Buying votes, bribing a parliamentarian and destroying your political opponent in a sleazy manner are considered to be very serious breaches of the law and are considered to go against the core principles of a democracy. Any politician, who uses these methods to achieve power in politics, is according to my opinion a person without credibility and is not worthy of taking part in the electoral process. Before closing this article I want to make mention of a despicable remark made by parliamentarian Jules JAMES in which in my opinion he questioned the neutrality of the Governor of Country St. Maarten. Parliamentarian James remarked in a very aggressive manner during the political upheaval in the parliament building that the Governor was appointed by the National Alliance. Any person with some common sense, based on the moment and occasion of the remark, will conclude that Jules JAMES was trying to insinuate that the Governor will side with the National Alliance in the ongoing political standoff. There was no other reason for him to make that remark. Because of the function of the Governor I know that the Governor will not react to Jules JAMES, but I as a citizen of this country can. Jules JAMES should be ashamed of himself. The Governor of Country St. Maarten is a man of integrity and Jules JAMES is not. Jules JAMES performance in parliament portrays someone, who is full of hate and vengeance. It is said that he is a preacher, but that quality surely does not show up in his actions in parliament.


Dear Maurice,

After reading your article in the Daily Herald, I could not resist replying to it.
All of a sudden you are claiming that the President of Parliament shows arrogance and abuse of power, really? Also that he is influenced by WM. You only saw arrogance in the President? What about the members of Parliament of the UP/DP/Ind Laville what were they showing?. They were rude, disrespectful and shouting and pounding their fists on the desks, what behavior is that? The President was calm and collective, not once did he shout or pounded on the desk as if he was irritated. Your own Parliamentarians had to be restrained by Janchi, who indicated to them that detectives and plain clothes police officers were in the building. I think all of the Parliamentarians of UP/DP/Ind Laville should step down immediately and allow NEW ELECTIONS. There are those of you, who are convinced that the NA cannot win any election, as no one would vote for them. What is the problem then, let's have EARLY ELECTIONS. You claim that the President made a Fish Market and a mockery out of our system. What exactly did he do? Was he the one shouting? I was there and I did not see that. Jules James was shouting the name of our Deputy Prime Minister, and treating him with disrespect. They indicated that they wanted WM to be the Prime Minister, not Sarah Wescot-Williams, with her 2 seats, her party was rejected by the voters last election. If you are saying that William is making a "Papi show" out of the President, and that William wants to stay in power, really? What does Theo want, not to get back into power at ALL COSTS, do you recall the Bada Bing Saga??? Whose names were called???You criticized the persons marching and counted 60 persons, do not let that fool you. What about the signature drive with thousands of persons signing in, even UP/DP supporters? I guess that is irrelevant? Those signatures represent the voice of the public.
You are claiming that Theo has a vision, because all the projects that are being worked on now, were his idea. Please explain to the people which ones. The Causeway? If that is the case, then the NA has the right idea, continuation of Government, not stagnation.
Let me jog your memory about vision and projects: Which administration negotiated the Harbour? Who built the Emergency Homes, also Belvedere after Luis? Who repaired and prepared the Jose Lake/ John Cooper Lake Ball Park, so that the Kingdom Games could be held here? And do you remember who got the credit? Who built the Public Schools on the Island beside the Oranje School? The PM implemented Compulsory Education and did not see to it that the Infrastructure was in place, and who made sure that it was carried out? Every time the NA is in Government they are never given a full term. The N.A. always has to clean up the mess left behind. But for the past 50 years DP has been in Govt. by themselves many times and what do they have to show for the average person on St. Maarten? Be honest with yourself and the people of St. Maarten.
I can understand your frustration. You were promised a lucrative position and seemingly that is in jeopardy now. Now I understand your motivation to keep writing nonsensical articles, trying to mislead the people, who know better. If you are a good Advisor to Theo and he listens to you, let him settle for "Early Elections". Why is the Prime Minister afraid to resign? Do you know why? She does not trust your leader, remember she put HIM out of Govt. by joining the NA and Vengeance is the name of the game. He also put HER out of Govt. So you see there is a battle going on, everyone is protecting their own interest and to hell with the people. It is about ME not WE.
You are being used and one of these days you will be dumped, after those using you have achieved their ultimate goals. This is a motherly advice to you.

Theresa Illis

Dear editor,

When a Prime Minister speaks that Prime Minister should speak with authority. A prime Minister should speak about big things/plans for a country and have a long term vision. There is also a certain cachet that should be part of a Prime Ministers functioning. Unfortunately the Prime Minister of Country St. Maarten does not always portray the above in her speeches and actions. The Prime Minister of Country St. Maarten often times comes across as week and spends too much time on little things. Even though the Prime Minister of Country St. Maarten is the political Leader of the Democratic Party it appears that the Prime Minister has very little to say in the decision making of the party and that the two parliamentarians of the Democratic Party Leroy de Weever and Roy Marlin are calling the shots and is dictating to the Prime Minister their course of action, which makes the Prime Minister look extremely week.

The Prime Minister should realize that MP De Weever and MP Marlin are big business boys in this community and that there is where their allegiance lies. The action of these two parliamentarians in the budget meeting of Parliament speaks for itself.

For the Prime Minister to maintain credibility, the Prime Minister has to stand up to the DP parliamentarians in this ongoing political showdown and tell them enough is enough with their irresponsible behavior. The Prime Minister should have never accepted her DP MPS's course of action which is detrimental to country St. Maarten and its people. If the Prime Minister does not stand up to her DP MPS in this political showdown, history will not treat her kindly. Both of her cabinets will go down in history as failures and the Prime Minister would have no others to blame but her two DP parliamentarians.

This whole ongoing political showdown is solely to be blame by the actions of the two DP parliamentarians and independent parliamentarian Romain Laville. Power and greed are the cause of this whole affair.

Todd Peterson

First I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my article, a discussion with different opinions is always a healthy one. Now for my opinions on your comments.
In the first case, there is no need to change the words 'national ordinance' to 'Majority of the Council of Ministers'. Article 40 indicates 'National Ordinances and National Decrees shall be signed by the Governor and by one or more ministers'. Please note that the Article does not indicate 'Prime Minister' but 'one or more ministers'. So your conclusion is not correct.
Article 59 allows Council of Ministers to dissolve Parliament, even though you may not like it, that is part of the Constitution as well. We know that a vote in COM was taken to dissolve Parliament on the 7th of May. A vote that the Prime Minister is refusing to execute. She is refusing to do her job, which is also against the constitution.
A man is ultimately judged by his actions. My honor is very important to me. Since you are a Johnny Come Lately, you can ask around. I have publicly disagreed with positions of the National Alliance. The leadership of the party allows us to voice our opinion to full extent. I never quite understood why he was called a dictator as this label is truly underserved.
A few years ago, I had an exchange in the media with a good friend of mine when he had just returned from Holland. I used the term Johnny Come Lately with him as well, in the meantime he has been on the island for years now and has acclimatized to the island. You need some time to do the same. Now don't get me wrong, your heritage is not in question here.
As an experienced man in the area of Parliamentary procedures you should have been aware that the meeting held was not official and yet you let yourself be used as a pawn. Why would a man with your experience allow that. As I mentioned before, your actions seemed built on self-interest and not the needs of the people. Now I don't know you very well so I might be wrong.
The fact is, that the confusion caused right now is not William's fault, yet some people blaming him. He is called power hungry but has never offered money or blackmailed anyone to get in to Government, nor has he refused to do his job to stay as well. The real culprits are the 3 members of parliament and those in the background that for personal reasons broke the Government. Had there been a valid reason to show no confidence in the Ministers, I am sure it would be revealed by now. Not enough cohesion, and knocking on doors does not a valid reason make. De Weever even mentioned that he had no problem with the Government but yet he strangely supports sending them home.
In conclusion, if 3 members of parliament that represent less than 600 votes can throw down a government for absolutely no reason. I think it is good and valid for government to dissolve parliament. William on his own represents twice as much support than the 3. If you ask me, if the signature drive gets 1000 signatures, that's enough to call new elections since 600 can throw down government, 1000 can call early elections.

Kendall Dupersoy

It is clear to everyone that a majority of the population wants new elections, and this majority is not supportive of only one political party but of several. I personally has seen UP supporters sign the petition with the claim that if new elections are called they will be voting UP again. This is not a party politics issue. This begs to question why some members of Parliament and the Prime Minister are against new elections.
The facts are, just like Parliament has a right to vote Ministers out with non-confidence, the Council of Ministers have the right to dissolve Parliament. Both options are available in our Constitution, neither is more technical than the other. If the writers of the Constitution wanted members of Parliament to sit for 4 years no matter what, they would have written it that way. The fact that there is no such article means that Parliament can legally be sent home before such a 4 year period. Our system is based on the trias politica, with each branch having the same authority and power. So claims that the Parliament has more power than Government is actually not true.
The Prime Minister claims that the act of dissolving Parliament should only be taken when the Members of Parliament cannot form a government. She also mentioned in her press briefing that this is normal in the law but I have to respectfully disagree with her. There have been 7 times that Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles had been dissolved in the past, as recently as last year Curacao did the exact same thing that is being proposed now. Even in surrounding Caribbean islands there are currently calls for early elections. In St. Kitts and Trinidad they are currently discussing suspending parliament and in the past several Caribbean islands have done so.
In her comments, the PM says that only she is allowed to send letters to the Governor but according to the constitution this is not completely true. The PM is indeed the one to send letters to the Governor but she does this on the request of a majority of the Council of Ministers, not on her own. Article 40 is clear in this aspect. If the PM is instructed to send a letter to the Governor by the Council of Ministers, she has no choice but to comply.
If it is indeed true that the PM has the right of refusal to submit decisions of the COM, how is it then possible for 8 MP's to have a meeting that was not convened in the correct manner and yet that meeting is being honored. There are some opinions out there that once the letter was sent to the Prime Minister by the 3 MP's that the Ministers should have resigned immediately but again this is not supported in the constitution. Article 33 says that the Prime Ministers and other Ministers are appointed and dismissed by National Ordinance. A letter to the PM does not constitute a National Ordinance. This is why we need new elections, there are a few MP's that feel they can do whatever they like and not suffer any consequences. It is time to take the decision back to the people.
MP Gracita Arrindell is all of a sudden concerned about our credit rating. However, she was not concerned in the 2010 and 2011 when the island was tainted with comments of Mr. 10% and mass corruption, mafia den and not to mention the suffering of the masses with high unemployment among the youth and much more. That was the word on the street.
Mr. Theo Heyliger, who hardly ever makes public statements made a long public statement on the issue, which indicates the importance of this issue to him. He mentions that after a year of lack of progress in making our lives better, the new coalition was formed. Well I for one will be paying keen attention to the actions of the new Ministers cause with only a year to go before scheduled elections, there isn't any time to reverse course and start over. This cabinet will be better served in continuing the progress started by this current Government and improving on it if they can.
In the end, I support new elections because I feel that Parliament has failed the people. We now have three guys with less than 700 votes deciding that Government was not cohesive, government was not answering his knocks on their doors, government was withholding information and government was not working in the interest of the people. However, unlike in April 2012, there is currently no uproar in the public. We must all remember, in 2012 the public was calling for the resignation of the Government, the movement started with the common man and woman on the street. The 3 MP's at that time were heeding the call of the people. Now I am not ignorant to think that the move then was 100% about the people but I must say that if we look at the signature drive it seems like this move now is about 100% self-interest.
If you asked me, the UP should join the call for new elections after all how will this Government function looking at the instability of a 8 member coalition. It seems to me that this coalition will be at the beck and call of the 8 member Parliament. Don't expect to get anything done for the next year for the people as this new Government will only be concerned with serving the personal interest of Parliament. In a situation like this, anyone and everyone that really has St. Maarten best interest at heart would want new elections to weed out the bad eggs.
Well Mr. Heyliger, what do you say.

Kendall Dupersoy

Since the political crisis hit a week ago, Mr.Edwin Gumbs has been doing everything he can to convince us that calling for new elections is the wrong thing to do. He went as far as saying that article 59 sub 2 is not a real article but a technical one that should only be used to dissolve parliament every four years when elections are due.
The question is, why is article 59 technical but article 33 is not. Now don't get me wrong, everyone has a right to their opinion but your opinion should not be stated as fact. On a news website there is an opinion from Dr. A. B. Rijn a Professor of Administration and Constitutional law contradictory to Mr. Gumbs. Dr. Rijn feels that if Parliament decides to give Ministers a vote of no confidence that the Ministers are in their right to dissolve Parliament.
So here we have two different opinions on the same issue one from a local gentlemen with experience in the field and one from a doctor of constitutional law. There are arguments on both sides. The most important thing from my side is what the will of the people is right now. All arguments for not dissolving Parliament don't seem to take the will of the people into consideration.
Why is it okay for 8 citizens to make a decision for the rest of us but when the Ministers decide to send the decision back to 19000 citizens it is seen as not democracy or wrong. This has nothing to do with politics, in a fresh election anything can happen. Isn't taking the decision back to the people the ultimate form of democracy?
What is also important is the way we seem to be tossing laws aside, having illegal meetings and making decisions that are not in accordance with the law. It has been discussed for several years that our system needs to be adjusted to better represent the will of the people and not the will of individual politicians and in some cases politicians that did not get many votes. If we look at the political crisis right now, we have three members of Parliament that among them don't even represent 700 votes.
In the end, no matter which party you support, we must admit that what is going on now is not good for country. How do you think investors are looking at this fiasco internationally? How about tourist planning a vacation, with all this negative press about failing governments we have to be careful that we don't lose a percentage of our visitors.
All this from 3 gentlemen that among them do not constitute even 700 votes in a 19000 vote constituent. So when you take a closer look at it, they represent a meager 3.7% of the possible electorate and if you include the entire population of an estimated 70000 this percentage drops to 1%. How is it possible that these gentlemen can even mention the word democracy when discussing their actions. It is clear to see even for a blind man this has nothing to do with the sitting government but it has to do with certain individuals that will do anything and I mean anything to be in government.
Leaving this government in office for the next 18 months was very scary for them. How would they win the next election if the people notice a move to indirect taxation and a broadening of the tax base, or the implementation of free schooling for high school students, the multiple road network improvements, better price control and I can go on. Now bear in mind every single thing I mentioned above could have been done years ago but wasn't done by the same people that now want you to believe that they have our best interest at heart.
Yes we need to take a look at our political system and fix it but for now, find a petition and sign it. It doesn't matter whether you support DP, UP, NA or whomever. We need to call new elections and let the people decide the way forward. For those of you who claim it will all remain the same so you won't vote, that's your good right. However, bear in mind that by not voting you are allowing the same people to make a decision that you do not agree with. Maybe if you voted, the decision may be different.

Kendall Dupersoy

Listening to the politicians in office and reading about the latest political chaos I often wonder if they are aware how much confusion that they have caused in the minds of the electorate. Elections are called every four years to choose representatives to govern our country and those persons that are elected are expected to lead the country in a way that the people of this country understand where the elected representatives are taking them.
In this case on St. Maarten I ask myself the question if our representatives are truly serious about handling the people's business or are they more caught up in concentrating on their own personal interest which the people who elected them are not responsible for. They should first spend tax payers monies properly and in a responsible manner and above all they should ensure that the people's interest are given priority and the politicians personal agenda is not placed before the people's business.
I am not so concerned about the fact that Government fell more than I'm concerned about what the impact of the falling does to our country which in my opinion by law and morals are the following.

  • It confuses the people when they are not aware why Government fell and politicians keep telling them it's for their benefit which the people can't see.
  • It takes the focus off of important issues that concerns the people.
  • The budget expenses increases because of the law that is in place to continue allowing Ministers who must resign to collect the exorbitant salary they set for themselves until the next elections.
  • It creates an unstable Government which in turn does not attract investors to come to our country to make investments in our economy because of fear in not being able to make a decent return on their investment.
  • The electorate begins losing confidence in the elected representatives which makes it more difficult for new politicians that are sincere in providing proper representation to the people who are in need of assistance from Government. This leads to many people not wanting to cast their votes for the next elections.
  • It also result in many students not wanting to return home after they complete their studies because of them not being able to trust politicians in creating jobs for them. This leads to a brain drain in our country.

As the leader of the Concordia Political Alliance aka CPA we want to make it abundantly clear to the electorate of our great country St. Maarten not to become discouraged or despondent but to let you know that if you put your confidence in a group of people we have selected that cares about your well being we will restore confidence in our people with the vision we will present to the people of St. Maarten.
With God's help and His divine guidance we are prepared to serve you, listen to you and ensure that not just a few but that all will benefit from this vision we are creating.
We have started to put a list of competent, innovative, intelligent and dedicated people in place who are prepared to do whatever it takes to put this country back on its feet where people will come first as opposed to personal agendas of politicians. I have been hearing that there are a lot of political parties that are mushrooming for the next election which I welcome wholeheartedly but I want to sound a word of caution to all of them including the old parties that the time has come to take care of the people of this country. When I listened to the last Budget meeting and hearing that 29% of our youth are unemployed it makes me wonder who is this Government working for. Is it for our children or for others because we were always taught that charity begins at home. When our children return from studying abroad and hear that there are no jobs for them because they are over-qualified then I ask myself the question why the Government entitled their Governing Program "working for the people" when in principle they are working for themselves. This is very clear to see when we look at the wasteful spending of tax payer's money in having a new Government building not occupied since 2008 but yet having to pay US$ 214,000.00 per quarter to RGM who are the actual owners of the Building for the 16 years of the BOOT Agreement before it's transferred back to Government. Yet Government still has to pay friends and family to the tune of Naf. 3 million annually to rent Government office space for the various Ministries which results in Government paying double rent. Then I ask myself which people they are referring to that they are working for. I am therefore appealing to the citizens to demand that the next Government inform the public which people they are referring to when they say that they have the best interest of the people at heart.
As politicians and that includes myself we should not promise anything that we can't deliver especially to our young people because it sends the wrong message and gives us as politicians a bad image. Let us be serious about the running of this country and whoever is elected should at all times make sure that the laws are made not for the politicians but to empower and protect all the people of this country. CPA will ensure that this will be the order of the day. With the CPA there is light at the end of the tunnel so we are encouraging our people to have no fear but on Election Day make a change and vote us in Government, which I'm sure that you will not regret. Government is a serious business so let's treat it as such. Let's turn this chaos into order but it can only be done when you the people see it fit to restore order back into our government by electing people that cares about your affairs.

C. Jeffrey Richardson
Concordia Political Alliance aka CPA

Sint Maarten is about to get its 3rd government, based on the election results of less than three years ago. This does not feel right or "democratic." Core of the problem is that, on the one hand, none of the three political parties on the island can be blamed for having developed a political ideology that their members can relate to (opportunistic motives seem to be more predominant than anything else...), and that on the other hand, and even more important, in practice too much power lies with political "swingers".
Political swingers are parliamentarians who decide from one day to the next that they no longer support the party that gained them their seat, call themselves "independent", and suddenly decide to support other political parties or coalitions. Political ideology does not form an obstacle in doing so, as it is lacking, while it seems quite obvious that the urge to jump ship is primarily based on opportunistic motives of these political swingers. Again, this does not feel very democratic, righteous, or proper.
To enhance the possibility that parties will develop a well thought through ideology, laws should be put in place to bring a halt to these political swingers. It would be good, if the laws would be changed and forbid political swinging. If a parliamentarian decides to no longer support his "own" party, he should be obligated to give up his seat and make place for the person of that party who, based on the election results, is next in line.
In other words: if a parliamentarian of the NA, DP, or UP elects to no longer support "his" party, he should not have the right to call himself an independent parliamentarian and support another party or coalition. As said, such a parliamentarian should instead make place for the next in line of respectively the NA, DP, or UP party. The only exception that could be considered is for those persons who got sufficient personal votes to gain a seat by themselves.
Changing the law in this direction would definitely feel more democratic and just. After all, no one in his right mind can honestly state and defend that what is and has been transpiring in our political arena still represents the outcome of the elections that were held in September 2010, and thus is mandated by the electorate that voted back then. To that respect, it is incomprehensible that the present discussion about whether or not the Council of Ministers can dissolve Parliament is even being held, as any self-respecting parliamentarian and minister should at this point want to hear the opinion of the electorate in new elections.

Roeland Zwanikken and Joeri Essed
Partners at BZSE Attorneys at Law/Tax Lawyers

Dear Editor,

There is no way that MP Romain Laville can pass the screening to be appointed as minister of Country St. Maarten.

MP Laville is a suspect in a criminal investigation of which the verdict has not yet been given.

MP Laville allegedly threatened to shoot and kill his fellow MP Jules James, who according to his own statement filed an official complaint to that extent with the local authorities.

Seemingly this investigation is still ongoing. I dare the Prime Minister to send on a positive screening result for MP Laville knowing that the above mentioned investigation is hanging over his head.

I am positive that the Governor of Country St. Maarten, a man of integrity, will not go along with a positive screening result for MP Laville and as such will not allow the appointment of MP Laville as a Minister of Country St. Maarten.

I also believe that it is necessary for the Attorney General of Country Curacao and St. Maarten to have the local investigative agencies take a hard look at the circumstances surrounding the fall of the government. No stone should be left un turned to safeguard the name of country St. Maarten.

This country needs people who are upright, sincere and honest to govern. The days of the dynasty must come to an end. No longer shall the priorities of government be self enrichment, nepotism and cronyism.

How in the world is it possible that persons, who were known to be normal middle class citizens in a comunity, join politics, earning salaries as commissioners and council members, which appearantly were nothing to talk about, became millionaires and multi millionaires in a relatively short period of time.

St. Maarten we can do better.


Behind you is Infinite power, before you is endless Possibilities
and around you are Boundless Opportunities

I do not know who to direct this letter to or to which supervisory body, but I am hopeful that someone will listen and that this does not continue to happen to others.
On Monday, May 06, 2013, I took my son to Dr. Angelica Arrindell's office to get his monthly asthma medication and to complete a medical recommendation form to clear him for camp this summer. There were no patients and the doctor was sitting in the waiting area, so she saw us immediately. I gave the doctor my son's medical file and she began to write the prescription for his medication. While she was writing, I also explained to her that I needed the camp medical form to be completed as well. Before I could retrieve the document from my bag, Dr. A. Arrindell stopped writing the prescription, sat back in her chair and began her tirade. She raised her voice and said she is not filling out any forms because they take too much time. I was immediately taken aback, but my reply was simple: "The same amount of time it would take you to listen to my son's lungs and take his blood pressure, which you don't do, you could fill out the form."
She attempted to concede by saying that all she is going to do is write on a sheet of paper that my son is in good health. Granted my son's asthma is under control, but I immediately thought, he is going to show up to camp in the woods of Minnesota with a bag of three different asthma medications and two allergy medications and the Health Office is going to accept a paper without any supporting documentation that my son is in good health? Dr. Arrindell then went on to say how people will not pay her $5.00 for the paper that she has to write the prescriptions on and that she has a business. Several months ago when I went to her office and commented about the different prescription pad she had, she seethed about this $5.00 fee she wanted to charge and that she received a hit to her mouth from a patient when she asked him or her to pay. Granted a doctor's practice is a business which she so clearly shouted, but if the doctor cannot meet the needs of her patients and starts ranting and raving about money, then Dr. Arrindell will have no patients; thus, no business. Dr. Arrindell never indicated that there is an additional fee to complete medical forms for camp and there is no sign in her waiting room either. The only thing she made clear was that it takes too much time for her to fill out.
I attempted to show her the form and said that I at least need her signature on it. She replied by saying how is she going to sign it if she does not know what is on it and she should charge a fee to fill out forms. If Dr. A. Arrindell had taken the opportunity to look at the form she would have seen that it was only one page that required the following information:

  1. Her name, address, telephone number and the date it was completed
  2. The reason the child is under the physicians care
  3. The treatment(s) the child must continue at camp
  4. The list of medication(s) the child should take to camp and a medical order for administration (a prescription)
  5. List any allergies and method of treatment
  6. List any limitations that may impact the child's participation in the program.

If I were asking for a service that was beyond the expected fee for a consultation, then Dr. Arrindell should have indicated that to me right away and I would have gladly paid. I stood up, took the prescription for my son's asthma medication, told her that since it is too much trouble for her to complete the form then forget it. As I was walking out the office, she had the temerity to yell out the following: "Go to the states and have a doctor there fill it out and see if they don't charge you." At which point, I stopped in the middle of the waiting room where another patient was sitting, turned around and threw back these words: "No, I'll just go to the French side and pay for it."
So Dr. Arrindell is concerned about time. Well I hope she considers this - she will have more time to sit in her own waiting room looking for two more patients to replace the ones she just lost today. Somehow this doctor has lost her way and forgotten her mission. I do not know what oath she took upon graduation from medical school but she has surely forgotten a part of the Physician's Oath : "I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity". Neither was present in her office that afternoon.


Marie Richardson

Climate change has been described as one of the crisis of our day. Latin American and the Caribbean are predicted to be one of the regions most affected by a temperature spike that has been forecasts to take place during this century. Adapting to changes today will increase the Caribbean's resilience to future disasters.

For Latin America and the Caribbean, if global temperatures were to rise four (4) degrees Celsius by 2100, according to the study, "Turning down the Heat," the possible consequences would be increased high-intensity storms, reduced arable land and the loss of low-lying regions.

Today, the global climate is changing, and regions around the globe must adapt to in order to maximize their resilience to the changes. This resilience means ensuring Caribbean infrastructure can withstand the new climatic extremes that have been forecasted; growing a wider variety of crops, which perform well in droughts, floods and heat, as well as guaranteeing future crops through seed-banks.

Prioritizing land use to preserve and manage multiple threats; implementing emergency response plans and early-warning alert systems; developing social safety nets and insurance to protect the region's most vulnerable groups; sharing best practices and information systems between countries; monitoring the region's weather and climate.

In April the National Meteorological Services of North, Central American and the Caribbean met in Curacao to discuss matters of common interest, including preparations for the upcoming hurricane season.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands has changed since 10-10-10 where Sint Maarten has its own Meteorological Department. A significant development happened in April when the four directors of the Met services in the Kingdom seized the opportunity to have their first joint meeting, to explore opportunities for mutual support and capacity building. These include common training of staff, regional modelling for weather forecasting and joint research on climate change.

I hope the St. Maarten Meteorological Department will develop a paper to present to the Council of Ministers and the Parliament of Sint Maarten in order to bring forth the climate change issue to the top of the country's national agenda as one of the "crisis of our day." No attention or very little has been given to this topic. It is a national issue for more than 130 countries around the globe.

Dealing with climate change will have consequences for the National Development Plan (NDP) that is currently being developed as well as for future national budgets. Planning for climate change needs to be started today, and not tomorrow.

The 2007 Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change identified this global phenomenon as the most serious threat to the long-term socio-economic development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and Country Sint Maarten is one of those islands.

Barbados as a Caribbean country is placing emphasis on further developing its early warning systems to address climate extremes, as concerns surrounding climate change continue to grow. Barbados is doing so as it relates to atmospheric and ocean climate, to support economic and social considerations for the island.

Among the measures being sought are practical solutions for farmers in watersheds who are experiencing negative impacts related to drought, and those affected by floods. Barbados has to find practical solutions for farmers in watersheds by understanding drainage and precipitation issues, retain excess rainwater where feasible, and augment supply consistently during drought conditions.

Barbados Coastal Risk Assessment and Management Unit were designed to develop credible models for coastal erosion, storm surges, inundation and cliff stability for extreme events.

The Caribbean island of Jamaica has been examining the idea of concepts for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) projects in Jamaica's energy sector that have climate change mitigation potential.

Various Caribbean island nations are in different stages in addressing climate change that is expected to impact future generations. Country Sint Maarten's current generation has a moral responsibility to also address this issue described by others as the "crisis of our day." We should move post haste in addressing this issue at the executive and legislative branches of government. Starting the adaptation process today will increase our country's resilience.

Roddy Heyliger

fishingconference30052013Le Comité régional des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins (CRPMEM) de Guadeloupe, a tenu une conférence le 15 mai dernier à la Maison des entreprises, dans le cadre d'une visite technique à Saint-Martin.

Lors de cette conférence, à laquelle étaient présents le vice-président du Conseil territorial, Wendel Cocks, le président du CRPMEM Jean-Claude Yoyotte et ses collaborateurs, mais également une dizaine de pêcheurs saint-martinois et les représentants de la Réserve naturelle, il a été abordé les thèmes de la menace du poisson-lion, ainsi que la représentativité de Saint-Martin au sein du CRPMEM. La représentativité des pêcheurs de Saint-Martin est effective notamment au niveau de la FEDMER, et le vice-président Cocks souhaite que tous les pêcheurs saint-martinois s'entendent pour que cette entité soit officiellement leur référence, et les encourage à la rejoindre. Il est essentiel que les pêcheurs se dotent d'un seul interlocuteur qui puisse être leur porte-parole d'une part, et les épauler pour l'ensemble des démarches administratives inhérentes à leur profession.
Pour ce qui est du poisson-lion, il conviendra l'adoptée une stratégie coordonnée de prévention et de lutte par la pêche professionnelle, contre l'espèce invasive Pterois volitans (poisson-lion), en Guadeloupe et dans les collectivités de Saint-Martin et de Saint-Barthélemy. Ce véritable fléau, originaire de l'océan indo-pacifique, a envahi les Caraïbes et représente une menace réelle pour la pêche et la biodiversité.
Les scientifiques du CRPMEM ont remis aux pêcheurs présents à la conférence, un kit de sécurité comprenant des gants armés, des ciseaux à poissonnerie, une foëne, et une notice expliquant la conduite à tenir en cas de piqûre. Le poisson-lion possède en effet de longues épines venimeuses, et la femelle peut pondre jusqu'à 30 000 œufs tous les quatre jours. Sa prolifération doit non seulement être surveillée mais surtout contrée, puisque cette espèce peut être responsable de 80% de la disparition des poissons dans les zones qu'elle envahi. En outre, sa piqûre, douloureuse mais mortelle, pourrait faire fuir les touristes dans un scénario certes catastrophique, mais qui ne doit pas être écarté.
Cette première prise de contact entre la Collectivité et le CRPMEM a été fructueuse en termes d'échanges d'information pour les deux parties, qui ont pu entamer une coopération régionale durable.
Le vice-président Wendel Cocks envisage de rencontrer les pêcheurs le mois prochain, en se rendant dans les différents Conseils de quartier, afin de les sensibiliser sur l'importance et l'intérêt de l'enrôlement.

Mme la Présidente,
Mesdames et Messieurs les Conseillers territoriaux,
Mesdames, Messieurs,

C'est un ordre du jour particulièrement « dense » qui attend ce matin les conseillers territoriaux que nous sommes. Nous, les membres de l'opposition UD/TDG, réserverons nos commentaires et nos analyses pendant les débats qui nous occuperont aujourd'hui, mais je m'autorise d'ores et déjà, au nom du groupe que j'ai l'honneur de représenter, quelques remarques préliminaires...
Un ordre du jour dense donc, pour une séance qui s'ouvre par les observations définitives de la Chambre Territoriale des Comptes sur la gestion de la Collectivité depuis le 15 juillet 2007.
Encore une fois, nous formulerons nos commentaires pendant les débats, mais ce rapport appelle toutefois quelques réflexions préalables.
Ces observations définitives - peu étoffées par rapport aux synthèses d'étapes - ne nous apprennent rien de plus que nous ne sachions déjà : recouvrement, charges de transfert de compétence, octroi de mer, fiscalité hasardeuse autant que bancale, impréparation de la COM à son nouveau statut, absences de fichiers clé... La CTC dresse un listing douloureux mais connu des « causes » qui expliquent notre situation actuelle.
Je regrette cependant que le poids des responsabilités entre la COM et l'Etat ne semble pas peser de manière identique pour la Chambre, qui se contente pieusement de faire remarquer que Saint-Martin doit pouvoir bénéficier –je cite- d'un « nécessaire accompagnement de l'Etat ». Alors je vais me répéter, mais il me semble que les torts sont largement partagés dans ce qui fait notre situation actuelle :
Bercy était visiblement aussi mal préparé que la COM à ce changement de statut !
Bercy a traîné des pieds jusqu'en 2010 pour accorder à la COM la compétence fiscale de source !
Plus globalement, je pose la question : l'Etat donne-t-il pleinement les moyens à une Collectivité qui a fait le choix de son autonomie, quand il la contraint à continuer à dépendre de la Guadeloupe en matière de justice, de sécurité, d'éducation, d'administration... ?
En matière de préconisations ensuite, si je partage un grand nombre des propositions avancées par la Chambre Territoriale des Comptes, je regrette toutefois « l'angélisme » de certaines. Oui, il faut, par exemple, une coopération fiscale digne de ce nom avec la partie hollandaise. C'est d'ailleurs une proposition que j'ai faite devant ce Conseil territorial il y a quelques mois de cela.

Mais nous devons - Saint-Martin/Sint Maarten - être les seuls acteurs de cette coopération : nous n'avons pas besoin d'un « ménage à trois » avec l'Etat (d'ailleurs la partie hollandaise a toujours été exaspérée de ce chaperonnage perpétuel) en la matière. De plus, tant que nous ne nous donnerons pas les moyens de notre propre redressement économique et social, il sera difficile d'amener la partie hollandaise à coopérer sur un autre plan que celui relevant du protocole pur ! Je le redis : Sint Maarten n'a aujourd'hui aucun intérêt ni aucune envie de coopérer avec nous : si nous pratiquons le même sport, nous ne jouons pas dans la même catégorie...
Je m'arrête à ce seul exemple, nous reviendrons sur ces différents aspects au fil des débats...

Je fais court, Madame la Présidente, mes chers collègues, pour conclure mon intervention préliminaire sur un point qui me préoccupe tout particulièrement.

Il s'agit du deuxième point inscrit à notre ordre du jour, relatif aux délégations d'attributions du Conseil territorial au Conseil exécutif.
Ce projet de délibération numéro 2 propose en effet de déléguer au Conseil exécutif, de très nombreuses attributions, sur le plan de l'exécution du budget, de la gestion comme des procédures administratives, jusqu'ici dévolues à notre seul Conseil territorial.
Alors, peut-être que sur le plan administratif, vous aurez des arguments tels que celui d'une « gestion plus appropriée du quotidien » ou que sais-je, mais notre groupe voit d'un très mauvais œil ces « tours de passe-passe » qui risquent de dénaturer l'essence même de notre Assemblée.
Oui, notre gouvernance comme notre administration sont imparfaites et doivent être revues. Je pensais que nous étions d'accord sur le fait qu'il va nécessairement falloir décloisonner le législatif de l'exécutif. Il me semble d'ailleurs que c'est ce que le leader de votre groupe préconisait dès 2003 – cette séparation des deux Assemblées...
Pour rappel, nous, les élus de l'UD, nous proposions symboliquement au président Richardson de faire adopter comme première délibération du premier conseil territorial de cette nouvelle mandature une période de « stand-by » d'un semestre, justement pour revoir la copie de notre gouvernance et pour travailler à la séparation des pouvoirs.
Une main tendue à un auditeur acquis à notre cause, croyions-nous naïvement encore ce 1er avril 2012. En passant du siège de chef de l'opposition au fauteuil de Président du Conseil territorial, Alain Richardson avait invité votre majorité à décliner ce projet de délibération, qui aurait pourtant été le signe d'une volonté de changement et le reflet d'une cohérence dans son « combat » pour une mandature assainie. Echaudés par une année de renoncements tous azimuts de la part de votre majorité, les élus de l'UD ne soutiendront donc pas ce nouveau tour de passe-passe dont ils n'osent comprendre la finalité.

Apprenez que sur le plan juridique, cette délibération devra faire l'objet d'un contrôle de légalité, nous nous en assurerons : nous vous déconseillons formellement de jouer aux apprentis sorciers avec ces transferts de pouvoir et de compétences.
L'équipe sortante a bien tenté de le faire en jonglant avec ces compétences pour me priver, en novembre 2010, de mes portefeuilles de premier vice-président en charge du Pôle économique. Le revers de bâton est sévère, puisque le recours que j'ai déposé immédiatement auprès du tribunal administratif de Basse-Terre a rendu un délibéré en ma faveur, le 7 mai dernier, condamnant la Collectivité pour les libertés prises alors par l'exécutif avec la législation.
Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide : l'opposition sera plus que jamais vigilante et intransigeante sur ce point que vous soumettez à l'ordre du jour et sur lequel nous attendons un exposé précis.
Je vous remercie.

ahansonandstephaneartano22052013Le 17 mai dernier, la Présidente du Conseil territorial, Aline Hanson, a reçu Stéphane Artano, Président du Conseil territorial de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, dans le cadre d'une visite protocolaire que ce dernier a effectué dans les Iles du Nord.

La Présidente Hanson et le vice-président Arnell ont accueilli ce jeune Président de 40 ans, élu en 2006 à la tête du Conseil territorial de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, et réélu en mars 2012. Cette rencontre fut l'occasion d'échanger sur les thèmes récurrents des territoires d'outre-mer français, notamment la fiscalité, l'Etat, les infrastructures, et le statut européen. Même si les situations géopolitiques semblent différentes à première vue, les difficultés rencontrées et les solutions envisageables sont souvent similaires. Il faut rappeler que Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon est un archipel français d'Amérique du Nord, situé dans l'Atlantique nord, à 25 kilomètres au sud de l'île canadienne de Terre-Neuve. Collectivité d'outre-mer régie par l'article 74 de la Constitution, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon est un Pays et territoires d'outre-mer (PTOM) qui compte 6.000 habitants pour une superficie de 242 km2.
Cette entrevue aura permis aux deux parties de mieux saisir les enjeux de ces deux Collectivités d'Outre-mer, et d'échanger de manière fructueuse et chaleureuse, des informations utiles liées à leur situation respective.

La Présidente et les membres du Conseil territorial de Saint-Martin ont appris avec une profonde tristesse le décès de Monsieur William Ostend Arnell, père du vice-président Guillaume Arnell, survenu dans la journée du 21 mai dernier.

La Présidente et les membres du Conseil territorial de Saint-Martin garderont le souvenir d'un homme dévoué à sa famille et son pays, attaché aux principes culturels saint-martinois pour lesquels ses enfants continuent d'en perpétrer la tradition.
Nous tenons à saluer le parcours d'un homme qui durant toute sa vie, a choisi de se tourner vers les autres, notamment à travers ses engagements politiques, traduisant ainsi sa volonté de servir son pays et incarnant les valeurs humaines qu'il a su transmettre à celles et ceux qui ont eu la chance de le côtoyer.

Je présente en mon nom personnel, au nom du Conseil territorial de Saint-Martin et des employés territoriaux, l'expression de mes très sincères condoléances à son épouse, à ses enfants, à ses petits enfants, à sa famille ainsi qu'à ses proches et amis.

Aline Hanson
Présidente du Conseil territorial de Saint-Martin

ejrodriguez19052013ST. MARTIN:--- House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP, vient de publier la traduction en français du livre Haití y la transcaribeñidad literaria, de Emilio Jorge Rodríguez.

Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne est disponible en version papier et sous forme d'e-book sur, Arnia's, Le Salon du Livre de San Martin (30 mai – 1 juin 2013), et dans d'autres librairies.

D'après Maximilien Laroche, renommé auteur haïtien de l'université Laval au Canada, la nouvelle traduction est « un remarquable essai de littérature comparée ».

« La collection d'essais de Rodríguez est d'une importance capitale, dévoilant des échanges clés entre écrivains..., échanges dialogiques traversant des différences linguistiques et historiques pour tisser un lien essentiel de compréhension », a déclaré l'écrivain lauréat Myriam J.A. Chancy, Ph.D.

L'essayiste dominicain et professeur de la Syracuse University, Silvio Torres-Saillant, a exprimé : « Cette œuvre du collègue cubain Emilio Jorge Rodríguez devrait absolument faire partie des rares livres qui favorisent la compréhension du sujet abordé. »

Parmi les sujets traités, citons le roman haïtien du XXe siècle et la recherche de la genèse amérindienne et africaine dans l'œuvre de Alejo Carpentier.

Le sujet de la « transgression du créole » en Haïti et en République dominicaine, analysé en profondeur, fera certainement ouvrir grands les yeux, voire causer de l'inquiétude chez certains. Or, cette œuvre révèle de nouvelles adresses, a remarqué Lasana M. Sekou, directeur des projets à HNP.

D'autre part, le livre évoque une polémique absolument inconnue et fascinante, engagée lors de la visite à Haïti du grand poète cubain Nicolás Guillén, à propos du débat concernant la race et la culture au sein de l'élite haïtienne.

« Les sujets essentiels de Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne apportent une interprétation particulière. J'oserais affirmer que ce texte est, pour la plupart d'entre nous, un chaînon manquant dans nos connaissances et expériences sur la littérature et la culture caribéennes, sur notre manière de penser et de vivre dans cette région », a affirmé Sekou.

Faisant référence à l'auteur, le professeur Douglas Uzcátegui a avancé que Rodríguez était « l'une des voix les plus autorisées dans les Caraïbes et sur les Caraïbes. En tant que chercheur, son œuvre, riche et régulière, reflète un examen soigné de l'oralité et de l'écriture de la féconde et complexe culture des Caraïbes ».

Rodríguez, dont l'œuvre a fait l'objet de nombreuses publications, a donné des cours et conférences dans des universités de l'Amérique latine, des Caraïbes et des États‑Unis d'Amérique.

La traduction en français de Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne a été prise en charge par Aurelio Fernández et Mayla Reyes. La couverture est illustrée par la magnifique aquarelle « Soul's Flight », du célèbre artiste états-unien Keith Mallet.

Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne est aussi disponible en version papier bilingue (espagnol-anglais) et sous forme d'e-book sur,, Van Dorp, Arnia's, et dans d'autres librairies.

Le 14 mai 2013 à 10 heures 30, une patrouille de la brigade motorisée de la gendarmerie de Saint-Martin procédait au contrôle d'une camionnette transportant une citerne rectangulaire dont émanait une très forte odeur d'essence.
700 litres de carburant étaient ainsi transportés, sans que le chauffeur soit détenteur de la licence nécessaire et sans qu'aucune signalisation soit apposée. Une fuite a par ailleurs été constatée sur la citerne, construite de façon artisanale.
Pas moins de 9 infractions ont au total été relevées à l'encontre du transporteur, qui a été entendu sur les faits et a été convoqué devant le tribunal de Saint-Martin.

Suite au tragique événement qui s'est déroulé, dimanche 5 mai 2013 en marge du "Fish-Day", et pour faire face à la recrudescence des violences avec armes, le Préfet délégué auprès de la Représentante de l'Etat dans les collectivités de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin et le Vice-Procureur de la République, ont souhaité prendre une initiative forte afin de lutter contre la détention illégale et la circulation des armes.
Ainsi, et à l'instar de la campagne médiatique menée récemment en Guadeloupe, qui a permis de récupérer 63 armes illégalement détenues, une campagne de sensibilisation de la population va être conduite dans les prochaines semaines.
Une conférence de presse sera organisée très prochainement afin de lancer officiellement la campagne médiatique et de présenter les conditions de la procédure d'abandon d'armes et de munitions auprès de la gendarmerie nationale en vue de leur destruction.

Pour faire suite aux évènements du « Fish Day », des services destinés à accroître la sécurisation du lycée des îles du Nord et de ses abords sont actuellement mis en oeuvre par la gendarmerie nationale, conjointement avec la police territoriale de la Collectivité de Saint-Martin.
Ainsi, le 13 mai 2013, une opération de contrôle des identités accompagnée de la recherche d'objets dangereux a été réalisée aux entrées de cet établissement et de son annexe. Cette opération qui s'est tenue de 06h30 à 07h30 a mobilisé 35 gendarmes et 4 policiers territoriaux. Le dispositif mis en place a abouti à la découverte 13 peignes afro, de 3 ciseaux pointus, de 2 canifs et d'un rayon de vélo rigide. 5 grammes d'herbe de cannabis ont également été découverts.
Une surveillance spécifique et accrue et d'autres opérations de contrôle aux abords des établissements scolaires sont d'ores et déjà programmées par la compagnie de gendarmerie de Saint-Martin.

Le Député de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin a interpellé le Premier ministre ce mardi dans l'hémicycle sur la situation de Saint-Martin en matière d'insécurité, après le drame survenu lors de la dernière édition du « Fish Day » qui a fait un mort et sept blessés. Le Ministre de l'Intérieur a tenu à répondre à M. Gibbs, l'assurant que « Saint-Martin a été trop longtemps abandonnée » et pouvait « compter sur la détermination du gouvernement ».

« J'étais présent au moment de ce nouveau drame qui a bouleversé tous les Saint-Martinois » a ainsi rappelé Daniel GIBBS, soulignant que Saint-Martin « a atteint un niveau de violence et de délinquance sans précédent ». Lors de cette séance de questions d'actualités dans l'hémicycle de l'Assemblée nationale, le Député de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin a déploré que « dix jours après cette tragédie, le Gouvernement n'ait envoyé aucun signe à Saint-Martin, n'ait fait aucune déclaration qui condamne cet acte ». « Quand vous vous montrez prompts à condamner les meurtres de Marseille ou de Corse, les tragédies des lointaines outre-mer, elles, semblent avoir bien moins de résonnances...Nos drames, qui trouvent leur source dans un malaise social endémique, dans des économies en désespérance, ne sont pas moins tragiques parce qu'à 8000 kilomètres de Paris » a notamment déclaré M. GIBBS. « L'égalité, ce n'est pas QUE le mariage pour tous, Monsieur le Premier ministre! C'est aussi et avant tout, l'éducation pour tous, quand nos écoles croulent sous le poids de la surpopulation scolaire... Et c'est aussi la justice pour tous, quand nous réclamons depuis des années la création d'un TGI ou d'une chambre de justice détachée... Justice pour tous également, quand les détenus de Saint-Martin représentent plus de la moitié des détenus de la prison de Basse-Terre mais que l'on enterre le dossier de la construction d'une prison sur l'île, qui permettrait pourtant, sans nul doute, de mettre un frein au sentiment d'impunité qui y règne et jouerait un rôle précieux en matière de réinsertion... Et c'est aussi la sécurité pour tous, quand un dispositif de sécurité rural ne parvient plus à répondre à une délinquance urbaine... » a insisté le parlementaire de Saint-Martin, qui a conclu : « Ma question est la suivante, Monsieur le Premier Ministre : Saint-Martin doit-elle attendre le prochain carnage pour que votre Gouvernement s'intéresse enfin à elle ? ».
C'est le Ministre de l'Intérieur qui a tenu à répondre à M. Gibbs, et qui a eu « une pensée pour la victime de cette fusillade » et les blessés. M. Valls qui entend « la vive émotion qu'a provoqué cet événement » localement, a rappelé qu'une information judiciaire a été ouverte à Saint-Martin sur « cet acte odieux », qui « s'inscrit dans une montée générale des violences entre des bandes issues de différents quartiers ». « L'économie illégale et le trafic d'armes qui découlent de cette violence, contre laquelle les forces de l'ordre sont mobilisées, sont des fléaux sur tous les territoires de la République et sur celui-ci en particulier » a reconnu M. VALLS, qui comprend « le sentiment d'abandon qu'ont pu éprouver depuis longtemps les habitants de l'île ». Le Ministre de l'Intérieur a assuré au Député de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin que l'île pouvait « compter sur la détermination du gouvernement et notamment de Victorin Lurel pour répondre à cette situation. Saint-Martin a été trop longtemps abandonnée, le gouvernement veut répondre à ce défi ».

Le mercredi 08 mai 2013 à 20h50, un vol avec arme est commis par plusieurs individus dans une épicerie chinoise située rue Nana Clark dans le quartier d'Agrément. Les auteurs du vol ont pris la fuite à pieds à l'issue des faits. Toute personne susceptible d'apporter un témoignage utile aux investigations est priée de prendre contact avec la brigade de recherches de la gendarmerie de St. Martin, chargée de l'enquête:

  • en téléphonant au "17"ou au "05 90 52 30 13"
  • ou en se présentant à la caserne de gendarmerie de la Savane.

Nous avons tous appris avec une profonde et réelle émotion mais aussi avec une certaine consternation la terrible tragédie qui a eu lieu dimanche soir 5 mai à Cul- de-Sac, à l'occasion de la célébration de la onzième édition du Fish-Day.
Pour ma part, j'ai été profondément bouleversé et choqué par ce nouvel acte de violence désormais récurrent mais absolument intolérable, qui a encore une fois, enlevé la vie à l'un de nos jeunes et blessé gravement quelques 7 autres personnes. Je veux en cette occasion, assurer aux familles et aux proches des victimes, mon indéfectible soutien mais aussi, toute ma solidarité envers eux dans cette douloureuse épreuve. À la famille du jeune Jonathan Fredon (à peine âgé de 20 ans !), j'adresse mes plus sincères condoléances.
Nonobstant ma tristesse, je suis surtout indigné devant cette violence caractérisée. Je suis révolté par ce nouveau drame qui touche dans sa chair et qui inquiète de plus en plus, toute la société saint-martinoise. Je souhaite que toute la lumière soit faite, afin d'établir la responsabilité de chacun dans le cadre de cette affaire et dans les plus brefs délais possibles. Je propose que notre collectivité prenne l'initiative de la convocation des Assises de la Jeunesse avant la fin de l'année courante . Cela permettrait de réunir tous les acteurs publics( Etat, collectivités, forces de sécurité, acteurs sociaux et éducatifs ) afin de prendre ensemble toute la mesure de ce phénomène , pour mieux le combattre et tenter de l'enrayer chacun au niveau de responsabilité qui est le sien.
Il faut sortir de la déploration et commencer à agir, parce que là réside notre propre responsabilité .

Jules Charville
Conseiller Territorial

Le Député et Conseiller territorial Daniel Gibbs, Président du mouvement Union pour la Démocratie, tient à faire part de son émotion face au drame que nous avons vécu dimanche soir à Cul de Sac.
Étant lui-même présent sur les lieux au moment des faits, il a pu mesurer l'ampleur de l'onde de choc qui a secoué les familles qui fêtaient le Fish Day.

Il présente ses plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux proches de la jeune victime, et il apporte tout son soutien aux blessés et à leur entourage.
L'Union pour la Démocratie et les élus TDG2012 partagent la douleur des familles frappées par cette tragédie.

Le Député de Saint-Barthélemy et Saint-Martin et les membres de l'Union pour la Démocratie dénoncent la progression d'une grande violence que nous subissons tous et qui dégrade considérablement notre image.

C'est la raison pour laquelle Daniel Gibbs demande aux pouvoirs publics mais aussi aux parents des jeunes qui basculent dans la violence de prendre pleinement la mesure du désarroi dans lequel se trouve la jeunesse de Saint-Martin.

Notre groupe souhaite que tout soit mis en oeuvre afin d'analyser les failles de l'organisation qui ont pu permettre qu'un tel drame se produise. Une réflexion générale devra également être menée pour corriger à l'avenir tous les dysfonctionnements ayant pu ralentir l'intervention des secours.

Il est plus qu'urgent de réagir et de déployer enfin les dispositions concrètes qui feront renaître l'espoir tant attendu dans notre société et qui éviteront d'autres catastrophes.

Suite au tragique événement qui s'est déroulé, dimanche 5 mai 2013 en marge du "Fish-Day", et afin de répondre à l'urgence du traumatisme psychologique subi par certaines victimes, familles ou témoins des faits, la direction de l'hôpital Louis-Constant Fleming en lien avec la Préfecture, a mis en place, avec l'appui des médecins, une cellule d'accompagnement psychologique, immédiatement après les faits.
Pour autant, et au regard de la situation et de l'événement traumatique, l'Etat, soucieux de répondre aux attentes légitimes de l'ensemble des victimes, vient d'activer une cellule d'urgence médico-psychologique dont le but est d'accompagner et de prodiguer des soins à tous les blessés psychiques qui ont été confrontés à cette situation d'urgence collective et qui en expriment le besoin.
Dans ce cadre, toute personne désireuse d'être prise en charge par cette structure devra contacter le standard de l'hôpital au qui réorientera les demandes vers les praticiens désignés.
La Préfète de la région Guadeloupe, le Préfet délégué auprès de la Représentante de l'Etat dans les collectivités de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin et la Directrice Générale de l'Agence de Santé assurent les victimes de leur soutien.
D'autres initiatives suivront pour répondre à cet événement tragique.

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse, d'inquiétude et de colère que j'ai pris connaissance des faits qui se sont déroulés hier soir à Cul-de-Sac.
Il est fortement regrettable que des initiatives positives et réussies, organisées au profit du territoire soient ainsi entachées par l'incivisme de quelques-uns.
Il est intolérable que la liberté de mouvement et la sécurité de familles et de travailleurs soit mises en péril par des individus sans foi ni loi.
Il est inenvisageable que Saint-Martin devienne un territoire où règne la terreur, où les armes sont en libre circulation de fait.
Il est insupportable que Saint-Martin fasse encore la une des journaux pour des motifs criminels, plutôt que pour sa créativité et sa volonté de porter haut son statut d'autonomie.
Nous devons bien entendu attendre les conclusions de l'enquête qui identifieront les responsabilités, mais il est évident que des mesures globales devront être mises en oeuvre dans les plus courts délais.
Pour l'heure, je m'associe à la douleur et au traumatisme des familles impactées par ce drame, de part et d'autre. C'est aussi vers elles que vont mes pensées aujourd'hui et plus largement encore à toute la population de Saint-Martin qui, je le sais, malgré sa capacité de résilience, est profondément touchée par cette tragédie.

Senateur Louis Constant Fleming

L'édition 2013 du Fish Day est désormais ternie par un grave incident ayant fait un mort et plusieurs blessés. Je souhaite, au nom des élus du Conseil territorial, m'incliner devant la douleur des familles touchées par cette tragédie. Il est extrêmement regrettable que de ce type de comportement puisse se produire sur notre territoire, et nous condamnons fermement la violence inqualifiable de ce drame.

Je lance un appel aux parents, dont le rôle dans l'Education de leurs enfants est déterminant.

La Collectivité prend pleinement conscience de la gravité de la situation, et prendra les mesures de sécurité qui s'imposent, en collaboration avec l'Etat, afin que ce drame ne puisse se réitérer. Le Fish Day qui aura lieu l'an prochain devra donc se dérouler dans l'esprit familial de cette manifestation, et qu'ainsi, cette journée retrouve la convivialité et la chaleur qui la caractérise.

Je souhaite également témoigner, aux nombreuses personnes se trouvant sur place le jour du drame, et qui ont été choquées, voire traumatisées par la violence des scènes qui se sont imposées à eux, toute notre sympathie en ces moments délicats.

Je voudrais enfin renouveler mon soutien aux familles et aux proches des victimes dans cette épreuve douloureuse, et leur faire part, au nom du Conseil territorial, de notre compassion et de notre solidarité.

Dimanche 05 mai 2013, vers 19h45, plusieurs coups de feu ont été tirés simultanément au cours de la manifestation festive "Fish-Day" organisée à Cul-de-Sac. Un homme de vingt ans a été tué et 7 autres personnes ont été blessées par balles dont deux grièvement mais dont le pronostic vital n'est pas engagé.
L'une d'elles a fait l'objet d'une évacuation sanitaire, ce matin, vers l'hôpital de la Guadeloupe et trois personnes sont encore hospitalisées à l'hôpital Louis-Constant Fleming de Marigot.
Quatre autres personnes, présentes sur les lieux au moment des faits, ont été blessées plus légèrement.
La Préfète de la région Guadeloupe et le Préfet délégué auprès de la Représentante de l'Etat dans les collectivités de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin expriment leur profonde émotion suite à cet événement tragique et assurent les familles des victimes de leur soutien.
Enfin, il convient de saluer le professionnalisme et la réactivité de l'ensemble des services de secours et de sécurité qui ont su répondre à cette situation d'urgence exceptionnelle.

Le 5 mai 2013 à 19h45, plusieurs coups de feu sont tirés sur le site du « fish day » à Cul de Sac. Un homme de vingt ans a été tué. 7 personnes ont été blessées par balle à des degrés divers. Le pronostic vital n'est pas engagé pour ces 7 personnes. Les motivations de ces coups de feu demeurent à déterminer dans le cadre de l'enquête ouverte par la gendarmerie. Toute personne susceptible d'apporter un témoignage utile aux investigations est priée de prendre contact avec la brigade de recherches de la gendarmerie de St Martin, chargée de l'enquête:

  • en téléphonant au « 17 » ou au « 05 90 52 30 10 »
  • ou en se présentant à la caserne de gendarmerie de la Savane.

L'identité des témoins souhaitant conserver l'anonymat sera préservée.

Le service des sports de la Collectivité de Saint-Martin informe le public que les inscriptions au ticket sport 2013 se feront du lundi 03 au vendredi 28 juin 2013 de 8h30-12h30 13h30-15h00.
Les activités sportives proposées aux enfants de 7 à 14 ans se dérouleront du lundi 08 au vendredi 26 juillet 2013.
Les frais d'inscription aux sorties est de l'ordre de cinquante euros (50€) pour les enfants de 7 à 10 ans (40€ pour l'inscription de 2 ou plusieurs enfants) et de soixante euros (60 €) pour les enfants de 11 à 14 ans (50€ pour l'inscription de 2 ou plusieurs enfants).

Pièces à fournir:
1 Photocopie de la pièce d'identité
1 Certificat médical de moins 3 mois
1 Photo d'identité
1 Attestation d'assurance responsabilité civile pour couvrir les risques pouvant survenir durant les activités extra scolaires durant le mois de juillet 2013.

La pré-plainte en ligne est un dispositif destiné à améliorer l'accueil des victimes d'infractions.
Il permet un signalement immédiat des faits commis, tout en réduisant, par la prise de rendez-vous, le délai d'attente lors du dépôt de plainte dans les locaux de la gendarmerie.
Pour des raisons d'efficacité et des impératifs d'enquête, ce dispositif est réservé aux atteintes contre les biens dont la victime ne connaît pas le ou les auteurs des faits (vols, dégradations, escroqueries...).
La pré-plainte en ligne, une démarche simple et innovante:

  • Se connecter au site Internet : ;
  • Choisir sur une carte la brigade de gendarmerie où la plainte sera déposée ;
  • Renseigner un formulaire guidé comportant des rubriques obligatoires ;

La victime sera rapidement contactée par les services de gendarmerie pour convenir d'un rendez-vous et être informée des pièces à fournir.
La pré-plainte en ligne ne dispense pas de venir dans une brigade de gendarmerie. Le dépôt de plainte devient juridiquement valable après contact avec un officier ou un agent de police judiciaire et signature du procès-verbal.
En toutes circonstances, les victimes doivent veiller à la préservation des traces et indices afin qu'ils demeurent exploitables par les enquêteurs, en évitant tout contact ou déplacement.
Permettant de réduire les délais d'attente lors du dépôt de plainte par un système de rendez-vous, la pré-plainte en ligne représente une avancée dans la simplification des démarches administratives, aussi bien pour les usagers que pour les personnels de la gendarmerie.
Si l'auteur de la pré-plainte ne vient pas au rendez-vous qu'il a choisi ou qui lui est proposé, les données nominatives sont automatiquement effacées 30 jours après la réception de la déclaration.
Les situations d'urgence qui nécessitent une intervention immédiate des services de police ou de gendarmerie ne doivent pas passer par la pré-plainte en ligne. Sont également exclues de ce dispositif les plaintes contre personnes connues ou dénommées, car elles peuvent justifier un traitement immédiat et une interpellation rapide de l'auteur.
Il convient dans ces cas de téléphoner au « 17 » ou de se présenter directement dans un des 3 points d'accueil de la gendarmerie à Saint-Martin ou à la brigade de gendarmerie de Saint-Barthélemy.
Une brochure explicative est disponible en première page du site Internet de la préfecture:

La Maternité Active organise la 1ère Journée de Sexologie Clinique de St-Martin au Beach Plaza le 10 mai 2013, dans le cadre du Women Health Symposium II.

Cette rencontre, une première dans les Antilles Françaises, sera l'occasion de sensibiliser les professionnels de santé et le grand public à la plainte en sexologie afin d'améliorer la prise en charge des dysfonctions sexuelles masculines ou féminines souvent inexprimées.

Nous bénéficierons de l'expertise de Sexologues de St-Martin, de la Guadeloupe et de la France en la personne du Professeur Gérard RIBES, sexologue de renom, Directeur de l'enseignement de sexologie à la faculté de Lyon.

Tout le public est convié, avec un programme dédié aux professionnels de santé de 8h à 17h et une conférence Grand Public le soir à 19h sur le thème « le couple, quelle aventure ! » animée par le Professeur RIBES.

Le Dr Louis JEFFRY et le Dr Charles VANGEENDERHUYSEN, organisateurs de cette journée, souhaitent vivement remercier la MIAG, BAYER, la C. G. R. R., l'Hôtel le Beach Plaza et le Centre Hospitalier « Louis Constant Fleming » sans qui cette manifestation n'aurait pu voir le jour.

Pour toute inscription, prière de contacter notre secrétariat au 0590 52 26 21.

La Présidente de la Collectivité, Aline Hanson, vous avise qu'à partir du 02 mai 2013, les travaux VRD relatifs à la Rue de Hollande et Doigt de Gant inclus, vont continuer jusqu'à la hauteur de City Snack Restaurant.
Délai des travaux: 6 mois.
Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.

positive31052013Philipsburg:--- The momentous three day event, SXM Weekend of P.O.W.E.R. hosted by G.I.F.T.E.D. Foundation kicks off this Friday, May 31st and continues through to June 2nd at locations across Sint Maarten. The POWER cast has several local and overseas gospel ministers, including God's Chosen, Piper Laundry, Bless, Omalie of Dominica, Curtis Jordan, Keron Ramsey and Positive of Trinidad, and Kevin Smith and Prodigal Son of Jamaica.

Already, things have started with NRG Youth Praise Party, hosted at the New Testament Baptist Church in Philipsburg. The DJ for the night, Joshua DRJ Ferrol, launched the dynamic DRJ Sounds and brought much attention and energy to the GLOW-spirited gospel praise. Many youth groups were in attendance. To the patrons' pleasure, the artiste Positive gave a taste of his latest album, "Forever My King", amidst several other performances from local talents and game activities. From an early age, Positive displayed a strong passion for music, especially acoustic styles, such that he cultivated his life into it. The rhythmic accents on the off-beat by the guitar led him to identify with reggae, which became his love. He intends to touch the hearts of people and show them the way to God.

Saturday morning, June 1st will begin at 9 am to 12 noon with the "Livin' Worship" workshop at the Christian Faith Ministries International in Dutch Quarter, led by International recording gospel R&B artiste, Curtis Jordan from Trinidad & Tobago. Jordan is a worship minister, who is well-known for hits such as "Trust Me" and "Alive", will be accompanied by Keron Ramsey of Trinidad and Tobago as well as Apostle Alicia Liverpool of the David Company, Sint Maarten. This workshop caters to all Worship Teams, Choirs, Musicians, singers, and ministry dancers. The evening will be a worship experience at the Christian Fellowship Church in Cole Bay, starting at 7pm.
On Sunday, June 2nd, the P.O.W.E.R. Concert will be held at the Belair Community Centre starting at 6:30pm. This is a paid concert giving more than a deal for the money. The POWER team has the full line up of Keron Ramsey, Omalie Durand, Curtis Jordan, Positive, Kevin Smith and Prodigal Son. The event promises to be energizing and electrifying.
Visit the GIFTED Facebook page at and click "Like" to keep up-to-date with GIFTED activities and for more information.

The Police Department is informing the general public that in connection with the yearly Sint Maarten Triathlon which will be held this year on Sunday June 1st, 2013, temporary road closures will take place between 7:00am and 10:30am. The W.G. Buncamper road and all side streets that are connected to the Walter Nisbeth road including Voges Street, D.A. Peterson Street in the vicinity of the salt Pickers Round- a bout, Cornelius Vlaun street, Hensy Boujon Street, Tamarinde Steeg, Percy Labega Street, Long wall Road, and the A. Th. Illidge road at the Prince Bernard Bridge, Bush road and those street connected to the A.J.C. Brouwers road including Welgelegen road, Panter road, Tiger road, Mozart road and the A.J.C. Brouwers road up to the Osborne Kruythoff Round-a-bout. The public is asked to take serious notice of these traffic measures to avoid any unnecessary inconvenience.

KPSM Public Notice

confiscatedmoney31052013Philipsburg:--- Police arrested five foreign nationals who were busy skimming ATM machines belonging to the Windward Islands Bank (WIB) Thursday evening. The five suspects all of whom are foreign nationals were caught in the act.

Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte said the five suspects were arrested due to cooperation with the WIB Bank who worked closely with police to apprehend the culprits when they were in action. De Witte said police also confiscated a large amount of monies. The top cop said no precise figure can be placed on the cash they confiscated because police is still busy counting the monies. De Witte said the officers also confiscated the equipments that were used to skim the monies from the ATMs, two vehicles, and a number of ATM cards that were being used by the suspects. As for the nationalities of the suspects, De Witte said they are all foreign nationals but their nationalities could not yet be confirmed because police has to verify their documents.
It should be noted that several banks including the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and the FirstCaribbean Bank have reported that their ATM machines were being skimmed and a large number of their clients were being affected.

Five men arrested by police for skimming ATM-machines.

On Thursday May 30th at approximately 08:00pm, several police patrols from the Simpson Bay and Philipsburg districts were alerted that several men were identified as suspects in the fraudulent act of skimming monies from ATM machines. Descriptions of the vehicles the suspects were using to go to the ATM machines were given and an investigation to locate these suspects was initiated. With the assistance and cooperation of bank security personnel, a total of five men were arrested in this case. The investigation showed that these men had been busy skimming monies from all ATM machines at same time at different locations on the island. During their arrest and a search of their hotel room a substantial amount of U.S. currency and numerous electronic cards (used to manipulate the ATM-machine) were found and confiscated for further investigation. All suspects are from Canada and Lebanese descent. All suspects remain in custody for further investigation.

In addition, the police department has been receiving numerous reports of persons using false credit cards to purchase very expensive items such as jewelry and electronic items. The Police Department is warning everyone and in particular all businesses to take good notice of this information and inform the police anytime they encounter someone committing this type of illegal act.

KPSM Police Report

telemgroupcellsite02052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group has written to the Bureau of Telecommunication and Post, St. Maarten, thanking the regulator and its staff for their prompt assistance in identifying recent interference to the company's 3G mobile voice and data network.
TelEm Group says it's thanks to the Bureau's technical staff, who, along with the Technical and Engineering staff of the company, quickly identified the source of the interference.
"We are also most grateful to the regulator for granting us the use of a new frequency so quickly after our official request was made, allowing us to quickly adjust our operating frequency and alleviating the effects of the interference," said Chief Financial Officer, TelEm Group, Mrs. Helma Etnel.
She said the value of having a local regulator for St. Maarten has shown its worth because of the quickness with which the Bureau was able to respond to the company's need.
Mrs. Etnel said reports from the Technical Department says 3G signals in the CupeCoy, Cole Bay and Simpson Bay areas are "vastly improved" now that the interference to these specific areas have been alleviated.
"The technicians and engineers are reporting some issues that remain in the St. Peter's Hill area, which may or may not be related to the interference problem, and they expect to have that issue cleared up very soon also," said Mrs. Etnel.
The CFO said work is continuing with the local regulator to minimize frequency interference in the future. In that regard, TelEm Group has invited an outside radio frequency planner to monitor the company's network and make recommendations as necessary to management.
She said based on the expert's findings, management will take whatever actions are required to safeguard customers against unwanted signal interference.

With June 1 marking the official start of the Hurricane Season in the Caribbean, Dutch marines from the 32 Infantry Company in Aruba maintain a permanent readiness to respond to natural disasters in the Dutch Caribbean. The Royal Netherlands Navy and Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard are vigilant, as experts expect a severe Hurricane Season this year.

Hurricane and disaster relief rank amongst the Dutch Navy's core tasks in the Caribbean. In recent history, Dutch Navy ships and marines came to the aid of Nicaragua after hurricane Felix struck in 2007. In 2008 Dutch marines were deployed to St. Maarten in the wake of hurricane Omar. And in 2010 after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, a relief detachment of Dutch military and local militia from Aruba was formed to provide aid and assistance.

Watchful eye
During the hurricane season, from June 1st till December 1st, the Operations centre of the Commander Netherlands Forces in the Caribbean in Curaçao keeps a watchful eye on depressions forming over the Atlantic. Stormy weather patterns are carefully monitored based on accurate projections. Island authorities can request military assistance if a strike is imminent. Together with local emergency services, a crisis team comprised of Navy, Marine and Coast Guard personnel will put robust contingency plans into action.

Keeping the peace
Prior to a hurricane strike, the Dutch Navy deploys to the likely affected areas to help with final preparations. Building are boarded up and shelters are provided with adequate water and food supplies. During the strike, Dutch marines protect shelters and other critical infrastructure. Afterwards, civil affairs specialists survey affected areas and determine the need for first aid and medical assistance. Dutch marines keep the peace by patrolling the affected areas, to prevent looting of ruined shops and buildings. In the unlikely event of a catastrophic hurricane strike, the Dutch Navy is able to fall back on additional relief detachments on board HNLMS Pelikaan and the West Indian Guard Ship. Even the help from disaster relief specialists from The Netherlands can be solicited.

daeaircrafts28052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- After reviewing the financial figures of Dutch Antilles Express (DAE) and its 2012/2013 Business Plan and after performing all required mandatory SAFETY inspection on DAE's current fleet, the Curacao Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) has authorized all DAE's new destination' requests up to this moment and granted DAE the following destinations this week:

Curacao – Cali – Curacao
Curacao – Cucuta – Curacao
Curacao – Bogota – Curacao
Curacao – Cartagena – Curacao
Curacao – Bucaramanga – Curacao
Curacao – Barbados – Curacao
Curacao – Port of Spain – Curacao
Curacao – Montego Bay – Curacao
Curacao – Port au Prince – Curacao

"On behalf of our DAE family, we appreciate and express our gratitude to the CCAA for this trust, which commits us to continue working for Curacao. By granting us these designations, CCAA confirms our financial stability and ability to expand our operations and that DAE complies with all requirements and has a Safe Operations," Ramiz attested.

"DAE will start operating to Bogota and Cartagena by June 30. We will announce the day as soon as the flights are in our system," Ramiz indicated.

"Haiti will be for July 15. The rest of Colombia e.g. Cali, Cucuta and Bucaramanga as well as Montego Bay, Port of Spain and Barbados will be announced on a later date but it will be after the summer and definitely before the fourth quarter of this year," Ramiz stated.

"This summer we will also have different charter programs of 2 weekly flights to Manaus, Brazil and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic starting July till September of this year. With these charter flights to Manaus we will feed Orlando, Punta Cana, and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Sint Maarten, Bonaire and Aruba. Additional weekly flights to other destinations are being negotiated with local travel agencies and groups in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and Havana. We will adjust our schedule after June 15. We will change Suriname and make it an overnight in Paramaribo, so we can connect Suriname with our HUB to other destinations." Ramiz said.

"We will operate this summer with one MD-83 and one Fokker -100 as back ups and the rest of our aircrafts will be operating the routes that we have. Additional aircrafts will have to be added later on this year," Ramiz concluded.

usmstudentsattend7thbiennialcaroaconference30052013Maho:--- Between May 6th and May 9th, 2013, two University of St. Martin (USM) students and Ambassadors Rajiv Besant and Nikhil Punjabi, were sponsored by the Ombudsman St. Maarten to attend the 7th Biennial CAROA Conference at Maho Beach Resort. Both students were privileged to participate in and observe the panel discussions, which included public service ethics, the pursuit of human rights, Ombudsman investigative methods and the privatization of public services, amongst a number of Ombudsmen of the Caribbean, Ontario, Europe and New Zealand. The students were also made aware that the Ombudsman seeks to restore human rights and investigate maladministration. The University of St. Martin warmly is very appreciate of the invitation to it students and looks forward to working with the Ombudsman St. Maarten.

USM Press Release

idadfoundation30052013"Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad."

As men, we are made in the image of God and innately possess the raw materials of masculinity. However, we are not born with the knowledge of how to use those materials. As with any trade or skill we have to be taught how to be a man. What guy ever picked up a power tool and instinctively knew how to hang drywall, or picked up a guitar and just knew how to play it? In the same way, we can't expect a young man to know how to deal with adversity or to pursue a woman's heart well unless he has been taught how to navigate such uncharted waters. Granted some men are self-taught, but that is and should be the exception, not the norm.

Today, father absence is among the most pervasive social problems challenging families. But the presence of a responsible father improves a variety of outcomes for children and serves as a protective factor against problem behaviors including teen drug use, pregnancy, truancy, and criminal activity. Thus, supporting and encouraging fathers to become more present and actively involved in their children's lives is our number one goal.

Billy Graham said: "A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."

The recently formed iDAD foundation has been active in the community since its first march for "Fathers to be active" on December 16th, 2012.

The iDAD foundation serves to awaken men into taking responsibility and being active in the life of their children, and extended into their community.

Our mission is for the fathers of St. Maarten to come together to work in becoming greater fathers and significant male role models through personal involvement, resulting in outcomes which are positive. One of our aims is to successfully building relationships between children, parents, schools and the communities at large.

We have been working closely with the Community Police Officers to assist with the troubled youth in our schools: working along with school management and counselors. We have also been able to visit the homes that house youths and the seniors home.

These are some of the activities that the iDad foundation had organized:

  • We've had an iDad beach day with Royal kids Club.
  • Weekend visits to the elderly home (the Dads along with their kids helped with the serving of the meals and after just spend some time talking or playing games with the elderly).
  • Visit to the iCan Foundation, where we (the Dads) cooked for the kids.
  • Visit to the Chrystal home, where we did games and talked to them about the importance of someone knowing where they are at all times. (We the Dads) also cooked for them)
  • We had an iDad movie day where dads were encouraged to take their kids to the movie.
  • We had a Movie day where the Dads were invited with their kids to come and watch a movie.

Our next event is when we celebrate our first annual Father's Day Dinner Dance on Saturday, June 15th, 2013 at THE ROCKHOUSE - PORT DE PLAISANCE from 7:00pm UNTIL. Dress code is formal. Entrance price is $40 per person or $70 per couple. Entertainment for the night includes: Live entertainment, DJ RICHY D & DJ TOOLS & GUEST DJ's. Come and support the cause that acknowledges fathers in our community and encourages them to be the best to their children, family and community. Not forgetting those who took the father figure responsibility upon themselves to be role models to the youths that lacks a parental male figure in their lives. Proceeds from this event will be used to provide breakfast and school supplies for the upcoming school Year 2013/2014 for less fortune children.

We urge the community and in particular fathers to be role models to the youth of St. Maarten. So that the ills in our society will gradually decrease, allowing our judicial system to be less strained as Fathers play a major role in their children's life. Fathers do not tell his children to live, he lives; and let his children watch him and follow. We cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection.

As a dad there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved in your child's life. From helping chaperone the school trip, to reading together, to coaching the Little League team, take advantage of the time you can spend together!

Becoming more involved in your child's life can take a lot of different forms. At every stage your children can benefit from your involvement. Read with young children. Join the elementary school parent teacher organization. Chaperone a school event.

Volunteer as a coach, or ask your child's coach in what way he could use your help. Take time to be a positive and supporting part of your child's life.

"The situations of our youths are not mysterious. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. They must, they have no other models."

Interested parties may contact us for further information about our activities and what we together can accomplish for our country St. Maarten. Our contact information: Telephone: 581-5649 / 580-4445; Facebook Page:

swescotwilliamsmeetswithbgnaa30052013Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams received a courtesy call from representatives of the Pensioner's Organization of the Former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba BGNAA. The group, representing pensioners from the former Antilles, met with the respective Prime Ministers of the islands of the former Netherland's Antilles and Aruba in order to inform their members of the changes which effect them since the constitutional changes of 101010. The Group thanked the Prime Minister in her assistance in resolving matters, which were complicated by the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles, and the changes in the pension structure.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Disaster Coordinator Winston Salomon, Head of the Island's Office of Disaster Management, would like to commend the clean-up initiative that was undertaken by the Community Police and Jazz G and O.C.C.O. of the Cole Bay district in preparation for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season that opens on Saturday, June 1.

The first clean-up took place on May 18. Another clean-up is planned for Saturday, June 8 along Welfare Road, Windsor Road, and Cay Bay Road from 6:30am to 2:30pm.

The final clean-up will be on Saturday, June 15 on Welfare Road, Corner Road and Bill Folly Road. Those persons interested in volunteering their time to help with the community district clean-up should call 588-4035 or 550-7747. The removal of garbage is being carried out by Leonard Enterprises.

"These types of initiatives are very much welcome, and I am calling on all the districts to mobilize and clean-up. We need to see similar initiatives in the other residential districts. We need all stakeholders working together," Disaster Coordinator Winston Salomon said on Wednesday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States Department of Commerce (NOAA) released its forecast for the upcoming six-month hurricane season, and the forecast calls for an active or extremely active season this year.

The NOAA forecast says there is a likelihood of 13 to 20 named storms, of which seven to 11 could become hurricanes, including three to six major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5) with winds of 111 miles per hour or higher.

"I am once more appealing to the Sint Maarten community to prepare for the hurricane season. We do this every year and more than the majority of the country knows exactly what they have to do before the hurricane season starts.

"The Office of Disaster Management always prepare for every season regardless of the forecast, because we all must remember that all it takes is one storm to make it a bad season," Disaster Coordinator Salomon said on Wednesday.

Storm names for the 2013 season are: Andrea, Barry, Chantal, Dorian, Erin, Fernand, Gabrielle, Humberto, Ingrid, Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa, Nestor, Olga, Pablo, Rebekah, Sebastien, Tanya, Van and Wendy.

The 2013 hurricane season runs through November 30.

swescotwilliamsmeetswithalinehanson29052013Discuss Way Forward on Matters Related to Matters of Cooperation

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams met with the President of the Collectivite Madame Aline Hanson and members of her administration on Wednesday in order to discuss the ongoing cooperation between the two sides of the island. The Prime Minister, joined by the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Ms., Cassandra Jansen and Interim Director of the Department of Foreign Relations discussed the way forward on various maters concerning the cooperation and mutual understanding between the administrations of Dutch St. Maarten and that of French St. Maarten. "We are picking back up the matters of cooperation, the various committees, and the technical working groups so we can move forward with matters of cooperation," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

shtameetswithssm29052013Philipsburg:--- The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA), the largest private business representative on the island, met with a delegation of the Soualiga Social Movement (SSM), led by its president and co-founder Alston Lourens, treasurer and co-founder Sjaoel Richardson, board member Paul Bell, and Paul Henriquez, to discuss common grounds.
The SSM are firm believers of the concept "teach a man how to fish", the foundation focuses on being involved in the planning and facilitation of social projects, allowing the participants in the community to be directly involved with the execution of the planned projects which creates a sense ownership in the community of the activity and that usually guarantees it's success. The project at the forefront of this is the Social Summit "Get Together to Work Together". A planned conference for a group of active NGO's and other types of organizations, to come together at the table to work together on common goals and issues. This is something that the SSM and the SHTA have agreed to work together on.
Both association have agreed to jointly approach areas of common interest such as educating the public on issues, electoral reform, good governance, transparency, fiscal discipline, employment, improving economic activities on the island, increasing diversification, and especially the need for all, including NGO's, to work together toward these common goals among others.
People need to understand that they themselves are part of the governing procedure, that's how a democracy works. They contribute to the government financially (through taxes) and need to have more interest in how that contribution is being used. To gain an understanding of what procedures exists and why? Too many stand on the side lines complaining about government and the way things are, without understanding the real issues at hand, this is not ever going solve our problems. There are so many issues on such a small island, in order to make a change more people need to understand and exercise their rights by speaking up and actively participating in their communities.

The SHTA is dedicated to bringing quality to all aspects of life on St. Maarten by promoting sustainable economic development for its members in cooperation with the social partners and the creation of a fair marketplace. For more information please contact our offices at 542-0108 or visit our website at

eholidayandpchopin29052013Harbour View/Fort Louis:--- On Tuesday May 28, 2013, Mr. Philippe Chopin, Préfet for St. Martin and St. Barthelemy, paid a working visit to Sint Maarten and met with His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday at his office at Falcon Drive 3 in Philipsburg.
During the meeting, the Governor and the Préfet discussed several matters of mutual interest for St. Maarten en St. Martin. Topics discussed included cooperation between Sint Maarten/Saint Martin, immigration controls, law enforcement and travel documents. The productive meeting underscored the friendly relationships and provided an opportunity for the Governor and the Préfet to reinforce the importance of the cooperation between Saint-Martin and Sint-Maarten.

tamaraleonardandnicoledeweever29052013~Art Saves Lives Program will be held June 24-30 on St. Maarten~

Cupecoy:--- Local Award winning dancer Nicole C. De Weever of Art Saves Lives received a donation from Tamara Leonard last week in support of Art Saves Lives Summer Project. The upcoming Art Saves Lives summer intensive program will feature 16 artists from the United States who in addition to teaching classes will perform community service as part of their contribution to St. Maarten.

Ms. De Weever expressed her thanks to Ms. Leonard for her support of the project.
ALSP continues to raise funds to bring this project to fruition to serve local youth who are interested in a career in the arts and strengthen the performing arts on the St. Maarten.

whereiseethesun29052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry in St. Martin, is a new book of poems by 25 poets and spoken word artists from both parts of the island, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

HNP will release the book on Thursday, May 30, at 8 pm, at the opening ceremony of the St. Martin Book Fair, at the Chamber of Commerce Building, Spring Concordia, Marigot.

"We are happy to see that the mostly new and young writers in this anthology are motivated and inviting their family and friends to come out Thursday evening and celebrate with them. The book fair organizers are also inviting all culture lovers to 'the book fair for the entire family,' as our guests and to welcome our visiting authors from abroad in that special St. Martin way," said Sample.

Where I See The Sun, edited by author Lasana M. Sekou, is the nation's first poetry anthology in 30 years. The poets and spoken word artists reflect varied backgrounds – senior published poets, a former labor leader, a teacher, a lawyer, but mainly young poets that have been very active reciting, slamming, and rapping at public recitals at Axum Café and in Simpson Bay and Marigot over the last 10 years.

Among the writers in Where I See The Sun, most of whom have never been published in a book before, are: Raymond Helligar, Drisana Deborah Jack, Changa Hickinson, Mariela Xue, Tamara Groeneveldt, Roland and Laura Richardson, Georges Cocks, Faizah Tabasamu (Rochelle Ward), Tadzio Bervoets, Lysanne Charles, Marianne Tefft, Fulbert Marcellin, Elehandro Fleming, Morena Ignacio, Jay B. Haviser, Patricia Chance-Duzant, Sjorensly Valies, Lucinda "La Rich" Audain, Jenice Forbes, Glenda York, Kimasha P. Williams, and Terry Daniel.

The soulful singer Mischu Laikah will represent her fellow poets by singing one of her poems from Where I See The Sun at the opening ceremony. With over 60 poems, the book also includes a cover photo and brief profile of each writer, a glossary of St. Martin words or writer-specific terms, a critical blurb by literary giant Kamau Brathwaite, and a comment by leading Bajan spoken word artist Adrian Green. In his introduction to the book Sekou explains why and how the collection was put together, said Sample.

The St. Martin Book Fair, from May 30 to June 1, 2013, "is the perfect place to launch such a book of creative writing by some of the best young poets on the scene today in St. Martin," said Shujah Reiph, book fair founder and coordinator.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau is the strategic partner of the literary festival. The University of St. Martin, the St. Martin Tourist Office, and the Collectivity of St. Martin (COM) are sponsors of the 11th edition of the St. Martin Book Fair. Award-winning graphic designer Prof. Carole Mauge-Lewis and Pasanggrahan Royal Guest House are contributors to book fair 2013, said Sample. HNP is a book fair co-organizer.

markyokoyama29052013Philipsburg:--- May 29, 2013 At this year's St. Martin Book Fair, author and naturalist Mark Yokoyama will be presenting a workshop entitled "Wildlife Beats: The Rhythms of Nature on St. Martin." This special workshop is designed to complement this year's Book Fair theme "Drum Beats." The book fair is taking place at various locations on St. Martin from May 30th to June 1st. The Wildlife Beats workshop will be at 11am on Saturday, June 1st at University of St. Martin. Like all of the book fair events it is free and open to the public.

"The St. Martin Book Fair brings together so many different aspects of the St. Martin experience," says Yokoyama, "and that is one of the things that makes it so special. Whether it is literature, poetry, history or cooking, the books each tell a piece of the St. Martin story." He added, "I'm honored to have the chance to add the wildlife piece to that puzzle."

During the workshop, Yokoyama will explore the various rhythmic cycles that influence wildlife on St. Martin. Some are as short as a day, like the changing of the guard between daytime and nocturnal wildlife, while other cycles repeat over years, decades or even longer. Together, these "beats" form a song that is unique to the island. A slideshow of wildlife photos illustrates the various cycles and their impact on wildlife.

The St. Martin Book Fair, now in its 11th year, is a "book fair for the entire family" and showcases local and international authors. In addition to the workshops, there are readings, panel discussions and book launch events. For more information about the book fair, visit:

Mark Yokoyama is the author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin, a guide featuring hundreds of animal species from St. Martin. An updated second edition of his book will be launched this summer. He also gives wildlife presentations and nature walks for schools and the general public. For more information about the workshop, visit or look up Saint Martin wildlife on Facebook.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Presidium of Parliament met on Wednesday in the House where a number of issues were discussed.

The meeting which was chaired by 1st Vice President of Parliament Hon. Romain Laville was to handle four agenda points, however two were handled on Wednesday and the other two will be dealt with on Thursday.

The first agenda point was related to the working visit of the 1st Acting Secretary General of Parliament; the second agenda point was the appointment of a Webmaster/Media Operator.

The two agenda points to be dealt with on Thursday are an evaluation of the personnel working with the Secretariat of Parliament; and the application Expat law to the Secretary General.

Also present in the presidium meeting was the 2nd Vice President of Parliament Hon. Petrus de Weever, and the Secretary Generals.

isaiahhaakmat29052013Two students artwork were chosen to represent St. Maarten at the 2013 Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Children's Environmental Poster Competition.

Sidney De Weever (9 years) from the Methodist Agogic Centre – Browlia Maillard Campus in the junior category and Isaiah Haakmat (16 years) from the Learning Unlimited preparatory School in the Senior category are St. Maarten's Finalists. 30 entries were received from the various schools and were judged by local artist, Ruby Bute.

The FCCA Children's Environmental Poster Competition is an annual event coordinated by the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau in collaboration with the FCCA. Students from the Primary and Secondary schools were invited to participate in the poster competition.

The posters must depict at the least three ways in which the destination can make a difference in preserving the environment along with the title of each poster. De Weever and Haakmat posters were forwarded to the FCCA Selection Committee for further judging to determine the overall winner amongst the FCCA member countries.

A First, Second and Third place winner from both categories will be chosen and the winners will be awarded cash scholarships.

The 1st place winner will receive US$ 3,000.

The 2nd place winner will receive US$ 1,500.

The 3rd place winner will receive US$ 1,000.

The winning schools will also receive matching cash amounts.

St. Maarten has participated in the FCCA for several years.

In 2012, Emilie van der Waals from Learning Unlimited Preparatory School placed 3rd in the Senior Category.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau wishes the two finalists the best of luck in the Regional judging.

shootingfillin11102012Marigot:--- The director of the service Renseignements Generaux Serge Salvado was shot twice around 2pm on Wednesday. Information reaching SMN News states that the victim was at Le Butcherie restaurant in Concordia where the shooting took place.

The French consul located on the Dutch side of the island Stanislas Grair witnessed the attack on Salavdo who was leaving the restaurant at the time when he was attacked by two boys that were riding a scooter. Grair said that Salvado was at the restaurant eating with two persons and as soon as he exited the restaurant to get on his motorcycle, the pedal rider on a scooter that was riding pass him attacked Salvado. Grair said Salvado who is also a sportsman defended himself against his attacker and that person fell down. He said when the rider of the scooter saw that his accomplice was losing he pulled out a pistol and fired two shots at Salvado. Grair said the first shot was fired close to the victims head and the second in his stomach. Grair said that something has to be done regarding crime on St. Martin because at the time of the shooting two State representatives were at the restaurant. He said he was there and Salvado who is another State representative was attacked. Also at the restaurant at the time of the shooting was a well known French Television producer.

SMN News learnt Salvado was transported to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital for treatment. His exact medical condition is not yet known. Efforts made by SMN News to reach the Commandant of the Gendarmerie for a comment proved futile.

sarahwescotwilliams05052013Philipsburg:--- During Wednesday's Council of Minister's Press Briefing the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams emphasized that the Government of St. Maarten is moving forward on essential items, including the formation of a new Council of Ministers. "It is unfortunate that the Outgoing Minister uses his position as Minister and not once, but three or four times goes live on National Television and Radio to espouse purely political messages without anyone even batting an eye. Do I constantly want to be rehashing these things? Of course not, but without there being some voice of reason we will be continuously involved in an ongoing polemic. Government is moving forward on essential items"

"Yes I wrote to the Governor and we had subsequent correspondences during which my position regarding the dissolution of Parliament had not changed. The letter from the Governor could not and did not change that, so the 'Smoking Gun Letter' as we have come to know it, is exactly that; smoke. That the caretaker Ministers refuse to attend Council of Ministers Meetings because I maintained the position I took from day one is something that they will have to live with and makes it more pressing that we get out of this period as quickly as possible. And that is the instruction that I have received from the Governor.

"I guess until then everything that I write to the Caretaker Ministers will remain on the online blogs, social media sites, radio shows, what have you," lamented the PM.

The Prime Minister confirmed that she has started the process of forming the new Government, including that of vetting the new candidate Ministers, "I have been asked by the Governor to form the next Government and I have started the next process which includes the vetting of the candidate Ministers. I have been asked to report to the Governor no later than June 7th and it is my intention to have the process completed before that time. The Governor has also stated specifically in one of his directives that speedy completion of the process be done in order to give completion to the process needed to establish the 2013 Budget for 2013, and to initiate measures aimed at stabilizing the political process, that is what the Governor is expecting as a priority of the next Cabinet.

"In the meantime I want to move things away from the downward spiral we have been in even if it means biting my lip. How can we ask our people to at least be decent to one another even behind the anonymity of social media or on radio. We need to set the right example and not instigate matter further," emphasized the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams appeared on the daily radio talk show Viewpoint with Lloyd Richardson on Wednesday afternoon.

The Prime Minister started out by emphasizing that the current debate on matters that effect the citizens of St. Maarten is healthy and that she is indeed pleased that persons are starting to discuss matters regarding the Constitution. "I believe that the current debate is healthy and necessary, however as politicians we need to make sure that we keep to a certain standard, simply because we have a leadership role to play in the community and are examples to persons out there.

The Prime Minister by explaining the various roles and responsibilities of the individual Ministers as it pertains to the ongoing political developments during the program. "Based on the Rules of Order outlined in the Constitution, the Prime Minister has a certain responsibility just as every Minister has their own responsibilities. My responsibilities are centered on the upholding of the democratic state etc. No one can act in within the responsibility of the Minister of General Affairs except the Minister of General Affairs, in this case the Prime Minister. And similarly I cannot decide on matters related to the responsibilities of the other Ministers that fall within their portfolio."

"Hide a letter? I realized that after I heard what was being put on the blogs it took a complete different turn; accusing me of fraud etc. As politicians we need to raise the bar.

"I must also add that I am not going to put the Office of the Governor in this kind of polemic. Again if we don't raise the bar we cannot expect the members of the community to reach out higher. Debate is fine but let us remain civil. I do not care if people make comments in favor of me or against me. But we need to show a difference. I know what my responsibilities as the Prime Minister are. Not everyone is pleased by my actions but let us keep it on a level," stated the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister also took the time to also answer questions, some of them quite tough, regarding not only the issues of the past few weeks but also regarding electoral reform and additional constitutional matters.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Common Court of Justice overturns judge of instruction's decision to release suspects

Philipsburg:--- On Wednesday, the Common Court of Justice ruled on the appeal of the Public Prosecutor against the April 18th, 2013 decision of the judge of instruction in which he ordered the immediate release of both suspects in the Middle Region stabbing incident in which Kimberly Illidge was killed.
The Common Court did, as it says in the decision, what the judge of instruction should have done, namely "order for the further pretrial detention" (gevangenhouding) of the 17 year old female suspect S.A.B. This means that the suspect has to return in pretrial detention.
The judge of instruction had released both suspects, based on his conclusion that the imposed day program for minors in the temporary youth facility in the Philipsburg Police station had not been strictly met. He therefore lifted the pretrial detention order and ordered for the immediate release of both suspects.
The Public Prosecutor immediately appealed that decision first leading to a decision in the case against 17 year old suspect E.J.J. by the Common Court of Justice on May 8th, 2013, overturning the judge of instruction's decision and subsequently on Wednesday in the case against S.A.B., overturning that same decision with the same result: the suspect has to go back to jail.
The Common Court of Justice ruled that, taken all circumstances into account, the current detention situation of minors is not to be considered in violation of the Sint Maarten Constitution nor the UN Convention on the rights of the child.
On Wednesday afternoon the suspect came to the Police station voluntarily and was put back in detention.
The first hearing in this case is scheduled for July 3rd, 2013.

Press Release from the Prosecutor's Office

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Prevention Services (CPS) that falls under the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, on Tuesday alerted local family physicians to look out for symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) after several cases were diagnosed in Anguilla.

Ministry of Public Health officials have been in contact with their Anguilla colleagues with respect to gathering information about HFDM.

HFMD is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children who are 10-years of age or younger. It can sometimes occur in adults. There is no vaccine to protect against the viruses that cause hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Symptoms of HFMD include cold-like conditions, fever, mouth sores, loss of appetite, cough, and a skin rash; a non-itchy red rah that develops on the hand and the feet, and sometimes the rash can develop into painful blisters; painful mouth ulcers.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is spread from person to person through nose and throat secretions (such as saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus), blister fluid, or stool of infected persons.

If your child or you have any of these symptoms, according to the Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever's 'Get Checked' campaign, visit your family physician.

To lower your risk of being infected with hand, foot and mouth disease, wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after changing diapers and using the toilet; disinfecting dirty surfaces and soiled items, including toys. First wash the items with soap and water, and then disinfect them with a solution of chlorine bleach; and avoiding close contact such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups with infected persons.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is not the same as foot and mouth disease, which affects cattle, sheep and pigs. The two infections are unrelated, and you cannot catch hand, foot and mouth disease from animals.

For further information you can call 542-2078 or 542-3003.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication (EVT) produces on a quarterly basis the MacroMonitor, which is a publication that gives an overview of the macro-economic developments of the country.

The MacroMonitor is now available on the Government website:; go to tab "Government," scroll down to "Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications" link, go to "Department of Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications" and select the link "Economic Reports" and then select "MacroMonitor Year End 2012 Report" for download.

For 2013 economic growth is expected, but at a slower pace than in 2012. This assumption is based on a flat export growth for 2013, while imports are increasing. The current account as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to further deteriorate. However, the season is still young, thus the External sector can pick up. The Department of EVT will continue to monitor the developments of the various sectors and update the estimates during 2013 on a quarterly basis.

This 2012 year-end report highlights the development of the main key sectors of Sint Maarten's economy and the policies and projections of the various target markets of the international sector. Sectors include; International, External, Fiscal and the Monetary sector.

At production time of the 2012 year end MacroMonitor report, data on some indicators for the last quarter of 2012 were still unavailable. These included the banking totals and balance of payment figures.

Therefore, the figures presented in the report could slightly change based on realized figures. These indicators will give the possible trends for 2013.

A brief overview of the findings for 2012 includes; GDP growth projected at approximately four per cent. This growth is fueled by the exceptional performance in the External sector, namely; cruise arrivals with six per cent increase, stay-over with eight per cent increase and occupancy rate (of both timeshare and hotels combined), increasing by six per cent, when compared to 2011.

From the Fiscal sector, both revenues and expenditures increased five per cent and 18% respectively, when compared to 2011. With the proportion increase in expenditures more than revenues, this can have adverse effects on the deficit. However, the increase in expenditures through Government consumption, investment in infrastructure and wages, also contributed to the economic growth for 2012. In small economies increase in Government expenditures serves as an engine towards economic growth and at the same time lead to a decrease in foreign reserve stock.

In the Monetary sector, inflation was reduced to four per cent, down 0.6 per cent when compared to 2011. Major contributing factors were the easing inflation recorded in the expenditure categories of Housing and Transport and Communication, both locally and globally.

Analysis of the International sector presents a bright outlook for 2013. The selected economies of the various regions show signs of growth and recovery. Therefore, assuming that the spending power of these regions increase with the projected growth, there lies an opportunity for Sint Maarten to capitalize on attracting more tourist to the Island. This however, will depend on efficient marketing strategies by the Sint Maarten Tourism Bureau.

corneliusdeweever03102012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Youth Health Care, a section of the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a Department at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, is reminding parents and guardians to attend the community outreach vaccination session and lecture on Wednesday, May 29 in St. Peters.

The outreach and lecture on family planning is being held at the Rupert I. Maynard Youth Community Center in St. Peters from 5:00pm to 7:30pm.

Parents with children age 0 thru 17 years are invited. Children in (pre) exam class are advised to check their vaccination status. Please bring along your child's vaccination record/card. All others seeking information on vaccination and family planning, come out on May 29.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever 'Get Checked' campaign is in line with the efforts of CPS and therefore Minister De Weever is appealing to guardians and parents to get their children checked to see if they are up to date with their vaccinations, and this can be done on Wednesday.

The theme for the vaccination campaign this year is "A Shared Responsibility."

The objectives of the campaign are to stimulate parents to have their child(ren) vaccinated; to bring about awareness as it relates to vaccinations and to encourage parents and the community at large to take responsibility by ensuring updated vaccination records for the children in their care.

In addition the campaign aims to provide the public with general vaccination information; to encourage others such as, health care workers, pregnant women and pre-and exam class students to update their vaccination status. To encourage risk groups such as health care providers, waste/garbage handlers, the Police, hotel and restaurant workers, and others to verify and update their vaccination status, particularly Hepatitis B and Tetanus.

Vaccines protect against vaccine preventable and against certain life-threatening diseases.

Minister De Weever is also appealing to the various risk groups and health care providers to get checked to see if they are up to date with their vaccinations especially those identified by CPS, by visiting the community outreach session on Wednesday in St. Peters.

For further information you can call YHC at 542-2078 or 542-3003.

idoltuesdayswinnerstephenjosephreceiveschequefromtelem28052013Pond Island:--- Congratulations to the 2013 Idol Tuesdays contest winner, Stephen Joseph.
Stephen's dulcet tones, and powerful renditions caught the attention – but most of all the ear - of the Idol Tuesdays judges during the Grand Finals of the contest at the Hard Rock Café, on the Boardwalk, Saturday.
According to the judges, Stephen's performance was "consistent throughout the entire show."
"He had great vocals, a wonderful stage personality and he was an original performer all round," said one judge after the winner was named.
All contestants on the night had to perform three categories: Judge's song, John Legend song and their own ballad.
Also named on the night was "Most Popular" contestant, Rosalina Fiacques, as voted for by TelCell customers via the mobile provider's SMS service. Ms. Fiacques was presented with a Samsung Galaxy Note tablet with data service as a winning prize provided by TelCell. .
"It was a fun night for all the contestants and their supporters who turned out to cheer them on," said TelEm Group Marketing Representative Ms. Marelva Felix-Jones.
Marelva thanked Grisha Marten of Montage NV, coordinator of Idol Tuesdays for all the effort put into the preliminary rounds of the competition and also for making the Final's night a very special one for everyone.
"We are very happy to be associated with an event such as this that spotlights the wealth of talent amongst our youth," said the Marketing Representative.
As well as the $3,000 cash prize, courtesy of TelEm Group, the Idol Tuesdays winner also took home an all-expense paid trip for two, courtesy of Hard Rock Café, St. Maarten to see the Hard Rock Calling concert in London, England in June. The winner has also won tickets for two to see the Hennessy Artistry show on St. Maarten in August, featuring John Legend and Percy Sledge.
The top five contestants have also been presented with Samsung Galaxy smartphones, courtesy of mobile provider TelCell; bottles of Hennessy, courtesy of Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco and Gift Bags, courtesy of Hard Rock Café, St. Maarten.

Telem Press Release

sxmnfmeetingondutchcaribbeanbiodiversitydatabase28052013The St. Maarten Nature Foundation in collaboration with the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance held an informative meeting on the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database with Dutch Nature Database Scientists Stephan Hennekens and Peter Verweij of the Alterra Institute of Wageningen University. A presentation was given to various private conservation practitioners, Non-Governmental Organizations and representatives from the St. Maarten Government Department of Statistics and the VROMI Ministry on how the Nature Foundation and Man of War Shoal Marine Protected Area, other conservation organizations and practitioners in the Windward islands can fine-tune and upload their information regarding the environment into the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database. The goal of the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database is to guarantee the long-term availability of information resources, maps, research and monitoring data for everyone involved in nature conservation in the Dutch Caribbean and thereby to support nature management and assist in the fulfillment of international reporting obligations.

On St. Maarten the team worked with the Nature Foundation on data sets which included monitoring data on sea turtles, Brown Pelicans, lionfish, sharks, coral reefs, water quality and marine mammals. Volunteer data collectors and government employees from the Departments of Statistics and Infrastructure and Environment enthusiastically joined the discussions.

The team is now on Saba where the focus is on monitoring data for the Red-billed Tropic birds, fisheries and marine mammals as well as archiving a wealth of information from the Saba Conservation Foundation archives. The team heads to St. Eustatius on Tuesday where the focus will again be on monitoring data for marine mammals, Red-billed tropic birds, sea turtles and lionfish, as well as Statia's data sets on butterflies, terrestrial birds, conch, and lobster.

uscgsprucesupaceschool28052013Cadets and officer candidates from the United States Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle spent their time in St. Maarten productively on Saturday when they came out in full force to help spruce up the recently acquired Tzu Chi Foundation building, which will be occupied by the All Children's Education (ACE) Foundation school as of the new academic year.

The volunteer activity was coordinated by Jack Stevens of the Navy League with assistance from the Harbour Group of Companies. A group of about 50 cadets and officer candidates from the Eagle helped to paint the interior and exterior of the building, clean the yard; remove debris and fix the fence among other voluntary work.

They worked arduously and enthusiastically and were very happy to have been able to do something positive while in St. Maarten.

Their assistance has helped Tzu Chi Foundation make strides in its efforts to get the property ready to be occupied by ACE students at the start of the upcoming academic year. Foundation volunteers usually visit the property on weekends and work alongside professionals to help get the building ready.

The Foundation has also received assistance from a number of other businesses and individuals in the community such as the Sonesta Maho Group of Companies.

A lot of work still needs to be done and many more items are still needed, but the foundation is working arduously on this education mission in its efforts to do its part to help mold young minds in a positive, clean and comfortable setting.

The US Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle for its 2013 sailing schedule is traveling to the Caribbean, along the Eastern Seaboard, and to Canada with cadets and officer candidates, teaching them practical seamanship skills while indoctrinating them in the Coast Guard's floating leadership laboratory.

The Eagle was built at the Blohm + Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, Germany in 1936, and commissioned as Horst Wessel. The Eagle became one of three sail-training ships operated by the pre-World War II German Navy.

Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung said the Foundation is extremely grateful for all those who are supporting this initiative in whatever way they can. She also thanked Jack Stevens and the cadets and officer candidates from the Eagle who were kind enough to spend their spare time in the interest of education.

uscgrepaintsbuildingforschool28052013Philipsburg:--- Members of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle assisted in renovating a building set to become a school for undocumented children located in Philipsburg, Saturday, May 25, 2013.
In coordination with the St. Maarten Chapter of the United States Navy League, more than 40 Coast Guard Cutter Eagle crew members and Coast Guard Academy cadets helped with painting, repair and cleaning for a planned school building and property located on the corner of L.B. Scott Road and Red Rose Road in Philipsburg.
Eagle, conducting its cadet summer training deployment, arrived in Philipsburg Friday for a port call lasting through the weekend.
"It was an honor to have the opportunity to participate in this event. I'd like to thank the people of St. Maarten for their warm hospitality and for sharing their beautiful island with us," said Captain Wes Pulver, Commanding Officer of Eagle. At 295 feet in length, the Eagle is the largest tall ship flying the stars and stripes and the only active square-rigger in U.S. government service.
Eagle has served as a classroom at sea to future Coast Guard officers since 1946, offering an at-sea leadership and professional development experience. Currently, there are 145 cadets from the Coast Guard Academy embarked. The summer deployment spans 11-weeks, stopping at nine port calls in five countries, with four different groups of cadets training onboard.

To follow the Eagle's summer cruise, visit the ship's Facebook page at:

daeaircrafts28052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Regardless of Venezuela 's unilateral sanctions to the Curaçao airline, the airline will continue with its expansion plans to Manaus, Bogota, Cartagena, Punta Cana and other gate ways in United States.

"Venezuela is an important market and due to the commercial aviation crisis in that country, where 64% of the Venezuelan fleet is grounded due to lack of maintenance and spare parts and with the oldest fleet in South America, it can't serve the demand of passengers forcing travelers, wanting to travel abroad, to seek other countries to get to their destinations, specially to the united state who's TSA (transportation security agency) has declared a status quo for all Venezuelan airports so no new entrant airlines can serve those airports with flights to and from USA," Ramiz assert. "So airlines in Curaçao, Bogota, Panama and Aruba feed from this deficiency in the air service of Venezuela and becomes an important part of any airline market. The problem arises when these international airlines need to repatriate their sales income in Venezuela. Some airlines find themselves waiting about 6 to 8 months and the business becomes less lucrative. So while we will continue serving Venezuelan cities of Caracas, Valencia and return soon to Maracaibo, we will not expand seat capacity or gateways to that country.

"DAE made its decision last year to grow away from Venezuela and expand its business to more stable countries like USA, where the other local airline is unable to grow and where Curacao has become very well known, and Colombia where we are requesting authorities to operate to Medellin, Cali, Bucaramanga (where we will link with Easy fly to serve other cities via code-sharing) and Cucuta," Ramiz explained.

"DAE will grow its participation of the USA tourist market eager to come to Curaçao and to neighboring islands. Our efforts have been concentrated in the USA passenger market for the past year through our Miami sales office where DAE has hired experience ex AA executives and sales and marketing staff. The Dutch Caribbean has a great potential to grow and DAE is the only airline in Curaçao able to benefit from this growth and we will expand our operation in USA both in frequency of flights and gateways in these lucrative and hard currency market. We added 3 MD-83 to DAE fleet to operate to and from USA. Additional aircrafts are readily available from our sister company Falcon, if we need to expand to other gateways or add additional flights or as back up if the need should arise," Ramiz informed.

"Our fleet for the rest of the summer will remain with 9 aircrafts, the 3 MD-83, 3 ATR 42/72 and the 3 Fokker- 100 and we will continue our project for the A-319 for DAE and the A-320 Falcon/DAE for next year. The employees, its lessors, banks and investors remain fully committed to DAE and to Curaçao.

While others have made this incident with Venezuela a circus by talking about what they have no clue and spreading unfounded rumors, We at DAE are united, committed, focused and busy working even harder with our minds towards a sustainable future," Ramiz concluded.

scalesofjustice28052013Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams refused to comply with request submitted by Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin which is to place an additional agenda point on the meeting scheduled for Tuesday May 28th which would have allowed the majority in the Council of Ministers to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. In a letter Prime Minister Wescot Williams addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin she stated that she already gave her reasons why she will not comply with their request. Wescot Williams said her position has been strengthened because the entire Wescot Williams II cabinet has submitted their resignation.

The political crisis took a new twist late last week when Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin and the other Ministers found out that the Governor of St. Maarten sent a letter to the Prime Minister on May 16th, 2013 informing her that the Council of Ministers has a right to exercise article 59 of the constitution and that she should give the majority in the Council of Ministers space to exercise their right based on the country's constitution. SMN News published the letter Governor Eugene Holiday sent to the Prime Minister on Sunday in its entirety.

On Monday Marlin told reporters at a national press conference that even though the Prime Minister received the letter dated May 16th, 2013, up to May 24th, 2013 the Council of Ministers and the secretariat had no knowledge of the Governor's letter because the Prime Minister hid the letter from the Council of Ministers. Marlin made clear that such a document was supposed to be booked in at the secretariat as an incoming document but the Prime Minister did not book the letter in. Marlin said that when he consulted with the Secretariat (Cassandra Janssen) to retrieve a copy of the letter he was informed that the secretariat had not seen such a letter. Marlin said the Prime Minister's actions have amounted to fraud and that she discredited her office as Prime Minister solely for political power. Marlin said what the Prime Minister did was not slick or a laughing matter because she violated the trust of her office and moreover committed a shameful and disgraceful act.

It should be noted that while the Governor of St. Maarten issued an advice and admonished the Prime Minister in his letter of May 16th, 2013, he should have sent the letter to the Deputy Prime Minister since he was fully aware that the Prime Minister and the other Ministers were at loggerheads for weeks concerning the dissolution of Parliament. Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin even sent an LB to the Governor on behalf of the majority in the Council of Ministers because the Prime Minister refused to allow them to exercise their constitutional and democratic rights in the Council of Ministers. But the Governor said he could not honor Marlin's request and he sent it back so that it could be handled in the Council of Ministers. Several persons cast some of the blame on the Governor saying that he is charged with ensuring that the process and the will of the people are respected.

Another concern several legal experts have raised is that while the Governor advised the Prime Minister on the country's constitution and made reference to the rights of the Council of Ministers based on article 59 of the constitution, the Governor himself erred in the procedure because the current political process has several steps which must be followed. An Attorney that is certified in constitutional law broke down the steps that have to be followed for SMN News.

  • The Parliament of St. Maarten expressed that the Wescot Williams II Cabinet no longer enjoys their support.
  • The right for the Council of Ministers to vote based on article 59, which to date has not taken place because the Prime Minister refused to respect the wishes of the majority and heed the advice given to her by the Governor of St. Maarten.
  • Formation of a new cabinet.

The attorney said that while step one has taken place, the Governor skipped step two even though he advised the Prime Minister correctly and he then jumped to step three which is to appoint Wescot Williams as formateur to form a new cabinet. "This is the one sided and biased to say the least, right now I am wondering what was done for the Governor to take sides in this political crisis. The Governor has to remain impartial but it appears as though he too is taking sides with those that have been disrespecting the country's constitution, its people, and the majority in the Council of Ministers."

"As the governor pointed out in his by now famous letter of May 16th, not allowing the majority in the Council of Ministers to vote on the matter of dissolving Parliament "does not do justice to our constitutional process."

In this crisis the steps to be followed are clearly outlined in our constitution.

  1. Parliament invokes a vote of no confidence according to article 33 of the constitution.
  2. Government has the right to respond according to article 59 by dissolving Parliament The governor points this out in his letter, as the "autonomous constitutional right of government".
  3. The formation of an new cabinet or interim cabinet follows.

"As the government was not given the chance to respond to the vote of no confidence because of obstruction by the Prime Minister, the governor cannot skip this step and go to step #3. By doing so he himself would be violating the constitutional process. He therefore should not appoint a "formateur", but wait until such a time that he has a clear indication from government whether they will dissolve Parliament or not. The fact that the ministers have resigned does not change this fact. The normal procedure is that they resign and dissolve Parliament at the same time. This was what Schotte did in Curacao. The only reason, why the Council of Ministers on St. Maarten did not get to pass the resolution to dissolve Parliament as we all know by now, is because the Prime Minister keeps blocking the vote.

The governor should by all means stay out of this fray. It is not his position to become involved. The Governor should now stand his ground and refuse to go on to step three until step two has been followed. He has sworn to keep and maintain the constitution. Skipping step two can be seen as acting contrary to the constitution. The question then arises, how long should he wait? As long as it takes to allow government to exercise its autonomous constitutional right. In the meantime, he would be well advised to stop the formation process until such a time as the Council of Ministers is allowed to vote according to article 59 of the constitution.

Failure to follow these steps might result in the formation of a government that rests on a flawed constitutional process. Such a government would lack legitimacy and the authority needed to carry out its tasks."

The attorney said based on these developments the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the National Alliance who has the majority in the Council of Ministers can now protest against the actions of the Governor by sending the Governor a written letter to stop the formation process until step two is completed. "Marlin can use the letter the Governor wrote to the Prime Minister which confirmed what he "Marlin" was saying from day one and stop the procedure to form a new government. Another option the Governor could take is to call for early elections based on the current impasse and have a professional cabinet installed until elections are called."

SMN News learnt from well placed sources that this is an option the majority of Ministers are looking at while they will also inform their Kingdom partners not to recognize the government that is now being formed because the constitutional process was not followed.

Click here to view the letter Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams sent to Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin.

ssmmeetswithichsi27052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The board of the Soualiga Social Movement met with the founder of ICSHI, Mr. Roel Haakmat to discuss how the two foundations can work together on some projects. The Institute for Community Health and Social Issues (ICHSI) is a newly formed foundation who encourages awareness on Community Health, Education, Political issues, Cultural issues, Environmental Issues, Innovation, National Security and Youth Matters.
Both foundations sat at the table to discuss how the SSM could assist the ICSHI with its first project called 'de Klussenbus'. The Klussenbus project aims at equipping young unemployed, challenged adults with the necessary tools to provide handyman and domestic services to the community. These young adults will be taught by a coach while the team will be given the necessary tools and a van to execute their tasks. Services such as cleaning, painting, design and construction of gardens, yard work and general maintenance will be provided to the community at a very reasonable price. The ICHSI would also like to take the initiative and develop a special micro credit fund and the creation of a knowledge center. The funds should support young talented entrepreneurs in setting up their own businesses while the knowledge center seeks to encourage and motivate young adults to be innovative when coming up with new ideas to start businesses that can be self-sufficient, encouraging our young adults to play an integral part in developing our young country.
Board members of the SSM will be assisting ICSHI with financial planning, event planning and marketing while getting other organizations involved in this project.

swescotwilliamsatmassinmarigot27052013Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined a specially organized Roman Catholic Church Service at the Catholic Church in Marigot focused on offering prayers for St. Maarten during the turbulent times both sides of the island are experiencing. The special mass included President of the Collectivite Mrs. Aline Hanson, Senator Louis Constant Fleming as well as various other dignitaries who joined in offering prayers in this turbulent time. Father Samson stated in his sermon that authorities of both sides of the island needed to not only pray but also have prayers done on their behalf for strength and guidance during turbulent political and social times. "We are one island under God and we must pray for guidance for our leaders so that they may be able to help us out of these trying times, whether it is trying political times or with regards to the crime that is plaguing our island," stated father Hanson. Last week Wednesday the PM also attended a specially held meeting with Political Leaders organized by the St. Maarten United Ministerial Foundation where she gave an explanation to various pastors on he way forward with the island.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever is commending the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) for their three day safety and health training this week.
"The initiative taken by SHTA for getting businesses involved with Occupational Safety and Health and the importance of prevention as well as reporting on the job accidents to the Inspectorate, the SZV in order for the labor policy department to report to ILO amongst other things must be commended," said Minister De Weever.
Convention 187 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to which the Kingdom is a signatory to states that "A national preventative safety and health culture refers to a culture in which the right to a safe and healthy working environment is respected at all levels, where government, employers and workers actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties, and where the principle of prevention is accorded the highest priority."
This tripartite setting is ideal for all parties to contribute to solving the unreported or under-reported cases of on the job accidents and to propose a one stop reporting which could begin at the SMMC and ultimately end at ILO. Secondly, use this opportunity to encourage employers and workers representatives to implement an HIV/AIDS workplace policy as well. These are the two challenges that I have assigned the stakeholders and I am looking forward to their solutions.

george21082009Philipsburg:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that the wishes of the people of this country St. Maarten must be respected. There is a signature drive that is ongoing and reports are that some have already been sent to Parliament and then on to The Governor. The total amount is said to be some 3000 and these are signatures from eligible voters. The recent political developments have created division frustration dismay and confusion among the people on St. Maarten and those living overseas. Many of eligible voters are crying out for early elections and have stated that under no circumstances will they agree to another government being formed without their input. The old saying three strikes and you are out should be applied here. The people want to and deserve the right to have their say as to who they want their representatives to be. This the reason why they are making use of their rights in accordance with article 24 of the Constitution of St. Maarten to petition Parliament to be dissolved and to make way for early elections. I have said on more than one occasion that mass is power. We the politicians should not stand in the way of the people whom we claim to represent. We need politicians who are not double minded. Because a double minded person is unstable in all his ways. No country can afford individuals who are fickle, unstable and tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine but ones who are focus and committed to the people. What we have at this present moment is, 8 members of Parliament of the DP/UP and independents Leroy de Weever and Roy Marlin overruling some 3000 eligible persons. I am sure that after the final tally of signatures we will bypass the previously mentioned amount. I see this as a sort of a referendum. If this turns out to be the case, will the majority of 8 still press ahead with the appointing of new Ministers and go back to the way it was after the August 2010 elections where the party with the most amount of votes and seats were left out of the coalition, or give the people the opportunity to once again choose their representatives? Article 21(3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states and I quote: "the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures" end of quote. Let me emphasize on the first line of the Article "the will of the people shall be basis of the authority of government". In other words the foundation for the government has to be determined by the will of the people. This is definitely not the case with the group of 8. We must do what the people want.

The outgoing president of the Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club TM Linette Gibs, was elated to accompany five of her members, namely Alexandra den Ouden, Denise Vijber, Reginald (Rick) Martina, Cylred Richardson, and Leona Romeo Marlin to the Guyana 2013 conference, held from May 17th to May 19th. These civil servants attended workshops that will benefit the organization;
Workshops such as:

  1. Parliamentary Procedures: Is it Necessary
  2. Customer Service; The Lifeblood of an organization
  3. Rough Stone to Glittering Gem - Polishing Your Words
  4. Keys to Motivational Speaking
  5. Principles of Leadership
  6. Say it Like you mean it: Presenting your best self

Workshops like the aforementioned build on one's leadership and communication skills, vital elements that can be passed on to the civil core.
TM Linette Gibs was proud to have two of her members participate in the conference, Denise Vijber as a contestant in the Table Topics Contest. She represented the club and the island well. Leona Romeo Marlin, was a judge for both the Table Topics and the International Speech competitions.
The delegation of Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club gained profound new knowledge that will be passed on to the new elected board members, the rest of the membership and the government organization.

williammarlin27052013Philipsburg:--- Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the National Alliance William Marlin told reporters on Monday afternoon at a national press conference that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams committed fraud when she hid a letter that was sent by the Governor of St. Maarten informing her that she has to respect the wishes of the majority in the Council of Ministers. Marlin said he did not decide on a way forward as how he and the other members of the Council of Ministers would handle the matter. He said right now the ball is in Governor's court as well as those in the Kingdom Council of Ministers. Marlin further explained that had he or the other Ministers known that the Governor of St. Maarten sent a letter to the Prime Minister which was also carbon copied to the Council of Ministers they would have held on and not turn in their resignation last week. Marlin said each time he tried to get the Prime Minister to do the honorable thing by honoring the decision taken by five members of the Council of Ministers on May 7th, 2013 and the Prime Minister did not comply he informed the Governor. Marlin said when he realized that the Governor was not taking a strong enough stand he decided to end the political crisis because the chairman of Parliament could not have continued stalling the meeting of Parliament that was called to discuss the political situation neither could he allow the polarization in the community to continue.

Marlin further explained that he informed the Governor of St. Maarten drs. Eugene Holiday that he wanted three things to take place knowing what has happened during the past year, and that was to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for early elections, dismiss the Council of Ministers, and to install a cabinet that would take care of the country's business pending the new elections. Marlin said the Governor did not even have to dismiss the Wescot Williams II Cabinet because the five Ministers were willing to submit their resignations pending early elections. Marlin also clarified to reporters on Monday afternoon that he did not commit any crime as alleged by the Prime Minister. He said when he sent his letter and LB to the Governor he did not impersonate the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers. He said he sent the LB and letter informing the Governor that since the Prime Minister is refusing to deal with the matter in the Council of Ministers he had no choice but to submit the document to him.

Marlin also indicated that he submitted another request on Monday to see if the Prime Minister would honor the letter sent to her by the Governor of St. Maarten which is to respect the wishes of the majority in the Council of Ministers according to article 59 of the country's constitution.

The leader of the National Alliance said that the Prime Minister tarnished the image of her office, her actions were despicable and shameful, yet the Governor of St. Maarten rewarded her by nominating her formateur to form a new government. Marlin said that what the Prime Minister did is unacceptable and he wants to make clear that even though the letter is carbon copied to the members of the Council of Ministers that document is an incoming document and it had to be booked into the administration, which was not done up to Friday May 24th, 2013 when he checked with the secretariat.

Several members from the Council of Ministers believe that Marlin should now take a step further and file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office or even with the Kingdom Council because the Prime Minister committed an illegal act.

sarahwescotwilliams05052013To The People of St. Maarten,

It is unfortunate that some media outlets are being used to propagate a particular political agenda, but no, neither in this case is there a "smoking gun".

It is unfortunate how the office of the Governor is being discredited, by a letter from his hand to the Prime Minister being put in the public domain, against all ethical standards.

However allow me to clarify some indisputable facts:

By letter of May 16th, the Governor responds to the letter from the Prime Minister dated May 10th, regarding what transpired on May in the Council's meeting of May 7th. The letter of the Governor was received on Friday, May 17th. This letter was cc'd to the Council of Ministers by the Governor himself, as all letters to the Council of Ministers are!

By letter of May 17th, Minister Marlin requests AGAIN that the dissolution of Parliament be put on the agenda of the Council of Ministers of May 21st.

On that day, before we could get to the incoming documents, a standard agenda point where mention is made of all incoming documents, minister Marlin asks about his request. The Prime Minister presented the advices she received pertaining to this request. The advices became a topic of discussion. The Prime Minister mentioned receipt of a letter from the Governor, but that the contents in her opinion did not change the position she has taken.

By not having the dissolution of Parliament placed on the agenda, the four ministers abandoned the meeting of May 21st and the meeting was closed.

On Friday, May 24th, the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers approached the Prime Minister, indicating Minister Marlin requested a copy of the letter from the Governor. Prime Minister's subsequent response was it would be put as an incoming document on the agenda. That same day, Minister Marlin requested and got a copy from the cabinet of the Governor. By that same evening -it is alleged-, the letter was published online.

How could a formal letter, Cc'd to the Council of Ministers, be hidden? And why would it be? The position of the Prime Minister is and remains what she has always said it to be.

In fact, the letter in question was the counter balance to the letter sent by the Governor to the Deputy Prime Minister Marlin regarding his actions following the May 7th meeting. Was this one published?

Using this letter now, Minister Marlin again attempts to put the dissolution of Parliament on the agenda of the Council of Ministers. And what will the position of the Prime Minister be? The advices as received on May 12th and May 17th are still applicable, in fact these are strengthened by recent developments, which have made the current Cabinet of Ministers a caretaker one.

Follow Up Comments from the Prime Minister concerning caretaker Prime Minister Marlin.

"I am surely not being sarcastic when I state that I tip my hat off to DPM Marlin. That he could take a non-issue and turn it into a frenzy deserves that.

Let's us play along with Marlin's game for a moment.

"Eureka, I have discovered the sinister plot of the Prime Minister."

What is the plot, Minister Marlin?

I discovered on May 24th that there is a letter written by the Governor of St. Maarten on May 16th to the Prime Minister advising her that the right to dissolve Parliament is one granted to the Council of Ministers by the constitution.

But wait. The Prime Minister agrees with that. She herself has stated such.

Oh, but the letter of the Governor also states that in the Council of Ministers, the majority must be respected.

But the Prime Minister does not disagree with that either. She has also stated that, but also stated that it will be done on the basis of the rules of order and the Prime Minister's responsibility for such.

On May, 10th, the PM informed the Governor what had transpired in the council's meeting of May 7th. That is the letter the Governor responded to. The PM had copied her letter to the Council of Ministers by cc'ing the council.

When the Governor wrote back TO THE PRIME MINISTER on May 16th, he did the same thing, copied it to the Council of Ministers, by cc'ing the letter to the Council.

You can check that in his letter, which went viral.

On May 24th, Marlin said he had not seen the letter. He indirectly asked the PM to forward him a copy. The PM replied, " sure, I'll take my copy, blank out my comments which I wrote on MY LETTER and send him a copy."

Marlin, convinced he had found the "smoking gun", proceeded to ask the Governor for a copy of the letter, which he received, because after all, the letter was CC'D TO THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS

As a member of the Council, Marlin was entitled to a copy, right?

Marlin hardly had the letter in his hand before it went viral, in other words, it was on the net, not quoted, but the entire letter itself.

Marlin triumphantly informed the NA membership the following day: "I got her".

Wow, a master plot unveiled. "The Prime Minister hid a letter he had to get."

Wrong, Mr. Marlin.

My assessment? Marlin wants to read the contentious letter as instructions by the Governor to dissolve Parliament. Wrong, Mister Marlin. The Governor cannot instruct that.

Marlin is sorry that he tendered his resignation. Maybe he can use the letter to rescind the resignations? Wrong again, Mr. Marlin.

Sorry, but the Prime Minister refuses to play along with the childish games.

"Democracy will always prevail over trickery."

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Philipsburg:--- Members of Parliament Frans Richardson and Louie Laveist issued a call to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams to do the honorable thing and vacate her office since she abused the power given to her when she hid a letter the Governor sent to her basically informing her that she has to follow the constitution. The Members of Parliament made their feelings known on the radio program "View Point" on Monday. The letter that was sent to the Prime Minister by the governor clearly stated that she has to allow the majority in the Council of Ministers to use the rights given to them in article 59 of the country's constitution. That letter which was sent since May 16th, 2013 was hidden from the members of the Council of Ministers and the secretariat. SMN News published the letter and its translation on Sunday evening.

Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin said that the actions by the Prime Minister are shameful and disgraceful. Marlin said the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams stooped to the lowest level possible to remain in her seat as Prime Minister of St. Maarten. He said that what is taking place right now will not benefit the people of St. Maarten instead it will only benefit a handful of politicians, some of whom are under investigation. Marlin again stated that the Ministers that were appointed by the National Alliance have no interest in remaining in office but they have decided to call for early elections because of all that has surfaced during the past year involving elected representatives of the Parliament of St. Maarten.

Marlin also clarified that the Prime Minister accused him of committing a crime when he sent an LB on behalf of the majority in the Council of Ministers after they failed to get the Prime Minister to deal with their decision to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. Marlin made clear that if the Prime Minister feels that he committed a crime then she should not hesitate to file a complaint with the Prosecutor's office. Marlin said that the LB he sent to the Governor was not behalf of the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers but it was on behalf of the majority in the Council of Ministers. He said along with that LB he wrote a letter to the Governor explaining him that he had no choice but to take the decisions he took because the Prime Minister has refused to honor their request to deal with their decision taken on May 7th, 2013 to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten.

The leader of the National Alliance said the Prime Minister did not share the letter she received from the Governor neither did she give it to the secretariat even though the letter was carbon copied to the Council of Ministers. He said he was made aware of the letter last Thursday when he met with the Governor and was informed by the Governor that he reacted to the Prime Minister in writing and that letter was supposed to be given to the members of the Council of Ministers. Marlin said when he was informed of the letter he contacted the secretariat and he was told that they did not have it and when the secretariat consulted with the Prime Minister she said that letter will come up for handling on June 4th, 2013. Marlin said he submitted an urgent request to have the Prime Minister place their request on the agenda for Tuesday morning (May 28th, 2013). Marlin said he submitted a copy of the letter that was sent by the Governor with his request also the letter the Governor sent him informing him that he needed to take the LB he sent to him back to the Council of Ministers for handling.

Marlin further explained that while the current cabinet is a caretaker cabinet they still have the right to take a decision to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. Marlin further stated that there are a number of people that are bent on misleading the people of St. Maarten but his advice to the nation is to get their hands on a copy of the country's constitution and read it.

Member of Parliament Louie Laviest said on the radio program "View Point" that the actions of the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams are impeachable and she should do the honorable thing and vacate her office because she abused her power and the trust of her office. Laveist said that the National Alliance faction will call a meeting of Parliament to discuss this matter.

MP Frans Richardson who was the first guest on View Point said that MP Roy Marlin took several letters that were sent to the Prime Minister and he read it out in Parliament but somehow the MP forgot the most important letter that they now have in their hands.

Many persons from the community including those who are are commenting on SMN News have said they have lost total confidence in Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams and they believe that she should remove herself from public office because she cannot be trusted.

cptedcourseparticipants26052013Cole Bay:--- The Sint Maarten Police Force (KPSM) organized its second C.P.T.E.D. course for its members along with other partners within the community. The course which was held in the conference room of Carl and Sons in Orange Grove dured from Monday May 20th through Friday May 24th. Approximately 45 participants took part in this course. C.P.T.E.D. stands for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design and was given by Mr. Arthur S. Hushen who is the President of National Crime Institute of Crime Prevention Inc. This course is primarily to educate all members of society how to better protect themselves against crime by applying the C.P.T.E.D concept.
Sint Maarten is the first country in the Caribbean to have so many persons follow this course. The island of Barbados thus far has four (4) persons that have followed this course. So far Sint Maarten has over 80 persons that have followed this course. Sint Maarten also made it possible for persons from our sister islands of Anguilla and the BES island to follow this course. In doing this the Sint Maarten Police Force and its partners have reached another mile stone and intends to continue expanding on the knowledge it has acquired.
In the coming months the Sint Maarten Police Force will have its Community Police Officers follow advanced C.P.T.E.D. courses and this will make the Sint Maarten Police Force eligible for an international nomination.
At the end of the course all participants received a certificate of participation as a C.P.T.E.D specialist.

KPSM Press Release

marijuanaplants26052013Middle Region:--- On Saturday May 25th, 2013 at approximately 9:00am, police assisted by members of the V.K.S, conducted a sting operation in hills of Margaret Bruce's Drive in Middle Region to locate a major drug operation and arrest those responsible for that operation. When police arrived in the area many persons most of whom were possibly "undocumented" took off running in different directions leaving their homes open. A search of the area lead the investigating officers to several marijuana plantations and numerous potted marijuana plants. Many full grown marijuana plants were put out to dry and prepared for distribution. Over two hundred marijuana plants along with many other items used to operate this type of business were confiscated.
During the search of the area, a brewery of what is called "Weed wine" was located. This wine or substance is produced with use of marijuana (cannabis) and sold for consumption to the public. The police department strongly warns the entire community, that the production of this so called "wine" is not only illegal but it can be very hazardous to ones health, especially to youngsters. The Forensic Department has been called in to investigate what is used to produce this so called "Weed wine".
Several persons who reside illegally on the island were brought in and turned over to the Immigration and Naturalization Department. No suspects have been arrested in this case thus far as the investigation continues.
The Police Department wants to thank all partners in the community who assisted them with information for carrying out this operation. The Police Department also wants to encourage the entire community to form a partnership with them and provide information that will help with this or any other investigation.

KPSM Police Report

POINT BLANCHE:--- The visit of the U.S. Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle's visit has been considered a huge success. The open house attracted many visitors on Saturday despite the overcast conditions on that day. There was a lot of interests and enthusiasm for the tall ship.

The liberty visit of the Eagle has resulted in an economic spinoff for the country. Several groups of family members were on the pier when the vessel arrived at the port on Friday. The family members came down from the U.S. to spend the Memorial Day weekend with their family members who are on the training vessel. This resulted in them renting hotel rooms, renting cars and enjoying the shopping and dining experiences the country has to offer visitors.

The cadets on-board from speaking with port officials also said they had a wonderful experience. They were very pleased with the destination and very much enjoyed what the island has to offer visitors, and are looking forward to coming back someday.

Port management would like to thank all those who have contributed in one way or the other on making the visit of the U.S. CG Eagle a success. A thank you is also extended to the Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams for the kind words that she delivered at the reception.

The Chief Executive Officer Mark Mingo will continue to work closely with Jack Stevens from the President of the Caribbean and Latin American Region Navy League of the United States to further explore opportunities leading to additional liberty visits. Additional meetings will be held with strategic partners in order to make this happen.

The U.S. Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle for its 2013 sailing schedule is traveling to the Caribbean, along the Eastern Seaboard, and to Canada with cadets and officer candidates, teaching them practical seamanship skills while indoctrinating them in the Coast Guard's floating leadership laboratory.

The Eagle was built at the Blohm + Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, Germany in 1936, and commissioned as Horst Wessel. The Eagle became one of three sail-training ships operated by the pre-World War II German Navy.

At the close of the war, the ship was taken as a war reparation by the U.S., re-commissioned as the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle and sailed to New London, Connecticut, which has been its homeport ever since.

The hull of the Eagle is steel, four-tenths of an inch thick. There are two full-length steel decks with a platform deck below. Under full sail in the open ocean, the Eagle can reach speeds up to 17 knots.

The U.S. Coast Guard Eagle Tall Ship departs the Port of St. Maarten on Monday.

corneliusdeweever03102012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health is busy making preparations to observe World No Tobacco Day which is observed on May 31. The schedule will be released later this week.

The global theme is "Ban Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship." However, Sint Maarten has chosen the slogan of, "Be Smart, Don't Start. Want to Quit, Do it."

The aforementioned local slogan is in line with Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labour's Hon. Cornelius de Weever's "Get Checked" campaign where the emphasis is on prevention.

The Minister is of the opinion if you don't start smoking your health will be better than if you were a smoker, and therefore keeping you away from a host of diseases caused by smoking.

World No Tobacco Day is part of CPS calendar of observances. The aim is to promote health related issues and topics during a designated time of the year.

May 31 is observed around the world to highlight the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is seen as a global epidemic which kills six million people each year, of which more than 600,000 are non-smokers dying from breathing second hand smoke.

The WHO added that this epidemic will kill more than eight million people every year by 2030 if countries decide to do nothing.

WHO estimates that more than 80 per cent of these preventable deaths will be among people living in low and middle income countries.

Philipsburg:--- The Governor of St. Maarten drs. Eugene Holiday in response to a letter sent to him about the political crisis by the Prime Minister of St. Maarten pointed out various inadequacies to Prime Minister Wescot Williams in a letter dated May 16th, 2013. The letter was also carbon copied to the Council of Ministers but the Prime Minister hid the letter from the council and the secretariat.

The letter was hidden from the Council of Ministers even though five of the seven Ministers from the Council of Ministers submitted a counter proposal to the advice of the Prime Minister requesting that the Wescot Williams II Cabinet resign based on two letters that was sent to her stating that three MPs withdrew their support from the Wescot Williams II Cabinet. Governor Holiday informed the Prime Minister that she must abide by the rules of order that governs Parliament because unless Parliament pronounced a decision based on the rules then notes or letters sent by Members of Parliament are not decisions of Parliament. Governor Holiday also indicated to the Prime Minister that she stated in her letter to him that the situation in 2013 is the same as to what took place in 2012 when she submitted the resignation of the Wescot Williams I Cabinet. Governor Holiday in his letter said that the Members of the Wescot Williams II Cabinet did not give her the permission to submit their resignations. Furthermore, Governor Holiday in his letter said that the constitution of St. Maarten provides checks and balances and therefore he advised the Prime Minister to allow the majority in the Council of Ministers to exercise the right given to them in article 59 of the constitution which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten.

The Governor also denied the Prime Minister her request that he should meet the leaders of the various factions in order to determine if there was a majority to form the III cabinet.

SMN News managed to obtain a copy of the letter that was sent by Governor Holiday to Prime Minister Wescot Williams on May 16th, 2013 which was never submitted to the members of the Council of Ministers. Below is a verbatim translation of the Governor's letter while the official letter in the Dutch language is linked beneath this article.

SMN News further learnt that because the five Ministers were not aware of the actions taken by the Governor, they submitted their resignations because of the threats that many of them and their relatives received from persons supporting the eight Members of Parliament.

In connection with your letter of May 10, 2013 with respect to the political situation that has arisen in our country I inform you as follows:

In your letter you state that you are of the opinion that the present cabinet no longer enjoys the support of the majority in Parliament, and each individual minister is legally bound to tender their resignation. You support your letter based on the opinion that article 33 paragraph two of the Constitution of Sint Maarten, should oblige the cabinet to resign in connection with the present situation namely the letter of 3 MP's wherein they have withdrawn their support from the present cabinet, and the letter of eight MP's in which they declare that they are prepared to form a new cabinet. Article 33, paragraph two, as well as the explanatory notes envision the act of the individual minister concerned in connection with a clear pronouncement of Parliament as such. In this case, at the time of your writing, neither one , the individual act of a Minister, nor the other, a pronouncement by Parliament as such, was the case. In that regard it is important to recognize that there is an important difference between a pronouncement of Parliament as such and a letter from a number of MP's ( whether the majority or not). One can amongst others refer to stipulations in the Constitution and the Rules of Order of Parliament which regulate how Parliament goes about its tasks, such as, that meetings are public and the fact that, and the manner in which deliberations are held, and voting takes place. These stipulations must be closely followed and serve as a guideline in situations where parties cannot reach an agreement.

In your letter you refer along these lines to the procedure followed by you last year around this time with respect to the resignation of your then cabinet. I draw your attention to the following sentence fragment in the decision page of the Council of Ministers (MR070513) which states: " However, the same resignation procedure will be followed by the Prime Minister as was used last year". In this regard I, draw your attention to your letter of May 8, 2012 in which you tendered the resignation of your then cabinet. In that letter you expressly stated that each minister had separately decided to make his position available and that the Council of Ministers had authorized you to do so. In the present situation this is absolutely not the case.

From the above decision page it appears, and you also indicate so in your letter, that a request by five (5) ministers, a majority in the council of Ministers, to handle a proposal to dissolve Parliament by the council of Ministers, according to article 59 of the Constitution, has been deposited, which is being considered by you, the chairperson. At the same time you are of the opinion that the current situation does not justify dissolving Parliament. In this regard it is important to point out that the right to dissolve parliament by Country Decree is a constitutional and autonomous right of government. This right can be seen as the flip side of the no confidence rule.

In the framework of the above I will like to underline that for an adequate functioning of our democratic process it is necessary that space be given to the majority position in the Council of Ministers. Otherwise justice will not be done to the constitutional process.

You end your letter by requesting me to explore, by means of a round of talks with all fractions in Parliament, whether the present composition of Parliament offers the possibility to form a majority, as stated in the letter to the MP's. Taking into consideration the situation which has arisen in the past week I have not been able to follow this request.

Click here to view the letter that was sent to the Prime Minister on May 16th, 2013.

Has Concerns Regarding 2013 Budget: "The Budget is Government's Number One Priority".

Philipsburg:--- During her weekly radio program One on One, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams explained the way forward on various essential actions of Government after the political impasse of the last two weeks, including her concerns on the implementation of the 2013 Budget.

"When on May 6th the Majority in Parliament submitted a new proposal for working together, one of the first items arrived at was to come with an action plan for the essential items that need to be handled in the interest of the people; when they need to be handled and where the financing needs to come from in order to handle them," explained the Prime Minister.

"I think that at this juncture that is one of the main things that the people of St. Maarten need to know; what Government's stance is on the various issues facing the population and how we will tackle these issues? While we can write a one-year governing program I think that we need to take concrete actions so that people do not have to wait until they find out from the media to know what Government is doing. I think it is critical to be clear in terms of what are some of the things which we are going to do in the coming months," commented the PM

The Prime Minister emphasized during her weekly live call-in show that the 2013 Budget is the most critical issue facing the Government and people of St. Maarten. "The Budget is now Government's Number One Priority and it must be understood that this is very critical. Many persons feel that the Budget 2013, having been passed by Parliament, is now in place and that Government can now do its work on the basis of that. However, that is not the case; the Budget 2013 has indeed been passed by Parliament but now needs to go through the finalization procedure.

"The Budget has been balanced on the premise of certain new income sources. However the laws which need to be in place in order to make it possible to secure these income sources have not been provided for yet by the responsible entities and I am gravely concerned that the CFT will give a negative opinion on both the fact that we are already in the fifth month of the year and that those laws are not yet in place.

"I am now very concerned that so many organizations, foundations and individuals that rely on a passed Budget are now being brought into jeopardy. School boards and any other institutions receiving support from Government, the payment of salaries of our civil servants; these are all of these things are a part of our Budget 2013. That is why the matter of the transition of a new Government needs to happen as soon as possible; we cannot have a void which was exacerbated by the political impasse of the last few weeks continue, a void which has now brought the Budget into jeopardy," emphasized the Prime Minister.

The PM also explained that other priorities which are currently being worked on are the matter of the National Health Insurance, the changes in the National Tax System and the social development of St. Maarten. "Government needs to now make sure that we are able to reach the people and to ensure that there is a social net where people can go to with their various issues and receive the necessary support they need. Government needs to be more accessible in reaching the people and that will be our focus going forward," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

pjiaerepswithmvogesandpgeerlingsinholland26052013SIMPSON BAY:--- Following the recent high-powered Dutch trade mission to Brazil, and the subsequent announcement by Aruba of an upcoming air bridge between São Paulo and that island, the cabinet of St. Maarten's Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague has begun talks with Aruba to explore a joint effort that would target the Brazilian market.
This was disclosed by Minister Plenipotentiary, Mathias Voges, and the director of his cabinet, Perry Geerlings during discussions with the managing director of the Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, Regina LaBega when she paid a courtesy call on the St. Maarten House in The Hague, Friday. LaBega was accompanied by Corporate Communications Specialist, Kalifa Hickinson.
LaBega had indicated that Copa airlines was considering increasing its flights to St. Maarten to four times weekly once again. In expressing their satisfaction with this possibility, Voges and Geerlings noted that apart from the other parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Brazil market has a lot to offer St. Maarten also.
A São Paulo – Aruba – St. Maarten flight and vice versa would be a win-win situation for both Caribbean destinations, Geerlings said.
LaBega gave a brief synopsis of the recent air service maintenance and development forum hosted by SXM Airport, in which stakeholders discussed ways to maintain and increase existing airlift as well as desired markets they would like to jointly pursue.
She disclosed that a committee to be spearheaded by SXM Airport will soon be formed consisting of the stakeholders, including hub clients such as St. Martin, St. Barths, Anguilla, etc.
The committee will be made up of mainly decision-makers in the industry. Members will make monetary contributions to a joint fund based on traffic forecasts to the respective destinations. LaBega said SXM will continue to keep the minister's cabinet abreast of the committee's vision and direction, and Geerlings expressed interest in continuing the discussions on his next working visit to the island.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary public session of Parliament regarding the position of the chairman that was scheduled for May 27 has been cancelled by the Vice Chairman of Parliament Hon. Romain Laville.

The agenda point was handled in the plenary session on Friday, May 24.

The plenary public meeting was scheduled for Monday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

This meeting was requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. Petrus de Weever, Hon. Romaine Laville, Hon. Gracita Arrindell, Hon. Sylvia Meyers, Hon. Jules James, Hon. Janchie Leonard, Hon. Dr. Ruth Douglass, and Hon. Roy Marlin. The request for the plenary session was dated May 16, 2013.

swescotwilliamswelcomesuscgeaglecrew26052013We are small but nevertheless we are the gem in this Caribbean region and we are proud to welcome you here

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams welcomed the officers and crew of the Coast Guard training ship The Eagle at a special reception at the Chippie Café on Friday. During the reception Mr. Mark Mingo, CEO of the St. Maarten Harbor Group of Companies, thanked the PM for ensuring that the proper conditions existed both politically and socially on St. Maarten for the Coast Guard vessel to be able to visit the island.

At the reception Mr. Jack Stevens of the US Navy League and is spouse Asha Stevens announced the cooperation between the harbor Group of Companies and the Tzu-Chi Foundation in renovating schools of St. Maarten with volunteers who make up the crew of the Coast Guard vessel.

The Prime Minister congratulated the island in attracting the vessel and wished the crew a safe and enjoyable sojourn on St. Maarten: "To those who have helped bring the Eagle to St. Maarten but in a very special way I would like to thank all of you who have come to St. Maarten I would like to commend you for your efforts. To Captain Raymond 'Wes' Pulver and his Crew I would like to welcome you to St. Maarten and I am sure that although this visit is very brief it will be the best visit you have had in a very long time. For those of you who have been here before you will know what I am talking about and I hope that you will return in the very near future and rest assured that the Government and people of St. Maarten stand ready to welcome you. We are small but nevertheless we are the gem in this Caribbean region and we are proud to welcome you here. So finally welcome and enjoy St. Maarten and we look forward in welcoming you again on these shores in the very near future," concluded the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rotarymidislecelebratessuccessfulyear26052013During the past Rotary Year 2012-2013, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten-Mid Isle received various prestigious awards at the recently held District 7020 Conference in Tortola.
The Club received the District Governor's Silver Award For Club Excellence for their numerous community projects and donations, substantial contributions to the Rotary Foundation, involvements with Interact, Rotaract and RYLA, and hosting over 20 Rotarians and their spouses from the Santiago Monumental Rotary Club from the Dominican Republic.
For their involvement in the Annual Seven Seas Spelling Bee Competition, Essay Contest and support of the Sunrise Rotaract's "Give a Child a Chance" project, the Rotary Club received the District Literacy Award. The Zone 34 Public Image Citation was also awarded to the Mid Isle Club for making the community aware of the Club's projects in newspapers, radio, television, and also streaming the Spelling Bee's semi-final and finals live on the internet. For their annual contributions to the St. Maarten Diabetes Foundation for purchasing of testing materials, the Rotary Club achieved the Health and Hunger Award.
President Jon Hart thanked the Club and Board Members of Rotary-Mid Isle for their hard work and dedication in achieving these awards. A special "Thank You" also goes out to the businesses and supporters who made the Spelling Bee, the Rotary Youth Soccer Competition and the Rotary Youth Table Tennis Tournament a resounding success. Some projects are already in the planning for the Rotary Year 2013-2014 in which Sanjay Surtani will be president. The members of Rotary Mid Isle are looking forward to continue with their worthwhile contributions in our community and the world through Rotary.

mvogesandrlabega26052013SIMPSON BAY:--- Departure fee charged to passengers bound for Saba and St. Eustatius, the hub role of Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) for these islands and the landing of emergency helicopters from both BES islands were among issues SXM Airport managing director Regina LaBega discussed with St. Maarten Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague, Mathias Voges when she paid a courtesy call on him Friday, following her trip to Madrid, Spain where she received the International Transport Award on behalf of the airport. LaBega traveled with her Corporate Communications Specialist, Kalifa Hickinson.
Voges, who was accompanied at the meeting by the director of his cabinet, Perry Geerlings and Carol Voges also of the St. Maarten House in The Hague, explained the functions of the Minister Plenipotentiary and briefed LaBega on the recent talks the St. Maarten representatives have been having with the Dutch government, including transport.
As she had done when she received the Representative of the Netherlands (VNP) in St. Maarten, Mr. Gert Versluis in March, LaBega explained that SXM Airport had already given consideration to the fact that the BES islands enjoyed a "domestic" rate prior to the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles, hence the reason why passengers that fly to the BES islands from SXM actually pay less in departure fee ($20) than passengers traveling internationally ($35). This is unlike the case with Aruba where they pay the same departure fee as international passengers.
Moreover, she said, although SXM Airport also serves as hub for St. Barths and Anguilla, passengers to those islands still pay the international rate in departure fee, in other words, US$35 or 75% more than the BES islands.
Concerning the misconception of emergency helicopters being unable to land or take off at SXM, another topic of concern for the Dutch, LaBega confirmed that if the helicopter does not indicate that it was on an emergency flight, then it would have to wait in queue to take off or land. However, once the relevant personnel are notified of its emergency status, that helicopter would undoubtedly have priority.
After briefly discussing the good working relationship between WINAIR and SXM Airport, the subject of KLM's current rates to St. Maarten in comparison to its rates to Curacao (even though it stops in St. Maarten first) came up. All present agreed that in order to facilitate travel to Saba and St. Eustatius, the rates offered by KLM – the national carrier of the Netherlands – need to be more affordable.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Dutch government to ensure affordable transportation to its constituent entities. Geerlings, however, disclosed that discussions are ongoing with the Dutch authorities in hopes that some type of protocol could eventually be signed on this matter.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health is calling on the community to take immediate measures to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes after rain events.

Dengue Fever is transmitted by the female vector Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is distinguished by its markings. The body of the mosquito has alternate black and white horizontal stripes. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito lays her eggs in clear (clean) stagnant water. Within eight days the mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg, to larvae to pupae and to and adult mosquito.

Based on the aforementioned it is recommended for persons to walk around their surroundings within seven days to eliminate all possible breeding sites.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, 'Get Checked" campaign, is in line with CPS's appeal for residents, and business owners, to check-in and around their homes, and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

CPS is calling on the community especially homeowners to be proactive in implementing mosquito preventive measures on their own property in order to prevent vector borne diseases.

Persons are recommended to keep their homes, yards, neighborhoods and work environment free from mosquito breeding sites.

Actively destroy or dispose of tin cans, old tires, buckets, unused plastic swimming pools or other containers that collect and hold water. Do not allow water to accumulate in the saucers of flowerpots, cemetery urns or in pet dishes for more than two days. Throw out the water and turn them over every time it collects water.

Clean debris from rain gutters and remove any standing water under or around structures, or on flat roofs. Check around faucets and air conditioner units and repair leaks or eliminate puddles that remain for several days.

Change the water in birdbaths and wading pools at least once a week. The treatment of ornamental pools should be discussed with the experts. Fill or drain puddles, ditches and swampy areas, and/or remove, drain or fill tree holes and stumps with mortar and regularly treat and monitor.

Eliminate seepage from cisterns, cesspools, and septic tanks. Eliminate standing water around animal watering troughs. Flush livestock water troughs twice a week.

Check for trapped water in plastic or canvas tarps used to cover boats, pools, plastic bags, foam dishes or even plastic cups strewn on the road side.

Clean the dead leaves from banana and coconut trees. Adult mosquitoes prefer to rest on weeds and other vegetation. Homeowners can reduce the number of areas where adult mosquitoes prefer to rest on weeds and other vegetation.

Homeowners can reduce the number of areas where adult mosquitoes can find shelter by cutting down weeds adjacent to the house foundation and in their yards, and mowing the lawn regularly.

Check around construction sites or do-it-yourself improvements to ensure that proper backfilling and grading is realized to prevent drainage problems which can be a source for standing water.

Irrigate lawns and gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days. If ditches do not flow and contain stagnant water for one week or longer, they can produce large numbers of mosquitoes. Report such conditions to the respective government agency.

Mosquitoes can be kept out of the home by keeping windows, doors and porches tightly screened (16-18 mesh). Those insects that do get into structures can be eliminated with a fly swatter or an aerosol space spray containing synergized pyrethrum.

Adult mosquitoes prefer to rest on weeds and other vegetation. Homeowners can reduce the number of areas where adult mosquitoes can find shelter by cutting down weeds adjacent to the house foundation and in their yards, and mowing the lawn regularly. To further reduce adult mosquitoes harboring in vegetation, insecticides may be applied to the lower limbs of shade trees, shrubs and other vegetation.

The aforementioned measures should also be taken in and around the workplace, social gatherings and living quarters to eliminate mosquito breeding sources.

An increase in the mosquito population puts residents at risk. For information about dengue fever prevention measures, you can call CPS at 542-2078 or 542-3003.

sxmweekendofpowerbanner24052013Philipsburg:--- The G.I.F.T.E.D. Foundation has teamed up with Curtis Jordan Ministries and Glow Media Entertainment to present an event called "SXM Weekend of P.O.W.E.R." from May 31 to June 2, 2013. This is a Gospel event packed with the Praises Of Worshipers Empowered to Rule with international recording artistes Prodigal Son of Jamaica, Curtis Jordan, Positive, and Keron Ramsey of Trinidad and Tobago, Omalie Durand of Dominica, amongst several local artistes including God's Chosen.
The first session is a praise party, similar to the GLOW Party series, with the theme "N.R.G. – New Radical Generation" on May 31st at the courtyard of the New Testament Baptist Church in Philipsburg at 7pm. Local gospel DJ, Joshua "DRJ" Ferrol, will be the DJ for the night, along with multiple talented live performances from youths across the country. All youth groups are invited to come out to the free event.
The Saturday morning, June 1st will begin at 9 am with the "Livin' Worship" workshop at the Christian Faith Ministries International in Dutch Quarter, spearheaded by International recording gospel R&B artiste, Curtis Jordan from Trinidad & Tobago. Jordan is a worship minister, who is well-known for hits such as "Trust Me" and "Alive", will be accompanied by Keron Ramsey of Trinidad and Tobago as well as Apostle Alicia Liverpool of the David Company, Sint Maarten. This workshop caters to all Worship Teams, Choirs, Musicians, singers, and ministry dancers.
All are invited to this free 3-hour workshop as we discuss topics concerning "Living a lifestyle of worship" and "Using Our Talents in Worship". Attendees will get the opportunity to ask questions to the panel of Gospel artistes and ministers, and more. The evening will bring a worship experience at the Christian Fellowship Church in Cole Bay, starting at 7pm.
On Sunday, June 2nd, the P.O.W.E.R. Concert will be held at the Belair Community Centre starting at 6:30pm. This is a paid concert giving more than a deal for the money. The POWER team has the full line up of Keron Ramsey, Omalie Durand, Curtis Jordan, Positive, and Prodigal Son. The event promises to be energizing and electrifying.
Visit the GIFTED Facebook page at and click "Like" to keep up-to-date with GIFTED activities and for more information.

Philipsburg:--- A shooting that took place in the parking lot of the Bliss Night Club early Friday morning left one person injured. SMN News learnt that a tourist was shot in the face by someone. The victim was not critically injured and taken to the St. Maarten Medical Center for treatment. Police are busy investigating the case. So far no one has been arrested.

eholiday14122012Harbour View:--- On May 24, 2013, His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, requested Sarah Wescot-Williams to form a new government as formateur.
The Governor considering the expressed willingness of the United People's Party, Democratic Party, and independent member of Parliament Mr. Romaine Laville and based on the results of two days of consultations, met with Sarah Wescot-Williams today. He requested her to form a new government, based on a majority in Parliament, and consisting of ministers who are committed to the promotion of the well-being of Sint Maarten and dedicated to jointly execute a governing accord, to be agreed upon by the coalition partners Democratic Party, United People's Party, and independent member of Parliament Mr. Romaine Laville. The Governor requested the formateur to give priority to the completion of the process towards the establishment of the budget for 2013, to initiate measures aimed at stabilizing the political process, and at making the execution of the electoral ordinance possible. In addition, the Governor emphasized the importance of the strict observance of the regulatory requirements including the screening criteria, applicable to the appointment for candidate-ministers.
The formateur took the commission into consideration and will inform the Governor regularly during the formation process. The Governor requested Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams to present him a final report of the formation process ultimately June 7th, 2013.

From the Cabinet of the Governor

shootingfillin05052013French Quarter:--- A man was shot in the head with a firearm at Choice Supermarket Thursday night around 9:00pm hours, confirmed Commandant of the Gendarmerie Paul Betaille.

Betaille said the victim was taken to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital for treatment. Betaille explained that the victim was very lucky because he was not severely injured by the bullet that hit him in the head. The victim was treated and released from the hospital Thursday night. Betaille said the Brigades de Recherches is busy with the investigation and no one has been arrested for the crime.

In the meantime, the Gendarmes conducted a huge operation Thursday night in Grand Case in search of suspects that sell illegal drugs in the area and persons that are suspected of committing armed robberies against tourists and other persons.

A host of Gendarmes along with a helicopter and other surveillance units were used in the operation Thursday night. Residents of Grand Case told SMN News that they were forbidden to leave the street while the control was taking place. Commandant of the Gendarmerie Paul Betaille confirmed that the operation was to search for persons who committed crimes such as snatching of handbags, selling of illicit drugs, and other infractions.

ssparepsandsxmtouristbureauofficials24052013Great Bay:--- St. Maarten Small Properties Association Executive Board meet with the Director of Tourism Mr. Edward Dest and Ms Betty Jean -Baptiste of the St. Maarten Tourism Bureau to establish an amicable and future working relationship. The Association discussed future joint efforts between both organizations.
'Our aim is to establish a long lasting partnership with the private and public sectors on St. Maarten. By having this meeting today, we just covered one of our initial objectives. We would like to thank Mr. Dest and Ms. Jean- Baptiste for a very informative meeting and for their pledge of support during this initial year of existence".
"The St. Maarten Small Properties Association objective was establish through joint efforts of the Government of St. Maarten, The St. Maarten Chamber and the association members to provide the best possible networking and industry forum for its members, to assist them with improving the standards and quality of goods and services to be offered by particularly the small properties stated Ms. Nzinga Lake, President of S.S.P.A.
The Director of Tourism, Mr. Dest informed the Association Executive Board how they can provide their members with opportunities to market their products more effectively to both the Caribbean and the international tourism marketplaces and how S.S.P.A. can promote their members by advertising and promotions.
"In the near future, we would like to be members of Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) and various key organizations on St. Maarten and abroad. As a member, our Association can benefit by meeting and networking with Caribbean tourism's top executives and policy makers including: Ministers, Commissioners and Directors of Tourism, Leading executives and trend influencers from tour operators, hotels, media, airlines, cruise lines, and travel companies and showcase our products and services at targeted events". added Ms. Lake.
"Last month, S.S.P.A. Executive Board also had the opportunity to meet with the President of the St. Maarten Carnival Foundation, Mr. Michael Granger, the board discussed the positive effect that Carnival has on our occupancy rates of the small properties and agreed to meet to further discuss means and ways how both organizations can partner together to market our small hoteliers regionally, internationally and the destination for the upcoming 45th Carnival Celebrations," said Ms. Lake.

rodolphesamuel03012013Philipsburg:--- The President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel submitted his resignation on Thursday. Samuel announced last week Sunday that he would have submitted his resignation on Monday morning but held back until Thursday when all the Ministers from the National Alliance faction submitted their resignation. It is expected that the former President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell would be reappointed as President of Parliament.

In the meantime, SMN News has been reliably informed that the griffier of Parliament was invited to a meeting with the new majority who allegedly threatened him if he did not do what they wanted him to do on Friday when the meeting of Parliament was rescheduled. It is not yet known if the griffier Josef Semeleer filed an official complaint with the justice authorities about what took place in the House of Parliament.

Click here to view President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel's Letter of Resignation.

cdeweeveratlandfillfire24052013Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever visited the landfill fire on the day the fire began to assess the situation and has expressed his concerns, and stresses the importance of garbage separation. Any burning of garbage at the landfill has serious consequences for the health of our community and the health of the environment.
It is known that when plastic bags burn, the composition of the bag mixed with the heat produces a highly toxic chemical called dioxin. Burning any type of plastic releases toxic and potentially cancer causing chemicals into the air, where they can be inhaled by humans and animals and deposited in soil and surface water and on plants. If plastics are burned with other materials, additional toxic chemicals may be created from the interaction of the different substances. Unburned portions of the plastic become litter on the ground. As it disintegrates, animals may eat the plastic and get sick. Larger pieces of plastic can become a breeding ground for diseases, such as by trapping water that provides habitat for mosquitoes.
"We should be able to separate our garbage into different categories, and encourage recycling as this minimizes health risks and protects the environment by keeping harmful chemicals out of the air," said Minister De Weever.
Minister De Weever is asking the community to introduce the 3Rs into their lives, which is Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce.

The University of St. Martin is proud to present its final lecture as part of the Spring 2013 lecture series. In collaboration with the Human Rights Plaform of the Government of St. Maarten, the lecture will be held on the topic United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
The lecture is scheduled for Monday May 27th, 2013 at 6:30 – 8:30pm in the USM lecture hall.
The presentation will give an overview of the general human rights treaties process and procedure, provisions of CEDAW and CEDAW reporting procedure for NGOs and Government. The Prime Minister of Sint. Maarten, Sarah Wescot Williams and the Minister of Public Health, Social Affairs and Labor will be addressing the crowd on this topic.

CEDAW was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly. It consists of a preamble and 30 articles, defining what constitutes discrimination against women and setting up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination. By ratifying the Convention, countries commit themselves to undertake a series of measures to end discrimination against women in all forms, including:

  • to incorporate the principle of equality of men and women in their legal system, abolish all discriminatory laws and adopt appropriate ones prohibiting discrimination against women;
  • to establish public institutions to ensure the effective protection of women against discrimination; and
  • to ensure elimination of all acts of discrimination against women by persons, organizations or enterprises.

Countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba, Curacao ,Sint Maarten and the Netherlands ) are party to the Convention and therefore legally bound to put its provisions into practice. The Kingdom also committed to submit national reports on measures the Countries have taken to comply with the treaty obligations. NGOs have the opportunity to monitor their respective Countries' performance in implementing CEDAW by submitting shadow reports.

As per 10-10-10, St. Maarten has to undertake the responsibility to adopt all necessary measures at the national level aimed at achieving the full realization of the rights recognized in the present Convention. For this reason , the country is required to submit its first report that will form part of the wider report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands by January, 2014.

pjiaerepsatgtlcinspain24052013Simpson Bay:--- Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) became the first Caribbean airport to receive the International Transport Award given by the Global Trade Leaders' Club (GTLC) since the award was established 15 years ago. It was also the only airport to receive the award this year out of a total of 15 awardees.

Receiving the award on Monday, May 20, 2013 in Madrid, Spain, was managing director of the airport, Regina LaBega, who was accompanied by Corporate Communications Specialist, Kalifa Hickinson.

At the awards ceremony, Ricardo Roso Lopez, Secretary General and CEO of GTLC, introduced each CEO receiving the award and gave him/her the opportunity to introduce his/her company, the country where it is located and an overview of the main services the company provides.

In her address to a full hall of CEOs, government officials, and other dignitaries, LaBega proudly represented not only SXM Airport, but also St. Maarten as a destination and the hub islands it serves.

"I bring you greetings from the Friendly Island of St. Maarten, a 37-square-mile slice of Paradise which, in many respects, can be called the capital of the Caribbean, with non-stop gaming as intoxicating as in Las Vegas; with a gastronomy that is as delightfully varied as in Madrid or Paris; with beaches that are a sublime stretch of golden sands, washed by a turquoise blue sea ... St. Maarten is an island where the sun smiles all year round and where you can speak English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Papiamentu, Creole and be understood at the marketplace as well as at government offices!" LaBega said.

She continued: "Our airport is not only the gateway to this side of Paradise, it is a major regional hub servicing neighboring islands like St. Barths, Anguilla, Saba, and St. Eustatius."

"Coming from just being voted the 'World's Most Stunning Approach'," she said, "you cannot imagine how thrilled we at Princess Juliana International Airport are with this award, especially given that we are celebrating our 70th anniversary this year. As a matter of fact, the entire island ... is excited at this recognition."

LaBega concluded by inviting the organization to consider St. Maarten as a possible host of the awards ceremony in future, "in consonance with your global outlook."

SXM Airport was recognized for "the quality and excellence" of its services, according to GTLC. SXM Airport was presented with a golden trophy that reads: "International Transport Award, Madrid 2013 Spain, Princess Juliana International Airport." The airport also received stickers for promotional use, an exclusive membership database, a DVD of the ceremony as well as posters of the award that will be placed in the terminal building.

As a thank you, SXM Airport provided branded tokens of appreciation to the organizers that included an HD video of the airport and its facilities.

At the ceremony, SXM Airport was a clear favorite. Delegates were eager to learn more about St. Maarten and the SXM Airport facilities, and some even vowed to visit the destination in the near future with their families.

The 14 other companies receiving the International Transport Award hail from Nigeria, Mexico, Ghana, Indonesia, Benin, Togo, Tunisia, Portugal, Romania, Guinea Conakry, and Uganda, and represent various types of transport companies including logistics and mass transit companies, as well as the Uganda civil aviation authority.

In a letter to the awardees, Lopez described the 35 year old Global Trade Leaders' Club as "the first club of its kind that has been created exclusively for the promotion of trade relation among businessmen from all over the world and who are linked by the fact that they have all been awarded with GTLC trophies for being leaders of trade or industry within their respective countries."

Member companies recommend other companies (whether they are member companies or not) annually for the International Transport Award. Once the same company receives nominations from at least three different member companies, that company becomes eligible for the award.

SXM Airport, as a recipient of the International Transport award, will now become a member of the Global Trade Leaders' Club, which boasts membership of over 7,500 companies worldwide.

Philipsburg:--- The Inspector of Taxes hereby makes known that the issue date for the 2012 Income Tax Return Form is April 5th, 2013. Consequently based on article 7 section 1 of the General Ordinance on Federal Taxes the tax return in question has to be submitted to the Inspector of Taxes within 2 months after the date of issue, therefore before June 5th, 2013.

A request for extension must be submitted before June 5th, 2013 and should state a valid reason.

This year the Income Tax Return Form is made available to the tax payer via the online services of the Government of St. Maarten:


The Management of the Tax Administration

Thursday, May 30 – Saturday, June 1

11th Annual St. Martin Book Fair

May 30: Opening Ceremony, 8pm, keynote speaker, Randall Robinson, author, foreign policy advocate, int'l human rights activist. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Spring Concordia, Marigot.

May 31: Poetry & fiction readings by visiting & St. Martin poets, novelists; Drum and Dance Interlude, 8pm, Martini Restaurant, Grand Case Blvd. 63, Grand Case.

June 1: Presidents Forum – 21st Century Challenge: Reparations, by Randall Robinson, 2 pm, University of St. Martin, Rm 202, Philipsburg. Comments/Q&A/discussion format.

June 1: Main Book Fair day, 9 am – 4 pm, University of St. Martin: Free admission to book sales, signings by authors, workshops, and symposium for all ages.

June 1: Main Book Launch & Closing Ceremony, 8 pm, Belair Community Center, Cay Hill. New book launch: Lizzy Lizard by Robin Boasman, a children's adventure story.

Contact: (590) 690.30.73.66, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Organized by Conscious Lyrics Foundation and House of Nehesi Publishers in collaboration with St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and the University of St. Martin.

sjacobsatsportsdayevent24052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports Hon. Silveria Jacobs last week Friday visited the after school program and sports day activities held at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill.

The Minister enjoyed watching the island's youth partake in various activities. The facility is about to undergo upgrading of the track, soccer fields, the public stands as well as lighting structures. (DCOMM Photo)

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated the Guyanese Community on St. Maarten and on Guyana on 47 years of being an independent country. On the 26th of May the people of Guyana will celebrate their 47th Independence anniversary. "To the residents of St. Maarten hailing from Guyana and to all Guyanese I would like to extend my personal congratulations and that of the Government of St. Maarten on the celebration of your 47th year of Independence from British rule. On the 26th of May 1966 Guyana gained its independence and on that day in your yearly calendar you should reflect on the sacrifices the citizens of Guyana have made to in order to arrive at this great achievement," commented the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister in her message also thanked the Guyanese community for their contribution to the Country of St. Maarten and encouraged all Guyanese to spend their celebration in the company of family and friends. "As you celebrate the achievement your forefathers have made in creating the Independent Nation of Guyana I also urge you to reflect on the opportunities which you have had and the contributions you have made to you adopted home of St. Maarten. Once again congratulations are in order," concluded the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

pjiaeaistraining24052013Simpson Bay:--- Five Flight Information Officers of the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) began a six-week training course this week in Aeronautical Information Service and Aerodrome Flight Information Service. The course is scheduled to end on June 28, 2013.

At the completion of the course, the five Flight Information Officers will become certified Aeronautical Information Officers and will qualify to assume the responsibilities of a full AIS office. At present St. Maarten does not have such an office whose tasks are currently being handled by the one in Curacao on a service level agreement.

The training is being conducted by three recently qualified St. Maarten ATS instructors under the guidance of Gabriel Virlan, a qualified and experienced ICAO instructor who was contracted by SXM Airport because it is a requirement for new instructors to conduct their first complete official training course under the supervision of a more experienced one.

The curriculum covers a major part of the Basic Air Traffic Controller's course and will be credited to candidates who go on to become Air Traffic Controllers.

Subsequent to the course, instructors will be able to conduct the training on their own with the approval of the St. Maarten Civil Aviation Authority. Once this is achieved, the intention is to provide the training to Flight Information Officers of Saba and St. Eustatius within the year. Negotiations are ongoing in this regard.

Providing the course to external entities will offset the cost of the training for SXM Airport and is a step toward the establishment of SXM's ICAO certified training academy. This will result in significant financial benefits for the airport in terms not only of air traffic related training but also in all aviation-related training in St. Maarten and internationally as well as in reducing the operational cost of Air Traffic Services.

sswdonatestopjl24052013Philipsburg:--- Franklyn Richards, Managing Director of Seven Seas Water (St. Maarten) presented a $1,000 check to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library Director, Monique Alberts on May 23. This financial contribution will assist with the publication of a commemorative picture book in celebration of the library's 90th anniversary on November 23. The book will feature historical and present day images of our island, with the sole purpose of cultivating awareness on St. Maarten's rich cultural heritage among our younger generations.

amerijetboeing767-200insxm23052013Simpson Bay:--- Almost unheralded, Amerijet International touched down with its Boeing 767-200 cargo jet at the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) Wednesday, May 22, 2013, about 10 minutes ahead of a scheduled noon arrival.

It was the maiden flight of the cargo aircraft, one of five in Amerijet International's fleet of 767-200 freighter aircraft. The company had before now been servicing the destination with its 727-200 cargo planes. The 767s will allow the carrier to increase capacity on its scheduled service routes, and expand its charter availability.

The flight began in its hub at the Miami International Airport and made a stop in Port of Spain, Trinidad before arriving at SXM Airport. From here it was scheduled to depart for St. Kitts and later St. Thomas and another Caribbean stop before heading back to base in Miami.

According to an official of the ground handlers, the huge cargo plane delivered drilling equipment and other cargo to Trinidad but brought mainly perishable goods for the hospitality sector in St. Maarten.

The official could not confirm if the 767 cargo plane would henceforth be making regular deliveries to St. Maarten.

Amerijet started operations in 1974 and has since provided cargo transportation services to more than 550 destinations worldwide.

Commenting on the 767 flight, managing director of Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), Regina LaBega said she welcomed the use of this large cargo plane as a larger capacity aircraft to adequately service the St. Maarten market.

"It also falls within our strategic plan of making SXM Airport a major cargo handling hub for the sub-region," she added.

Philipsburg:--- Despite more than 10 years of lobbying for the creation of the STA, the St. Maarten Tourism Authority, this public-private partnership remains elusive. While other tourism dependent islands like Aruba, Bahamas, and Curaçao have managed to incorporate similar structures, St. Maarten still hasn't managed to complete the process. Such authority's goals focus on sustainable marketing strategies, independent of political structures.
The STA would bring continuity to the tourism industry of St. Maarten, regardless of what takes place in the political arena. Consequently, the business of promoting St. Maarten and bringing in tourists in, thus generating revenue for our country would continue uninterrupted. Had the STA been in place at present, a proper review of the funding of a promotional project such as Tempo, would not have to wait for the appointment of a new minister for tourism.
In the wake of a very successful SMART, the St. Maarten/St. Martin Annual Regional Tradeshow, the time is ripe to capitalize on the momentum. This is the moment to reinforce old partnerships and to build on new relationships. However, in this time of turmoil and uncertainty, stakeholders have understandably adopted a "wait and see approach".
For an island that depends heavily on tourism, this is not the way to manage our country's main industry, the one that generates the lion share of the income for the island. Not having the STA in place has been hampering our island's marketing efforts i.e. our economic productivity. We need to continuously and consistently promote St. Maarten's brand and image, not just the upcoming high season. Out of sight, out of mind!

Philipsburg:--- The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA), the largest private business representative on the island, wonders why the Government of St. Maarten is considering sponsoring yet another Tempo event, let alone allowing them to also be involved in some of St. Maarten's signature events like the Heineken Regatta, Carnival and St. Maarten's Day. We would be wiser to spend our already reduced marketing budget on creating additional airlift, supporting our travel partners and developing new markets. The SHTA urges Government to carefully consider all aspects of this proposal especially when the contract would remain in place for a period of 5 years, which means we would actually be committing to USD $3,000,000 (three million dollars) of St. Maarten's marketing funds, if not more.

Last year's USD$ 400,000, excluding the USD$ 50,000 the Harbour and Telem gave, was already at the time, considered to be an excessive amount for events that drew very small crowds, lacked organization and were of no proven substantial benefit to the island. Increasing the amount this year to USD$600,000, while the Heineken Regatta and the SCDF only received a marketing contribution of NAf. 500,000 (around USD$275.000), is beyond our comprehension.

When considering a third party to handle a large part of our country's marketing budget, we should look at their track record, not just a 20-page report. If last year's "Tempo Turns 7" is anything to go by, we could all be in for another rude awakening as the return on our investment left much to be desired. Any agreement, no matter how small, or in this case how big, needs to be carefully evaluated by all parties involved. In addition, the Government should consult the major stakeholders, look at other options and not rush a decision. The timing of these Tempo events during high season does not create any real additional inflow of tourism to the island as opposed to off season and/or shoulder season, when there is a surplus of rooms and businesses could use the additional volume.

Tempo's claims about the huge media exposure obtained because of its marketing machine can to date not be substantiated. Even without statistics from the hopefully soon to be operational TSIS, the Tourism Statistical Information System, it is safe to say that the promises made by Frederick A. Morton, Jr., Founder and CEO of Tempo Network, in his page long address to his fellow St. Maarteners last year, did not materialize. So let's not make the same mistake twice!

rotaractsxmsunriseplantstreesathighschools23052013Philipsburg:--- In recognition of Green Wave Day, The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise planted coconut trees at 7 high schools on the island on Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
The Green Wave is a worldwide ongoing global biodiversity-education project that encourages people to make a difference in conserving the basis for life on Earth. Through action-oriented learning, The Green Wave, celebrated annually on May 22nd, demonstrates that learning about biodiversity can be fun and that persons can contribute to a global movement of people who care for the planet.
The high schools that benefited from this initiative were, Milton Peters College, St. Maarten Academy, St. Maarten Academy PSVE, St. Dominic, Sundial, Learning Unlimited and Caribbean International Academy. Members of the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise planted the coconut trees with the help of students and personnel of the schools. In addition, members briefly informed the students about the importance of preserving and restoring our biodiversity.
The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise would like to thank Mr. Jerry Speetjens for contributing to this Green Wave project by donating the coconut trees to the club.

williammarlin23052013Philipsburg:--- During the week from 20 May to May 23, the Ministry of VROMI with responsibility for Environment held meetings with four prospective bidders for the Waste to Energy plant. The bidders were the ones selected for what is considered Invitation II or the Dialogue Phase and were expected to give verbal presentations and request clarifications from the Steering Committee if necessary.
The four companies that were invited are Synergy Renewables, who is proposing a bubbling bed gasification process, Matrix Befesa, who is proposing incineration, Covanta Energy, who is proposing CleerGas Gasification process and Electrawinds / Babcock & Wilcox Volund, who is proposing mass burn incineration process.
The St. Maarten team consisted of Secretary General VROMI, Mr. Louis Brown, Head of Infrastructure Mr. Claudius 'Toontje' Buncamper, Consultants from DMV KEMA Mr. Frans Lamers and Mr. Roel Verlaan, Steering Committee Member Sipke De Haan and Adviser to the Minister Kendall Dupersoy. Also attending the dialogue phase was two GEBE representatives, Mr. Ray Carty Special Projects and Mr. Rudelso Henry Planning Department.
GEBE, through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) will purchase electricity from the eventual winner of the bidding process which will contribute to the financing of the plant. The contractors can also produce other products for the local and overseas market through high tech processes and recycling. There is also the opportunity for additional employment and residual business opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
Minister Marlin expects the Kwh cost of the WTE plant to be lower than the current combined GEBE cost of power plus fuel cost. The Minister explained that in essence the general public should see a small reduction in electricity cost if all goes as planned.
All four bidders presented a full explanation of their technology and the financing options. Minister William Marlin's concept with the WTE plant is for the plant to have no financial impact on the people of St. Maarten, unlike in the past when Government was negotiating a solution that would cost the tax payers initially some 120 Million dollars and 20 Million a year to run.
Minister Marlin is happy that soon a project to reduce the eyesore of the landfill, commonly called the dump, will soon be finalized. Just a few days ago we experienced a fire on the landfill and burned all day covering the entire surrounding area with possibly toxic smoke not to mention the smell. With the commission of the WTE plant, all of our waste will be converted to energy in a clean environmentally safe way. After some years, the hill of some 28 meters will be reduced to land viable for residential and commercial use.

Press Release from Ministry of VROMI

I would like to commend our students in Holland who are getting involved in other non-curriculum activities to help the communities that they are currently apart of, but also still contributing in one way or the other to the development of organizations and institutions on the island.

I believe that it is very important for our students studying abroad to get involved in different community-oriented organizations and causes as it contributes to their overall social development as a young person and at the same time they get experience in the non-governmental field.

Stichting USC has partnered with fitness movement Team Don't Quit, a group of Sint Maarteners to launch "Run For A Cause."

The groups have observed the popularity of outdoor fitness challenges and have decided to participate in the Strong Viking Run, in Wijchen on June 8 in the Netherlands.

The funds raised from this event by the Sint Maarten groups will be split equally between the St. Maarten Medical Center Children's Ward and the Beatrix Kinderkliniek at UMC Groningin, and will be used for toys and books.

According to information that I read, persons in Sint Maarten can also donate towards the cause and can do so by making a direct deposit to RBC account 40352226 US$.

Exercise, sports, community and volunteer work embraced by these students and other participants in this great project shows once more as Albert Schweitzer famously stated, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing."

I commend the Sint Maarten students and young adults on their initiatives and encourage them to continue, and I also wish them much success with the Run For A Cause.

Drs. Gracita Arrindell
United People's (UP) Party
Member of Parliament

swescotwilliamsatsxmheartandstrokefoundationlaunch23052013Belair:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the official launching of the St. Maarten Heart and Stroke Foundation at the Belair Community Center. The Heart and Health Foundation was officially launched when Notary Marlene Mingo of MF Mingo BV officially notarized the Foundation. The Prime Minister joined Minister of Health the Hon. Cornelius De Weever in the launch, supporting the Heart and Stroke Foundation's aim of being a volunteer based health charity aiming to eliminate heart disease and stroke through the promotion of healthy living, an initiative which is always supported by the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

smmc23082012PHILIPSBURG:--- On May 20th the Court of First Instance ruled in favor of the SMMC in the appeal of the SMMC against the demands the Inspectorate for Public Health had imposed on the hospital on October 12th 2012. On October 12, 2012 the Inspectorate imposed 13 measures upon the SMMC to ensure that good basic quality of care is rendered in SMMC and as such within the only hospital on St. Maarten. These measures were imposed after the Inspectorate established in its latest report from September 7th 2012, following an extensive investigation that the care rendered was sub-optimal/sub-standard.
The Inspectorate is pleased to see that the Court of First Instance upheld its authority and the rights to be able to conduct also governance-related-supervision on health care institutions, where under the SMMC, despite the fact that SMMC has always strongly contested this supervision right by the Inspectorate. The Inspectorate acknowledges the efforts made by SMMC, notwithstanding the suspension of the demands imposed by the Inspectorate by the Court of First Instance in November 2012, to this date to comply with the demands imposed.
Fact of the matter is that several of the demands have meanwhile been fulfilled. Also the communication and relation between SMMC and the Inspectorate has improved measurably, in the past five months. There is however still much to do.
A proficient and efficient working Inspectorate requires continues accessing and determining by medical experts in the service of the Inspectorate, whether or not care providers are abiding to the law and providing the requisite level of medical care. The reported findings by the Inspectorate on the situation that existed in SMMC were the result of almost 9 months of extensive investigation and several conducted inspections. Still, the Court of First Instance regretfully ruled that the findings and 13 demands imposed by the Inspectorate premised on these findings were not sufficiently motivated and/or could not be established. This part of the ruling by the Court of First Instance is both factually and judicially incorrect. It moreover jeopardizes the rights and effective capability of the Inspectorate to be able to in any given situation establish possible shortcomings and more importantly act decisively to remedy same. In essence it makes it impossible and in any case very challenging for the Inspectorate to fulfill its legal obligation to ensure that proper quality of care is rendered.
The quality of care and well-being of the St. Maarten citizens is what is at stake. The Inspectorate as such will submit the contested parts of the ruling to adjudication with the Court of Appeals."

jerrygilpin23052013PHILIPSBURG:--- Arthur Lugisse, Director of the Tallahassee-St. Maarten Foundation Inc. (TLH-SXMF) and St.Maarten Government Liaison in Florida for Trade-Tourism Economic Development, Infrastructure and Social Development, will be accompanying Florida Business Executive Jerry Gilpin to several meetings this week with local business sector representatives to explore trade possibilities and opportunities between the US State of Florida and St. Maarten. Gilpin arrived in the country on Tuesday evening.

Lugisse drafted a report several months ago that outlined the opportunity for local businesses to be able to set up joint ventures with Florida companies and also options for financing for local businesses to get goods and services out of Florida.

The follow-up to the report are one-on-one business meetings between local entrepreneurs and Florida business executive Jerry Gilpin during the next few days. Gilpin will be meeting with the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry on Wednesday morning followed by a meeting with members of the Tallahassee-St. Maarten Foundation.

Florida being one of the main export cities in America, and its close proximity to St. Maarten, makes a lot of sense to pursue, strengthen and expand business relations with the Orange State.

Florida-origin exports in 2012 were US$66.4 billion. International business makes up 18 per cent of Florida's economy.

"There will be opportunities for Food and Beverage supply, Green Houses, Heavy Equipment, Building Materials, Freight options, St. Maarten Air Ambulance, Shoes, Clothes, Appliance, Technology, Solar Lighting, New and used vehicles, road construction equipment, opportunity for manufacturing and packaging out of St. Maarten," Arthur Lugisse pointed out.

International business impacts many Florida industries and communities. Currently more than 58,000 Florida businesses, 96 per cent of which are small or medium sized, export products and services; Florida exported more than US$4 billion of agricultural commodities in 2012; international companies employ more than 223,500 Floridians, and Florida has more companies that export than any other state besides California.

Gilpin has a wealth of experience since 1973 being involved in the import/export business between the US and the Caribbean. The business executive is currently busy in the import/export of agricultural produce, seafood, telecommunications equipment, water systems and restaurant/tourism industry equipment between the United States, the Caribbean and Latin America.

Jerry Gilpin also works closely with Florida Export Finance Corporation that establishes lines of credit for local exporters and foreign buyers under the EX-IM Bank programs.

Gilpin is the international representative of Foods & Beverages/Financing of Family & Son Inc. out of Miami, Florida.

uscgtheeagle17052013The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle is scheduled to arrive at Clipper Pier, Philipsburg, St. Maarten, on Friday morning as part of their 2013 cadet summer training deployment.
The Eagle will be open for free public tours on Saturday, May 25 from 10 am to 5 pm.
At 295 feet in length, the Eagle is the largest tall ship flying the stars and stripes and the only active square-rigger in U.S. government service. You are invited to tour this historic ship on Saturday. School and community groups welcome.
Constructed in 1936 by the Blohm and Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, Germany, and originally commissioned as the Horst Wessel by the German Navy, the Eagle was taken by the United States as a war reparation following World War II.
With more than 23,500 square feet of sail and six miles of rigging, the Eagle has served as a classroom at sea to future Coast Guard officers since 1946, offering an at-sea leadership and professional development experience. Currently, there are 145 cadets from the Coast Guard Academy embarked. The summer deployment spans 11-weeks, stopping at nine port calls in five countries, with four different groups of cadets training onboard.
To follow the Eagle's summer cruise, visit the ship's Facebook page at:

PHILIPSBURG:--- The first agenda point regarding recent political developments has been removed from the agenda by the President of Parliament as per the request of Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson in their letter dated May 23, 2013, with respect to the plenary public session of parliament for May 24.

The agenda point for the meet remains the vote of no confidence against certain members of the Council of Ministers.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Friday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The main agenda point for the plenary session based on correspondence dated May 7 and May 9, 2013 from MPs Hon. Roy Marlin (DP), Hon. Petrus L. de Weever (DP), Hon. Janchie Leonard (UP), and Hon. Gracita Arrindell (UP): Establishing that Minister W. Marlin, Minister R. Tuitt, Minister R. Duncan, Minister R. Pantophlet and Minister S. Jacobs no longer enjoy majority support from the Parliament of Sint Maarten.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

Philipsburg:--- Over the past weeks St. Maarten became the centerpiece of the world for the second time this year because politicians on St. Maarten decided to put themselves first instead of the county, its people, and the integrity of the nation.

Earlier this year St. Maarten was the talk of the world when the Bada Bing videotape was released, politicians in the Netherlands criticized government especially the former Minister of Justice Roland Duncan and Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge who was seen stuffing his pockets with what appeared to be monies from a businessman. When the Dutch businessman claimed that the leader of a political party orchestrated the taping to use as blackmail, another politician was brought into the Bada Bing investigation. A complaint filed by Member of Parliament Romaine Laville against the leader of the United People's Party Theodore Heyliger was the icing on the cake for those Dutch politicians that have been screaming that St. Maarten is a corrupt country with politicians that abuse their power while nepotism is the way of governing.

While many would agree that the Dutch politicians made their statements based on what was printed or leaked to them by people living on the island, one must also agree that since October 10th, 2010 to May 21st, 2012 there were only a few people that were being taken care of by government. Contracts were awarded to either spouses or close relatives to those in charge while close to two hundred people lost their jobs because a legislator (Member of Parliament) chose to fire the workers of SBRMC. Even though there was a change in government, most of the Pelican (SBRMC) workers are still out in the cold while government did nothing but make empty promises. A few of the Pelican workers got bus and taxi licenses but the true story behind the licenses that were granted to mostly foreigners is yet to be told.

On May 6th, 2013, St. Maarten became the centerpiece of the world when the NA/ DP/I-3 coalition fell apart because three politicians felt they got what they wanted within the one year period and so it was time for them to go back to their respective camps. Member of Parliament Romaine Laville ensured that his father got contracts at the habour, long lease land from government, and monies for TEMPO while the Sucker Garden Boyz still have to give account for the monies they were awarded to clean trenches.

Besides the self enrichment schemes by these politicians who have chosen to mislead the people of St. Maarten simply because most of the people of this great nation are not fluent in the Dutch language, there are still a few scholars that are able to tell you that the English translation of constitution is misleading to say the least and that the constitution of St. Maarten is not used the way it ought to be used.

The people of St. Maarten are told that the Parliament of St. Maarten is the "boss" and what they say goes. Several politicians that have spoken thus far based their argument on article 33 of the constitution, while they forgot that the constitution of St. Maarten also has article 59 which gives the Council of Ministers certain powers to ensure that checks and balances are in place in order to safeguard democracy and the country.

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten said that article 59 can only be used if there is no majority in Parliament to form a government. While the rules of order that govern the Council of Ministers states that the Prime Minister is the one that chairs meetings, makes up the agenda for the meetings, and determines if a document is ready for handling, those stipulations are for regular administrative business that governs the day to day running of the country.

When it comes to the application of article 59 of the constitution, the decision has to be taken by the Council of Ministers and be done by a Landsbesluit (LB) and not a Ministerial decree. This is where the confusion of the day comes because the English translation of the constitution states that this can be done by an ordinance. Again the interpretations as to who has the power and the authority to decide if Parliament must be dissolved are misleading to say the least. If it was the Prime Minister who had that power then the constitution would have stated that it could be done by a Ministerial decree and not a LB. The constitution is clear when it states that the decision has to be taken by the majority in the Council of Ministers and a LB has to be prepared for this to take place.

The electoral law states that the Prime Minister has the authority to organize elections but nowhere does it state that she/he is the only one that could decide whether or not Parliament must be dissolved.

Literature on the constitution states that article 59 gives the Council of Ministers a right in any situation that they believe would serve in the best interest of the country. The literature did not show any type of limitations or restrictions as to when the Council of Ministers can apply the use of Article 59 of the constitution which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. Beneath this article readers can read the literature on article 59 and the dissolving of Parliament.

The Governor has to Ensure that the laws and Constitution is Respected.

Several citizens and legal experts have expressed their concerns about the amount of time the Governor of St. Maarten took to bring an end to the instability in the country. It is clear that one set of politicians (majority) in the Council of Ministers exhausted themselves to apply the legal right given to them in article 59 of the constitution but they had to throw in the towel and call on the people when they realized that the Governor of St. Maarten was not ready to admonish the Prime Minister to ensure that the expression of the majority in the Council of Ministers is respected. While the necessary consultations on the formation of a government is currently taking place, it is left to be seen if the Governor of St. Maarten will use the power vested in him by the Kingdom to ensure that democracy prevails in this ongoing political saga. It is clear that the Governor cannot enter into politics, he has to remain independent when it comes to politics and whatever he does and says to the politicians remains behind closed doors.

Considering that the former UP/DP/Illidge Government only had nine seats in the parliament they could not function optimally because they needed a two third majority to pass a law, something they did not have. The NA/DP/I-3 coalition had ten seats, they were in a position to draft laws and pass them without a doubt based on the country's constitution. Because of the abuse of power and self interest, the country was destabilized for almost three weeks because eight members of Parliament believe they are the majority and they have the right to determine when a government goes home. Rightly so, the majority in parliament rules but the same applies in the Council of Ministers.

It is the opinion of several legal experts that the Governor should take into consideration, that should one of the eight persons (MPs) fall ill and there is need for an urgent meeting of parliament, that would not take place because a simple quorum they would not have to convene a meeting, notwithstanding that if the constitution and democracy does not prevail now then the opportunity for checks and balances between parliament and government will be lost. On page 231 of Professor van Rijn's text book "Staatsrecht van de Nederlandse Antillen" it states:

"The governor as head of state does not possess any independent authority. His task can be described as the right to be consulted, to encourage, and to admonish. He may form an independent opinion about government matters, but in the case of a conflict the opinion of the ministers is always decisive. This is a given since the van der Meer affair in 1955. How this all works out in the relationship between the governor and the ministers remains behind closed doors."

His main tasks are to ratify all Landsverordeningen (Country Laws) and National decrees and send them on to the Kingdom government in Holland. He will not ratify them if in his opinion they are in conflict with a Kingdom regulation, an international regulation, or the interests of the Kingdom.

This also would give the Kingdom Council of Ministers enough reason to say that the Governor of St. Maarten did not bring about justice and democracy and it's time for them to march in and take control of what goes on St. Maarten.

Click here to view part of the literature on the Constitution especially Article 59.

Project continues strategic alliance between two cruise industry leaders.

MIAMI, Florida:--- The Florida-­-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) has chosen to tell the story of the first 20 years of the FCCA Conference and Trade show in partnership with Onboard Media. The two companies will publish a commemorative book for release at the FCCA Cruise Conference and Trade Show in Cartagena, Colombia, September 30 to October 4, 2013.

Every attendee at the conference will receive a copy, along with special editions for each cruise line CEO. The book will highlight the organization and all it does for the cruising industry and Caribbean destinations.

The publication is the latest of several projects on which the FCCA and Onboard Media have collaborated. Most recently, Onboard Media provided key media coverage tracking the FCCA's happenings at Cruise Shipping Miami through photos, video and
social updates.

Sarah Beth Reno, president of Onboard Media, said, "We are proud to partner with the FCCA to publish this book - we've worked closely with the organization over the past few years and are delighted that they chose Onboard Media to work on such an exciting project."

Michele M. Paige, president of the FCCA, said, "As Platinum Members of the FCCA, it's honorable that we can continue our strong strategic relationship with Onboard. The FCCA continues to build relationships with our destination partners within the cruise industry, and this project emphasizes the importance of our conferences year after year."

sarahwescotwilliams05052013Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams has issued a strong reaction to statements attributed to outgoing Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin regarding the political situation on St. Maarten. "It is quite unfortunate to read, not only in the national press but also in the international press that "there are daily protests on the streets, that there is a culture of fear on St. Maarten, that the President of Parliament is threatened and that there is total chaos on the island." Also attributed to Minister Marlin is the statement that the only redress available now is the Kingdom Government.

Not to mention the outlandish report by the Minister that the Prime Minister of the country is "holding democracy hostage".

I would like to emphasize that on our small island democracy is alive and well established. Still, like in other democracies, we will have our disagreements, but to portray St. Maarten in essence as a "banana republic" is sad and reprehensible.

"Our numbers, such as the number of members of Parliament are small, but are represented by the same principles, a majority of Parliament must be respected and the minority must be heard.

A majority in Parliament passed a motion of no confidence which, according to the Constitution means that mentioned Ministers no longer enjoy the confidence of a majority, with the result that their resignation is necessary.

"The records show that every action which I have conducted during the political impasse of the last two weeks were all within the laws that govern our Country. Laws, which I must add, the outgoing Minister has disregarded in order for him and his colleagues to take part in what the Minister himself described as a "Mexican Standoff".

"The Minister in question, using his position as Deputy Prime Minister sought to undermine the position of the Chair of the Council of Ministers (the Prime Minister) by sending a letter to the Governor on behalf of the Council, which he was not authorized to do. This is an illegal act, an act which the outgoing Minister has admitted to doing in the national press of St. Maarten.

"By admission of the President of Parliament himself, who was willing to accept the political reality of the day and resign from his position, he was coerced by Minister Marlin not to do so, further perpetrating the "Mexican stand-off".

"But the most disturbing action conducted by the Minister whose responsibility it is to act not only in accordance with the laws but in the interest of the people of St. Maarten, is making false claims regarding the political situation. This information has traveled like wild fire throughout the Kingdom and beyond and created images of a St. Maarten burdened and out of control due to civil unrest or strife.

"Let me again state: claims that there was civil unrest on St. Maarten are erroneous, irresponsible and false. Yes, indeed there was a peaceful march, with emphasis on peaceful, of citizens exercising their right to voice their opinion.

"A petition was circulated and has since been submitted, totally legal in our democratic system, where the rights of petition and assembly are enshrined in our constitution.

"For outgoing Minister Marlin to allege that there was violence, fear and intimidation, is simply wrong and only serves to incite fear and mistrust in our community, long hailed for its peacefulness and all "getting along".

"Additionally, the outgoing Minister claims that parliamentarians and politicians were intimidated and threatened. This is very, very sad.

Minister Marlin has never substantiated his allegations that anyone was threatened. Up until yesterday parliamentarians and ministers were walking freely in Philipsburg without security and without anyone bothering them.

"In fact, as often seen, outside the halls of Parliament, these politicians remain civil towards one another, not always in agreement, but surely recognizing that we all want to continue living together on our beautiful island and that indeed we can have difference of opinion, political or otherwise.

The exiting Minister has contradicted himself by stating in the local press that statements made by the UP Party that the political situation will scare off investors to the island, is akin to fear mongering, while in the same breath goes out and tells those outside of St. Maarten that there is a "culture of fear" on the island.

It is upsetting to see that events which are part of the growing pains of a new democracy have been turned into, as the outgoing Minister has termed it, a 'Mexican Standoff'.

Finally, the fact remains that, despite the tactics employed by the outgoing Minister, he and his Ministers have sent their letters of resignation to the Governor of St. Maarten.

Why? Because the laws that govern this young but wonderful country of ours

Gave him no other choice.

To the people of St. Maarten, "We have overcome this hurdle as I have said we would".

It's the first major one, testing our resolve as a young country to solve our own issues, within the laws of the land and respect for one another and each other's opinion.

Let us also resolve that the loopholes which have become apparent during this debacle, be closed, so that we avoid situations like this in the future. Let us now ensure that there will be truly the possibility for fresh ideas and input into the governing of this country. Let us work together to effect the change we would like to see on our island," concluded the Honorable Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Harbour View:--- On Wednesday May 22, 2013 Prime Minister Wescot-Williams in view of the political developments presented His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, with a letter dated May 22, 2013, making the portfolios of the Ministers and the Minister Plenipotentiary available and tendering the resignation of her entire cabinet.
The Governor informed the Prime Minister that he will consider her request and that he is calling on the Ministers and the Minister Plenipotentiary to continue their duties in the interest of Sint Maarten and to continue working with him until a decision has been taken concerning the request for resignation.
In view of the resignation of the cabinet, the Governor will start the consultation round in order to arrive at the formation of a new cabinet. The consultations will take place with the Deputy Chairperson of the Advisory Council, the President of Parliament, and the leaders of all the political parties who have a seat in Parliament. The consultations will take place as of Thursday May 23, 2013.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary public session of Parliament regarding the position of the chairman is scheduled for May 27.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Monday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

This meeting was requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. Petrus de Weever, Hon. Romaine Laville, Hon. Gracita Arrindell, Hon. Sylvia Meyers, Hon. Jules James, Hon. Janchie Leonard, Hon. Dr. Ruth Douglass, and Hon. Roy Marlin. The request for the plenary session was dated May 16, 2013.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

rclquantumoftheseas22052013POINT BLANCHE:--- The Port of St. Maarten will receive six calls from the newest Royal Caribbean Lines (RCL) vessel Quantum of the Seas for the 2014-2015 cruise tourism season. The Quantum of the Seas sets sail on its inaugural voyage November 23, 2014.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies is looking forward to welcoming this new vessel adding that the new RCL vessel signifies the close partnership that exist between the port and RCL, and the confidence the cruise line has in the destination making St. Maarten a premier destination.

Quantum of the Seas will debut in fall 2014 followed by her sister ship Anthem of the Seas in Spring 2015. The Quantum series span 16 decks, encompass 167,800 gross registered tons, carry 4,180 guests at double occupancy and features 2,090 staterooms.

RCL is known for introducing signature features onboard their ships such as the rock-climbing wall, ice-skating rink, FlowRider surf simulator, Central Park and Aqua Theater. Quantum of the Seas will have 18 Caribbean sailings, ranging from seven to 12-nights.

The groundbreaking new ship will sail roundtrip from Cape Liberty Cruise Port in Bayonne, New Jersey to the most popular Caribbean destinations through April 2015. Vacationers can choose from seven and eight-night Bahamas, eight to 11-night Eastern Caribbean, and 11 to 12-night Southern Caribbean itineraries.

The Eastern Caribbean cruises include ports of call among Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, and St. Maarten.

Guests on the Southern Caribbean cruises will call at Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Martinique, Barbados and St. Kitts.

Pond Island:--- TelEm Group technicians and engineers today reported that the company's 3G mobile voice and data network is now free of interference from neighboring Anguilla. The network is now fully operational under a different frequency.
"With immediate effect, customers in the affected areas of Cupe Coy, Cole Bay and Simpson Bay will notice a vast improvement in their 3G voice and data service with less dropped calls and less interruptions while accessing data on the internet," said TelEm Group Public Relations Officer, Joe Dominique.
Mr. Dominique said engineers and technicians carried out some emergency maintenance work on the 3G network Tuesday night which resulted in the complete elimination of the interference on the network.
"We were able to work with the Bureau of Telecommunications and Post, St. Maarten, and also with technicians in Anguilla to identify and eliminate the problem altogether with some fine-tuning on a new temporary frequency Tuesday night," continued Mr. Dominique.
He said previous instructions from the technical staff for customers to take their mobile devices and smartphones "OFF" AUTO, has now been reversed.
"We are now advising 3G customers to reset their devices and handsets to AUTO to best utilize their voice and data service," said Mr. Dominique.
He said the company sincerely apologizes for the interruption in service caused by the interference to the 3G network and assured that this was out of the company's control.
"As a result of this incident we will be bringing in some frequency experts from overseas within short to analyze the network. We want to determine how we can best protect against something similar happening in the future.
"It is also the intention of the technical and engineering staff to further optimize the 3G voice and data network in the coming days and weeks to improve the capacity and efficiency of the network to the benefit of our mobile voice and data users." added Mr. Dominique.

Telem Press Release

corneliusdeweever03102012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Youth Health Care, a division of the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a Department at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, planned community outreach vaccination sessions and lectures, has as its objective to reach all children with life-saving vaccines and health information for adults.

The first of three community outreach and "family planning" lecture sessions is set for St. Peters, next week Wednesday, May 29 at the Rupert I. Maynard Youth Community Center from 5:00pm to 7:30pm.

The theme for the vaccination campaign this year is "A Shared Responsibility."

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever 'Get Checked' campaign is in line with the efforts of CPS and therefore Minister De Weever is appealing to guardians and parents to get their children checked on May 29 to see if they are up to date with their vaccinations.

The objectives of the campaign are to stimulate parents to have their child(ren) vaccinated; to bring about awareness as it relates to vaccinations and to encourage parents and the community at large to take responsibility by ensuring updated vaccination records for the children in their care.

In addition the campaign aims to provide the public with general vaccination information; to encourage others such as, health care workers, pregnant women and pre-and exam class students to update their vaccination status.

To encourage risk groups such as waste/garbage handlers, the Police, hotel and restaurant workers, and others to verify and update their vaccination status, particularly on Hepatitis B and Tetanus.

An estimated 22 million children in developing countries are still not protected from dangerous diseases with basic vaccines, according to the publication "Vaccine".

Immunization averts an estimated two-three million deaths every year, protecting children from diphtheria, measles, pertussis (better known as whooping cough), pneumonia, polio, rotavirus diarrhea, rubella, tetanus and others.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Disaster Coordinator Winston Salomon, Head of the Island's Disaster Emergency Management Organization, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), will be chairing a meeting of the 10 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) next week in preparation for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season that starts on June 1st.

Salomon also uses this opportunity reminding the nation to continue to make preparations for the upcoming hurricane season and to do so in a timely manner. Forecasters have predicted a busy hurricane season ahead, and Disaster Coordinator Salomon points out that it only takes one hurricane to hit the country to make it a bad season.

Some of the key preparations are Family Plan which should be based on your vulnerability to Hurricane Hazards that could affect your family such as storm surge or flooding. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster.

Every home should have a Disaster Supply Kit which would contain certain items you need to have regardless of where you ride out a hurricane.

Family Disaster Plan

Locate a safe room or the safest areas in your home for each hurricane hazard; Determine escape routes from your home as certain areas could be inundated by flooding and storm surge especially low lying areas and along the coasts; Make a plan now on what to do with your pets if you need to evacuate; Post emergency telephone numbers by your phones and make sure your children know how and when to call; Check your insurance coverage; Stock non-perishable emergency supplies.

Disaster Supply Kit

Water, at least one gallon daily per person for three to seven days; Food, at least enough for three to seven days, non-perishable packaged or canned/juices, foods for infants or the elderly, snack foods, non-electric opener, cooking tools/fuel, paper plates/plastic utensils; Blankets/Pillows; Clothing (rain coat, sturdy shoes); First Aid Kit/Medicines/Prescription Drugs; Special items for babies and the elderly; Toiletries/Hygiene items/Moisture wipes; Flashlight and batteries; Battery operated radio; Fully charged cell phone with an extra battery; Cash/Credit Cards; Toys/Books/Games; Important documents should be put in a waterproof container; Tools; Vehicle fuel tanks should be filled a few days before a hurricane strike; Pet care items (medication, amply supply of food and water, a carrier or cage, a muzzle and leash).

Storm names for the 2013 season are: Andrea, Barry, Chantal, Dorian, Erin, Fernand, Gabrielle, Humberto, Ingrid, Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa, Nestor, Olga, Pablo, Rebekah, Sebastien, Tanya, Van and Wendy.

The 2013 hurricane season runs through November 30.

Conference Will Address Issues of Transborder Crime and Migration

Philipsburg:--- The Government of St. Maarten is moving forward with its planning of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regional seminar to be held from the ninth to the eleventh of July.

ICAO, with the support of the Government of Sint Maarten, will hold a Regional Seminar on Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), Biometrics and Identification Management in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, West Indies, from 9 to 11 July 2013.

The MRTD Regional Seminar will assist Member States in North American, Central American and Caribbean Regions in implementing ICAO machine-readable travel document specifications and related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. The Seminar will specifically address the needs of States to further enhance the integrity of the passport issuance process and ensure robust identification management in order to maximize border security and facilitation benefits.

In particular, the Sint Maarten MRTD Regional Seminar will focus on the very foundation of travel document and border security: a robust national identification management system. Seminar presentations and discussions will explore in depth key components of identification management, including the role of civil registries, evidence of identification (EoI), social footprint and investigative methods of confirming it, manufacturing and personalization of national ID cards, data sharing between national agencies involved in identification management, and much more.

An industry exhibition will complement the Seminar with a broad range of products and services related to MRTDs, biometric identification, travel document security applications and border inspection systems. Seminar participants will have an opportunity to interact with ICAO industry partners and experts to discuss the latest available MRTD technologies.

The Americas and Caribbean have a long history of cross-border migration and, in many instances, weaknesses in border control and identity management. For the past decade population mobility and effective border controls have become a matter of even greater concern for governments in the Caribbean and Central America, due largely to the rise of irregular migration and trans-border crime. In addition, the linkages between national (and regional) security and border controls have prompted governments to factor international organized crime and terrorism threats into their efforts to strengthen their migration and identity management capabilities. Indeed, the need for enhanced comprehensive border and identity capacity-building strategies has emerged as a priority for both individual governments and regional bodies.

A particular challenge that will be addressed during the meeting is related to the Caribbean region containing a considerable number of Dutch, British and French overseas territories. While not part of major regional cooperation frameworks (e.g., the Caricom), those islands are nevertheless part of the overall illegal migration and trans-border crime dynamics in the Caribbean and face common security challenges along with other Caribbean States. The proposed ICAO MRTD Regional Seminar in Sint Maarten presents a step forward in addressing those challenges in a coordinated regional manner in the spirit of inclusion and cooperation.

Invitations have been sent the Immigration, Customs, Civil Registry, the Princess Juliana International Airport, The Harbour, the Ministry of Justice, the Police department, Customs and the Counterparts of the various Organizations from French St. Martin. The Cabinet of the Prime Minister urges early registration to ensure places at the prestigious conference. For more information attendants are urged to send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

mischulaikah22052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- One of three books published by House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP) in time for the St. Martin Book Fair is the French translation of the critical essays, Haiti and Trans-Caribbean Literary Identity.

The new French edition, Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne by Emilio Jorge Rodríguez, comes complete with photos of distinguished Haitian authors, said HNP president Jacqueline Sample.

The book is available for the book fair's opening ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce Building, in Spring Concordia, Marigot on May 30, 2013, at 8 PM.

"Rodríguez's collection of essays is of strategic importance because it uncovers key exchanges... and, in ways, translate works through linguistic and cultural divides, to find common ground," said award-winning novelist Myriam J.A. Chancy.

Furthermore, the translation is "a remarkable collection of essays," said Maximilien Laroche, noted scholar from the Université Laval in Canada.

Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne, just like its previous English/Spanish edition, "is a missing link for most in building our fuller knowledge and experiences of Caribbean literature and culture, of how we think and why we live as we do in this region," said St. Martin author Lasana M. Sekou.

The 144-page book is beautifully designed with a Keith Mallet painting and it is already available at and Arnia's bookstore at Bush Road/Zagersgut Road.

The book fair's opening ceremony will also feature Mischu Laikah, the Netherlands-based singer from St. Martin. "The fine rising star sensation will wax poetic with her soulful voice at the literary festival," said Sekou, who is also projects director at HNP, a book fair co-organizer with Conscious Lyrics (CLF).

Laikah's connection to the festival is not just for celebrity attraction. The singer writes poetry. She is one of 25 mainly young poets and spoken word artists in the new book, Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry in St. Martin, said Sample.

The singer/songwriter has performed with Eros Ramaz­zotti, Mojo Morgan, Orange Grove, and is currently on her first music tour in the Caribbean. Mischu Laikah's debut album, Life.Music.Love, will be available at the book fair (the St. Martin leg of her concert tour happens during the book fair weekend).

According to Lai­kah, "My poetry appears in my music." And it's exactly that blend which "we think will thrill the book fair audience when Mischu Laikah recites one of her poems from Where I See The Sun to musical accompaniment," said Sekou. The anthology will be introduced at the festival's opening night as well.

wmarlin21052013Philipsburg:--- Leader of the National Alliance and Deputy Prime Minister of St. Maarten William Marlin announced on Wednesday that four Ministers namely Roland Tuitt, Silveria Jacobs, Romeo Pantophlet, and William Marlin have submitted their resignation to the Governor of St. Maarten on Tuesday evening. Marlin said the Ministers took the decision prior to him speaking to the nation on Tuesday but they only submitted their resignation on Tuesday evening. The NA leader said that they have not given up the fight but have chosen not to continue with the polarizing of the island and not to incite violence.

On Wednesday morning the Governor drs. Eugene Holiday sent out a press release stating that the four Ministers representing the National Alliance submitted their resignation. The Minister of Justice Roland Duncan already submitted his resignation and has since been discharged from office. It is not yet known if the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams and Minister Cornelius de Weever submitted their resignations or if the Governor asked the Prime Minister to submit their resignations since it's the Wescot Williams II Cabinet that had to resign. The Prime Minister was called to the Governor's office on Wednesday morning but up to press time she did not make any statements.

Marlin told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that while the four Ministers submitted their resignations they remain steadfast on the decision the five Ministers of the Council of Ministers took on May 7th, 2013 which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for early elections. Marlin said the constitution of St. Maarten has several articles and right now the Prime Minister who is the chairman of the Council of Ministers is misusing her position by refusing to execute a decision taken by several Ministers. Marlin made clear that no Minister is above another which includes the Prime Minister. He said that while they have submitted their resignation that does not mean that they have given up the fight. However, the fight now remains with the people of St. Maarten who are the ones that elected politicians to office. "You the people have a right to sign the petitions and to make your voices be heard in order to get your wishes. As the leader of the National Alliance I can say we have done our part to get the Prime Minister to respect the constitution of St. Maarten and to carry out the decisions taken by the majority Ministers in the Council of Ministers. We have all taken an oath or made a promise to uphold the constitution of St. Maarten and no Minister is above any other Minister."

Marlin said in 2009 when St. Maarten fell in a political crisis he formed a coalition government with the leader of the United People's Party Theodore Heyliger and he worked very hard to ensure that the people of St. Maarten got what they voted for in the year 2000 to become a country within the Kingdom. Marlin said Heyliger left the coalition he formed with him and went on the campaign trail while he and his team remained in office and worked for the people of St. Maarten. He said in 2010 the people of St. Maarten place their confidence in the National Alliance when they gave them three seats in the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles and seven seats in the elections in September 2010, but those that received less votes and seats decided to form a government and excluded the National Alliance. Marlin said in 2010 he did not say anything because he believes in democracy but one year later the UP/DP/Illidge coalition failed. He stepped in and formed a coalition in order to work for the people of St. Maarten. During the formation of that government (NA/DP/I-3) the Democratic Party demanded that they get the seat of the Prime Minister. He said for him it was not about the seat he holds but it was about working for the people of St. Maarten and clearly the Prime Minister who got a vote of no confidence twice from the people of St. Maarten in 2010 decided that she will misuse her power and the trust the coalition partners vested in her.

The National Alliance leader said that at that time St. Maarten was a young country and what has happened now is far different from what took place in 2012. "Today we have the Bada Bing tape, the allegations made by Independent Member Romaine Laville that the leader of the UP tried to bribe him twice, the complaints filed by MP Jules James against MP Laville, and the statements made by the strip club owner Jaap van den Huevel who said that Heyliger asked him to make the tapes in order to blackmail Illidge. Because of these developments the majority Ministers believe that it would be in the best interest of the people of St. Maarten to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for early elections.

Marlin even referred to the statements made by Dutch MP Ronald van Raak who did not want St. Maarten to attain its country status because the Dutch are of the opinion that St. Maarten politicians were corrupt, there was too much nepotism and the abuse of power by politicians on St. Maarten. He said he stood up to the Dutch (van Raak) and defended St. Maarten and its people in order to obtain what the people voted for in 2000 during the referendum.

Marlin said that during the past two weeks St. Maarten was turned upside down with the political crisis. He further explained that someone from the community even suggested that the three political leaders should go before the constitutional court for them to arbitrate on the constitutional issues at hand in order to end the political crisis on the island. Marlin said when the person made the suggestion to him he immediately agreed to do that, but the leaders of the United People's Party and the Democratic Party turned the option down.

While there are talks and many believe that now that five of the seven Ministers have resigned that would pave the way for the eight members of parliament to take over and to install a new cabinet. The governor of St. Maarten still has to make the final call on whether or not he will accept what the Prime Minister did in the Council of Ministers regarding the decision taken by the five Ministers. So far the Governor of St. Maarten has not given any directives except to ask the politicians to follow the rules and constitution of St. Maarten.

Four Ministers Resign.

Harbour View:--- On May 21, 2013, the Ministers Mr. W. Marlin, Mr. R. Tuitt, Mrs. S. Jacobs, and Mr. R. Pantophlet submitted their letters of resignation to His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, as a result of the current political situation. The Governor has presented these letters to Prime Minister Mrs. S. Wescot Williams for further handling.

From the Governor's Cabinet

Politics we are told, is the art of the possible. It St. Maarten politicians have made that into the art of the near impossible. One need look no further than the furious attempts to fashion a government with a one seat parliamentary majority currently taking place. This will create eight chiefs and zero Indians. Each MP can hold the other seven hostage. After all, if he or she withdraws their support, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. A government with such a slim majority in Parliament is a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment, and at the slightest provocation. One of the oddest pairings is the alliance of Theodore Heyliger and Romaine Laville. This is the weakest link in the alliance. The chain always breaks at the weakest link. The history of animosity between these two is so deep, that each will have to keep a close eye on the other. This is not a marriage based on trust, but on convenience. Even stranger is the spectacle of Jules James fighting tooth and nail to form a government so that he can help make Romaine Laville, a Minister of State! Sad, however, is to watch the once proud Democratic Party lie down to become a political harlot, blithely hopping into bed with the highest bidder for her services. Gone are ideology, pride and self-respect. The voters will do well to put this sorry shambles of a party into an early grave.
In this hodge podge, Romaine Laville remains the volatile element, the wild card, the one wielding the monkey wrench that can and eventually will cause the whole thing to explode. The center will not hold. Things will fall apart, for this odd alliance has no center of gravity to pull it together. The centrifugal forces of disparate egos clashing are bound to tear it apart.
A shot gun marriage of the worst sort, born of desperation and poor calculations by all parties involved. Setting the ship of state to sea in such a creaky and unseaworthy vessel is a hazardous undertaking. One will be well advised to keep on one's life vest close at hand at all times.
Voters are left to figure out what combination of bribes and threats could have been brandished to induce Laville to jump into Theo's arms. Poor William Marlin is left scratching his head wondering how Laville could have been snatched out of his arms, after Laville had assured him over and over of his undying love and devotion. Politics does indeed strange bedfellows make.

fireonthedump21052013Philipsburg:--- Residents on the Pondfill and several businesses had a bad day on Tuesday when a fire of unknown origin started on the Landfill. Several firefighters were seen on the location trying to control the fire and thick smoke. On several occasions there were explosions on the dump causing the fire to become bigger and the smoke thicker. Up to late Monday evening the Department of VROMI could not be reached for a comment on the cause of the fire.

Simpson Bay:--- On Saturday May 18, Mr. Igor Sher proposed to his bride Mrs. Nela Rohovska planeside at Winair. Mr. Sher advised Winair and requested a sign be placed on our aircraft, much to the surprise of the future Mrs. Sher, Winair staff prepared the sign and a bottle of champagne was given to the happy couple. Mrs. Rohovska was completely surprised and said YES to the marriage proposal! The happy couple then flew to St.Barths to celebrate their engagement. Winair staff was in on the surprise and were on hand to share in the moment and wish the couple well.

WINAIR Press Release

uscgeagle21052013POINT BLANCHE:--- There will be an open house on Saturday, May 25 for the general public on-board the U.S. Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle which will be in port from May 24 to the 27. The Open House is from 10:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday.

Visitors should pay attention to signage that will direct you to a safe and secure designated parking area, which is the open lot before you reach the entrance to the port if you are driving from the direction of Chesterfields. There will be a shuttle trolley that will take visitors back and forth to the USCG Eagle throughout the day.

The Port of St. Maarten has been working closely with Dr. Jack Stevens, President of the Navy League's Caribbean and Latin American Region, since last year to bring more U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels to St. Maarten for rest and relaxation. A port delegation which also included Stevens traveled to Seatrade in March where they met with various representatives of the United States Navy in order to promote liberty visits to the island.

Jack Stevens further explained that the four factors that determine where a ship makes a liberty visit are (1) the needs of the country or service, (2) the safety and security of the ship and the crew members, (3) costs associated with the visit, and (4) last, but certainly not least, the wishes of the crew.

Chief Executive Officer of the Port of St. Maarten Mark Mingo said that we can promote future business for our Country St. Maarten by making all visitors feel safe and secure, keep our prices competitive with other ports, and by helping every visitor have a great time on our friendly island.

The U.S. Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle for its 2013 sailing schedule is traveling to the Caribbean, along the Eastern Seaboard, and to Canada with cadets and officer candidates, teaching them practical seamanship skills while indoctrinating them in the Coast Guard's floating leadership laboratory.

The Eagle was built at the Blohm + Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, Germany in 1936, and commissioned as Horst Wessel. The Eagle became one of three sail-training ships operated by the pre-World War II German Navy.

At the close of the war, the ship was taken as a war reparation by the U.S., re-commissioned as the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle and sailed to New London, Connecticut, which has been its homeport ever since.

Eagle has offered generations of Coast Guard Academy cadets, and more recently officer candidates, an unparalleled leadership experience at sea. The Eagle offers the opportunity to put into practice the navigation, engineering, and other professional theory future officers have previously leaned in the classroom.

The hull of the Eagle is steel, four-tenths of an inch thick. There are two full-length steel decks with a platform deck below. Under full sail in the open ocean, the Eagle can reach speeds up to 17 knots.

Great Bay:--- The Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Perception of Sex, Sexuality and Family Planning (KABP) research among the age groups 18-59 years old will start this month and end in June 2013. This research is spearheaded by the Department of Social Development in collaboration with the HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team and Collective Preventive Services with the aim of attaining an indication of the knowledge, attitude, behavior and perception of sexual practices within the age groups 18-59 years old, while measuring their usage and non-usage of family planning methods..
Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever is encouraging the entire community to assist with this research as surveys and focus groups will be used to conduct the research, therefore cooperation from the community is important.
The questionnaire will last approximately 40 minutes, and the information obtained will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. The information obtained from the survey will be used to determine the country's level of HIV/AIDS knowledge awareness; gain clearer perceptions about sex, sexuality and family planning; communicate to the public the practice of risky behaviors that result in the spread of STI's/STD's and unwanted pregnancies, and lastly provide products and services that are comfortable to use while practicing safe sex.
"I would like to thank the community in advance for assisting us in this research, and more information regarding the research will be forthcoming," said Minister De Weever.

telemgroupcellsite02052013Pond Island:--- Interference to TelEm Group's 3G network continues to be affected by interference from a source in Anguilla – despite the company's move to a new frequency last week.
TelEm Group continues to work closely with the Bureau of Telecommunication and Post (BTP), St. Maarten, and the source of the interference in Anguilla to identify and eliminate the interference.
Last week the BTP authorized TelEm Group's use of a new temporary mobile frequency as a first step towards eliminating the problem, however, upon configuration of network equipment and software, the change to the new frequency did not achieve the expected improvement in the voice and data network.
"We continue to experience interference from neighboring Anguilla, and equipment being operated by Digicel on Anguilla," said TelEm Group Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa.
Mr. Louisa said TelEm Group technicians are working with their counterparts at Digicel Anguilla to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible while continuing to work with the local Regulator.
Last night the technicians conducted an Emergency Maintenance exercise also aimed at minimizing interference on the company's 3G network.
He said TelEm Group will call in outside help if necessary should any additional steps need to be taken.
"We want this matter resolved as quickly as possible in the interest of our customers who are affected by the interference to our 3G voice and data network," said Mr. Louisa.
Mr. Louisa said he understands that the current interference must be very frustrating to customers in the worst affected areas, however he wants to assure these customers that the matter is being dealt with as a matter of priority.
"We are adjusting equipments as best we can to improve the quality of signals in the worst affected areas, but the interference is a limiting factor because we have to operate with live equipment at all times," said the Chief Technical Officer.
Mr. Louisa is continuing to advise customers who are experience problems with the TelEm Group 3G network to take their handsets and smartphones off AUTO to "push" their service onto the company's 2G network until they are informed otherwise.

Telem Press Release

St. Maarten Pride Foundation is very much concerned about the human health and environmental consequences of fires at the landfill, such as the fire which took place on Tuesday May 21st, 2013.

Pride informs Government that landfill fires release fine ash and potentially cancer-causing substances and therefore pose both immediate and long-term health risks to those exposed to the smoke, gases and toxic fumes. The hazard and level of toxicity of landfill fires depends on the length of exposure to them and on the type of material that is burning.

Landfill fires generally release high levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is harmful when inhaled as it displaces oxygen in the lungs thereby depriving the brain, heart and other vital organs of oxygen which can cause permanent damage and illness.

Another extremely serious concern during landfill fires is the emission of dioxins. Exposure to dioxins is a major concern due to their highly toxic potential and their persistence as organic pollutants. International studies have revealed that dioxins adversely affect a number of vital organs.

Even very low levels of dioxin emissions can have negative effects on the environment and on human health, in particular on the most vulnerable groups like infants and young children. Symptoms of short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins include asthma, skin rashes, and liver problems. Long-term and or repeated exposure to high levels of dioxins may lead to impairment of the immune system, cause nerve damage (particularly with infants), reproductive and developmental problems and an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The management of St. Maarten's solid waste and by extension thereof the dump which government chooses to refer to as the "sanitary landfill" is a longstanding issue. St. Maarten Pride Foundation reminds Government of its duty to safeguard the health and overall well-being of the island's residents and its visitors. The landfill fire are is serious health concern and therefore deserves Government's undivided attention.

St. Maarten Pride Foundation advises the general public to safeguard their health by taking precautionary measures to avoid inhalation and exposure to toxic fumes and particles during landfill fires.

Press Release from St. Maarten Pride Foundation

Windward Islands Airways NV "WINAIR" is pleased to inform its clients that it has launched "On-Line Check-In Facilities". Clients can now from home or anywhere with an internet connection, check in on their flight starting 24 hours before departure up and till 2 hours. Passengers with no luggage and checked in online, can proceed to Winair departure gate at least 45 minutes before departure. Passenger with baggage can proceed at least 60 minutes before departure to our special "Baggage Drop Counter".
Winair in its efforts continues to enhance our customer experience with this latest feature. Please check our website for special deals including various special package prices which includes Air, Free Car Rental, Hotel, and diving packages.
For any questions, please contact our call center at +1 721 5454237 option 1 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

rolandduncan21052013Philipsburg:--- Former Minister of Justice and Attorney at Law Roland Duncan in an interview with SMN News on Tuesday said he maintains his view that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams has been abusing the power vested in her as Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Duncan also stated that the Governor of St. Maarten drs. Eugene Holiday is failing in his duties as the Head of State on St. Maarten. Duncan said it has been two weeks now that St. Maarten is in a political crisis and the Governor has to step in as the representative of the State to bring about order. "So far, the Governor has not yet done so, by now the Governor should have at least given the Prime Minister an instruction to place the request of the majority of the Ministers on the agenda. Here, the Governor is taking a very impartial position which surprises me because he is very active on smaller matters. I would like to know why the Governor has not taken the decision to write an instruction in this case. The Dutch was very quick to do that in the case of the Justice Park which was just a plan. I am not saying it's the responsibility of the Governor but at a certain stage he has to take an impartial decision such as telling the Chairman of Parliament to allow the meeting to take place and he will also have to tell the Prime Minister to allow the majority to vote. Even if the MPs vote a motion of non-confidence against the Ministers, they still have the right to send Parliament home. I am looking forward for the Governor to do what he needs to do or else the Kingdom would have to step in because there is an impasse. The statements made by the Prime Minister claiming that the Deputy Prime Minister committed a crime is pure non-sense because anyone can send a letter to the Governor."

Duncan said that everyone is blaming the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel for postponing the meetings of Parliament but the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams is just as guilty by refusing to execute the request of the majority in the Council of Ministers. Duncan said since May 7th, 2013 he was very vocal in the Council of Ministers' meeting when he told the Prime Minister that she was abusing her power. Duncan said five of the seven Ministers in the Council of Ministers proposed to dissolve Parliament based on article 59 of the country's constitution and instead of the Prime Minister dealing with the request of the majority, she chose to say she needed legal advice. "The Prime Minister thinks she is in the Island Council but those days are over." Duncan said that the Prime Minister also brought an advice to the Council and she too did not follow proper procedures. He said that while the chairman is mandated to make up the agenda she does not have the right to cancel or postpone the request of the majority forever. Duncan said on May 7th when the chairman of the Council of Ministers chose not to deal with the proposal of the majority a written request was sent to her requesting that she place a meeting to discuss the political situation on St. Maarten. Duncan said the Prime Minister (Chairperson of the Council of Ministers) has two days in which she has scheduled this meeting. When asked by SMN News if that is written somewhere in the rules of order, Duncan said he believes it is in article 13 of the rules of order but he was not 100% sure if that was the correct article since he did not have the rules of order in front of him at the time the interview was conducted.

"The Prime Minister is stalling the handling of the matter, it is not her appointment and she does not have extra powers that other Ministers don't have. The only thing is she is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Not putting the point on the agenda is an abuse of her power, its undemocratic, and its also dictatorial." Duncan also said that the dissolution has nothing to do with the majority in Parliament.

Duncan said that the Prime Minister referred to his letter of resignation where he cited the letter from those that indicated that they form the new majority. Duncan explained that he consulted with everyone involved and when he realized that he did not have the support as a Minister he resigned. "I, Roland Duncan was appointed by MP Patrick Illidge and when I realized that my support was not there I left, the Prime Minister should not include me in what she believes and how she thinks Ministers should resign."

Duncan said what is currently taking place on St. Maarten shows immaturity on all sides, particularly when it comes to the Prime Minister and her actions. In mature politics, Parliament would send the Ministers home and the Ministers on the other hand could dissolve Parliament and call for new elections.

Duncan said right now the minority party in government is running the show (Democratic Party), the two bigger parties, the UP and NA are being held hostage by the minority the Democratic Party. "I hope with what is playing out today that the bigger party leaders will not give their Prime Minister seat to any smaller party in the future so that they can hold them hostage. If you look at what has happened the UP was in Government and they got kicked out, the NA got in and now they are being kicked out while the Democratic Party that has the least amount of seats remains in government. They will not like me for what I am saying but this is not democratic because the smaller party should not be in a position to hold the larger parties hostage. If they want to do electoral reform they should change it and allow the majority to take decisions on levels, in Government and in Parliament."

They should not try to control the Independents, the law provides immunity for Parliamentarians because MPs must have their freedom to speak and take decisions that they believe in.

When SMN News asked the former Minister if there is any truth to what is said in the community that he will be serving as an advisor to MP Romaine Laville if he makes it to become the Minister of TEATT, Duncan said he will serve his country but so far he did not make any agreement with anyone. Duncan said that he has a law firm and if anyone decides to hire his services he will provide that service if the price is right. "If Government consulted me for my services I have the right to consider whether or not I will grant the services, especially if the price is right."

wmarlin21052013Philipsburg:--- Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin issued a strong call to the people of St. Maarten on Tuesday afternoon asking them to remain calm and to hold a level head as the political situation on St. Maarten becomes more intense. Marlin made the call on Tuesday afternoon at national press conference when he informed the people of St. Maarten that the political situation on St. Maarten is not moving forward and that politicians are now at an impasse because the Prime Minister of St. Maarten has refused to deal with the decision taken by five members of the Council of Ministers on May 7th, 2013 which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for early elections. Marlin said right now two things could happen which is either the Governor of St. Maarten would intervene or the Kingdom Council of Ministers would have to intervene and send an instruction to St. Maarten, but so far neither of the two has happened. The Deputy Prime Minister also stated that Members of Parliament and Ministers are becoming fearful because the situation on St. Maarten is becoming more tense by the day.

Marlin indicated that the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel has been receiving threats and that unscrupulous persons have been visiting Samuel's place of business. Marlin did not divulge details of the threats even when he was asked to do so. He said he has been a politician for close to 20 years and his 18 year old son has become fearful of the situation on St. Maarten. Marlin also explained again on Tuesday afternoon what exactly transpired in the Council of Ministers' meeting on May 7th, 2013 when the Prime Minister presented an advice for the Wescot Williams II Cabinet to resign.

Marlin said after exhausting all his efforts to get the Prime Minister to respect the desires of the majority members in the Council of Ministers, he took it upon himself to write the Governor a letter and to also send him a Landsbesluit in order to move the process forward but the Governor indicated to him that he could not have dealt with the LB unless it passes through the Council of Ministers' meeting. He said he attempted to do that again on Tuesday and the Prime Minister refused to adhere to his request which was also based on a written advice he received from the Governor of St. Maarten.

Philipsburg:--- The political crisis on St. Maarten is becoming more confusing by the day and it appears as though no one seems to know what is legal from what is illegal. On Tuesday afternoon, the Vice Chairman of Parliament Romaine Laville sent out an invitation to all Members of Parliament inviting them to a Parliamentary meeting that will take place at the A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall on Thursday at 10am. The invitation which was sent through Roddy Heyliger and not the griffier of Parliament states that the meeting "no. 6" that was postponed for the third time on Monday will reconvene to discuss the political situation on St. Maarten.

On the invitation the Vice Chairman of Parliament has two agenda points, the first being the one requested by MPs George Pantophlet, Frans Richardson, and Louie Laveist, while the second agenda point is the motion of non-confidence to be brought against four Ministers, namely William Marlin, Roland Tuitt, Silvera Jacobs, and Romeo Pantophlet.

What makes the entire political crisis confusing is that the Governor of St. Maarten in a press release on May 15th called on politicians to follow the rules of order and the constitution in order to resolve the political crisis on St. Maarten.
While the Vice Chairman sent out an invitation to all Members of Parliament and has taken the liberty to advance a meeting that was adjourned by the President of Parliament to Friday. On Tuesday afternoon, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten dispatched a letter to the Chairman of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel informing him that the decision and motion that was passed by the eight members of Parliament on May 13th, 2013 is binding. The Prime Minister in her letter said that based on advice she received from the Department of Legal Affairs the meeting is binding and the members of the Council of Ministers who no longer enjoy the support of Parliament have to submit their resignation.

Click here to view the invitation sent to the Members of Parliament by Vice Chairman of Parliament Romaine Laville.

Click here to view the letter sent to the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel by Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

"New web application gives food services the tools needed to facilitate online orders."

Philipsburg:--- Soon local restaurants will be able to offer customers a new service, online ordering. is a new web application designed to help hungry tech-savvy consumers discover restaurants that deliver to their homes via their PC, Tablet and mobile devices. also offers order management & online menu building solutions for restaurants who want to reach their customers online using their own dedicated Order Management Solutions (OMS) web application.

Grub OMS Basic is expected to be the first product the company will launch near the end of July as a restaurant solution for processing online orders. It comes packed with menu building, customer management, promotion and advanced reporting tools. "One of our core features is mobility" said start-up company founder, Duane Meade. " The time is right for restaurant owners to take advantage of the increasing developments in mobile connectivity on the island, their customers are already online - they should be too." With the use of Grub OMS, restaurant owners will be able to monitor and control online orders on the go, from any device. Restaurants can also provide their customers the option of online payment through their own online menu. Online payments are secured and made possible through full integration of PayPal payment gateways.

"We have partnered with ASAP Delivery Experts who offer tailored delivery solutions for restaurants who do not currently offer delivery." said Meade. "Not only would this increase our users offerings when searching for food but it would also give smaller restaurants a better position competitively, as the food services market on the island continue to face increasing market saturation."

ilandGrub aims to change the way we find and order food on St. Maarten and neighboring Caribbean islands by using available technology to enhance and personalize customer experiences.

Grub OMS will be available to restaurants starting August 2013 on an invite only basis and will launch as a Free service until the 2nd quarter of 2014. restaurant discovery app will launch and remain free for users on August 2013. Interested parties are urged to register today for an invite by visiting

Philipsburg:--- During an interview with SMN News on Tuesday, former Minister of Justice Roland Duncan brought more clarity on how the negotiations for the Justice Park took place and what exactly transpired before he sent the letter of intent to the Prime Minister for approval.

The former Minister of Justice who was in the hot seat because of the Justice Park he wanted to construct explained that the negotiations started in November 2011 when the UP/DP/Illidge Government was in office. He said he started to negotiate with Sameer Andrwos to rent the BOX in order to create more cell space for prisoners. He said on November 26th, 2011 a plan was drafted where Andrwos would have reconstructed the BOX and turn it into a prison facility. "At that time, the words "Justice Park" were nowhere in the picture, Andrwos would have constructed 40 cells within four months while payments for the BOX would have started one year after but Andrwos never lived up to the contract which stated that he had to start the construction of the prison cells within a four months time frame. The plan was presented to the Council of Ministers and the council had no objections including the Prime Minister." Duncan said in 2012 as he was confronted with more issues regarding prison space and other prison facilities and the idea came up for the Justice Park. He said Andrwos was again contacted for the two unfinished buildings he had in Cay Hill, one being the BOX and the other six story building.

Duncan said he took all the plans he started back to the Council of Ministers and again it was approved. He said the Prime Minister also approved his ideas and at no time did she recuse herself from the decision making even though she knew the negotiators were members of her family. Duncan made clear that the Prime Minister who is the chairman of the Council of Ministers knew that her relatives were involved in the negotiations and he did not have to tell her how to act or what to do.

He said the Deputy Prime Minister at the time Theodore Heyliger was very vocal and supportive of the project because one of his ideas was to move the Court House from Front Street and put it in Cay Hill. Duncan said while it is estimated that the Justice Park would cost $100,000,000.00 no actual figure was finalized.

Duncan also addressed the email and discussion the Prime Minister brought up about the controls and inspections that were conducted by the Department of VSA, Inspectorate of Health, Labor, and Immigration. Duncan said that the Prime Minister's concerns were about the time the controls were being conducted, another point she raised is amount of time it takes for business people to obtain a business license. He said while he agrees that government has to speed up the process, that does not give anyone the right to open up shop and start a business without a business license.

SMN News asked Duncan if he ever stopped or interfered in the judicial process in order to protect politicians because there are numerous cases involving politicians that are sitting on the desks of the Landrecherche and they are not being investigated or prosecuted. Duncan said at no time did he interfere with the judicial process and since he has been in office, the only report he received from the Landsrecherche is the case of the Tortola Boat mishap that claimed the lives of nine persons. Duncan said on the contrary he cooperated in every sense of way when it came to the departments of Justice. He said when requests reached his desk he would sign them off the same day if possible.

theyliger04032012The people of the country would like the impasse created by the National Alliance to be over and governance returned to the country! There is a crystal clear parliamentary majority in place! The Governor needs to take his decision based on this.

I can fully understand the frustrations of some of the people with respect to the political events that have transpired during the last two weeks.

Those who created an unnecessary standoff have therefore once again tarnished the good name of the country.

The Leader of the National Alliance described the current situation to the Dutch as becoming intense and explosive. This is total nonsense! It is far from the truth, and it sends the wrong message once again to the outside world, especially the foreign investor and the visitor to the island.

These reckless comments and unprofessional behaviour can have a negative impact on the credit rating of the country. It can also lead to negative travel advisories being issued by the United States, Canada and European Governments with respect to the travel of their citizens to the country thereby impacting our tourism oriented economy.

Is it the intention of the National Alliance to create an explosive situation that would endanger the employment of the people of Sint Maarten?

I fully concur with His Excellency the Governor's statement released by his Cabinet for all stakeholders to do all that is necessary to maintain and protect the integrity of our constitutional democracy, and to foster actions in keeping with our constitution.

The appointment of a new President of Parliament will be forthcoming followed by a new Council of Ministers to work in the interests of the people and the country. Constitutionally due elections are approximately 12-months away.

The longer this impasse goes on leads to more speculation that something is amiss. A parliamentary majority is in place and this should be respected by the Council of Ministers, in particular the National Alliance members and Independent appointed Minister R. Pantophlet who no longer enjoy the support of the majority in Parliament, the highest elected body of the people of this country.

The parliamentary majority has presented its case to the Governor. The Governor now has to act.

There is no difference than what transpired last April/May 2012 compared to now! Tell me what is the difference? Elections held within the next couple of months will not change anything. You will still be in the same situation as before where Members of Parliament can leave a party and become an independent member of parliament, and withdraw their support and form a government with another party. That is the political reality that we live in today based on the current electoral laws of our country.

Changing the aforementioned can only be dealt with by Members of Parliament revising the electoral laws.

The National Alliance Leader has admitted that he and his Ministers are frustrating the authority of Parliament. Last April/May 2012, there was also an UP majority in the Council of Ministers that saw majority support in Parliament withdrawn. We saw the writing on the wall and resigned according to the laws of the land.

We respected our Constitution and parliamentary democracy and left without creating an impasse. We respected the parliamentary majority. Today, we have a National Alliance standoff where William Marlin is not respecting the majority in parliament, and that is damaging the image of our country.

Voters are coming to me every day telling me why doesn't the National Alliance respect the wishes of parliament? Democracy must prevail and there is a majority in parliament.

What we have is a Dictator who has taken over the Council of Ministers. He has not followed the procedure and has submitted a decree to the Governor with his name as Deputy Prime Minister to dissolve parliament. He cannot do this with the Prime Minister present. This is an illegal act and goes against the Constitution of Country Sint Maarten. The proper procedures were not followed with respect to this process. The Prime Minister cannot allow bad governance to prevail and has to act accordingly. The Prime Minister is protecting our democracy from the dictatorial procedures of William Marlin.

On Monday again, the Parliament of our country, the peoples Parliament, was hijacked for a third time by the President of Parliament. These people say they are working in the interests of the country, but if that is the case, and then you would let democracy prevail where the majority in parliament prevails. The people of this country are not stupid and they see the difference between the UP respecting our Constitution and democracy while the National Alliance actions in parliament and at the Council of Ministers level leaves a lot to be desired. William and Samuel are hell bent on sabotaging the democratic processes of the country and their actions speak louder than words. We are heading down a dark track in the young life of our country.

And with respect to the repeated political rhetoric being spewed by William Marlin of the National Alliance and cohorts, I have not attempted to bribe anybody or attempted to blackmail anybody for anything. Let Justice take its course.

Theo Heyliger
Leader of the United People's (UP) Party

swescotwilliamsandoralgibbs20052013"If there are new elections our satisfaction would be short-lived. We will come out of this together stronger."

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams took the opportunity to address the people of St. Maarten regarding the political developments on Oral Gibbes live on Monday. The Prime Minister gave an explanation on the political discussion and answered numerous questions from a significant amount of callers. "I think that what the people of St Maarten need to understand is that we once again have a situation where St Maarten needs to rise to the occasion and solve what we are experiencing now and set the example for the people. I realize, and we must all realize, that this too will come to pass and will serve as a lesson for all of us. At the end of it we will have become stronger and review the laws which we have. At the end of this we will see changes and amendments to rules and regulations so that we can stop this situation from happening again," commented the PM.

"I have taken distance from all statements regarding anything related to a Mexican Standoff. This statement sends the wrong message not only internationally but especially to the people of St. Maarten. When politicians start talking about Mexican Standoff; meaning that no one will budge on their position without thinking what that will do to St. Maarten and our young Democracy. They are putting their own political aspirations above those of the people. I will not entertain this and I think it is very unfortunate that those statements have been made. Regardless of the situation we are in we, as leaders in this Country, need to give direction as to how we act, do or say and we need to be very conscious of our statements."

The Prime Minister also explained that a very dangerous precedent is being set. "The dangerous and unfortunate part of this whole situation is that if those that are continuing this stalemate this are allowed to do so this situation can basically go on for ever. I have understood that the President of Parliament adjourned the Parliamentary Meeting today for Friday. However, there is no guarantee that on Friday the same thing will not transpire; that the President will adjourn again. Our parliamentarians need to see now how we can ensure how that is going to continue.

"The proposals from politicians and governing need to be clear to the people of St. Maarten. Elections on their own will not stop happening what is happening now. No one is able to foretell what a person will do when they get into Parliament. That is why we need electoral reform; we need to come to a system that will make it much clearer to the people of St. Maarten to understand to what politicians and political parties stand for. How can politicians be held accountable for the things they sold at elections and during campaigns? I believe that for elections to gain the turn around for what people are clamoring for we need electoral reform. If there are new elections our satisfaction would be short-lived realizing that elections did not help at all.

"I am a firm believer that there are many person of good will on St. Maarten and we will fix this matter. I have a moral and professional responsibility to lift this country. Let us ban together and fix this situation in the long run. We will come out of this together this stronger than when we entered into this situation," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rotaryseniorcitizenscruise20052013Simpson Bay:--- The smiles on the faces said it all, on the annual Rotary Senior Citizens Cruise held recently. Over 150 Seniors were treated to lunch, a cruise through the lagoon and entertainment by DJ Ruby and not to forget a taste of Guavaberry.

The Rotary Club of St. Maarten started with this project more than 25 years ago whereby restaurants donated the lunch for the seniors and the fundraising dinner and dance that would be held the same evening covered the other expenses. Some things have changed since it started, but this humanitarian project focused on our seniors has proven to be an event supported by the community and enjoyed by the seniors alike.
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten would like to thank the community of St. Maarten for its continuous support which makes projects like this possible. Special recognition must be given to nurses and volunteers of the St. Maarten Home, Home Away from Home, Golden Age Foundation and individuals, Russell Bell and Bobby Keough, who ensure that our senior citizens are able to attend these activities and have a good time. Many persons and companies contributed and Rotarians, their partners, Rotaractors and Interactors continue to be encouraged to carry out community service projects that bring smiles to faces and make a positive impact on peoples lives.

cdeweeveratthinktanksession20052013Philipsburg:--- In an effort to increase awareness on HIV/AIDS, STIs, as well as healthy lifestyle choices, the HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team (PMT) in collaboration with the Department of Communication (DCOMM) and Collective Prevention Services (CPS) have began to develop a monthly TV Show. This TV Show will be aired on St. Maarten Cable TV,, YouTube, and Facebook later on this year. This initiative aims at engaging, educating, and encouraging participation of the youth in the development and execution of youth friendly HIV, STI, and general health awareness

In order to develop the format and content for the TV Show, a Think Tank session was held on Thursday, May 17th at the University of St. Maarten with students between the ages of 16-20 from various secondary schools on the Dutch Side. At this event the students acted as the experts and gave their ideas on what kind of show would be entertaining for them and their peers to watch. They engaged in a discussion on what shows are popular amongst teenagers now; what information do they think their peers need to know about HIV, STI and healthy lifestyle choices such as getting tested for HIV, relationships, sexting, abortions, depression, and dieting among many others; who would be a good host and why; and most important what format would be most appealing (game show, reality series, investigative reporting, etc).

"The students were extremely creative and produced very interesting ideas that will definitely be used to guide the development of the TV Show. They are eager to continue contributing to making this exciting opportunity for St. Maarten a success and we will continue to work closely with these dynamic group of students as well as others who are interested. Based on the information we gathered there will be another think tank session, and then we will begin developing and executing the episodes," says Alissa Rios, Communication Officer for the PMT.

Minister Cornelius de Weever, the PMT, DCOMM, and CPS would like to give a special thank you to all the students that were involved - Natalie Richardson & Alexander Watkins (Sundial School); Naomie Mazzola & Gila Parisot (Caribbean International Academy); Sahar Thomson & Heavenest St.Cyr (St. Dominica High); Shanikwa Jno-Baptiste (MPC); Riddhi Samtani & Isaiah Haakmat (Learning Unlimited); Jeffeny Fidel & Rholdyne Lake (St. Maarten Academy), the coordinators/teachers from the various schools, the facilitators who helped guide the discussion (Jorge Solano, Peter Arndell, Shameda Delaney, and Rodney Richardson), and the University of St. Maarten. Stay Tuned, New TV Show in the making!

leonaromeomarlin20052013The Toastmasters Clubs of Sint Maarten will be hosting an Area Debate with the theme "Electoral Reform; Is there a need for change?". This event will be debated by experienced Toastmasters and will bring to the forefront the pros and cons on one of the most talked about issues within the community of Sint Maarten. "The debate will be one of the first held in a very long time by the organization", said Area Governor Leona Romeo-Marlin. As Area Governor, "I believe that it is essential that as Toastmasters we fervently continue to educate not only our selves but the community". Funds raised from this debate will be used for purchasing of educational and administrative materials for the Toastmasters Clubs on the Island.

Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the art of speaking, listening, and thinking.
The debate will give spectators the opportunity to view Toastmasters display quick responses, present coherent arguments and make a clear presentation of their views. Teams will get the opportunity to present their affirmative or negative case and each team will get a chance to rebuttal. Team one consists of Joy Arnell, Denise Vijber, Georges Richardson, and Ashanti van Heyningen. Team two consists of Danae Daal, Malcolm Jacques, Alexandra den Ouden and Juan Richardson.
"The subject chosen by the planning committee may be considered a 'hot topic' however to reiterate what I stated it's about educating the community. I encourage the community of St. Maarten to take advantage of this opportunity and attend this event", concluded Area Governor Leona Romeo-Marlin.
The debate is scheduled for June 9th, 2013 at the Belair Community Center, starting at 4.30 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8 p.p.

cdeweeveratpointeblanchewaterplant20052013Great Bay:--- The good news of the arrival of the second stage and the main pump of the first Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant was reason for Minister Cornelius De Weever, responsible for production and distribution of water to visit, the Yellow Building at the Harbor Cargo where the Pointe Blanche water plant will be housed.

Two new Desalination Plants will be built in the Yellow Building. Construction of the first new plant will start as soon as most of the equipment is on the island. The second stage, first to arrive on the Island, is an essential part of the new drinking water Plant as it will further desalinate the product water from the first stage to produce drinking water, well within the quality specifications. The first stage and other essential filtering equipment will be shipped soon and completion of the plant is foreseen in August 2013. The second plant will be built in 2016.

Production of drinking water will start once feed water is supplied to the plant. The design of the seawater intake and feed water supply system is in an advanced stage. The construction time for the feed water system may take may take longer than the actual time to build the plant. The decision to choose for the alternative open sea intake was necessary as deep wells near the building cannot produce the required volume of feed water.

The plants are built by Air-Fin/Seven Seas Water as described in the Water Supply Agreement Addendum II signed in December 2012 by Government and Air-Fin/Seven Seas Water. The plants are for the production of desalinated water which will be further distributed as drinking water by GEBE. Each Plant is designed for a maximum production of 3700 m3 per day. To compare: One typical household consumes half of a cubic meter per day.
The construction of the two water storage tanks, uphill in Pointe Blanche, reported on last week, are also included in this agreement.

fishermancatcheslionfish20052013The St. Maarten Nature Foundation has continued to work with local fishermen in battling the Lionfish Invasion. Fisherman Stanley Hosford (and daughter Sabrina) are pictured here with a large lionfish specimen caught using Fish Pots donated by the Nature Foundation. "Fishermen are very important in controlling the invasion; staff members and divers eradicating Lionfish can only do so within safe Scuba Diving Limits while fishermen are able to trap for Lionfish in much deeper waters," read a Nature Foundation statement. Mr. Hosford was donated a fish trap which was confiscated because placed illegally within the Man of War Shoal Marine Protected Area and was never collected by its owners. "By recycling fishing traps we are able to continue the tradition of fishing in a sustainable manner on St. Maarten while simultaneously working to eradicate the Invasive Lionfish."

Lionfish are an invasive venomous fish that can inflict a painful and sometimes fatal sting. Lionfish are usually found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans but were introduced into the Atlantic thru the aquarium trade. Native fish species don't recognize the Lionfish as a threat so they are unable to defend themselves against it. In other places were lionfish were spotted there are hardly any snappers and grouper left because those are the type of fish the lionfish likes to eat.

The Nature Foundation encourages fishermen, divers and all those who may have captured or sighted lionfish to report their catch or sightings to the Nature Foundation through calling 5270490 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

teamfcsoualiga20052013FC Soualiga is a women's soccer team established on Sint Maarten in April of 2013 under the St. Maarten Soccer Educational Foundation. The team is being coached by David Forsythe, who has over 30 years of experience coaching soccer teams of all ages. Currently the team is practicing for its first match on Saturday May 25th 2013, and a tournament planned for June. In addition to the planned matches, FC Soualiga will be holding a summer camp for all women interested in developing their soccer skills. If persons are interested in joining the team, FC Soualiga is still looking for energetic and fun ladies to join the team as well as the summer camp. The FC Soualiga team has been growing steadily in numbers and popularity and has ascertained a sponsorship by one of the biggest companies on the island. The new sponsor will officially be revealed during the match of May 25th, 12.00 pm at Johan Cruijff Court Belvedere. All are welcome to come support and inquire about joining.

For those interested in joining: FC Soualiga soccer practices takes place every Tuesday and Thursday at the Asha Stevens Campus of the Hillside Christian School in Cay Hill from 6pm. Membership is free and uniforms and gear will be provided. Interest in joining the team and inquiries can be e-mailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., via the Facebook page: FC Soualiga, or come visit during practice!

"It is unfortunate that political games are being played while we are striving to ensure that governing continues."

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams issued a statement on Monday dismissing allegations made on a news website regarding her sending a letter to Minister of Economic Affairs Romeo Pantophlet on the apparent inspection of an establishment reputed to be owned by a relative. "It is unfortunate that political games are being played at the moment while we are striving to ensure that governing continues. The attempts at manipulation, resulting in misinformation being distributed throughout the community, is contrary to ensuring that the people's business is taken care of. However, taking into consideration that I have always centered my administration on transparency and integrity, I would like to clarify the matter," commented the Prime Minister.

In the online article it is alleged that the PM penned a letter to the Minister of Economic Affairs regarding Labor and Immigration Controls that were executed at the beginning of the year. The Prime Minister confirmed that she did indeed write an email to the Minister of Economic Affairs, but that this was centered on permitting and the issuing of licenses and the difficulty businesses have in receiving licenses and permits on time. In the letter the Prime Minister stated that businesses are being fined despite the fact that their permits are still being processed: "Without these licenses, no request for employment permits can be made...Given this climate out there, should you (Minister Pantophlet) not issue a general decree, summoning all businesses whose licenses (business a/o operational) are not yet completed to close shop until such are issued? I ask this, knowing full well that this is impossible, because a large percentage of the businesses will have to close due to the lack of one license or another; businesses where St. Maarteners and other locals are also employed. Is it fair to fine a business that after waiting for months on a decision on their license, decided –at their wits end and with leases to pay- to start operations?" stated the Prime Minister in her correspondence to Minister Pantophlet.

"This was a desperate salvo of Minister Duncan. Sometimes you could tell a lie by not telling the whole truth and by making this particular remark the Minister suggested that the Prime Minister Issued a directive or more regarding the controls that have been taken place on St. Maarten. In fact, the email, not the letter which was erroneously reported, that the Prime Minister sent to several Ministers following a discussion by several Ministers in the Council of Ministers on the topic is there for anyone who wishes to read it," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliams20052013Philipsburg:--- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams tried to distance herself from the much contested Justice Park which her son and son in law have been negotiating with the former Minister of Justice Roland Duncan. During a spontaneous live press conference, the Prime Minister said that she wants to make clear that the letter of intent that was sent to the Council of Ministers on the Justice Park was sent for judicial and financial advice. Wescot Williams said that she received the advice and later forwarded it to the Minister of Justice and to date there has been no response from the former Minister of Justice Roland Duncan.

The Prime Minister also commented on the email she sent to the Ministers regarding the controls and inspections that were being conducted by Immigration and the Inspectorate of Health and Labour. SMN News questioned the former Minister of Justice about these controls when we were informed that a control was conducted at the Brasserie New York which belongs to the Prime Minister's son Andy Wescot. According to Duncan, the inspectors found several health violations and illegal workers at the business establishment.

Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos confirmed to SMN News that the Department of VSA sent a process verbal to the Prosecutor's Office and his office is yet to take a decision on the matter. Mos said to date he has not received a process verbal from the Immigration Department headed by Udo Aron. Wescot Williams told reporters on Monday that she sent the email after discussing the issue with the Council of Ministers.

"I will do what is necessary to resolve the Political Crisis --- Deputy Prime Minister committed a Punishable Act."

updprlavillesupporters20052013The press conference the Prime Minister called on Monday was to deal with the political crisis on St. Maarten. Wescot Williams read the letter and Landsbesluit that the Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin sent to the Governor of St. Maarten last Monday informing him that the majority members of the Council of Ministers had taken a decision to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams said the only person that is authorized to send such letters or Landsbesluits (decree) to the Governor is her in the capacity of the Prime Minister, she further explained that the letter and LB sent to the Governor last week does not reflect the truth because the Council of Ministers has not taken any decision on the dissolving of Parliament. Wescot Williams said the actions taken by the Deputy Prime Minister is punishable by law. However, she could not tell SMN News what the punishments are for the actions taken by the Deputy Prime Minister. Another statement Wescot Williams made was that there is nothing like a "Deputy Prime Minister" that function does not exist she said. Wescot Williams said when she is absent or off island the "deputy" then acts as Prime Minister.

Wescot Williams said that the Minister of Justice Roland Duncan resigned from his position which is now public information. She said the former Justice Minister Roland Duncan used the same letter that is now being contested by politicians as the basis for his resignation.

In addressing the political situation, the Prime Minister repeated what she told reporters on Wednesday on how she handled the letters she received from the three Members of Parliament who stated that they have pulled their support from the Wescot Williams II Cabinet. She also spoke about the proposal that was submitted by the five Ministers namely, William Marlin, Roland Duncan, Roland Tuitt, Silveria Jacobs, and Romeo Pantophlet which was signed and stated that they do not agree with the advice submitted by the Prime Minister and they have taken the decision to dissolve Parliament and call for early election.

Wescot Williams then walked reporters through the process of what she wrote to the Governor and her opinion on when Parliament can be dissolved.
Last week, the Prime Minister was asked if she and Minister Cornelius de Weever submitted their resignations and she responded in the negative. On Monday, SMN News asked the Prime Minister if she and Minister De Weever submitted their resignation because she said based on the letters she received that was the right thing to do and again on Monday she said they did not because the advice she submitted was voted down. Wescot Williams said she will take her political and moral responsibility and do what is in the best interest of St. Maarten but she failed to say what she is about to do on Tuesday during the Council of Ministers' weekly meeting.

SMN News asked the Prime Minister if she got any advice from the Department of Legal Affairs regarding the meeting that was held by the eight Members of Parliament when they passed a motion to dismiss four Ministers, Wescot Williams said that she did get two advices from the Department of Legal Affairs. SMN News managed to obtain a copy of an email correspondence between the Department of Legal Affairs and the Griffier of Parliament, that correspondence is beneath this article for your viewing.
While Prime Minister was giving her public press briefing, the tribune of the A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall was filled with UP/DP/Laville supporters and the Members of Parliament that want to form the Wescot Williams Cabinet III.

Click here to view the correspondence between Parliament and the Department of Legal Affairs.

National Press Conference Prime Minister of St. Maarten May 20th, 2013.

A very good afternoon to the People of St. Maarten,

Allow me to thank the media and all for coming to this extra-ordinary press briefing.

While most things can be left to the regular Council of Minister's Press Briefing, and as much as I will stick to the rules of the confidentiality of what is handled in the Council of Ministers meetings, I believe that these are extra-ordinary times and the people deserve to hear from me as Prime Minister, especially when we have seen what we have seen during the last couple of days with the Prime Minister of this Country being attacked as not upholding the Constitution of St. Maarten.

As I have mentioned in several occasions, meetings of the Council of Ministers are confidential in accordance with the Rules of Order unless dispensation is given or if the execution of decisions or circumstances of these decisions warrants such. Then you can issue a dispensation of the confidentiality rule that governs decisions of the Council of Ministers.

Before I go in to actually what I want to, which is to give an elucidation regarding the political developments I wanted to react, also taking into consideration the confidentiality rule, to what I refer to as Minister Duncan's last and desperate salvo with reference taken by the Council of Ministers with respect to the Justice Park. The Minister is quoted as stating that this particular project was approved twice by the Council of Ministers and, not wanting to overshadow the next point I want to come to, I would like to be brief, and also indicate that the records will show, that finally after discussions back and forth in the Council of Ministers the lease or the acquisition for this particular project it is a recorded fact that the letter of the Minister of April the 6th for the Council's Approval for the letter of intent of the Justice Park, was sent back by the Prime Minister of St. Maarten for Judicial and Financial Advice. That advice came in on the 18th and was sent to the Minister of Justice and has to this day not come back to the Council of Ministers.

Another desperate salvo of Minister Duncan was pertaining to a letter sent by the Prime Minister to amongst others himself and several other Ministers regarding the Controls that are taken place on St. Maarten at different businesses. Sometimes you could tell a lie by not telling the whole truth and by making this particular Remark the Minister suggested that the Prime Minister Issued a directive or more regarding the controls that have been taken place on St. Maarten. In fact, the email, not the letter which was erroneously reported, that the Prime Minister sent to several Ministers following a discussion by several Ministers in the Council of Ministers on the topic is there for anyone who wishes to read it.

Speaking of the matter at hand; the resignation of Minister Roland Duncan has become public and the point that I would like to make with respect to his resignation is that, at the basis for the Minister's resignation as he put it in his letter, is the same contested letter of the Eight Majority Members of Parliament pulling their support and I would like to emphasize that; in Minister Duncan's Letter for his resignation he outlined that the reason why he resigned is the pulling of support from the Parliamentary majority.

Going forward I would like to go over to the occurrences since May 6th, the date the two letters by firstly the three and then eight members of Parliament were received. These letters were received on May 6th and, like I did before in receiving official letters and this is the way I am required to handle, I presented an Advice to the Council of Minister on the seventh of May. According to the Rules of Order of the Council of Ministers, advices submitted to the Council of Ministers need to be done via a certain format. This advice which I presented to the Council of Ministers was that we have these two letters dated May 6th by a Majority of Parliament and the conclusion for me to those two letters would be to tender the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers.

I submitted that Advice on the 7th of May during the meeting of the Council of Ministers. The response by five of the Ministers was that they do not agree with submitting their resignation on the basis of these letters. It is for this reason that I signaled out Minister Duncan's Resignation because eventually it was on the basis of that same letter that he resigned.

Nevertheless, rather than give their support or agree to us tending our resignation, the five members of the Council of Ministers came with a proposal which reads that the Ministers bring forth a proposal for the decision of the Council of Ministers. The proposal continues to ask that this decision be taken up in that decision list in the meeting of May 7th and charged the Prime Minister with the execution of this particular proposal. According to the Rules of Order proposals or advises coming to the Council of Ministers must be in accordance with a particular format.

The Rules of Order is a Public Document and one would understand what the procedures are for handling something by the Council of Ministers. On the Basis of this Document I indicated that this is not a reaction to my proposal, this is a proposal that is not ready to be handled by the Council of Ministers and I, in my capacity like I did with amongst other things the Justice Park, will send that proposal for legal advice. This was the recorded discussion on May 7th. The decision of the Council on May 7th reads as follows; the decision of the Council of Ministers reads that one; on the advice of the Prime Minister to have the Cabinet submit its resignation, five Ministers are not in agreement with submitting their resignation. It also reads that with respect to a proposal that was not ready for handling in the meeting yet to dissolve Parliament the Prime Minister indicated that she would be seeking legal advice and would be indicating when it would be ready to be placed on the agenda of the Council of Ministers. This was on the Tuesday before Ascension Day. So on the same Tuesday I received a request for a meeting of the Council of Ministers to deal with that matter. I now therefore ask that if the decision was taken to dissolve Parliament on May 7th, why would I have received a request for a meeting to handle the proposal to dissolve Parliament? I understand that for the public of St. Maarten these are a lot of procedures and rules and regulations but the fact remains that I did not receive the legal advice regarding that proposal that was put to the meeting until the twelfth of May, which was a Sunday.

Looking at the entire affaire the legal advice that I received read that I should await the outcome of the meeting of Parliament on May 13th. On Monday we all know what transpired as far as the meeting of Parliament was concerned.

Now low and behold: on Tuesday I am made aware of a letter sent to the Governor by the Deputy Prime Minister, who is only supposed to act as Prime Minister in my absence as there is no function of Deputy Prime Minister, on a letterhead of the Deputy Prime Minister of St. Maarten if you please, which function does not even exist if I am on-island, submits to his Excellency the Governor a resolution to dissolve Parliament. And stating in the meeting of May 7th a decision was taken to dissolve Parliament, and then says that as proof of that decision attached is a copy of the Decision taken and recorded on May the 7th. Along with that letter, the Deputy Prime Minister sends in a National Decree to the Governor.

The one responsible according to the Rules of Order to Submit a Letter or a Decree to the Governor would be the Prime Minister of St. Maarten. Not only that, but the draft of this National Decree to the Governor was sent in along with the letter of the Deputy Prime Minister and mentions amongst other things the dissolution of Parliament is to go into effect on the 15th of August, that the new Parliament will first convene on the 15th of August, that the date for elections will be established on the 26th of July and that the postulation for elections would be on the 14th of June. This is the resolution which was sent by the Deputy Prime Minister to the Governor of St. Maarten under the mum of a decision taken on May 7th. That decision clearly states what the state of that proposal was, namely that legal advice would be had on it and I have indicated what that legal advice entailed.

Subsequently, now that the meeting of the 13th of May by Parliament went the way it went, legal advice was again sought as to what now, and the legal advice clearly indicates that the responsibilities of the Prime Minister are clearly outlined in the Rules of Order.

Furthermore, the electoral law of this country establishes who decides on the date for election and more importantly on what needs to happen before this country can be thrown into elections. So to hear how both the Deputy Prime Minister and the Chairperson of Parliament now take this whole thing and turn the focus on the decision of the Prime Minister I will indicate what I indicated in the Council of Ministers; if there is any indication that this Prime Minister acted against any law, or is misusing her power then the place to take that is to the Parliament of St. Maarten and I would be expected to be called by Parliament to give account for what I have done. Many persons have asked me what the sanction is against the deliberate attempt by the Deputy Prime Minister to circumvent the laws of this Land and using the position of Deputy Prime Minister to usurp the responsibilities as the law puts down for the Prime Minister, and then have the heart to go out and tell the Public of St. Maarten that the Prime Minister is thwarting the process of the Council of Ministers. Although I listened to many statements being made, when it came down to this fact I had to hold this Press briefing today to explain that.

There are some stipulations in our Constitution and there are no two ways about it. There are articles in our Constitution that say that Parliament can be dissolved by National Decree. A National Decree is a decision by the Government of St. Maarten. That is not in dispute here, the dispute comes in the regards that what needs to be done in order to have that decision taken. In my letter to the Governor I have indicated to him that it is my firm belief that when you have a situation like that it is the Parliament of the Country where we need to seek redress and where we go with this matter. So to take and cover up the actions of this letter by the Deputy Prime Minister to the Governor of St. Maarten by falsely stating that it is the Prime Minister that is holding back the process of dissolving the Parliament I would like to say a couple of things to the people of St. Maarten: I often look back at my political career since 101010 and often ask myself how could it be that given the outcome of the elections in 2010 I was appointed Prime Minister. When in 2012 the Government changed and again I was in the position of Prime Minister I again asked myself the same question. And recently the answer to that question is becoming very very clear; I was put here for a reason. I was put here because at some point in time the people of St. Maarten would have been facing what we are facing today and I would be called in the position of Prime Minister to give a judgment. I want you and the people of St. Maarten to know: yes I have a responsibility to the people of St. Maarten as Prime Minister clearly outlined in the Rules of Order, where the emphasis was put on the Prime Minister in making sure that the rules and regulations are carried out accordingly. That has become very clear.

After having made that point extremely clear, persons have asked me the sanctions which exist for an action whereby the Deputy Prime Minister without consulting the Prime Minister and putting himself in the position of Prime Minister could indicate to the Governor that a decision was taken to dissolve Parliament. And then when I react then of course I am thwarting the process. Well you know what? This Prime Minister, and because there are penal sanctions that can be issued against any Minister putting his or her signature to a decision that is not in keeping with the rules and regulations, is going to be even more keen on deciding what, how and if decisions are taken in the Council of Ministers in St. Maarten. And for that I will carry full responsibility.

Rather however than telling the people of St. Maarten that this is a Mexican standoff, rather than informing persons outside of St. Maarten that basically the situation is explosive, it is explosive because politicians are instigating our people to make calls for things for which the ultimate end is not yet known and not yet understood. In fact the dates mentioned in the draft resolution which was sent to the Governor are in conflict with the electoral law of St. Maarten. I repeat that the dates are in conflict with the electoral law of the Country of St. Maarten and I challenge to be challenged on that point. My call to the People of St. Maarten is the following; I will not entertain even the semblance of a Mexican Standoff because my political and moral responsibility to the People of St. Maarten is to make sure that this issue which is hot, and which is intense, is brought to the solution in the benefit of only the people of St. Maarten. I am not entertaining the notion of Mexican standoff, I will not instigate the people and I will not send a message outside of St. Maarten reflecting a message that does not exist on St. Maarten and if it does exist it is instigated by politicians and I will not be a part of that. What I will do is take my political and moral responsibility and the extra responsibility given by the Constitution of St. Maarten and by the Rules of Order of St. Maarten and seek to solve this matter in the Interest of the people of St. Maarten. Everything that I have stated and read is on the record. I wish our Country well and give the people of St. Maarten my assurance that while some would seek a Mexican Standoff and hoping to see this situation grow into something none of us want, I am going to do the opposite and give whatever it takes to ensure that St. Maarten comes out of this wiser, better and more prepared to move forward. Thank you.

updprlavillepressconference20052013Philipsburg:--- On Monday shortly after the Parliamentary meeting was adjourned by the Chairman of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel, a press conference was held by the Members of Parliament that form the majority. During the press conference the majority raised several concerns, Member of Parliament Roy Marlin said that the chairman said that he sought legal advice on the meeting that was held and decision that was taken on May 13th, 2013 in the House of Parliament. Marlin said that the Chairman of Parliament claimed he received that advice and the meeting of May 13th, 2013 was an illegal meeting and so was the decision taken during that meeting. Marlin said if the chairman sought advice and received it, he is compelled to share the advice with the Members of Parliament. Besides that, the MPs from the UP/DP/Laville majority said what took place in the House of Parliament on Friday last week and Monday was undemocratic.

Marlin accused Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin of committing fraud when he sent a Landsbesluit to the Governor of St. Maarten stating that the Council of Ministers decided on May 7th to dissolve Parliament and call for new elections. He said he is of the opinion that the Deputy Prime Minister of St. Maarten wants the political crisis on St. Maarten to get out of hand. He said that the police officers that are present in the House of Parliament are there to protect them and when the Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of Parliament say there is no need to have police officers at the House of Parliament in his opinion they are looking for the political situation to get out of hand and are looking for problems. He said the longer this matter drags on it will become more heated. Marlin further explained that the Chairman of Parliament muzzled the Members of Parliament on Friday and on Monday. Marlin said they will take the necessary legal actions to resolve the political crisis. He assured that the political crisis on St. Maarten will not prolong. He said they will not do as the National Alliance who is trying to incite people, instead they are civilized and will use the legal tools at their disposal to resolve the matter.

Another accusation Marlin levied during the press conference is that the Acting Governor of St. Maarten, Attorney at Law Reynold Groeneveldt is acting in conflict of interest. Marlin said as Acting Governor of St. Maarten he is advising the National Alliance and that is in conflict with his role as Acting Governor. MP Marlin further explained that as soon as they (the new majority) get into office they will champion the removal of Groeneveldt from his position. When Marlin was asked if he has proof to substantiate the statements he made, Marlin said that he stood by his statements. MP Jules James also claimed that Groeneveldt is acting in conflict of interest because he saw the acting governor visiting the Chairman of Parliament to provide him with advice.

MP Romaine Laville in his statements said that the Chairman of Parliament has not been following the rules of order and he will ensure that the current standoff ends because he is the Vice Chairman of the Parliament of St. Maarten.

Member of Parliament Sylvia Meyers in her short statement said what is currently taking place in the House of Parliament is hinging on the democracy. She said that what took place in the House of Parliament does not reflect democracy. She said she is stressing on the importance of democracy. MP Meyers further stated that there might be people who were in the tribune that are happy but she wants to know where St. Maarten is heading since it became a country in 2010. She said she wants to know if St. Maarten is heading towards socialism or if its becoming a dictatorship country.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments and the vote of no confidence against certain members of the Council of Ministers was postponed on Monday, May 17 and has been reconvened for May 24.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Friday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The meeting for May 24 was initially requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson regarding recent political developments (agenda point 1). The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013.

Deputy Prime Minister Hon. William Marlin was invited to parliament to be present for agenda point one and he was present for the plenary session on May 20. This request was made by MPs Hon. G. Pantophlet, Hon. L. Laveist, and Hon. F. Richardson in a letter of May 16, 2013 to the President of Parliament.

An additional agenda point had also been added to the plenary session based on correspondence dated May 7 and May 9, 2013 from MPs Hon. Roy Marlin (DP), Hon. Petrus L. de Weever (DP), Hon. Janchie Leonard (UP), and Hon. Gracita Arrindell (UP): Establishing that Minister W. Marlin, Minister R. Tuitt, Minister R. Duncan, Minister R. Pantophlet and Minister S. Jacobs no longer enjoy majority support from the Parliament of Sint Maarten. This agenda point is slated to be handled in the May 24 plenary session.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

updpmpsandrlaville20052013Philipsburg:--- Members of the United People's Party, Democratic Party, and Independent Member of Parliament Romaine Laville created an uproar in the House of Parliament on Monday when the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel convened the meeting and was making his address to the Members of Parliament and the general public. Also present at that meeting was the Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin.

On several occasions the Members of Parliament who form the new majority chose to call for a point of order and each time the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel kept on telling them "you do not have the word." While the commotion was taking place, the House of Parliament was filled to its capacity with citizens from the community. There were several detectives sitting inside the chambers where the meeting was taking place keeping a close eye on the proceedings.

MP Jules James told Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin on several occasions that he is the one responsible for how the Chairman of Parliament is handling the meeting because Marlin in his first press conference said that St. Maarten will be having a "Mexican standoff" because the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams chose not on to deal with their request to discuss the political situation and dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten.

Samuel told the people of St. Maarten on Sunday on the Lloyd Richardson Show that he would have tendered his resignation on Monday, but while addressing Parliament he said when he took his oath of office he swore to uphold the constitution and if he resigns from his position now then he would not be carrying out the duties which he swore to do. "I know today is a special day in country St. Maarten. On Friday, I adjourned the meeting because I wanted to seek legal advice on the gathering that took place in the House of Parliament on May 13th, 2013 when eight Members of Parliament passed a motion to dismiss four ministers. Today, I got the advice and that meeting of May 13th, 2013 was not a meeting of Parliament and the motion that was passed by the eight members and sent to the Governor and Prime Minister has no legal basis." Just after making that statement MP Roy Marlin called for a point of order and he was told he does not have the word. The Chairman of Parliament continued with his statements by stating that St. Maarten has a constitution which is the Bible of St. Maarten and it must be respected.

Samuel further stated that right now there is a controversy regarding articles 33 and 59, the President of Parliament was then disturbed by MP Jules James who asked for a point of order and he too was told that he did not have the word. MP James tried to continue speaking but the Chairman maintained his instructions to the MP by telling him he did not have the word. MP James proceeded and stated that the Chairman of Parliament was not following the rules of order. Samuel then proceeded to explain that the Prime Minister and other Ministers are appointed by national ordinance. "If a Minister no longer enjoys the confidence of Parliament he or she shall surrender his office based on article 33 sub one and sub two." At that point, MP Johan Janchi Leonard then asked for a point of order and he too was told he did not have the word. MP Gracita Arrindell who was the former Chairman of Parliament also interupted Samuel calling for a point of order, then MP Ruth Douglass.

At one point, MP Petrus Leroy De Weever slammed his fists on his desk and stated that they needed to stop the nonsense. MP Jules James told the chairman that the rules of order state that they can interrupt a speaker but Samuel quickly told him that the rules of order also states that an MP could only speak when he is given the word and up to that point none of them had the word except the chair. MP Roy Marlin then stood up and began to speak with several other MPs who form the majority trying to impose on the authority of the chair when they each called for a point of order.
Samuel then proceeded to explain what article 59 of the country's constitution states and he said thus far the Prime Minister has refused to sign the decree to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for new elections.

MP Roy Marlin then insisted to speak even though he was told on several occasions that he did not have the word, Marlin asked the chairman if he was going to share copies of the advice he received on the meeting of May 13th and he also told Samuel that he should not lie on the Prime Minister when he stated publicly that she refused to sign the decree to dissolve Parliament. Samuel told MP Marlin on numerous occasions that he did not have the word but he refused to take his seat or stop speaking. At some point, MP Johan Janchi Leonard was seen telling his colleagues that they were creating confusion and commotion and they should stop speaking and take their seats because there were police officers in the House of Parliament.

Samuel said that he has to find a solution to the political crisis currently taking place and he is busy searching for answers and solutions, therefore he adjourns the meeting to Friday.

When Samuel made the announcement, the MPs from the UP and DP factions began shouting in the House of Parliament claiming that the Chairman of Parliament is muzzling Parliament. The MPs also shouted that there is dictatorship in the House of Parliament while MP Jules James shouted out that William Marlin is getting the "Mexican standoff" he spoke about.

Son of Prime Minister went After MP Richardson.

andywescot20052013As the MPs shouted and expressed their dissatisfaction as they left the Chamber of Parliament, the son of the Prime Minister Andy Wescot who was also in the chamber went after Member of Parliament Frans Richardson accusing him of stealing from the Harbour Group of Companies. "Its going to come out, it will be made public" were the words of Andy Wescot as he approached MP Richardson who was standing in the corridor of Parliament House speaking with his friends. Christopher Emmanuel and the President of the Democratic Party Michael Ferrier had to restrain Wescot because he was about to throw punches at MP Richardson.

Wescot was taken to the press room and then outside of Parliament to cool off. SMN News learnt that Andy Wescot then rushed over to the Government Administration Building and informed his mother of his behavior. A source from the Prime Minister's cabinet said the Prime Minister was in a state of shock when her son told her that he lost it and reacted the way he did.

Another concern for persons attending the Parliamentary meetings including police officers is the presence of a convicted ex police officer who was hired by MP Romaine Laville. Several persons told SMN News that they are very concerned for their safety because the former convicted police officer was involved in some gruesome crimes in Curacao, St. Maarten, and Aruba and it is despicable for a Member of Parliament to hire such a person as their bodyguard and take him in the House of Parliament when there are public meetings. SMN News further learnt that this matter was raised inside the Government Administration Building and security at the Government Administration Building took the necessary measures by preventing the bodyguard of the MP from entering the Government Administration Building but that is yet to take place at the House of Parliament.

Click here to view more photos of Monday's Parliamentary meeting.

cdeweever19082012Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever would like to congratulate the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) on their recent acquisition of an additional pediatrician and a general surgeon at the institution.
"I welcome this initiative taken by the St. Maarten Medical Center, as it is long overdue, and I am looking forward to the other specialists that will be appointed as a means of offering our community better service," said Minister De Weever.
Based on the Inspectorate's Report, the St. Maarten Medical Center has to bring the formation of specialists up to par. This was one of the demands handed down to the institution. There are still more specialist that the institution needs, such as two internists. The Inspectorate communicates on a daily basis with the St. Maarten Medical Center as they are both working together on pending issues. The SMMC currently has two radiologists on staff, working around the clock to give the necessary service.
"I am happy that the communication with SMMC and the Inspectorate has also improved with the ultimate goal of improving our only hospital," said Minister De Weever.

smeyersolivacce12072012On behalf of the UP party, we would like to congratulate the staff and management of the Princess Juliana International Airport and all stakeholders that form part of the airport community with respect to the International Transport Award that the airport has been bestowed upon from the Global Trade Leaders' Club.

The award from this prestigious group of global business leaders was created to reward goods and passenger transport companies and related industries that are distinguished for the quality of their services.

The Global Trade Leaders' Club is an organization of businessmen and women that brings together more than 7,000 members from 95 countries worldwide, which are considered leaders of big and medium-size companies in all sectors and activities that utilize transport and related companies.

Congratulations once more on behalf of the UP family to the island's airport community on this major recognition of all the hard work and service that is given on a daily basis to users and travellers at one of our main ports of entry.

Sylvia Meyers
United People's (UP) Party, Interim Faction Leader
Member of Parliament

williammarlin28122012Philipsburg:--- National Alliance leader, Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin said on Sunday night that he had spoken for quite some time with Dutch Minister of Kingdom Relations, Minister Plasterk regarding the ongoing political developments on St. Maarten.
Minister Marlin said he wanted to make it very clear again to the people of St. Maarten that it is not his intention, nor that of any other Minister to frustrate the authority of the Parliament of St. Maarten. There is a new majority in Parliament on the one hand, but there is also a majority in the Council of Ministers on the other hand.
The majority in Parliament want to dismiss the Council of Ministers or pass a motion of No Confidence in 4 ministers, while the Council of Ministers has already taken a decision to dissolve the Parliament in the meeting of Tuesday May 7th. And that is where the problem lies. The Prime Minister, Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams is refusing the carry out a decision of the majority, while trying to buy time for the new majority in Parliament to pass a motion of no confidence against the Ministers.
Marlin said, that is the reason why he decided to write to the Governor explaining the situation and also drafting a National Decree to dissolve Parliament and hold early elections in July. The Governor didn't sign the draft National Ordinance but referred it back to the Council of Ministers for handling. Marlin said that on Friday last he wrote the Prime Minister a letter asking her to place the matter on the agenda for handling. According to Minister Marlin the General Secretary to the Council of Ministers said that the Prime Minister told her that the agenda was already closed off.
The Deputy Prime Minister said that the public of St. Maarten needs to realize that it is the Prime Minister who is refusing to uphold the Constitution of St. Maarten. We have all taken the oath to do so.
The focus of the problem is on the Chairman of Parliament because Parliament convenes in a public session. But the Prime Minister has been getting away since the Council of Ministers meet behind closed doors and the public is not aware of decisions that have been taken.
It is wrong for the Prime Minister to abuse and misuse her power and authority just to stay in power. Marlin said what he would want to see is the decision of the majority of the Council of Ministers carried out, which is to dissolve Parliament and hold early elections.
With such a decision carried out, all of the Ministers will tender their resignation and if the new majority wants to appoint new Ministers, they have his blessings, which of course is their good right. But we cannot measure with two dipsticks, one for the Prime Minister, who is allowed to act in conflict with the constitution and the other one for the Chairman of Parliament. Even if he acts in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules of Order, it is not good enough for the new majority, that wants to take over the Government at all costs.
Minister Marlin said he pointed all this out to Minister Plasterk, and told him that the situation on St. Maarten is becoming tense and explosive. Marlin said as the most senior politician on St. Maarten, having spent 26 years uninterrupted in the Island Council and Executive Council of St. Maarten and also 9 years in the Parliament of St. Maarten, he has never felt threatened like now.
I have never sat in a meeting with that many police officers present. This is not like St. Maarten. And before matters get out of hands, he is calling on the authorities to act before it is too late. Up till now, all we have is the following: In letters three Members of Parliament have indicated that they had withdrawn their support for the present Government, while 8 Members of Parliament have further indicated that they are prepared to support a new Government.
But what we also have is that ever since the 7th May, 5 Ministers have taken a decision in the Council of Ministers to dissolve Parliament and hold early elections.
The situation as is cannot continue, Marlin said. We cannot simply ignore some of the issues surrounding key players in the formation of a new government. We have the manager of Bada Bing publicly stating that it is the leader of the UP Party who instructed him to make a tape in order to blackmail a Member of Parliament (which is punishable by law). We also have the Independent Member of Parliament who has publicly stated that he was offered a bribe by the leader of the UP Party of first 250.000 Dollars and then $350.000. and some three weeks after he was questioned by the Prosecutor about this, he has suddenly made a right about turn and is now all sweet again with the leader of the UP Party. They have now struck a deal: The Independent Member of Parliament will resign from Parliament so that the UP leader will get back a seat in Parliament and the Independent Member will become a Minister.
The public is not happy with these developments either and throughout the communities people are asking for early elections, instead of patching things up in order to have the third Wescot-Williams cabinet in three years!
Marlin said that he has again spoken to the Governor Drs. Eugene Holiday and to Dutch Minister of Kingdom Relations, Minister Plasterk.
In his opinion, the best solution is to dissolve Parliament and hold early elections and dismiss the present Council of Ministers and replace them with a caretaker cabinet until a new Government takes over after the early elections in July.
Marlin said the people need to be given an opportunity to speak out in new elections, the people need to give a new mandate as to who they want to run this new country of ours.
In view of the discussions, particularly with Minister Plasterk, Marlin said that he has asked the Chairman of Parliament, Drs. Rodolphe Samuel, not to resign on Monday as he had indicated during a radio interview with Lloyd Richardson on PJD-2 on Sunday morning.
Marlin also confirmed that all the National Alliance Ministers and Minister Pantophlet have signed letters of resignation and will hand them in to Governor Eugene Holiday as soon as a decision is taken to dissolve Parliament and hold early elections.

Press Release from Deputy Prime Minister's Office

PHILIPSBURG:--- St. Maarten will be receiving another Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that will be promoting health. On Tuesday, a group of community minded persons will be coming together to launch the St. Maarten Heart & Stroke Foundation.

The Heart & Stroke Foundation is a volunteer-based health charity and the primary objective of eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the promotion of health living.

The launch of the foundation will take place at the Belair Community Center on Tuesday, May 21 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. During the launch evening board members will be recruiting members and volunteers.

Guest speaker for the evening will be Cardiologist Dr. Meredith Sedney.

An estimated 17 million people die of particularly heart attacks and strokes, every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). A substantial number of these deaths can be attributed to tobacco smoking, which increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease two-three fold.

Physical inactivity and unhealthy diet are other main risk factors which increase individual risks to cardiovascular diseases.

One of the strategies to respond to the challenges to population health and well-being due to the global epidemic of heart attack and stroke is to provide actionable information for development and implementation of appropriate policies.

The St. Maarten Heart and Stroke Foundation will do all in its power to create awareness and work with other NGOs with respect to healthy living on St. Maarten.

The foundation has support groups who are willing to assist care takers of a family who has had a stroke or suffers from heart disease.

Philipsburg:--- The Saint Martin United Ministerial Foundation (SMUMF) is very much concerned about the current political and governmental upheaval in our nation.

Churches are calling on our politicians, government and parliament to resolve the issues as soon as possible in a peaceful, orderly and professional manner and to uphold and respect the laws of the country. Our people are uncertain, confused and upset about what is going on in government and parliament. Without clarity and a willingness of those concerned, this instability can lead to unnecessary unrest in our nation.

SMUMF therefore is appealing to our leaders to let reason, fairness and integrity prevail and to put the interest for the people and country above all self-interest. We are asking our leaders to conduct themselves properly, orderly and to be transparent and follow the laws of the land.

We believe that the sooner we break the current impasse the better it will be for our people, our government, our parliament and the nation. SMUMF is willing to assist in mediating between parties, if necessary, in order to bring about a solution to the current impasse.

May God bless and protect our beloved country, Sint Maarten!

rodolphesamuel03012013Philipsburg:--- The President of the Parliament of St. Maarten Rodolphe Samuel announced on Sunday morning on the Lloyd Richardson Talk Show that he will be tendering his resignation on Monday. Samuel did not give details as to how he intends to make his position available to the Parliament of St. Maarten.

The President of Parliament also gave another overview on how he handled every letter that was sent to him by the eight members of Parliament who said they form the majority of the Wescot-Williams III Cabinet. Samuel also explained to the people of St. Maarten for the third time why the meeting that was called by three MPs Louie Laveist, George Pantophlet, and Independent Member Frans Richardson was rescheduled and why he could not have chaired the meeting on Monday which was rescheduled to Friday May 17th. Samuel further explained that he had to bring clarity to the people of St. Maarten and that is what he did on Friday when he convened the meeting but did not deal with the two agenda points. He said the current political crisis has shed a very bad image of St. Maarten especially since the members of the highest legislative body are not following the rules of order that guides the functioning of Parliament.

St. Maarten's President of Parliament also clarified that what took place in Curacao was legally correct because the President of Curacao's Parliament was refusing to call a meeting. However, that is not the case on St. Maarten he said the letter that was sent by four MPs from the new majority had a mistake to which they admitted when he wrote them and asked them for clarification and then they requested that he placed their request as an agenda point of the meeting requested by the three MPs Laviest, Pantophlet, and Richardson. Samuel said that there are two articles of the constitution of St. Maarten that the people of St. Maarten will never forget which are articles 33 where Parliament can dismiss Ministers and article 59 where the Council of Ministers can dismiss Parliament. The only media outlet that has been bringing out the checks and balances of government through the constitution of St. Maarten is SMN News. SMN News posted many pages of A.B. van Rijn's book where he defines the constitution.

The current political crisis which seems to be never ending is being delayed because the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams has refused to deal with a request and expression of the majority members of the Council of Ministers which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten, Samuel told the radio listeners on Sunday morning.

President of the Democratic Party Michael Ferrier called in on the program and shared his views on the ongoing political saga. One of Ferrier's concerns was which article of the constitution came first and for him he wanted to know the real reason Samuel did not convene the meeting on Monday. On the radio program Samuel made clear that he received a letter from the MPs that requested the meeting to reschedule the meeting because one of them had left the island to attend the funeral of slain MP Helmin Wiels.

Deputy Prime Minister of St. Maarten William Marlin also called in on the program to clarify the true reasons for the political crisis on St. Maarten. Marlin made clear that the meetings of Parliament are public but the Council of Ministers' meetings that are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays are held behind closed doors. He said one of the callers were on the mark when they questioned what really worked for MP Romaine Laville who told the people of St. Maarten and the public prosecutor that the leader of the United Peoples Party Theodore Heyliger offered him bribes twice to return to UP party so that he Heyliger can remain in government.
Several persons who normally listen to the weekly program also called in and expressed their views on the behavior of the elected officials. One of the callers gave MP Laville a public advice which is to hold on to what he was paid by the leader of the UP Party to throw down the Government because if the Leader of the UP does not get into power he will be asking for a refund.

Another caller said that she wants to know why MP Romaine Laville is given the chance to destabilize the government of St. Maarten twice, she is of the opinion that if Laville gets the chance to throw the government down a third time he will.

A meeting of Parliament is scheduled for Monday morning while several of the persons who took part in the march on Friday promised to protest at the House of Parliament on Monday morning.

Philipsburg:--- The Saint Martin United Ministerial Foundation (SMUMF) declares Wednesday, May 22nd 2013 as a national day of prayer on Sint Maarten. The political and governmental upheavals over the past weeks have escalated to a very troubling level, one which not only calls for concern but also for all spiritual leaders and Christians to pray about.

The entire population of Sint Maarten is kindly requested to take some time on Wednesday during the day or night to pray for our nation. You can pray privately in your home, in your car, or even when you go to the bathroom on your job.

The New Testament Baptist Church will be opened on Wednesday between 12 noon and 1:00pm to the general public for collective prayer. Concerned citizens, whose lunch hour or work break is from 12 noon to 1:00pm can join the prayer vigil. The New Testament Baptist Church is located amidst the three pillars of Government, namely Parliament, Government and the Judicial branch. In light of the continued political and governmental uncertainty, the SMUMF believes that the time is now for us to rise up and collectively intercede for and on behalf of our country.

SMUMF is asking all Church leaders not only to set aside this day for special prayers, but to also ask your congregants to meet on Wednesday evening for a time of intercessory prayer. Below we have outlined nine prayer points which we hope will help to guide your time of individual and or corporate prayer.

Pray for: (1) God's divine intervention into the affairs of the Government of Sint Maarten. (2) God's wisdom to prevail in all areas of governmental decision making. (3) God's restoration of integrity to those who are set in place to rule and exercise authority. (4) God's will to be done in Government and in the nation. (5) The fear of God (reverential respect) to be established in Government and the nation at large. (6) God's peace to prevail in Government and in the nation.

Pray against: (7) The spirit of unrest in our nation. (8) The spirit of confusion and violence in the nation. (9) The spirit of selfishness and greed in the nation.

Let us join our hands, hearts, and spirits together as we obey the Word of God to pray for those in authority. May God bless and protect our beloved country, Sint Maarten.

swescotwilliamsataucgraduation19052013"I expect you to never forget the time you have spent here. This island will remain with you forever and is a part of what you are and what you will become as individuals and as practitioners in the medical field."

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams was one of the honored guests at the Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2013 of the American University of the Caribbean on Saturday. The Ceremony, which celebrated the largest group of graduating students since the establishment of the Medical University, was held at the Sonesta Maho resort and featured guests from around the region, including representatives from the DeVry Group of Companies.

During her remarks at the Graduation Ceremony the Prime Minister stated that on behalf of the Government of St Maarten it was again her pleasure to be able to attend the ceremony. "Since the establishment of the AUC I have attended many celebratory events at the school as it continued and continues to grow from strength to strength. But it is always an extra pleasure to be at the Commencement Ceremonies, which for the students it is a crowning event of their career here on the island. It is a sign of confidence for the Country of St. Maarten and for the AUC that you, the students, have chosen St Maarten for your place of study. I am convinced that as you leave our shores you will not only have left with your degree but also with many fond experiences that you have had while on the island. I wanted to, in a special way, also well welcome the parents and loved ones who have joined you for this occasion. This is St. Maarten, the place where you as graduate have decided to come to and study and as St. Maarteners we are very proud of the Graduates Congratulations are also in order for the faculty and staff for continuing to build this school so that every year we can have these ceremonies. Thank you for making this island the permanent residence of UAC and look how far you have come since 1995. The Government of St. Maarten congratulates you in bringing the school to where it is today.

"To the students we say as you embark on your medical career, no matter how hectic your career may become, I expect you to never forget the time you have spent here. This island will remain with you forever and is a part of what you are and what you will become as individuals and as practitioners in the medical field. Thank you for choosing St. Maarten and also for the interaction you have had with the community of St. Maarten and for making it a household name on this island. We hope you may come back quickly and often and I look forward to seeing you soon. God bless you, stay strong and remain faithful to your calling and God Bless the Nation of St. Maarten," commented the Prime Minister

The American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine was founded in 1978, upon a belief in the need for visionary, skilled, compassionate doctors. The AUC was originally chartered by the Government of Montserrat in the British West Indies, however, In 1995 Montserrat's Soufrière Hills Volcano caused the school to be relocated to St. Maarten. In 1998, the School of Medicine completed a new multi-million-dollar teaching and learning facility and in 2002, AUC's modern one and two-bedroom student dormitory was constructed.

The AUC Medical School in Collaboration with the University of St. Maarten provides the opportunity for locals to become future physicians through the provision of scholarships worth up to $ 30.000. The AUC also collaborates very closely with the St. Maarten Medical Center in providing health care to the people of St. Maarten and logistical support through various programs.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments and the vote of no confidence against certain members of the Council of Ministers was postponed on Friday, May 17 and has been reconvened for May 20.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Monday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The meeting for May 17 was initially requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson regarding recent political developments (agenda point 1).

The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013 and the meeting was scheduled for May 13 but was cancelled – reconvened for May 17 - in connection with certain MPs wanting to travel for the funeral of Curacao MP H. Wiels that took place on Tuesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Hon. William Marlin was invited to parliament to be present for agenda point one and he was present for the plenary session on May 17. This request was made by MPs Hon. G. Pantophlet, Hon. L. Laveist, and Hon. F. Richardson in a letter of May 16, 2013 to the President of Parliament.

An additional agenda point had also been added to the 13 May plenary session based on correspondence dated May 7 and May 9, 2013 from MPs Hon. Roy Marlin (DP), Hon. Petrus L. de Weever (DP), Hon. Janchie Leonard (UP), and Hon. Gracita Arrindell (UP): Establishing that Minister W. Marlin, Minister R. Tuitt, Minister R. Duncan, Minister R. Pantophlet and Minister S. Jacobs no longer enjoy majority support from the Parliament of Sint Maarten. This agenda point is slated to be handled in the May 20 plenary session.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

newelectionmarchers17052013Philipsburg:--- Close to two hundred persons took part in a peaceful march that started off at Le Grand Marche's parking lot on Friday afternoon as they called on the Parliament of St. Maarten to respect the wishes of the people and call for new elections. Several persons stood alongside the road while many drivers stopped and looked at the marchers who shouted from the top of the voices telling those that were on the sidelines to join the march because the change starts with the people.

The crowd which was expected to be much larger was hampered by the time it started because most people said they were working and preferred if the march had taken place much later in the evening. Another hindrance to the turnout Friday afternoon was that the unions chose to call a general membership meeting at 3pm Friday afternoon to inform their membership of the outcome of the meeting they held with the Prime Minister regarding the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) payments. President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union Claire Elshot told SMN News on Thursday that her members would have joined the march because they did not get any satisfactory answer from the Prime Minister when she met with them earlier in the day but the WITU members did not participate in the march.

Despite the turn out, the marchers were carrying placards throughout the walk from Le Grand Marche to the Government Administration Building and they kept chanting "Enough is Enough, the change starts with us, know your rights to petition and march," as they demanded that new elections be called as soon as possible to end the current political crisis on St. Maarten. The peaceful march was organized by Lisa Alexander who began gathering signatures about a week ago demanding that new elections be called and the rights of the people on St. Maarten be respected. Radio personality and talk show host Mercedes Wyatt (ELECTRA) also participated in the march as one of the lead persons chanting and walking alongside the organizers Lisa Alexander and Rene "Koto" Wilson.

Rene "Koto" Wilson who was organizing a separate march joined Alexander in the march she organized since both marches were for the same cause. Wilson said that several persons called them and told them that they would have liked to participate in the march but it was taking place during their working hours. He said they are satisfied with the turn out because Friday was the beginning of the fight that will continue throughout next week. Wilson further explained that the protesters intend to continue their fight throughout next week until the Members of Parliament understand that it is the people that elected them and they need to listen to the electorate.

marchersatgovernmentbuilding17052013Wilson said that St. Maarten is the only country that has a convicted criminal in front of their Government Administration Building. The well known activist was referring to the statue of the late Claude Wathey that is erected in front of the Government Administration Building. Wilson said nowhere else in the world this happens but on St. Maarten. "The late Claude Wathey was convicted for embezzlement and Government chose to place a statue of a convict in front of the Administration Building because all of the politicians that reined under the late Wathey are also guilty of embezzlement." He said one of the things he intends to do is to get the Kingdom Prosecutor to conduct an investigation on the functioning of the Landsrecherche on St. Maarten because there are too many cases related to government officials that are not being investigated. "Right now, the politicians in the Netherlands and the Kingdom Prosecutors want to know why the Landsrecherche on St. Maarten cannot get its job done. I will be pressing for them to send St. Maarten's Attorney General Taco Stein home because he is not working in St. Maarten's interest. Stein was here before and he knows exactly what takes place on the island when it comes to corruption. So far, Taco Stein cannot say why cases that are over three years old cannot be completed."

The protestors and the organizers have decided that they will go to the Parliament of St. Maarten on Monday morning when the continuation meeting convenes to express their concerns and protest while the intention is to turn in all the signatures they collected during the petition drive. The organizers were still busy collecting signatures at Le Grand Marche's parking lot prior to starting the march and they did the same in front of the Government Administration Building. It was expected that Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams, the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers, would have come outside and greeted the marchers but the Prime Minister did not show her face. The only Ministers who were among the people were Minister of Health Cornelius de Weever and Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet. Minister Silveria Jacobs was seen standing with a group of people while the protesters were walking down the Pondfill road. At the Government Administration Building, Member of Parliament Frans Richardson was seen speaking to some of his friends and supporters.

Click here to view more photos of Friday's peaceful march.

Harbour View:--- On Friday May 17, 2013, His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, received and signed-off the national decree regulating the honorable discharge of Minister of Justice R.E. Duncan according to his request of May 10, 2013. The decree takes effect immediately.

civilregistrydeptatashastevensprimaryschool17052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Civil Registry Department, restarted its "Identify Me Campaign", and has ensured that those schools that were unable to take part in the campaign last year were able to receive this extra service in 2013.

Over 120 students from the Charlotte Brookson Academy and the Asha Stevens Campus received their identification cards. Certain teachers took the opportunity to renew their cards as the need to physically come to the office was no longer needed.

The department will continue to target the schools on an annual basis as each person from the age of 12 and above is obliged to have an identification card according to the law.

jackothebaboon17052013The St. Maarten Zoo lost its oldest inhabitant this week. Our male baboon, Jacko, died quietly in his sleep.
We are not sure of his age but we believe him to be at least 25 years of age.
Baboons in captivity have been known to live up to 45 years, while in the wild their life expectancy is about 25 - 30 years.

Jacko was brought to the island as an adult baboon by Mr. Max Phelipa. The Zoo in Aruba donated Jacko to Mr. Phelipa's small zoo which he had in his yard on Front Street.
Jacko was a year and a half at the time.
Jacko lived there for about a year or so until the St. Maarten Zoo was opened in 1991.
Then Jacko and his family moved into a large comfortable enclosure at the new zoo.
They enjoyed many years of comfort there.
Over the years the other baboons died, and Jacko was left alone in his exhibit.
We know he was lonely and missed his family, but we are glad Jacko had so many years with us at the Zoo.
We know many people on the island remember going to the Zoo as children and seeing Jacko there.
We are sad to lose him but we are grateful he lived to such a good age.
Rest in Peace Jacko!

usfolcleansstjorisbay17052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- On 15 May 2013, volunteers from the U.S. Forward Operating Location (USFOL) and the local wind surfing community spent the morning picking-up trash and debris at Koraal Tabak on Sint Jorisbay. By noon, a half-ton of trash had been collected and sent to the island dump for disposal. Each month, around 3,000 people visit the area for recreation including at-risk youth who receive mentoring and free kite boarding lessons from Fundashon Sint Joris Baai, a non-profit organization. The USFOL regularly donates time to community projects as a way of saying "Thank You" for all that the Curacao people have given them.

civilregistrydeptdonatestoicanfoundation17052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Civil Registry employees gathered non-perishable food as part of their social activities, and donated the goods to the St. Martin's Home and the I Can Foundation. This gesture was a way of giving back to the community and was well appreciated by the recipients.

Great Bay -The Department of Youth Affairs has announced that the application period for students to apply for the Business Outreach and Placement Program has been extended to May 24th, 2013.

Said program, coordinated by the Department of Youth Affairs, is dedicated to placing pre-exam and exam students aged 16 and older of secondary schools as well as students in tertiary level education in temporary employ during the months of July and August. The main objective of the BOPP is to provide a work experience based on the students' possible career ambition.

All students entering the program will gain knowledge through the training that is provided prior to being placed and ultimately gain an invaluable work experience. By spending four to six weeks working in various government departments and in the private sector, the gap between the academic and business world is bridged. The employer will benefit from the competent and often times innovative perspective that students can offer.

This year, the BOPP program is scheduled to run from July 1st through August 9th, 2013 and will mark its 15th anniversary in existence.
The program will consist of the usual application period, training, pre-selection for interviews and final selection for a summer job.

Students wishing to apply for a summer job can still do so by visiting their school guidance counselor's office for an application form or pass by the Department of Youth and Sports Affairs. Student applications must be submitted to the Department of Youth and Sports located in the Vlaun Building, across from the Post Office no later than Friday, May 24th 2013.

Business owners are also encouraged to participate in the program and support the youth as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to the community. Businesses that are willing to participate or seek more information can contact the department of Youth and Sports Affairs for further information at telephone number: 542-2056/ 5423873 or via fax: 54-20643 or send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

uscgtheeagle17052013POINT BLANCHE:--- The Port of St. Maarten is working closely with Dr. Jack Stevens, President of the Navy League's Caribbean and Latin American Region, to bring more U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels to St. Maarten for rest and relaxation.

St. Maarten/St. Martin was the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard's top-rated liberty port in the Caribbean from the early 1990's until the shutdown of the Navy's Puerto Rico Training Area, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and real competition from other Caribbean ports that recognized the economic benefits of Navy and Coast Guard port visits. This all caused a drastic decline in U.S. Navy and Coast Guard visits to our friendly island.

As U.S. forces are reduced in many parts of the world and the U.S. again begins to recognize the importance of its Caribbean and Latin American neighbors, U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ship visits to our region are expected to increase significantly in the months and years ahead. And, St. Maarten/St. Martin has a second chance to become the U.S. forces liberty port of choice in the Caribbean.

On Friday, May 24 (less than two weeks from now), the U.S. Coast Guard Training Ship EAGLE will arrive in Great Bay Harbour for a three-day visit to our friendly island.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies said the EAGLE visit is very important to St. Maarten for several reasons. First, because the EAGLE is considered "America's Tall Ship" and the oldest (77 years old) active ship in the U.S. fleet, it is recognized all over the world.

Second, the young cadets and officer candidates aboard this ship as well as the training officers aboard the ship will spread the word about their experiences on our friendly island. Finally, Mingo said, this very high visibility visit can help to reestablish destination St. Maarten as the ideal liberty port in the Caribbean not only for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard but also for naval vessels of other friendly nations.

Harbour CEO Mingo added, "While most St. Maarteners recognize the positive contribution that cruise ships and mega yachts make to our economy, not as many recognize that visits of U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels can give an additional boost to our economy.

Jack Stevens thanked Mingo and his team at the Harbour Group of Companies for their support of the Navy League which has played a key role in promoting ship visits in the past. Stevens said that there was no guarantee of large Navy ship visits in the future but that we can greatly improve the possibility of future ship visits by making sure that the crew of the EAGLE has a pleasant and successful visit to our island.

Jack Stevens further explained that the four factors that determine where a ship makes a liberty visit are (1) the needs of the country or service, (2) the safety and security of the ship and the crew members, (3) costs associated with the visit, and (4) last, but certainly not least, the wishes of the crew.

Mingo said that we can promote future business for our Country St. Maarten by making all visitors feel safe and secure, keep our prices competitive with other ports, and by helping every visitor have a great time on our friendly island.

telemgroupcellsite02052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group technicians and engineers last night switched over to the use of a new 3G network frequency to remove network interference issues that are coming from neighbouring Anguilla.
The frequency was granted to TelEm Group by the Bureau of Telecommunications and Post (BTP), St. Maarten, following a request from the company.
"We are thankful to the Bureau of Telecommunications for responding so quickly to our request for the temporary use of a new frequency. It will greatly improve on the quality of the signal being received by our mobile voice and data customers on the 3G network," said TelEm Group Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa.
Mr. Louisa said it was also thanks to the BTP, working along with the company's Manager Network Operations, Mr. Julien Lake, and the coordinating technicians and engineers, that the source of the interruption was traced to equipment being used by Digicel in Anguilla. That equipment was also being operated on the same frequency as TelEm Group's 3G network equipment.
"Once we identified the source were able to take the necessary steps to deal with the interference as a matter of priority," stated Mr. Louisa.
He said a team of technicians and engineers had the task late last night, of shutting down the 3G network and reconfiguring hardware and software with the new frequency requirements, before activating the 3G network once more.
As a result of interference issues during the past three weeks, 3G mobile voice and data users who were experiencing problems with the TelEm Group 3G network were requested to take their handsets and smartphones off AUTO to "push" their service onto the company's 2G network.
Mr. Louisa explained at the time that mobile handsets and smartphones that are set to automatically select the most suitable network will jump from the 2G network to the 3G network depending of what signal is available.
"That is why we advised users to put their mobile handset and smartphones to AUTO," said the Chief Technical Officer.
He said once the new frequency is fully in use and the 3G network is once again regularized, TelEm Group will provide the public with additional information about the resetting of mobile and voice and data devices for optimal service on the 3G network.
Meantime the Chief Technical Officer has apologized to TelEm Group mobile voice and data customers for the interruption on network service which was caused by third parties and was not under the control of the company.

judithuyterlinde17052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- Bestselling author Judith Uyterlinde, one the Netherlands' most translated new generation writers, is headed for the St. Martin Book Fair, May 30 - June 1, 2013, said Shujah Reiph, book fair coordinator.

Uyterlinde's novel, Cette femme qui dit être ma mere, the French edition of The Woman Who Says She is My Mother, was published just in time for the May 30 book fair opening at the Chamber of Commerce Building, Spring Concordia, Marigot.

The first book by Uyterlinde, The Baby Void – My Quest for Motherhood, was an international bestseller, with translation rights sold in 20 countries. Her Dutch and English language titles will be available at the three-day St. Martin literary festival.

"The engineer-turned novelist Garfield Ellis, is also one of our important guest authors and he's coming in from Canada," said Reiph, who is also president of Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF).

A two-time winner of the Una Marson prize for adult literature, Ellis is the author of five novels and short story collections: Flaming Hearts, Wake Rasta, Such As I Have, For Nothing at All, and Till I'm Laid To Rest.

Both writers will be among the visiting and St. Martin authors touring schools throughout the island. They will read from their new books at the Literary Evening in Grand Case at Blue Martini Restaurant; and conduct free workshops on Saturday, June 1, the main book fair day at the University of St. Martin campus, said Reiph.

Uyterlinde is packing something else in her literary luggage. The Woman Who Says She is My Mother has been made into a documentary for Dutch TV. A graphic novel of the book will be published in Dutch and English in 2013, said the author. "This is the reason why we asked Ms. Uyterlinde to conduct the multimedia workshop called 'The life of a book after it's a book'," said Jacqueline Sample of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP), co-organizer of the book fair.

People at the 'life of a book' workshop will receive expert, hands-on product and marketing ideas and practices of how "translations; film or video documentary; and producing a graphic novel" can be "creative ways to reach new audiences," said Uyterlinde.

Garfiled Ellis will conduct the Creative Writing Workshop, a practical workshop for writers, aspiring writers, young writers, and people thinking about writing poetry, a play, a novel, short stories, children's books, or their life's story, said Reiph.

Ellis, originally from Jamaica, is also a recipient of the University of Miami's prestigious James Michener Fellow and the Heinemann/Lifestyle short story award.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and the University of St. Martin are partners in the 11th annual St. Martin Book Fair, organized by CLF and HNP.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, continues to monitor developments with respect to a new strain of influenza A (H7H9) that has been observed in China in order to ensure that public health is safeguarded.

The standard advice to travelers to China is to follow good hand hygiene and food safety practices and to avoid contact with animals. While in China, avoid touching animals whether they are alive or dead and to avoid live bird or poultry markets and to only eat food that is fully cooked. Similar advice has also been issued by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Persons traveling to China are advised to remain vigilant and observe measures recommended by local Chinese health authorities. The World Health Organization (WHO) does not advise against travel to China at this point in time, as there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Influenza A (H7N9) is known to affect wild birds and poultry. The cases in China are the first known cases of H7N9 infection in humans. As of May 8, China reported a total of 131 laboratory confirmed cases of human infection, including 32 deaths in the provinces of Fujian, Henan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the municipalities of Shanghai and Beijing. One case was reported by the Taipei Centers for Disease Control.

Age range is two to 91 years old with 54 per cent of cases registered in persons of 60 years or older. Of the total cases reported, 38 are among females and 88 are among males.

Returning travelers from affected areas in China should look out for signs and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as fever and cough, and seek early medical attention if they are will with such symptoms.

The Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius De Weever 'Get Checked' campaign emphasizes the importance of individuals informing their doctors of their travel history, should they develop these symptoms after returning to Sint Maarten.

Travelers to China should practice the following: avoid direct contact with poultry, birds or their droppings, and if contact is made, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water; Cook poultry and eggs thoroughly before eating; Wash hands frequently with soap and water (e.g. before handling food or eating, after going to the toilet, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretion after coughing or sneezing).

Also while in China avoid crowded places and contact with sick people with fever, and wear a mask when you have respiratory symptoms or are feeling unwell.

swescotwilliamsandjrollocks17052013Philipsburg:--- Chaos and confusion erupted in the House of Parliament on Friday morning when the Chairman of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel lectured the fourteen Members of Parliament that attended the meeting before adjourning the meeting until Monday claiming that he needed legal advice.
The head of the Legal Affairs Department sent an advice to the Prime Minister expressing doubt regarding the legality of the motion of non-confidence that was passed against four Ministers on Monday by eight MPs from the UP/DP Laville coalition. The legal affairs department informed the Prime Minister that there were several procedural errors when the motion was tabled and passed by the eight Members of Parliament on Monday. The Department of Legal Affairs even contacted the griffier of Parliament to furnish them with information on how the meeting took place in order for them to complete their advice and after receiving a response from the griffier of Parliament they concluded that they could not submit a coherent legal advice to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten.

The House of Parliament was filled to its capacity with several detectives that were there to ensure that safety and security was at its best.

While fourteen Members of Parliament attended the meeting many of them from the UP/DP/Laville faction signed the speakers list, but they did not sign in to form a quorum for the meeting to precede. Therefore, the meeting that was scheduled to begin at 10am began closer to 10:30am. Samuel in his address to Parliament explained that he could not start the meeting because several MPs took their seat but did not sign in for the meeting. He said the rules of order clearly states that if there is no quorum then a meeting of Parliament cannot be convened.

Samuel lamented that he is the President of the Parliament of St. Maarten and the only way he can be removed from his chair is if the majority Members of Parliament vote a motion of non-confidence against him. He said that could only take place in the House of Parliament and not by anyone sending him a letter. Samuel further explained that he already said that whenever he does not enjoy the majority in Parliament he will willingly resign from his position. While the Chairman of Parliament was making his statements, MP Leroy de Weever said he had a point of order but the chairman quickly told him that he did not have the floor to speak. At the time, Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin attended the meeting so he could have given his side of the story had the meeting took place.

updpandrlavillecoalition17052013The President of Parliament told the MPs that they needed to follow the rules of order that governed the House of Parliament since they are the highest legislative body on St. Maarten. Samuel said that the gathering that was held Monday where the eight Members of Parliament voted a motion of non-confidence against four Ministers has created confusion in the community and therefore there needs to be clarity on the matter. Samuel said that the people of St. Maarten need an explanation on the political situation. He said that even though eight MPs do form the majority of Parliament if those MPs does not follow the rules then St. Maarten has a huge problem.

When Samuel ended his statements, he referred to the advice that was sent to the Prime Minister by the Department of Legal Affairs. He said based on that he too is now seeking legal advice to determine whether the four Ministers namely William Marlin, Roland Tuitt, Silveria Jacobs, and Romeo Pantophlet were legally sent home or if they will be sent home twice. When Samuel announced that the meeting is adjourned until Monday, MPs from the UP faction, DP faction, and Laville started shouting, claiming that MP De Weever had a point of order. UP MP Johan Janchi Leonard seemed breathless when he jumped out of his seat and told the Chairman that MP De Weever had a point of order. MP Roy Marlin, MP Gracita Arrindell, and MP Laville all began to shout saying that they have to get the opportunity to speak but Samuel informed them that they did not have the floor then he slammed the hammer and said the meeting is adjourned.

MP Jules James was overheard yelling that this is the "Mexican standoff" the Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin was referring to when he gave his first press conference. "William, the Chairman of Parliament is carrying out your orders. He learned from you," MP Jules James said out of frustration.

As the commotion continued after the meeting, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams rushed over to the House of Parliament to meet with the MPs who said that  they are now the majority that would form the Wescot Williams III Cabinet. The outcome of Monday's meeting left many members of the community confused, many of them were calling for the Dutch to intervene because the Prime Minister is refusing to execute her duties and now there is a stand off in Parliament.

Click here to view more photos of the commotion at the House of Parliament on Friday morning.

flaviennoaillespaulbetailleandregisbloret16052013Marigot:--- Vice Prosecutor of St. Martin Flavien Noailles, Commandant of the Gendarmerie Paul Betaille, and an agent of the Brigade de recherches Regis Bloret told reporters on Thursday evening that one person they consider to be the suspect that shot Johnathan Freedom five times last Sunday evening during the Fish Day manifestation has been arrested and charged with murder. The Gendarmes also arrested two other persons but they were released and are cooperating with the investigation.

Prosecutor Noailles identified the suspect as Job JN Marie, 22 years old from St. Martin he was arrested on Tuesday. The suspect was transferred to Guadeloupe where he will appear before the judge of instruction. Job JN Marie is no stranger to the justice system, he was convicted for robbery sometime ago and is also charged with attempted murder which took place before the 2013 Fish Day shootout.

Prosecutor Noailles said the investigation and evidence they collected thus far showed that the victim Johnathan Freedom (17) years old is the one who started the shooting spree and injured seven persons. One of the seven persons that were injured is the brother of the suspect that is charged with the murder of Johnathan Freedom. Prosecutor Noailles explained that the victim Johnathan Freedom shot Job JN Marie's brother "Jean Marc Vignerol" in his neck. He said it was after the suspect's brother was shot in the neck he reacted by shooting Johnathan five times killing him on the spot. The investigators found the weapon Johnathan Freedom used in the shootout in his hand on the crime scene. Noailles said the gun that was used to shoot Freedom was not recovered but the investigators found lots of ammunition that belonged to a 9mm gun.

When SMN News reporter asked Noailles how many guns were used in the Fish Day shootout, Prosecutor Noailles said that they know for sure two guns were used but there is a possibility that a third weapon was fired. SMN News also asked Noailles what sparked the shootout on Fish Day by these youngsters that are affiliated with gangs from Cheveries and Concordia. Noailles said that there was a stabbing in Concordia on May 2nd, 2013 by a group consisting of four people.

As for the victims that were injured, Noailles said six of them were released from the hospital while the seventh victim remains in hospital. He confirmed that the victim lost an eye and she is also pregnant. Noailles said the victim is in stable condition.

sjacobswith24studentcarecoordinators16052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Some 24 Student Care Coordinators (SCCs) were awarded certificates of participation on Wednesday morning for a recent training that was conducted by Student Support Services Division (SSSD) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports.

The training ran from August to December 2012 and was financed by USONA. Participants received theoretical instruction and in groups they worked on how to apply the skills presented.

Minister of Education Hon. Silveria Jacobs, being a former teacher, SCC and school manager before becoming Minister of Education, encouraged SCCs to continue to upgrade themselves and in so doing have an impact on education.

Minister Jacobs, Acting Secretary General Quincy Harrigan (M.A.Ed.), and Head of Student Support Services Division Olga Mussington-Service (M.S.) presented the awards to the participants.

The award ceremony also included remarks by SSSD Head Olga Mussington-Service (M.S.), facilitator drs. Eveline John-Roberts, and class spokesperson Karen Wattley. During this event the speakers stressed the importance of the objectives of the training being carried over to the practical situations and thanked the award recipients while encouraging them to be consistent in their efforts.

The objectives of the training were for SCCs to understand their roles and position in the care system; roles as support to teachers, students and parents; the need for accurate tracking of students; the responsibility for proper documentation of student performance and referral; the need for accountability towards management, parents; using regular reporting and capacity building.

The award recipients included Adelicia Mossel, Agnes Brookson, Amorette Hodge, Anna Halley, Arlene Gumbs, Aster Allen, Bill Rattiger, Candyta Richardson, Christopher Wever, Daphne King, Estella Matinburgh, Hilda Brown-Carty, Jacklene Joedoleksono-Gumbs, Jamila Javois-Arrindell, Joanne A.R. Reiph, Karen Wattley, Laureen Prince, Michael Teixeira, Miranda Morris-Carty, Myrna Richardson, Richard White, Rozella Groeneveldt, Samantha Beaton, and Shaina Fernandes-Carneiro.

Awards of appreciation were also presented to the persons facilitating the training for the Student Care Coordinators. These persons included drs. Eveline John-Roberts, drs. Janique Kolfin-Baly, Morela Hodge-Holtermann, drs. Xiomara Balentina, Olga Mussington-Service (M.S.)and Denise Johnson (M.A.).

The Student Support Services Division also presented all school managers of elementary schools with a "Teacher Resource Manual" for their resource room.

Olga Mussington-Service stated that much of the resources of SSSD has been spent on capacity building at the elementary school level and that the books contains various interventions for problems that students present with. Mussington-Service further stated that the manual can be a great source for teachers and SCCs as we work together in the best interest of our students.

In closing of the ceremony it was stressed that the participation and completion of the training was not an end in itself, but a beginning to remain focused in the execution of the role of the SCC.

Le Grand Marche to Clem LaBega Square (Government Administration Building)

Road Closures

From 04.00 P.M.: A.J.C. Brouwers road closed at Welgelegen road. No more traffic towards Church Hill roundabout. Zagersgut rd. closed at the Coralita rd. No more traffic towards Bush rd. Bush rd. closed at the Zagersgut
road. No more traffic in the direction of Church Hill roundabout

From 04.00 P.M.: Walter A. Nisbeth road closed at the Prince Bernard Bridge. No more traffic toward Bush road.

From 04:30 P.M.: Walter A. Nisbeth road closede at the W. Percy M. Labega street. No more traffic toward Prince Bernard Bridge.

From 04:45 P.M.: Manzanilla steeg closed at WA Nisbeth road. No more traffic direction W. A. Nisbeth road. Tamarind steeg closed at the W. A. Nisbeth road. No more traffic in the direction of W. A. Nisbeth road. J.Richardson road closed at the W. A. Nisbeth road. No more traffic in the direction W. A. Nisbeth road.

From 05.00 P.M.: W.A.Nisbeth road closed at H. Beaujon street. No more traffic towards Prince Bernard Bridge.

From 05:15 P.M.: C.W.Vlaun street closed. No more traffic towards W.A.Nisbeth road. W.A.Nisbeth road closed at the Salt Pickers roundabout. No more traffic towards Prince Bernard bridge.

From 05:30 P.M.: Peterson street closed at the Cannegieter street. No more traffic direction Salt Pickers roundabout. W.A .Nisbeth road closed at the Salt Pickers roundabout. No more traffic towards Peterson street.

KPSM Public Notice

silveriajacobs16052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports expressed her elation at being able to assist the Lions Club Sporting Club Foundation in hosting the very successful 30th Annual ABCS Softball Tournament held May 9th through May 13th 2013 at the Jose lake Senior Ball Park.

The ABCS softball Tournament is held annually by rotation on the partnering islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and St. Maarten. This year St. Maarten had the privilege of hosting the tournament endorsed by the St. Maarten Softball Association. The ABCS Softball tournament has a long history of promoting and also raising the competitive level of the sport of softball on the islands and in particular on St. Maarten.

Thirteen teams of 25 persons each from Aruba (3), Bonaire (3), Curacao (3) and St. Maarten (4) as well as many fans traveling with their respective teams and large group of local softball fans enjoyed a very successful tournament.

The success of the tournament is a testament to the fact that ABCS Softball Tournament continues to foster friendships between the people of the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles.

"The tournament is a prime example of Sports Tourism bringing a boost to the Hotel rooms, restaurants, caterers, wholesalers and retailers who catered to the traveling teams and their entourages," the Minister said.

Minister Jacobs commended the coordination of Steven Constance, his team of volunteers, and the Softball Association for an exceptional and competitive weekend which was enjoyed by all.

The Minister also congratulated all the stakeholders, sponsors and volunteers for making this event such a rousing success. The St. Maarten Softball Association is recommended to include fast pitch player for the male competition so that our local teams are better prepared to take the ABCS championship next time around.

diver16052013The St. Maarten Nature Foundation, in an effort to expand its activities and its operations while simultaneously involving the community in its work, will be launching a structured volunteer program. The St. Maarten Nature Foundation is the Management Authority for the Man of War Shoal Marine Park and manages environmental and conservation projects in the terrestrial, marine and wetland environments. Despite its wide mandate the small organization consists of only three people and therefore is taking steps to initiate a structured volunteer program.

The First group of volunteers the Foundation is looking to recruit is centred on experienced divers to assist with activities in the Marine Park. Divers with an advanced/ rescue diver level certification with their own equipment and who are interested in volunteering are encouraged to do so. The Nature Foundation carries out a wide arrange of activities within the Marine Park and territorial waters; these include in water monitoring of sharks and turtles, marine mammal monitoring, coral reef research and coral transplanting and the maintenance of dive mooring installations. Volunteers will be given training on the various techniques and methods and will then be asked to help out once or twice a month depending on the scheduled activities.

With a core volunteer group of dedicated and interested individuals the Nature Foundation hopes to increase its work capacity inside of the Marine Park and territorial waters of St. Maarten. Subsequent calls for volunteers will involve mangrove transplanting, invasive animal control and water quality monitoring. Those interested in volunteering with the Nature Foundation are asked to email the Nature Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in order to request a registration and waiver form.

worldtelecommunicationandinformationsocietydayad16052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group is promoting the safe use of mobile handsets and smartphones by motorists on St. Maarten as part of its observance of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) today (Friday).

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is an important part of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) calendar for telecommunication companies worldwide.

It is celebrated each year on 17, May and helps raise public awareness about the possibilities of using the Internet and other Information and communication technologies (ICTs) to the benefit of societies and economies.

The theme chosen for this year's observance is: "ICT's and improving road safety.

In observance of the telecommunication day today TelEm Group will be presenting 10 randomly-selected customers with hands-free mobile accessories to promote the responsible use of mobile phones in vehicles .

"The best practice is not to be distracted at all by using a mobile devise while in your vehicle and while driving, but if you must and can operate the devise with voice-activated commands or remotely, then a hands-free device is legal and also your safest option," TelEm Group will be informing the recipients during the presentation of the hands-free devices.

The company wants the recipients of the gifts to make use of them and provide the company with feedback on their use so that they can further inform other customers and members of the public to make them in turn, more aware of the role ITC can play in road safety practices.

TelEm Group endorses this year's message from ITU Secretary General, Dr. Hamadoun I. Toure, that road safety should be a global concern and will be doing its part to continue to promote the theme for the balance of the year.

The company traditionally marks the day locally with a motivational message to personnel and a small customer-appreciation ceremony.

This year TelEm Group is also promoting the ITU young Innovators Competition amongst St. Maarten schools and youth, in collaboration with the ITU and the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) (see advertisements in the print media).

proselytedivesitereopened16052013The Nature Foundation on Wednesday re-opened the Proselyte Dive Site when it sank a recycled sailboat keel as a mooring block on Wednesday. Through the Generous donation and assistance of Seatrek Helmet Divers, the Bobby's Marina Group of Companies and Aquatic Solutions the in excess of one ton keel was sank as a mooring close to the Island's most sought after diving location. The previous Proselyte Reef Mooring was attached to pins which were drilled into the bottom, but because the bottom at the location is made out of a clay-like substance and the pins were not holding it was decided to sink the keel instead. The Foundation had to wait for a few months to ensure that the weather conditions were optimal for the project to be concluded successfully.

Because the Marine Park in General and Proselyte Reef more specifically is an important aspect of St. Maarten's tourism product due to the significant amount of dive tourists that visit there, moorings are installed so that dive boats can tie unto them instead of illegally using their anchors, which damages coral.

The Man of War Shoal Marine Protected Area, which includes the Proselyte Dive Site, includes the island's most ecologically and economical important marine habitat, including extensive coral reef areas and seagrass beds and has a high intrinsic ecological, economic and cultural value. The Man of War Shoal Marine Park is a home and migratory stop over or breeding site for 3 IUCN Red List Species, 10 CITES Appendix I species and 89 Appendix II species. It is an area with a relatively healthy population of marine mammals including migratory whales and dolphins, numerous species of shark, sea turtles and numerous fish species. Studies conducted by the St. Maarten Nature Foundation have shown that biodiversity in this area, particularly coral reef density, is high and the economic goods and services which the ecosystem provides are in excess of fifty million dollars annually.

The Nature Foundation would like to thank Seatrek for the donation of the keel, Bobby's Marina Group of Companies for assisting with moving the keel using their heavy equipment and Aquatic Solutions very graciously taking the keel to the dive site and sinking at location.

reginalabega26092012Simpson Bay:--- Managing Director of the Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company NV (PJIAE), Regina LaBega heads for Madrid, Spain, Friday, where she will be receiving the "International Transport Award" on behalf of her company. She will be accompanied by Kalifa Hickinson, the company's Corporate Communications Specialist.

In a letter announcing the award by the Secretary General and CEO of the Global Trade Leaders' Club, Ricardo Roso Lopez, it was explained that "This prize was created to reward goods and passenger transport companies and related industries that are distinguished for the quality of their services."

"This is very good news for us and for the entire island," said LaBega "because it is an award granted by consumers of our service, many of whom we may not even know."

"It could not have come at a better time as we are celebrating the 70th Anniversary of our airport this year," she added.

The award will be given at a luncheon at the prestigious Hotel Melia Castilla in Madrid on May 20, which will be attended by the city's authorities and diplomatic representatives accredited in Madrid.

The Global Trade Leaders' Club is an organization of businessmen and women that brings together over 7,000 members from 95 countries worldwide who, according to Lopez, "are leaders of big and medium sized companies in all sectors and activities all of whom are main users of transport and related companies."

pjlsolarenergyinfosession04042013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday May 18, at 11:00am, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue its series of educational presentations with Peter Mazereeuw, Director of Archyon Integrated Solutions N.V., on LED lighting possibilities and how it relates to solar energy.
Since the 48 panels were installed on the Library's roof in March, by Anthony Prall of Caribbean Energy Store and configured in collaboration with Archyon, there has been a considerable reduction in its electricity bills. This system has already produced over 4,300 kWh of free electrical energy to date and continuous to save money for the Library.
The general public is invited to come to the Library to learn about the huge saving possibilities of using LEDs and see the actual evidence of the solar system causing the library's electricity meter to run backwards during daytime. Peter and Anthony will be available to answer solar, LED, and other energy questions from 10:30am – 12:30 pm.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments and the vote of no confidence against certain members of the Council of Ministers is scheduled for May 17.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Friday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The meeting for May 13 was initially requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson regarding recent political developments (agenda point 1).

The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013 and the meeting was scheduled for May 13 but was cancelled in connection with certain MPs wanting to travel for the funeral of Curacao MP H. Wiels that took place on Tuesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Hon. William Marlin has been invited to parliament to be present for agenda point one. This request was made by MPs Hon. G. Pantophlet, Hon. L. Laveist, and Hon. F. Richardson in a letter of May 16, 2013 to the President of Parliament.

An additional agenda point had also been added to the 13 May plenary session based on correspondence dated May 7 and May 9, 2013 from MPs Hon. Roy Marlin (DP), Hon. Petrus L. de Weever (DP), Hon. Janchie Leonard (UP), and Hon. Gracita Arrindell (UP): Establishing that Minister W. Marlin, Minister R. Tuitt, Minister R. Duncan, Minister R. Pantophlet and Minister S. Jacobs no longer enjoy majority support from the Parliament of Sint Maarten. This agenda point is to be handled in the May 17 plenary session.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

epicbirdwalk16052013Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) invites the public to join a bird watching walk this coming Saturday May 18th, at Happy Bay to celebrate the 12th annual regional Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival. The walk will be led by knowledgeable guides Ronald Pieters and Mark Yokoyama, author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of St. Martin. Participants will meet in the parking lot of the post office in Grand Case at 9 a.m.

The 2013 Caribbean Endemic Bird festival CEBF theme is "Life Cycles of Birds" and focuses on increasing awareness of the diversity of birds and their life cycles, as well as the urgent need for conservation. Natalia Collier, President of EPIC explained "It is important that we protect not just nesting areas, but also feeding and resting areas as well as flight paths, covering all bird life cycles."

The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival runs annually from Earth Day 22 April through to International Biodiversity Day on 22 May. The festival is sponsored by the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB), the largest single organization devoted to wildlife conservation within the Caribbean. The festival is the largest and oldest established grass-roots wildlife education program in the Caribbean. More than 100,000 Caribbean students and teachers are expected to participate in this year's festivities through-out the Caribbean.

Every year it gets harder and harder for birds to survive. For birds that use more than one habitat type or geographical area, the loss or disturbance of even one step in the chain of habitats that they use during their life cycle can lead to death or nesting failure.

The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival promotes a wide range of activities to bring people to birds and their habitats and increase support for conservation.

Students and teachers interested in developing activities for CEBF should contact EPIC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for more information, materials and suggestions.

corneliusdeweever03102012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- St. Maarten's calendar of health observances is to promote particular local or global health issues, and encourage our population to Get Checked. World Hypertension Day, Friday, May 17th, is one of the listed opportunities.

In 2013, World Hypertension Day is dedicated to the theme, "Healthy Blood Pressure – Healthy Heart Beat."

To commemorate the day, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) from the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour has joined forces with the Diabetes Foundation on Saturday, May 18 at Le Grande Marche on the Bush road from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Individuals will have the opportunity to measure blood pressure and give tips to the general public on reading labels when shopping, especially with respect to the intake of salt.

Hypertension also known as High Blood Pressure is a chronic medical condition that is preventable and treatable. It is possible to develop high blood pressure at any age and anyone can get high blood pressure especially if they have a family history of it. It is the major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, two of the main causes of illness and death in the Caribbean and the Americas.

Hypertension is sometimes called the 'silent killer', because most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms and don't know that they have it. More people worldwide are affected by hypertension than by HIV or AIDS.

The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Cornelius De Weever is calling on the St. Maarten populace to 'Get Checked,' and know your risk factors.

Preventing or reducing high blood pressure through greater awareness and encouraging healthy behaviors is a collective responsibility.

St. Maarten Joins with the World Hypertension League in commemorating World Hypertension Day 2013.

In the "How Healthy is St. Maarten?" study in 1998/1999, hypertension was the second most common chronic disorder and became worst as people grew older. More than twice as many elderly people suffer from high blood pressure compared to younger age groups. Having ones blood pressure checked regularly is very important, especially in light of the fact that 13% of the participants in Sint Maarten reported suffering from high blood pressure.

The study also showed that the population of Sint Maarten leads a sedentary lifestyle with only 24% of all participants practicing any kind of physical activity or sport regularly (at least once a week).

In addition, the eating habits left much to be desired. Almost one third does not have breakfast daily, even though it is the most important meal of the day. Two thirds of the population does not have fruits and vegetables daily, 15% does not consider 'Use little salt' important and 19% add extra salt to prepared food. 17% of the participants do not consider 'Use little sugar or products containing sugar' important and 34% add extra sugar to prepared drinks.

When we look at the weight the results are alarming, the study showed that among both sexes more than 50% of the participants are overweight or obese.

High blood pressure, equal to or above 140/90 mmHg, increases one's risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.

Hypertension is both preventable and treatable. Although high blood pressure affects some 30 per cent of the adult population, a third of them do not know they have the condition.

Hypertension often has no symptoms, which means adults need to take every opportunity to get their blood pressure checked. The health risks of hypertension are even higher for people who also smoke, are obese or have diabetes.

Hypertension can be prevented by consuming less salt; maintaining a healthy and balanced diet; engaging in regular physical activity; avoiding tobacco use; and avoiding harmful use of alcohol.

Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor , Cornelius de Weever visited the Public Service Center ( PSC) – Simpson Bay earlier this week, together with the Head of Labor Affairs / Acting Head Social Services – Peggy-Ann Dros-Richardson. The PSC recently opened, and houses several departments from various Ministries, including two critical execution agencies of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labor, namely Labor Affairs Department and Social Services.
Minister de Weever took time out of his busy schedule to visit and interact with staff members, querying the customer service levels, and if the departments are indeed fulfilling the expectations as set forth for the PSC. Currently, services and products being offered under Labor Affairs Department and Social Services include, Job Placement, Labor Registration, Employment Registration, Financial Aid Application, and Medical Aid Application. Indications have shown a desire from the business community to also have the services of work permit applications done at the PSC, an aspect that the Ministry will investigate.
Minister De Weever is encouraging the community to also make use of the facilities outside of Philipsburg that offer these services.
Efforts are on-going to deal consciously with the high unemployment, and as such Minister de Weever announced that Job Placement Officers at the PSC will focus on the business communities spanning from Port de Plaisance to Porto Cupecoy, imploring them to partner with the Ministry in the placement of suitable candidates.
The focus for this Ministry remains the same, 'people-first' and ensuring that the customer service remains at a platinum level thru the continued application of systems of accountability and technological innovations.

Philipsburg:--- Members of the Youth Link Foundation is calling on all elected or appointment Government officials to support their call for campaign finance reform.

President of the foundation, Stuart Johnson said, "In light of the ongoing political developments and against the backdrop of our initial call, now more than ever this reform must be formalized before any upcoming election which is to take place on St. Maarten."

Campaign finance reform will put a cap on the unending limits of campaign budgets of politicians and political parties. "It cannot be business as usual as the electorate should be voting on the issues with realistic solutions by capable and educated individuals," Johnson added.

Johnson made his belief clear by stating, "If we don't put the right laws in place now, we will continue to see many wrongful acts continue to take place and surely our people deserve better than that."

Once the political developments of our country stabilizes, the foundation will be submitting letters to Parliament, the Council of Ministers, and the Governor of St. Maarten.

"This issue surely needs to be addressed ahead of any election taking place on St. Maarten. Otherwise, we will continue to have more of the same," Johnson concluded.

The foundation will be joining with other organizations to ensure this issue is addressed by the relevant stakeholders.

PM to touch on various items Regarding Political Developments

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams will be a special guest on PJD 2 Radio's new on air show "It Is What It Is" this Thursday the 15th of May. The show, which is hosted by Joseph Ray, will feature an interview session and information segments by the Prime Minister regarding the on-going political developments. The PM will be on air from six to seven pm. "I would like to urge all listeners to tune into this new radio program where I will be explaining various items and also answering questions by the host Mr. Ray," commented the Prime Minister. "It Is What It Is" airs every Monday to Friday from six to seven in the evening on PJD 2 Radio.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

The present confusion on St. Maarten caused by the row between Government and Parliament can be largely blamed on the lack of knowledge of how constitutional law works. The major players all displayed an alarming ignorance about the respective rights of the two branches of government involved in the conflict, Parliament and Government or the Council of Ministers.
William Marlin created the conflict by not understanding government's right to dissolve Parliament. His refusal to resign when it became clear that his government no longer enjoyed majority support in Parliament rightfully inflamed the UPP fraction. Our constitution is clear on this matter. The explanatory notes, which Marlin perhaps did not study, clearly state that Ministers must resign when they receive a clear message that they no longer have support in Parliament. The letter from the eight MP's stating that they no longer supported his government was a clear indication. The vote of no confidence was not necessary. He should have resigned forthwith. This is exactly what Schotte did in Curacao when he got wind that he no longer enjoyed majority support in Parliament. By the time Parliament got around to the no confidence vote, the governor already had received his cabinet's resignation along with the resolution (LB) dissolving Parliament and calling for new elections. The vote of no confidence that followed was an empty shell. Marlin could have avoided all the drama and confusion by understanding the constitution and following the steps Schotte took.
Because William Marlin did not know or understand that he also had the right to resign and dissolve Parliament (Just like Schotte), he chose the unconstitutional route of refusing to resign. What he should have done, was to obey the wishes of the majority and resign, then use the authority granted to him under the constitution, dissolve Parliament and call new elections. The UPP/DP majority in Parliament might not have liked that turn of events, but Parliament has no say in the matter. The right to dissolve Parliament belongs to government and government alone. It is their tool in the battle of wills between both.
Sarah Wescot Williams is perhaps the biggest culprit in all this. She displayed her ignorance of Constitutional Law when she tried to prevent the majority of the Council of Ministers from dissolving Parliament. First of all, she should have known that one of the responses to losing the majority in Parliament is for Government to in turn dissolve Parliament and call new elections. She is part of government and the Prime Minister to booth. She should have known better. Her refusal to table the agenda point to dissolve Parliament was not only wrongheaded, but unconstitutional as well. By doing so, she abandoned the constitutional order, and entered uncharted territory. A very unwise and poorly thought through decision. After all, she knows what article 20 of the Rules of Order of the Council of Ministers state: Decisions are made by the majority in the council of Ministers.
The UP faction's mistake was double; regret that when the shoe was on the other foot, through ignorance of constitutional law they meekly caved in to the opposition's demands and resigned, but did not dissolve Parliament and call new elections. They are now compounded that error by wrongfully arguing that Parliament should not be dissolved because after all, there is a majority ready to support the new government. They overlooked the fact that in our constitutional order, there is a separation of powers. Government cannot tell Parliament when, or when not to hold a vote of no confidence. That right belongs to Parliament and Parliament alone. Parliament on the other hand cannot tell government when or when not to dissolve government. That right belongs to government and government alone. Their letter to the governor urging him not to consider the LB dissolving Parliament is therefore laughable in its ignorance.
Governor Holiday is now faced with a fait accompli. He has an LB to dissolve Parliament along with the resignation of the Council of Ministers. One understands Sarah's plight. She has been sacked against her will. But, that possibility is always there, the right to pass the resolution to dissolve Parliament belongs to the Majority in the Council of Ministers. There will be new elections in July as stated in the LB.
St. Maarten is a young country and hopefully this experience has served as a lesson. Both Parliament and Government now better understand their respective spheres of influence a little better. Jumping ship has now become a risky move. Everyone now knows that government can dissolve Parliament and call new elections any time it loses majority support. Ship Jumpers will then have to face the wrath of the voters.

pjiaeairservicedevforum15052013Simpson Bay:--- What is the way forward in maintaining and further developing airlift to St. Maarten? That was the key question addressed by stakeholders and management of Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) at a 4-hour forum held Tuesday, May 14, 2013, at the boardroom of the airport.

Welcoming the stakeholders to the meeting, managing director of the airport, Regina LaBega recalled that the last air service maintenance and development plan was done in 2004 and pointed out that a new one was therefore overdue. To this end, SXM Airport has commissioned El Perial Management Services to carry out the study.

LaBega gave a brief overview of SXM's air travel market, revealing that of the 1.6 million passenger movement recorded last year, 85% of this consisted of visitors while the remaining 15% was made up of residents. According to her, 49% of passengers traveled within the key five months from December to April, with scheduled air service making up 95% of the total airlift to the island.

The SXM managing director further disclosed that a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for pre-clearance of passengers bound for Anguilla and St. Barths is currently under discussion, while SXM personnel attended a training session last week in Aruba in connection with sharing immigration information with SITA.

In his presentation, Ian Bertram, principal of El Perial Management Services, stated that his company would be looking at where SXM Airport is at present, its competitive positioning against selected airports, and the potential direction for air service development over the next five years.

He further remarked that SXM could serve as hub airport for Dominica, Nevis and even Tortola. The hub partners, he stressed, should see SXM as their airport, arguing that it was much more cost effective for them to do so, rather than the alternative of embarking on developing an international airport that could carry a minimum price tag of US$60 million, without any guarantee that they could maintain it or attract enough passengers to make it a viable proposition.

The consultant made a strong plea for regional airport integration, pointing out that Antigua and St. Kitts need not be competitors for SXM. "We need to stop thinking of ourselves in terms of our colonial heritage and start seeing ourselves in terms of our geographic location," Bertram stressed.

Calling for an open sky policy throughout the region, Bertram emphasized that a hub airport thrives in an open sky environment. "A whole lot of policy implications is involved in this," he noted.

Louis Halley, head of the Department of Civil Aviation & Shipping & Maritime Affairs, disclosed that at present St. Maarten has open skies agreements with Canada, the USA, and Antigua, however, similar agreements are not in place with other regions such as South America.

The island's and regional airlines at the Tuesday meeting, namely WINAIR and LIAT, stated that they are definitely in favor of open skies as long as there is a level playing field in that regulations they must follow, must also be adhered to by the carriers of other nations. Their main concern was about cabotage. According to Bertram, open skies agreements would allow for more opportunities with the rest of the eastern Caribbean, which would facilitate SXM's hub function.

Saro Spadaro, President of the Maho/Sonesta Group, emphasized that in his opinion, the key to an effective hub is not only open skies, but open (free) movement of people and goods.

In his own contribution, SHTA President, Emile Lee, questioned whether there is a point where the improved hub function could become detrimental to Dutch SXM, expressing the concern that St. Maarten might not benefit much from being a hub if most of the passengers passing through it are headed for St. Barths and Anguilla, for example. He said he hoped SXM's goal was to develop the market by increasing airlift at the lowest possible cost. SXM managing director, Regina LaBega explained that precisely to achieve that, SXM is seeking to lower aeronautical fees while reasonably increasing its non-aeronautical revenues.

The forum ended on a very positive note with participants agreeing to the establishment of an Air Service Committee to be formed by senior personnel of the airport authorities of the hub clients as well as St. Maarten and regional stakeholders. SXM Airport will take the lead in this regard.

Philipsburg:--- Travel agency, Let's Travel, partners with financial expert, Emilio Kalmera, to organize the budgeting courses it announced last week Friday as part of its empowerment initiatives launched under its SAVE NOW, TRAVEL LATER and LET'S SAVE programmes in observance of the travel agency's plans to celebrate its 25 years in business. Let's Travel is a renown travel agency specializing in airline tickets, cruises, packages, tours, charters and more since 1988.

The "Let's Save" budgeting courses is to be held during the month of June. In this introduction to managing money participants in the course will learn how to budget their income and expenditures. This budgeting course will allow participants to learn the different ways of effectively saving money and growing their money to pay for such things as a college education, buying a home, vacation travel, luxury items and last, but not least, saving for their old age pension.

The regular price of the budget course is $290 US Dollars, but as Let's Travel is the main sponsor, a special price of $250 will be on offer and an introductory 'early bird' price of $215 per person will be promoted for fast decision-makers. Participants will get all course materials in digital format, such as the budgeting tool, budgeting booklet, syllabus, theoretical booklet, PowerPoint presentation files and other digital articles for general knowledge purposes on money management.

From the price participants pay for the budgeting course, a percentage will be deposited in a fund as part of the "Let's Save" programme. The fund will be used to offer qualified graduating participants micro-loans. The management of Let's Travel and the course trainer, Emilio Kalmera, have already agreed to match the initial funds deposited in the "Let's Save" fund.

The budgeting course will last four weeks with weekly classes of 2 hours each. Participants have to complete the course with a working and balanced budget and with a theoretical written exam. Participants, who pass the course with a minimum score of 70%, can qualify to get a loan from the"Let's Save" fund.

Financial expert, Emilio Kalmera, was asked to lead this budgeting course not only for his theoretical knowledge and expertise but also because of his impressive resume and track record in the area of financial management. Emilio Kalmera has a Bachelor's degree in Finance & Accounting and has had a number of jobs in the financial and banking sector with such companies as KPMG and RBTT Bank. Emilio Kalmera, who is presently working for the St. Maarten Government as a Senior Financial Policy Advisor in the Finance Department, has been for the past year assisting the St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation and the St. Maarten Housing Finance Foundation as a financial manager. Emilio Kalmera has completed various training courses in management, wage tax, budgeting, policy development, and cooperation funding. Emilio has also given various courses and lectures on investment management, improving profitability, marketing, money management and wealth.

For more information and registration, clients can visit the Let's Travel office, call 523-3564 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

mariabuncampermolanustoberotarypresident15052013Maria Buncamper to be Inducted as New President

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of St. Maarten announced today its annual Change of Board Ceremony and Gala Dinner. On June 8, 2013 Maria Buncamper-Molanus, will take the helm of St. Maarten's oldest Rotary Club at a formal Gala Dinner at Infinity Restaurant in the Oyster Bay Resort at 7 PM. Tickets are US $95.

Mrs. Buncamper is no stranger to community service. She served as the first woman president of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as a board member of the Children First Foundation, the John Larmonie Center, the Philipsburg Cultural Center and most recently as Secretary and President-elect of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. Professionally, Maria has been an exemplary public servant, holding positions of State Secretary, Member of Parliament, Island Council Member and Minister of Public Health, Labour and Social Affairs. Mrs. Buncamper holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of the Netherlands Antilles in Business Administration.

When asked about her goals for the Rotary Club once she becomes President, Maria stated, "I really want to emphasize the theme of "engage rotary, save lives". Engaging Rotary in the widest sense of the word is to become more involved with humanitarian work that we commit to do when we become part of the Rotary family. This means working with other Rotary Clubs and other community service organizations both locally and around the world. The results of engaging Rotary go far beyond its members or the local community, you will see us engaging rotary across our entire community, making our community and the world just a little bit better than when we started. I encourage everyone to join us June 8th at Infinity Restaurant for an evening of fun, food, laughter and friendship".

When asked about Maria, outgoing Rotary President Robert Judd said, "The Rotary Club of St. Maarten's leadership and its goal of serving the community is in good hands. Maria will ensure that each member is engaged in the club activities as well as living our motto of "service above self ".

Please see any Rotary Club of St. Maarten member for tickets or more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit or find us on Facebook.

Global Missions church youth training and counseling program is inviting all youth groups to attend their second in three (2/3) series of anger management workshop under the Theme: "Bridging the Gap"

Our Objective is: "He will go before the Lord in spirit and power like Elijah. He will make peace between parents and their children and will bring those who are not obeying God back to the right way of thinking, to make a people ready for the coming of the Lord." St.Luke 1:17 (NCV)

Question: How do we deal with anger at home, church, school, the workplace, in Government and the community at large?

Come on out! a special invitation is going out to all youths.

Facilitator for this second session is: Minister Jeannette Harrigan, and others to be announced.

Daniella Jeffrey will be the main presenter at the workshop.

Venue: Cultural Center Backstreet Philipsburg.

Date: Friday May 17th, 2013

Time: 7:30pm

Please make a special effort to attend! And bring along an offering in aid of our Youth training and counseling Program.

Music: Several Youth groups will be performing

Light refreshments will be on sale.

We would like to thank our sponsors in part for their contribution Over the years towards our Youth training and counseling Program and Poverty alleviation program: Seven seas water, FkG Riggings, Pineapple Pete, Out Island Charters, North Eastern Insurances, Wathey Realty , Zee Best, Alpha Jewels, SintAcc, TEES By The SEAS, Sea trek, Ace home Center, Mc Donald, Nagico, Liccom, Sxm Solutions, Perfume & Co., Windward electrical Company, Geogina's Nails, Advanced Innovations, Royal Carribean Jewelers, Sothermyers, Joyce's Collections, PJD2, Lazer 101, Boolchands, Sint. Maarten First, Sint Maarten's Best, Kwik Bargains, Sun INsurances, Sheer Restaurant, Winair, Bobby's Marina, Intermar Shipping, Drywall Systems, Prime Distributors, and others to be announced during our upcoming projects this year God willing!
Contact Pastor Esmond Flemming at: +1721-587-5271 / +1721-527-4614 or any member of our Team.

sarahwescotwilliams05052013Clarifies Various Matters regarding Misinformation disseminated to the Public

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams was again the only Minister at the Council of Minister's Press briefing early on Wednesday. During the weekly press conference the PM again highlighted matters concerning the ongoing political developments facing St. Maarten, and stated that while it was not her intention to join the avalanche of press statements from various sources, she realizes that in the last couple of days misinformation pertaining to the Council of Ministers have been widely circulated. "As you know there is a confidentiality clause when it comes to matters and deliberations handled in the Council of Ministers and I believe it is important while respecting that to nevertheless put matters in the right perspective," stated the Prime Minister.

Responsibilities as Prime Minister

Wescot-Williams firstly discussed the question regarding whether or not a Prime Minister can call a Minister or Ministers to order. "People have asked me 'but can't you put your foot down with these Ministers?' Yes I can. However not to the extent that people believe that I can. Or I should be able to. We do not have a presidential system, a system where someone is in charge of appointing his or her Cabinet and then subsequently being in charge of that Cabinet. What do I do? I try to persuade, to talk to the Ministers. I can try to exercise good judgment, but at the end of the day it is about the individual Ministers' political responsibility to Parliament. One can then ask the other question on whether or not I not have any real powers as Prime Minister; of course I do and these are derived from my responsibility as Chairperson of the Council of Ministers. According to the Rules of Order I am the spokesperson of the Council of Ministers: I establish the Agenda, I can lift the Confidentiality Clause, I can bring matters to the Council of Minister that the relevant Minister has failed to table, I can decide who the Primary Minister is in a case, I decide on the rules if the Rules of Order do not provide for just to name a few. These are in addition to my own Ministerial responsibilities under which falls the upholding of the Democratic State, which falls under the Ministry of General Affairs. Thus I am responsible for the Internal Affairs of the Country," clarified the PM.

Takes Serious Incorrect letter Sent to Governor by Deputy Prime Minister.

"Having stated all of that I wanted to clarify a few issues in this context: one; and this is an item which has been widely publicized, that of the general Democratic Rules and Principles in a Parliamentary System is that if the Parliament expresses no confidence in one or more Ministers those Ministers have to tender his or her resignation: immediately. I am quite aware of the discussion that ensued after the letter of May 6th from a Majority from the Members of Parliament that they have no confidence in several Ministers of this Cabinet, and whether or not such a letter is sufficient for Ministers to draw their conclusion. Or whether or not one really needs an official meeting of Parliament to formalize that expression. That discussion is one for Parliament, however, the political reality is that eight Members of Parliament, a majority, have affixed their signature to that letter. That is the political reality. On the basis thereof I submitted, according to the rules of order, an advice to the Council of Ministers to be handled last week Tuesday and motivated that the members of the Cabinet make their position available. All necessary attachments where attached to the advice. I add this because last night I was asked by a member of the media about a draft letter by me that was not signed and the person wanted to know if it was authentic. I replied that it was indeed a draft letter, emphasizing on the word draft.

"As is now widely known as well some Ministers objected to making their positions available and decided that they want to table a proposal to dissolve Parliament. I explained to those tabling the proposal that that is not the way you deal with a matter in the Council of Ministers. The same Ministers then requested to have a meeting to discuss that matter of loosing Parliamentary support and that is there on paper; on Black and White. On Monday I took note of a letter, without even awaiting for Tuesday's ratification of the minutes of last week's Council of Minister's Meeting, by the Deputy Prime Minister to His Excellency the Governor referring to a decision of the Council of Ministers indicating that a decision was taken by the Majority of the Council of Ministers to dissolve Parliament, and seeking to have the minutes of last week read differently than they read on the basis that this was a decision taken on the proposal of the resignation instead of just a proposal. Any logically thinking person would ask; if that was the decision that was taken on Tuesday last why then call for a meeting to discuss for the dissolution of Parliament? Why then have an in writing request to call for a meeting dissolving Parliament. So that particular act by the Deputy Prime Minister I Take very seriously. The Prime Minister was, and is, in office; the Prime Minister had recorded the deliberations of Tuesday May 7th, and then, outside of that process a letter on behalf of the Prime Minister was sent to the Governor giving a totally different account of the proceedings of May 7th? That is a clear violation of the Rules of Order of the Council of Ministers; sending a letter on my behalf on something that was not discussed.

Council of Ministers has no Factions, only Parliament. Council of Ministers is supported by Parliament. No support, no Council of Ministers.

"That being the case after Tuesday's meeting I did direct a letter to the Governor explaining exactly what happened, what advice I proposed to the Council of Ministers, what transpired, what position was taken by the Council of Ministers, decisions which were recorded. I need you to realize that when it comes to the Council of Ministers there is no DP Minister; it is a cabinet of seven Ministers nominated and supported by the Parliament carrying out the business of the people. One is not a part of the Council of Ministers as a faction. That type of a situation is one of Parliament not in the Council of Ministers. We are a combination of a persons supported by Parliament conducting the business of the people. As I stated before I take the matter of the letter very seriously because it is a distortion of the facts. The records are there to prove this. There is no function of the Deputy Prime Minister. There is a function of Prime Minister, and in the absence of the Prime Minister the Deputy Prime Minister acts on behalf of the Prime Minister; that is the function. The authority vested in me has dictated how we have moved forward; that was the case last year and this is again the case this year. There is no faction in the Council of Ministers. So I duly informed the Governor of the fact that the Deputy Prime Minister sent a letter to the Governor on behalf of the Council of Ministers with a draft Decree. It is unfortunate that I have to go into details regarding a closed meeting of the Council of Ministers but I cannot allow half-truths to be out there and to not set the records straight. The rules of order of the Council of Ministers is a public Document that anyone can peruse.


"There is a lot of buzz in regarding elections; elections yes, elections no, elections this year, elections last year, elections next year. The issue at hand is not elections; elections are a consequence of a Constitutional Clause that states that Parliament can be dissolved by Government Decree. The same Clause states that if that happens, then elections must be written out and a new Parliament must be able to take seat within three months after the dissolution. The issue here is not elections but the dissolution of Parliament; when, how and by whom. The question is also who takes the initiative to dissolve Parliament and that is where things went haywire as far as the Council of Ministers are concerned. It is no secret how I feel regarding the Parliament and Government relying on that support and again whether we like the actors or not a majority in Parliament is a majority and I would like to repeat that the Confidence Clause Cannot be circumvented by going over to such a heavy instrument such as dissolving Parliament. Another Constitutional Clause is the fact that Parliaments are elected for four years and only in very extreme circumstances should any attempt be made to thwart that.

Ministers are at the Mercy of a Parliamentary Majority.

"Pertaining to elections I have heard two arguments coming from two different angles: the first coming from political parties or individuals who want elections. Again remember, for good or for bad the term of Parliament is four years and exceptions should be made in very very rare cases. The second argument that I have heard is that the system that elections produce is counter productive in that the people do not control what happens in the four years, who does or does not do what in those four years. The way it currently occurs is that there are elections which results in fifteen individuals being chosen and these individuals decide on the composition of Government; so the Composition of the Council of Ministers. These seven individuals who are proposed as Ministers can be taken from Parliament, can be taken from lists, from outside of Parliament or any political list. Cases in point: Sarah Wescot-Williams was an elected Parliamentarian, or an elected representative of the people; Minister Sylveria Jacobs was a Candidate on a Political List not elected and Minister Tuitt was a Candidate not elected nor was he on a Political List during the last elections. This shows that the Ministers can be taken from within Parliament Ministers who then they have to give up their seat; they can be someone who ran on a political list or never ran on a political list at all. So these Ministers are there at the mercy of the Parliamentary Majority. Politicians who have given up their seats in Parliament in order to become Ministers will surely push for elections, even if they end up out of Parliament or out of Government. Looking back at my political career I have faced many similar incidents including possible motions of no confidence; I never made it come to that because I drew my own conclusions but even to those that tabled the notions I stated that I would be back and back I was, for many years. So to a certain degree it is understandable that if you give up your position in Parliament to take on a Ministerial Position and then something happens in Parliament you are then at the mercy of your faction to get back in Parliament or otherwise you are on the outside. Considering this the desperate call for elections is normal. It must be a hard pill to follow for any politicians, however that is the system we have today and that is how it remains today and elections at this time will not change that; individuals being able once in Parliament to decide what they do, how they do it, where they go and where they do not go.

"The second call for elections are from some persons who are disgusted by the reality that you elect candidates for four years and for four years these representatives of Parliament and the persons they nominate as Ministers basically do as they please. Those that are clamoring for elections now will continue to play those musical chairs in Parliament.

Important Issues of the People Being Put Aside by Those Playing Politics.

"This Country has too many important and necessary issues facing us to be diverted by elections, elections that would give us a momentary adrenaline rush while nothing changes fundamentally unless we change the system, and that is the reality. Whether we have elections now or next year the results will remain the same; the possibility of those elected to Parliament to do what has happened recently will remain the same. The issues of the Budget, our economic development, preparations for the 2015 County Status Evaluation, Health and Pension Systems and tax reform are only a few of the items being held up instead of moving forward. Elections will only delay the attention given to these issues in the name of politics. We must therefore change the system," emphasized the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

"Do not let yourselves be used, or your objective be used for political reasons."

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten recently condemned the practice currently being carried out by individuals of harassing parents going to school to collect their children or speak to teachers being harassed by individuals seeking signatures for petition drives. "I have received many complaints, and I condemn the practice, regarding that at some schools parents collecting their children are underhandedly presented with petition forms or signature drives or whatever it is for elections at schools. I think that is wrong; parents, whether they come to pick up their children or see teachers should not be faced with these situations; that is not what school is for. While I am heartened by the interest, especially by the young people, in the Governance of our country, do not loose sight of the real issues here and do not let yourselves be used, or your objective be used for political reasons," emphasized the Prime Minister. She requested the practice of harassment at schools be put to an immediate stop.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Simpson Bay:--- If the "wish list" of stakeholders attending the kick off forum to discuss a new air service development plan for St. Maarten were to be granted, SXM Airport will be serviced by non-stop flights from Houston/Dallas, London, Sao Paulo, Berlin, Moscow, Stockholm, Bogota and Quito.

The stakeholders attending the 4-hour forum at SXM Airport Tuesday were asked to identify what they perceived to be the most viable markets for SXM to pursue in terms of increasing airlift. Given that 48% of flights to SXM from the USA, the island's major source market, are via connections, with Charlotte (CLT), Atlanta (ATL) and Miami (MIA) as the main gateways for these connections, the stakeholders were asked to indicate their wishes for cities around the world where they would like to see direct flights to SXM.

Acting head of the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Edward Dest, disclosed that based on discussions, he expects charter service to/from Stockholm to begin early as next year.

Saro Spadaro, President of Sonesta-Maho Group, revealed that he is having discussions with tour operators regarding direct service from Houston in the summer.

However, Ian Bertram of El Perial Management Service, the firm commissioned to undertake the study, said based on preliminary analysis, some new cities SXM may want to pursue could include Hartford, Baltimore, Houston, Minneapolis, (all in the US) and London, Frankfurt, Milan, Bogota as well as Lima. He mentioned possible service to/from Georgetown's Ogle airport as well as service to Paramaribo via Suriname Airways.

Bertram stressed that to achieve the core objective of increasing passenger movement to SXM, the synergistic impact between international and regional airlines must be taken into account.

"St. Maarten by itself will not be able to go it alone," he said, referring to the combination of hub possibilities, tourism product, and airport costs and services, which he described as key. "It requires a partnership with the hub partners," he added.

Attending the meeting were officials from the tourist boards of Anguilla, St. Barths, and Saint-Martin as well as the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, and the St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA). Also participating in the meeting were officials of the Department of Civil Aviation & Shipping & Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, and representatives of WINAIR and LIAT.

eholiday14122012Harbour View:--- His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday has been carefully monitoring the current political situation developed as a result of the decision of three members of Parliament, the DP fraction members, Mr. Roy Marlin and Mr. Leroy De Weever and independent member Mr. Romaine Laville withdrawing their support from the current NA/DP/I-3 coalition by letter of May 6, 2013 and the declaration of eight (8) members of Parliament, comprised of five (5) members of the UP fraction and the three (3) abovementioned members, expressing their willingness to form a new government, on the one hand, and the position taken by four (4) ministers in the council of ministers that Parliament should be dissolved and new elections called, on the other hand.
Immediately following the meeting held by the eight (8) members of Parliament from the fractions of the UP, DP and independent member Mr. Laville on Monday May 13, 2013, Governor Holiday met with the Chairman of Parliament drs. R. Samuel and received an outline of the proceedings leading up to the meeting held by the eight members of Parliament.
The Governor subsequently met with and discussed the developments with Prime Minister, Mrs. Wescot-Williams.
On same date Governor Holiday on request of member of Parliament Mr. Roy Marlin met him, and members of Parliament, Mr. R. Laville, Mrs. S. Meyers-Olivacce and Mrs. G. Arrindell. During the meeting the Governor also received an outline of the proceedings leading up to the meeting and was presented with various documents including the motion of no confidence accepted in the meeting which declares that effective immediately the Ministers Marlin, Jacobs, Pantophlet and Tuitt no longer enjoy the confidence of Parliament.
Later that afternoon, Governor Holiday met with the Vice Prime Minister and was presented with a draft resolution to dissolve Parliament and call new elections.
On Tuesday May 14, 2013, Governor Holiday received a letter from the Chairman of Parliament containing a chronological report of occurrences leading up to the events of Monday, May 13, 2013, and stating that the meeting held by the eight members of Parliament is not an official meeting.
In addition Governor Holiday also received a letter on May 14, 2013 from the eight members of Parliament requesting that he ensures that the four (4) ministers mentioned in their motion do not take measures that could compromise the Government and/or Parliament of Country St. Maarten as well as expressing that they do not agree with attempts to dissolve Parliament.
Following a review of the documentation received and discussions held on Monday with the Vice Chairlady of the Council of Advice, on Tuesday with the Vice Prime-minister and today Wednesday May 15, 2013, with the four members of Parliament that presented the motion passed in the meeting held by the eight members of Parliament, the Chairman of Parliament and the Prime-Minister, Governor Holiday is herewith appealing to all stakeholders to do all that is necessary to maintain and protect the integrity of our constitutional democracy and to foster actions in keeping with our constitution based on the rule of law.

From the Governor's Cabinet

Philipsburg:--- A group of people that have started the petition drive calling for new elections will be holding a peaceful march on Friday afternoon starting at 4pm from the Le Grand Marche. The main organizer of the event Lisa Alexander told SMN News that the march will begin at 4pm at Le Grand Marche and goes to the Clem Labega Square in front of the Government Administration Building.

Alexander said that shuttles will be available for persons that are interested in taking part in the march. Persons can park their vehicles on the Pondfill and they will be taken by shuttle to Le Grand Marche where the march will commence.

Alexander said that the march will be based on article 2, 4 – 23, and 24 of the Constitution of St. Maarten where people have a democratic right to vote and petition. Alexander began gathering signatures from registered voters on St. Maarten sometime last week when the NA/DP/I-3 coalition government fell apart. The march slated for Friday afternoon is for all people that are residing and contributing to the economy of St. Maarten.

Rene "Cotto" Wilson also announced that he and his supporters will be joining the march that is organized by Alexander because it makes no sense to have two marches on that same day for the same cause. Wilson, a well-known activist in the St. Peters area said that he will be calling on his supporters to come out in large numbers to march for what he said is a rightful cause.

Parliament Officially Notified of Petition Drive.

Lisa Alexander also told SMN News on Wednesday evening that she submitted an official letter to the Parliament of St. Maarten to notify them that there is a signature drive taking place on the island where the people of St. Maarten are demanding that their democratic rights be respected and a new and fresh election must be called. Alexander said when she submitted the letter she presented Parliament with some of the forms that were signed by eligible voters on St. Maarten and she intends to submit the final set of documents to Parliament on Monday May 20th, 2013.

swescotwilliams15052013Philipsburg:--- Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams tried to explain the decisions she took not to entertain the dissolving of the Parliament of St. Maarten that was proposed by the majority of Ministers that were appointed by the National Alliance last week Tuesday.

The Prime Minister made several clarifications on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers' weekly press briefing. Those clarifications regard what exactly took place in the Council of Ministers' meetings last week Tuesday when she submitted an advice to dissolve the Wescot Williams II Cabinet and what happened this past Tuesday during the Council of Ministers' meeting. Wescot Williams said that whatever transpired in the Council of Ministers' meeting is supposed to remain private but since there is information regarding these meetings in public domain she believes that she has to set things in its right perspective.

Prime Minister Wescot Williams said the letter that was sent to the President of the Parliament and to her clearly states that the Wescot Williams II Cabinet no longer enjoys the support of majority members of Parliament, based on that letter she drafted an advice to have the Ministers of the Wescot Williams II Cabinet tender their resignation but that advice was voted down by the majority. While the eight Members of Parliament in their letter said that the Government of St. Maarten no longer has the majority support, the same eight Members of Parliament held an illegal meeting on Monday and passed a motion of no confidence against four of the seven Ministers, namely William Marlin, Roland Tuitt, Silveria Jacobs, and Romeo Pantophlet, they did not state their opinion of the two other Ministers which are the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams and Minister Cornelius de Weever who also form part of the Wescot Williams II Cabinet. Minister of Justice Roland Duncan has tendered his resignation since last week Friday and while the Prime Minister voted in favor of the Ministers tendering their resignation, she herself has not tendered her resignation neither did Minister of Health Cornelius de Weever. It should be noted that the Prime Minister and Minister De Weever were appointed by the two Members of the Democratic Party in Parliament.

The Prime Minister is also very peeved at the statements made by Member of Parliament Frans Richardson who spoke about her Zumba "U 2 Can Move". Wescot Williams said that she takes offense to the statements about Zumba because in her opinion those statement are disrespectful towards women who have to exercise and diet in order to maintain good health. She said there are a number people on St. Maarten with hypertension, diabetes, and other grave illnesses and while she is not a medical doctor she is fully aware that women in particular have to take care of themselves by moving.

The Prime Minister is also very much annoyed that the Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin drafted a Landsbesluit and sent it to the Governor expressing the decision of the majority of the Council of Ministers. She said she is the only one that has the authority to speak on behalf of the Council of Ministers, she further stated that there is no such thing as a Deputy Prime Minister.
When SMN News asked the Prime Minister to express her opinion about the illegal meeting held by the eight Members of Parliament while the President of Parliament and the Griffier were present, Wescot Williams did not want to give a clear cut opinion on what transpired on Monday in Parliament neither did she say whether or not the meeting that was held by eight MPs was in keeping with the rules of order.
Wescot Williams said right now the focus is not on election, instead it is about the dissolving of Parliament and how the majority of the Council wants it done. Furthermore, Wescot Williams also did not want to share her opinion on the integrity of the eight MPs who have accused each other of various crimes and while being implicated in the Bada Bing video tape which is now being investigated.

Prime Minister to Politicians Criticizing Zumba, U2 Can Move: "You who are ridiculing this move join me and say to the women of St. Maarten that it is about you first so that they can live a healthy lifestyle."

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams invited politicians, especially those in Parliament, to stop criticizing her U 2 Can Move Health Campaign, where the PM encourages especially women to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to join in in her call encouraging women to take better care of themselves. "I want to make a call to especially the politicians who criticize my Zumba activities: it is not about Zumba, it is about encouraging and empowering especially women, and this is where I would want the politicians to join my call, in motivating women to take care of themselves first and to look after their health. Zumba is part of the U 2 Can Move Campaign, a campaign that is so important considering the statics of hypertension and diabetes on our island, statistics of amputees on our island. And then to have some politicians who use the fact that I am saying to especially women and mothers to look after your health as if that is the worst thing imaginable. I am not a medical doctor but I know a few basic things: diet and excersice make a difference and it is about the realization that we need to keep moving, that we need to stay active. So rather than making fun of the fact that I believe that exercise and diet can also include Zumba, I encourage Politicians and Parliamentarians who are ridiculing this move to join me and say to the women of St. Maarten that it is about you first so that you can meet your responsibilities within the community. That is what I would like to see happen. Women too often try to be everything for everybody except to herself. We encourage and support women to ensure that as far it is in their power that they act healthy and remain fit," concluded the PM.

The Prime Minister has stated previously that the Zumba sessions and other events are a part of a larger fitness campaign where she encourages Civil Servants and the community in general to take their health and fitness seriously. "There is much we can do for ourselves as individuals and as a country as far as good health is concerned. Information, diet and exercise are the basic ABC's to good health and are valuable in any situation. I want to encourage our health institutions, practitioners and NGO's in this field to focus on educating our community on aspects of health and I call on all, especially our women, to take responsibility for their health, regular check-ups, and to heed warning signs such as aches and pains," the Prime Minister said.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Political tension and instability created by the National Alliance led Government is bad for business confidence and can negatively impact the sovereign credit rating of the country. Moody's Credit rating agency says that political instability is credit negative for a country.

The current new parliamentary majority has brought stability back to the country at the parliamentary level. The current National Alliance led Government should do the honourable thing and resign. A National Alliance standoff by refusing to accept political reality in a parliamentary democracy is detrimental to investor confidence and could force a credit rating downgrade for country Sint Maarten.

We are hoping that Country Sint Maarten does not find itself on Moody's Weekly Credit Outlook due to the current National Alliance standoff. Political risks are one of the key factors that are taken into account when rating a country.

The parliamentary majority has taken steps to bring order to the governance of the country and bring back stability. A new Council of Ministers is to be appointed within short which will complete the governance process.

Article 33.2 of the Constitution of Sint Maarten says: If a minister no longer enjoys the confidence of the Parliament, he shall surrender his office.

The UP-led Government from October 2010 to May2012 was successful in building the country's economy to a level at that point in time which led to Moody's assigning the country a first time Baa1 rating with a stable outlook six months after the UP lost its majority support.

Our International Airport also has a favourable rating resulting in a credit rating of Baa2 with an outlook of stable.

The current political climate being created by the irresponsible actions of the National Alliance and its Independent coalition partners are doing more harm to the country than good. A down grade makes it harder for Sint Maarten to borrow on the international market and decreases foreign investor confidence in the economy.

The country can be rest assured that the current parliamentary majority will bring order and restore confidence due to the irresponsible actions of the National Alliance/Independents standoff.

Drs. Gracita Arrindell
United People's (UP) Party
Member of Parliament

claudiusbuncamperwithbeverly14052013Lion's District Governor Claudius "Toontje" Buncamper MJF will be the special guest on the Prime Time with Beverly television program on Wednesday night at 8:30pm & Sunday at 7:30pm. The interview with the District Governor of area 60B will highlight his year as Governor and he will also discuss the positive progress Lions & Leos have been making with their work in the community on St. Maarten and around the region. The television program airs on St. Maarten Cable TV/TV15 on channel 115.

swescotwilliamsmeetswithocta14052013Discuss Common Ground on Economic and Environmental Development

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams hosted a meeting with the Chairman of the Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) and President of the Territorial Council of St. Pierre and Miquelon Mr. Stéphane Artano. Interim Head of the Department of Foreign Relations Ms. Khalilah Peters; Mr. Olivier Gaston, EU representative; Veronica Jansen-Webster from the Department of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations BAK and Emilia Thomas, Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister also attended the meeting.

The meeting was aimed foremost at familiarizing the Chairman with St. Maarten and to build a common understanding of OCTA challenges among OCT leaders amongst which the Prime Minister. This also included discussions on the way forward with steps to improve the OCTs political representation in Brussels and the preparation of the next OCT-EU forum focusing on innovation in economic and environmental policies. Discussions were also had on the OCTs needs to facilitate European Development Fund programming through the exploration of providing training, technical assistance and procedure simplifications. Additional topics discussed also included the syncing of economic and environmental policies, further building on the previous OCTA Chairman's theme of Green Growth and Competitiveness.

OCTA is an important and essential voice in the European Union for St. Maarten and other Overseas Countries and Territories. In September of last year a St. Maarten delegation headed by the Minister Plenipotentiary the Hon. Mathias Voges attended a high level OCTA meeting in Ilulissat, Greenland seeking common ground on various issues unique to the OCTs.

"It was an fruitful meeting. One where various items of much importance to St. Maarten's role in the OCT framework were discussed. Finding common ground on issues related to European assistance in economic, developmental and environmental issues facing OCT islands," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Disaster Coordinator Winston Salomon, Head of the Island's Disaster Emergency Management Organization, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), is calling on the Sint Maarten community to begin to prepare timely for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season, and to have the necessary plans in place by June 1st, the start of the season.

Colorado State University hurricane team Phil Klotzbach and William Gray have forecasted in their early April report enhanced activity for the hurricane season with 18 named storms, of which nine will become hurricanes, and four of those will become major hurricanes with over 111 miles per hour winds.

Even though the official start of the season is over two weeks away, Salomon is urging residents to use this period to prepare themselves adequately by reviewing their annual hurricane season preparatory list.

The Disaster Coordinator added that the country's disaster preparedness and emergency management mechanism are expected to be ready to deal with any eventuality arising during the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season.

"As we do for every hurricane season, preparing for a storm strike is necessary. Remember it only takes one to make it a bad hurricane season. I am calling on the nation to begin to prepare now, so as to mitigate the effects of a possible hurricane disaster. We have the time now to prepare our homes, businesses and other structures adequately in the event of a hurricane strike.

"Check your disaster plan and review your disaster supply kit. Prepare early and avoid being caught unprepared. Minimize your dependence on government, family or friends. Preparedness starts with every one of us within our communities," Disaster Coordinator Winston Salomon said on Tuesday.

Some of the preparations that should be carried out now are checking hurricane shutters and the roof of your home or business, and to make sure windows and shutters close securely.

Persons living along coastal areas as well as those in flood prone areas should start looking at what measures they would take in the event of a hurricane which could cause flood challenges.

The 2013 hurricane season officially runs through November 30 and begins June 1st.

tuttifruttihealthystepperscarnivaltroupe14052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Youth Health Care, a division of the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a Department at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, will be embarking upon three community outreach vaccination sessions and lectures.

The theme for the vaccination campaign this year is "A Shared Responsibility."

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever 'Get Checked' campaign is in line with the efforts of CPS and therefore Minister De Weever is appealing to guardians and parents to get their children checked to see if they are up to date with their vaccinations.

To celebrate the 11th Vaccination Week of the Americas (VWA) and the second World Vaccination Week (WVW), last month YHC partnered with Rotary Club St. Maarten Sunrise to form a children's Carnival troupe. VWA/WVW is held in the last week of April.

At the children's parade the emphasis was placed on depicting healthy nutrition through the childrens costumes. The name of the troupe was "Tutti Frutti Healthy Steppers." The costumes represented items from the five food groups namely, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat and grain.

CPS will continue the VWA/WVW commemoration with three community outreach sessions and lectures. The first one is scheduled to take place on May 29 (St. Peters), followed by June 13 (Dutch Quarter) and the final one on June 20 (Cole Bay).

The objectives of the campaign are to stimulate parents to have their child(ren) vaccinated; to bring about awareness as it relates to vaccinations and to encourage parents and the community at large to take responsibility by ensuring updated vaccination records for the children in their care.

In addition the campaign aims to provide the public with general vaccination information; to encourage others such as, health care workers, pregnant women and pre-and exam class students to update their vaccination status. To encourage risk groups such as waste/garbage handlers, the Police, hotel and restaurant workers, and others to verify and update their vaccination status, particularly Hepatitis B and Tetanus.

Minister De Weever is also appealing to the various risk groups and health care providers to get checked to see if they are up to date with their vaccinations especially those identified by CPS.

cdeweeverandhubertlopez14052013Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor with responsibility for the production and distribution of drinking water, Cornelius De Weever on Monday May 13, 2013 visited the construction site in Pointe Blanche where two tanks for storage of drinking water will be built. The site is located uphill on the road to Monte Vista. A solid foundation with an impressive amount of reinforcing steel and concrete is being completed for the first tank. The retaining wall is already in place. The works for the construction of the foundation have been contracted out by GEBE to Liccom NV.

Once completed the erection of the first tank will start which is a responsibility of Air-Fin /Seven Seas Water. The tanks will serve as reservoir for the water produced by two new seawater reverse osmosis plants to be built in the "Yellow Building" on the Harbour Cargo premises. Both tanks will be integrated in the distribution system of GEBE to supply drinking water to the community. Each tank has a capacity of 3000 m3.

"My proactive approach is to avoid reaching a potential water shortage situation as was the case that I met. The goal and planning that we have in place now is to ensure that we have enough water produced and distributed for years to come, taking into account the increase in population and following increase in demand of water. We are still looking at the water loss/leakage challenge and will be addressing this in the very near future," said Minister De Weever.

In August 2012. a three way agreement between Government, GEBE and Air-Fin/Seven Seas Water was signed specifying detailed arrangements of the supply, installation, commissioning, operation and ownership of two water tanks. The 3 way agreement is a sub agreement of the Water Supply (Production) Agreement between Government and Air-Fin/Seven Seas Water for 2008-2018.

The supply of drinking water is principally a Government responsibility with distribution tasks outsourced to GEBE and production to Air-Fin; Minister De Weever mentioned the importance of having the necessary infrastructure in place for the supply of drinking water to the general public, essential to guarantee public health.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Prevention Services (CPS) that falls under the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, has been informed the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO) to continue surveillance with respect to novel coronavirus infection (NCoV).

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which includes viruses that may cause a range of illnesses in humans, from the common cold and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Viruses of this family also cause a number of animal diseases, however the NCoV itself has not yet been found in an animal.

This particular strain Novel Coronavirus has not been previously identified in humans.

Health care providers are advised to be vigilant among recent travelers returning from areas affected by the virus who develop severe SARS. Countries that have reported the novel coronavirus are: Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and France.

Common symptoms have been acute, serious respiratory illness with fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. The infection generally presents as pneumonia. It has caused kidney failure and death in some cases.

To prevent catching any respiratory illness, avoid close contact, when possible, with anyone who shows symptoms of illness (coughing and sneezing), and to maintain good hand hygiene.

Most patients are male and range in age from 24 to 94 years. Most patients presented with severe acute respiratory diseases required hospitalization and eventually required mechanical ventilation or other advanced respiratory support.

The Jordanian outbreak illustrated the potential of this virus to spread through health care facilities and the United Kingdom outbreak confirmed the potential of the virus to transmit between humans with close contact. In neither instance did transmission appear to go beyond the immediate outbreak into the community.

From September 2012 to date, the WHO has been informed of a global total of 34 laboratory confirmed cases of human infection with NCoV, including 18 deaths.

In Saudi Arabia, an investigation is ongoing into an outbreak in a health care facility, where 15 patients, including seven deaths have been confirmed.

The French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has informed WHO of an additional laboratory-confirmed case with infection of NCoV.

Great Bay:--- In order to keep the public informed regarding the ongoing developments, and in particular what transpired during the Parliamentary Meeting on the morning of Monday, May 13th, the Majority in Parliament has decided to inform the public regarding Monday Morning's meeting.

In a released statement the Parliamentary Majority comprising of the DP, UP and Independent Laville explained that last week the Majority Coalition Members of Parliament requested an urgent meeting to be held last week in order to discuss the Motion of No Confidence by the Parliamentary Majority against the Ministers Marlin, Jacobs, Pantophlet and Tuitt. This letter requesting the urgent meeting for the end of last week was submitted by letter beforehand using all of the proper channels. The Chairman of Parliament the Hon. Rodolphe Samuel completely ignored the request, other than pointing out a minor and insignificant technicality.

Considering the fact that the request was completely ignored, the Majority Coalition subsequently requested that their agenda point be added to a duly convened meeting of Parliament which was scheduled for Monday, May 13th, a meeting which was requested by the NA Faction and Independent Member Frans Richardson. This request was granted and the agenda point of the Majority Coalition the Motion of No Confidence Against the four Ministers, was also duly added.

Anticipating that the Chairman Rodolphe Samuel would either cancel the meeting or adjourn before the coalition's agenda point, (the Motion of No Confidence) was reached, the two deputy-chairs of Parliament, who together with the president form the Presidium, requested a meeting of the Presidium before the public meeting of Parliament to discuss proceedings. The President of Parliament agreed to only talk informally with the two Deputy-Chairs of Parliament, resulting in the fact that no formal conclusions could be arrived at in the Presidium.

"The rules of order of Parliament are clear, especially where it concerns: 'where it is not established by the Rules of Order of Parliament, the Parliament, so a Parliamentary Majority, decides'. This is stated very clearly in the Rules of Order. The flaunting of these rules is a continuation of the so-called standoff mentality of the Parliamentary minority."

The statement goes on to say that it is further not established in the Rules of Order what Parliament does if the Chair and or Clerk of Parliament refuse to carry out his or her function and willfully obstructs Parliament. This was clearly evident, as all was done in order to avoid the agenda point of the Majority of Parliament being arrived at and thus avoiding the Motion of no Confidence. Taking this into consideration the Parliamentary Majority decided to have the meeting continue and to subsequently appoint an ad-hoc recorder in the person of Mr. E. Gumbs.

The statement ends by reminding the population that all actions which were conducted on the morning of the 13th of May were within the law and the Rules of Order of Parliament. "It is upsetting and disconcerting to know that both the President of Parliament and the Clerk of Parliament obstructed an Agenda Point which was scheduled. It is also unfortunate that misinformation was distributed providing falsities to the people, such as the Parliament being 'Hijacked' for example. The only thing hijacked was the democratic process in the interest of continuing the unfortunate policy of "Mexican Stand-offing" instead of Governing.

Joint Press Release By Parliamentary Majority

Philipsburg:--- Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin announced on the radio program "View Point" on Tuesday that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams has refused to ratify the minutes of agenda point 18 that was discussed in the Council of Ministers' meeting last week Tuesday. Marlin spoke out shortly after the weekly Council of Ministers' meeting ended on Tuesday. Marlin said what the Prime Minister presented to the Council for ratification is not what transpired in the meeting last week, therefore no decision was taken on the agenda point.

In the meantime, Marlin made up the Landsbesluit (decree) for the decision which was taken by the majority of the Ministers to dissolve Parliament and call for new elections which should be held sometime in July 2013. That Landsbesluit and other documents to support the decree were sent to the Governor of St. Maarten for him to sign off and to also take a decision to end the political saga the island is facing.

Marlin also spoke about the illegal meeting that was held in the Parliament of St. Maarten on Monday and the motion of non-confidence the eight Members of Parliament passed and sent to the Governor of St. Maarten.

Marlin condemned the way those members that claimed to have formed the new majority behaved. He said based on all what was said by Member of Parliament Romaine Laville in public and the fact that he filed complaint against the UP leader and other complaints that were filed by MP Jules James, Laville has raised many questions in the minds of the people. Marlin said ever since the release of the Bada Bing tape several things transpired behind closed doors and he believes that if Members of Parliament have lost confidence in him and other Ministers then they have to tell him and the people of St. Maarten what he is accused of. He made clear the actions (fight) he putting up against those in Parliament that are swinging deals from one end to the next is not about him wanting to hold on to power but to ensure that democracy prevails on St. Maarten. Marlin and the host of the radio program called on the people of St. Maarten that have been voicing their concerns to sign the petition that is now circulating on St. Maarten demanding that new elections be called within the specified period of time.

One salutary effect of the present brouhaha in Parliament and Government is that is has focused laser sharp attention on the right of Parliament to dismiss government via a vote of no confidence and government's right in turn to dissolve Parliament and trigger new elections.
Article 33 of St. Maarten's Constitution states that a Minister must surrender his seat when he no longer enjoys the confidence of Parliament. Parliament makes this clear by a vote of no confidence against the Minister.
Article 59 of our constitution gives government the right to dissolve Parliament. At present the dispute is whether Government should dissolve parliament. Regardless to how one feels about the issue, one cannot dispute the fact that if government passes a resolution (Landsbesluit or LB) to dissolve Parliament there is little anyone, much less the governor can do. The right to dissolve Parliament is an inherent right of government. All that is left for the governor to do is ask Parliament whether they wish to maintain the government in office for the three months leading up to the election or whether Parliament wishes to appoint an interim cabinet to prepare the elections.
This is part of the system of "checks and balances" found in most constitutions. No one has absolute power. Each branch of government has limits to its exercise of power. Parliament's right to dismiss government is counterbalanced by government's right to dissolve Parliament. This is what separates a democracy from a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, the leader has absolute power. This is what makes living under such systems so loathsome. There are no "checks and balances" to the exercise of power, and that eventually leads to abuse of power.
Many have expressed frustration at the spectacle of MPs "Jumping Ship". Many have proposed all sorts of complicated schemes and amendments to our constitution to stop the practice. But drastic changes may not be necessary. Once it sinks into MP's minds that government can dissolve Parliament thus triggering new elections in ninety days, MPs will be much more careful about jumping ship. If they try to form a new government, and use article 33 to hold a vote of confidence against government, or withdraw their support from government, they are now aware that government can launch its own poison pill, and dissolve Parliament. Ship jumpers will then have to face the voters and run the risk of losing their seat before the normal four year Parliamentary term is up. Viewed from this perspective, and used judiciously, government's right to dissolve Parliament can act as a brake on the ambitions of opportunistic MPs, and lead to a much more stable government.

sjacobsatspeedyplusinternationaltrackandfieldmeet13052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The 2nd edition of the Speedy Plus International Track and Field Meet, held on May 11th, 2013 at the Alberic Richards Stadium in Sandy Ground, was another opportunity to unite the island in yet another development program around sports.

Though the meet was held on the French of the island, it should be noted that the 2nd edition was hosted by the Dutch Side of St. Maarten due to the upgrading of the facilities. This meet gave both sides of the island the opportunity to display their commitment to the signed "Declaration of Intent of Cooperation" between the Government of the Republic of France, The Government of St. Maarten and the Territorial Council of St. Martin.

This partnership highlights the cooperation between the North and the South where it takes into consideration the Memorandum of Understanding concerning cross border cooperation signed on November 11th, 2006.

From the inception of the International Track and Field Meet in 2012, the Territorial Collectivity and Country St. Maarten had decided to collaborate with the Foundation for Limitless Cooperation and Speedy Plus to host this major event.

The meet was also designed to showcase our tourist and sporting assets where 133 local and regional athletes while approximately 50 international athletes competed. With the lineup of Regional and International athletes, this International Track & Field Meet gave the athletes of St. Maarten/St. Martin the opportunity to evaluate their performances against other top athletes in the world; whilst at the same time, the opportunity to experience the perspective of an event on their own home ground of an international caliber.

"As the world is in full transformation and today sports are a vector for positive change, it educates, revitalizes and inspires. It is truly a driving force for local, economic and social development and for communication. With this in mind, Speedy Plus has demonstrated with its athletes that everything is possible," Minister Jacobs said.

The vision of Speedy Plus to shine at all events they participate in; to promote the island; to prepare coaches for top level; to contribute to the integration of our young people and to ensure the school success of our young sports people has been endorsed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports.

"It is important for us to do everything within our power to take the lead and develop the reputation of our island via top-level sportsmen and sports women, so that they can be role models. Let us give our young people the possibility to develop their full potential through sports," Minister of Sports Hon. Silveria Jacobs pointed out.

Gratitude and appreciation goes out to the organizing committee of the event namely, President of the Speedy Plus Club Calvin Bryan and Leona Marlin of the Foundation for Limitless Cooperation, their affiliate on the Dutch side of the Island.

A heartfelt 'Thank you' also goes out to the many other persons who have been instrumental in making this possible; along with TelEm, Guavaberry, and Nagico. Thanks also go out to all the athletes, international, regional and local. They showcased a high caliber of athleticism and sportsman like behavior, Minister Silveria Jacobs said on Monday.

managersintegrityworkshop13052013Philipsburg:--- In the week of April 22nd to April 25th 2013 the department of Interior and Kingdom Relations successfully organized a specialized integrity workshop for the managers of the Public Service of Sint Maarten. Prior to this workshop civil servants had recently been given a general training in dealing with Integrity Dilemma's, morals and values. They focused on behavior and mindset.

The execution of the Integrity program has been a journey which begun in 2010. Thus far it has included internal research, gathering all Integrity stakeholders to come with a proposal for an Integrity vision, which was approved by the Council of Ministers. There has also been a focus on Integrity awareness by means of newsletters, promotional materials and Integrity training. An official Integrity definition and slogan have been established: Integrity @ work it starts with me. Signifying that Integrity is important in our daily lives and work and therefore also is a work in progress. The Council of Ministers has agreed to establish an Integrity Bureau for Sint Maarten and we are at the point in that process where work is ongoing towards achieving a Draft Ordinance (Landsverodening Bureau Integriteit).

The workshop for managers was done in the form of a management simulation designed to guide managers through a process of looking at internal vulnerabilities related to Integrity and the internal integrity system. The aim of the exercises was to formulate recommendations related to the government Integrity system and present these to the Council of Ministers. Bureau Integriteit Amsterdam was invited to guide the managers through this process and got an opportunity on Thursday April 25th 2013 to present the recommendations to the Council of Ministers.

After reviewing the evaluation of the training, Mrs. Richardson the Integrity Program Manager at the Department of the Interior and Kingdom is very satisfied with the results. The recommendations are for the most part consistent with the Integrity Vision already being executed by above mentioned department. As part of the Integrity program for The Government of Sint Maarten and the Integrity project funded by means of Dutch Development Funds via USONA, the project will continue with the appointment of Persons of Confidence in each Ministry and the establishment of an Integrity Bureau etc.

The National Institute of Arts


Open audition for the new National Youth Choir of St. Maarten
Date: Thursday May 16, 2013
Time: 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Ages: 8-15 years
Place: John Larmonie Center, Long wall Rd #20, Philipsburg

The audition will be under the direction of LaVaune Henry and Hans Minnaert.

Choir rehearsals will be twice a week, a general basic music formation will be imparted inclusive of solvège under the direction of Ms. Henry.

Pre-registration is recommended due to the high volume of requests.
Please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 543-0600

Your punctual attendance will be appreciated.

swescotwilliamsattendspowerfulwomenworkshop13052013Oyster Pond:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams took time out of her currently hectic schedule to attend and support the Powerful Women's Workshop at the Oyster Bay Resort on Saturday. The Workshop was centered on the empowerment of women in the community and to develop their potential. "The two traditional names for St. Maarten are Oualichi, the Land of Strong Women and Soualiga, Land of Salt. I believe that that is exactly what we are as women here on St. Maarten; strong women that are the salt of the land," commented the Prime Minister. In Photo are attendants of the Powerful Women's Workshop with the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

fransrichardson13052013Philipsburg:--- Independent Member of Parliament Frans Richardson told reporters on Monday afternoon that he cannot and will not condone the current political developments on St. Maarten. MP Richardson said last year he wholeheartedly supported the NA led coalition government "Working for the People". MP Richardson said he did that simply because the UP/DP/I-1 government failed to address several pressing issues that were plaguing the people of St. Maarten and necessary for improving the quality of life for the people of St. Maarten and restore the economy on St. Maarten. MP Richardson said he is just as surprised as many of the people on St. Maarten who are now confronted with the latest development where they are being asked to support the same coalition (UP/DP) that were thrown out of government last year. Richardson said he is of the opinion that the UP/DP coalition was never interested in serving the needs of the people. He further explained that the NA led coalition government was about to put meaningful policies in place that would have restored confidence in the country's economy before the Members of the UP/DP chose to break the NA led coalition government.

The Independent Member of Parliament said this is done under the false pretense that the NA led coalition lacked cohesion and professionalism. Richardson said this is just an excuse to justify their personal motives and lawless agendas. MP Richardson made clear that he cannot condone such irresponsible and reckless action. He said that St. Maarten's democracy cannot continue to support or maintain politicians that are hell bent on ignoring the needs of the people for their narrow self interest.
Richardson said that if the members of the UP/DP Members of Parliament want to be true to the electorate then they need tell them the real reason why they want to return to power for the remaining term.

MP Richardson said that it is time for the people (electorate) to put an end to the negative political cycle by calling for an early election to guarantee everyone a meaningful say on how this country's government is administered. "This is no time for playing musical chairs because there are politicians who do not know how to put the people first in their government program. For the sake of clarity let me make clear that I cannot support such an unsteady coalition since I am known for being a serious representative of the people and one that listens to you the people of St. Maarten and I am committed to do everything possible to ensure that you the people can have a better life on St. Maarten, while I will ensure that St. Maarten would remain an ideal place for investors to invest. Working for the people of St. Maarten is my only priority and ensure that your interest are taken care of. In order to do so then the Parliament of St. Maarten must be dissolved and call for new elections that would restore confidence in government." MP Richardson said whatever shortcomings exists in the administrative and legislative levels of Government can be resolved with serious and transparent debating. The priority is supposed to be serving the general interest of the people of St. Maarten, restoring confidence in the people and the political system, and uplifting the fragile economy.

MP Richardson said disrupting the functioning of government with a simple majority is once again gambling with the people's trust, with uncertainty and political instability. Richardson said that the current political developments are the last thing St. Maarten needs especially with the negative consequences that will come along with it. He said if the people of St. Maarten want to remain true to the country's constitution then the people should have the final word on what is currently taking place in the political arena. Therefore, the only solution to resolve the current impasse is a fresh election to return government to normalcy.

MP Richardson said he listened to the eight Members of Parliament who stated the lack of cohesion and professionalism is the reason they pulled their support from the government. He said he had to express his feelings about the statements made by the new set of MPs who claims to have formed the majority. He said that these are the same people that formed part of the government two years ago and their Prime Minister has the Government Administration Building in her portfolio and those members that are supporting their Prime Minister never raised any issues about the unfinished Government Building. MP Richardson said the most important building of the country is sitting for eight years and it is still unfinished and no one that is supporting the Prime Minister is attempting to fix the problems of the Government Building. Richardson said another controversy that was brought forward is the post office. "These very two Members of the Democratic Party made an issue about the functioning of the Post Office, vehicles and furniture was removed from the Post Office and the two DP MPs said nothing. It has been three years now that electoral reform has been plaguing St. Maarten and absolutely nothing is done about it. The only thing we are seeing is lip service upon lip service and when it's not lip service its Zumba that is taking place on St. Maarten. Enough is enough and the people of St. Maarten has had enough with what is transpiring on St. Maarten where the same leader with a minority seats but holds the portfolio of Prime Minister is trying to be the Prime Minister for the third time."

Richardson said what transpired in Parliament on Monday is very disgraceful and democracy was trampled upon because Members of Parliament made their own Parliamentary procedures when they conducted an illegal meeting. Richardson said what took place in Parliament is Kangaroo Court of Parliament or better yet a coup by eight members of Parliament. He said that those MPs highjacked the meeting they requested and did what they wanted. Richardson said that one of the biggest issues that were being discussed is the justice park and he presented the motion on the continuation of the justice park during the budget debate even though he had nothing to do with the justice park. MP Richardson said if the MPs had a problem with Minister of Justice Roland Duncan they could have brought a motion of non-confidence against him and let him go home, but the justice park did not start with the NA led coalition, it started with the UP/DP coalition. He said politicians need to stop playing games with the people and begin to get serious because the excuses they made were flimsy. Richardson said what took place on Monday is that seasoned politicians led the younger politicians that do not have the experience down the drain.

When SMN News asked MP Richardson if he was aware that there were issues or grievances with Member of Parliament Romaine Laville, Richardson said at no time MP Laville mention he was unhappy. He said the MP presented several motions and it was all passed during the budget debate but days later he left the government and went with the same people whom he criticized. MP Richardson also confirmed that MP Laville got everything he asked for. "He wanted bus and taxi licenses for his people and the Minister TEATT granted them to him while his leader and government "UP" denied him. He wanted $400,000.00 for TEMPO last year and that too he got. MP Laville also got a contract from the Ministry of VROMI for the Garden Boyz. Laville got more than anyone in the NA led Government got or even requested." MP Richardson also confirmed that TEMPO submitted a request for $600,000.00 for the 2013 TEMPO show but that has not yet been dealt with.

FREEPORT, The Bahamas:--- GAT CARAIBES, a group of transportation companies in Martinique, will present its strategic plan to the 12th Annual Caribbean Shipping Executives Conference (CSEC XII), which opened today at the Grand Lucayan Beach and Golf Resort on Grand Bahama Island.

Hosted by the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA) from May 13 to 15, shipping industry executives from Europe and North America are joining their counterparts from the Caribbean and Latin America for three days of discussions and presentations on a wide range of issues and trends in the maritime sector.

Martinique's newly formed cluster "GAT CARAIBES Logistique et Transports", along with other national shipping associations of the Caribbean, are presenting their plans as part of a wider regional contribution to the development of the region's shipping sector.

The port of Fort-de-France is undergoing a massive expansion and renovation to handle Post-Panamax vessels and to prepare Martinique to become a major Caribbean hub and a gateway to Europe.

GAT CARAIBES, comprising members from both the public and private sector of Martinique, plays a major part in the design, modelling and dissemination of solutions for transport and logistics, sustainable development, not only for Martinique but for the rest of the Caribbean.

Annual objectives include a freight exchange solution for the Caribbean (in the Americas and to Europe), the development of ICT solutions for transport and logistics, business tools to improve logistics performance, and the use of "intermodality" for both freight and passenger transport.

Conference presentations cover international trade and corruption, the readiness of marine pilots for the opening of the expanded Panama Canal, and the passage of massive ships and their demands on regional ports.

Alternative energy, the economics of ocean cargo and the competitiveness of regional ports will also come under expert scrutiny.

Several owners of shipping lines and participants will also be exposed to the latest trends and technological developments planned for wide deployment in marine terminals of the future.

Representatives of GAT CARAIBES are looking forward to forging agreements with other clusters in the region and creating synergies for transportation and logistics in the Americas.

Philipsburg:--- Member of Parliament Louie Laveist has asked the President of Parliament Rodophe Samuel to draft a report and send it to the Prosecutor's Office for them to determine if the eight members of Parliament committed a crime when they highjacked parliament, its equipment, and employee on Monday to hold an illegal meeting. Laveist said several illegal acts were committed in Parliament, even where the UP/DP and MP Laville hired the services of someone from the street to perform parliamentary duties while this person was not even screened or hired by the Parliament of St. Maarten.

Laveist said that in his view what took place in Parliament has some criminal consequences and a report should be sent to the Prosecutor's Office in order for them to draw their conclusions and take the necessary actions against those that violated the highest legislative body of country St. Maarten.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The business sector and vital organizations have less than two weeks to apply for a Mobility Passes for the 2013 Hurricane Season.

The pass allows the aforementioned to assess possible damage to their property. Potential applicants have until May 25 to present all relevant information related to the process of requesting a Mobility Pass.

For the 2013 season, the application form as well as information sheet can be downloaded from the Fire Department's website under the tab link "Hurricane Information" followed by the "Hurricane Passes" tab.

Passes are issued to the following categories: government personnel, personnel of essential companies or organizations, (sub) contractors for the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (VROMI), transportation passes for hotel staff, business owners and members of vital organizations to assess possible damage to their property.

The hurricane pass application procedure is only intended for businesses and vital organizations with respect to their key personnel receiving an exemption to a curfew.

The Office of Disaster Management is handling the application process for the passes on behalf of the Prime Minister.

The application form has to be completed and submitted to the offices of the Fire Department & Disaster Management, to the attention of the secretary located at Jackal Road 5, Cay Hill before May 25, 2013, with all necessary documents attached between office hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00AM – 4:00PM.

rlaville13052013Philipsburg:--- Eight Members of Parliament representing the United People's Party, Democratic Party, and Independent Member of Parliament Romaine Laville made history for St. Maarten's Parliament Monday morning when they convened an illegal meeting and presented and passed a motion of non-confidence against four of the Ministers in the Council of Ministers, namely Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin, Minister of Finance Roland Tuitt, Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs, and Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet. The eight Members of Parliament did not even take the time to vote on the motion they presented which in their view is legal. During the illegal meeting the tribune of Parliament was filled with supporters of the UP and DP including the Leader of the United People's Party, Theodore Heyliger.

It should be noted that while the scene played out in the Parliament of St. Maarten is illegal and will not be registered as an official meeting, the four Ministers who form the majority in the Council of Ministers can still pursue with dissolving the Parliament of St. Maarten. This procedure is still ongoing.

updpsupporters13052013What was seen in the Parliament of St. Maarten on Monday in the presence of the Leader of the United People's Party Leader Theodore Heyliger and supporters of the Democratic Party and UP has never taken place anywhere else in the Kingdom. Vice Chairman of Parliament Romaine Laville conducted the meeting without a griffier while the eight members of Parliament appointed Edward Gumbs to act as their recorder. Edward Gumbs who claimed to know the rules of Parliament made sure he did not sit in the seat reserved for the griffier, instead he sat in one of the seats that are reserved for Ministers or other invited guests that are invited to Parliament to provide answers to Parliament.

Another unusual action that was taken by three Members of Parliament namely Petrus Leroy de Weever, MP Roy Marlin, and MP Jules James was when they instructed the media recorder of Parliament Alvin Prescod to broadcast their meeting live on air. At some point, the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel ordered Prescod to take the meeting off the air because it was not an official meeting of Parliament. When Prescod complied with the President's orders, Members of Parliament Roy Marlin and Jules James went into the media room of Parliament and bullied Prescod. SMN News reporter heard Prescod telling the President of Parliament that he was ordered by Member of Parliament Petrus Leroy de Weever to air the meeting live and at some point MPs Roy Marlin and Jules James ordered him out of the press room. SMN News reporter also witnessed MP Jules James arguing with Prescod in the media room while the illegal meeting was in process.

President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel told Reporters that he rescheduled the Meeting for Friday.

aprescodwithjjames13052013President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel and the Griffier of Parliament Alstain Bell who witnessed that what transpired in Parliament on Monday morning said the actions of the eight Members of Parliament were undemocratic and uncalled for because they did everything that had to be done based on the rules of order. Samuel gave members of the media copies of the letters that were sent to him showing where he responded the same day to the various factions. He said despite him working based on the rules of order, he was accused by The Daily Herald of not treating the Members of Parliament fairly. The President of Parliament called on The Daily Herald to make a retraction based on the evidence he provided to each reporter including the reporter of The Daily Herald.

President Samuel said on May 6th, 2013 he received a letter which stated that the undersigned Members of Parliament that has formed the majority in Parliament informs him that the following Ministers no longer enjoys their support. "Those Ministers are Minister William Marlin, Minister Roland Tuitt, Minister Romeo Pantophlet, Minister Silveria Jacobs, and Minister Roland Duncan. Samuel said that he wants to make clear that the letter is addressed to the President of Parliament while it is copied to the Council of Ministers and the Governor of St. Maarten. Samuel said so far that letter has not yet been handled in a meeting of Parliament. He explained that on May 7th, 2013 he received a second letter requesting that he convene an urgent meeting on May 10th, 2013. Samuel said only four Members of Parliament signed that letter and he was obliged to write a letter to the MPs asking them for clarification.

rsamuelandabell13052013Samuel said that on the same day he responded to the letter and asked those that signed the letter to clarify what they asked of him in their letter. All of the letters are posted below this article for our readers to view. He said in response to his letter, the Members of Parliament who claims to have formed the majority then wrote him a letter and asked him to then add an agenda point to the meeting that was requested by two Members of the National Alliance George Pantophlet, Louie Laviest and Independent Member of Parliament Frans Richardson which was to be held on Monday May 13th, 2013. Samuel further explained that he received a follow up letter from those that requested the meeting for Monday May 13th, 2013 asking that he reschedule the meeting because some of the Members who requested the meeting left the island to attend the funeral of slain MP of Curacao Helmin Wiels. Samuel said that he postponed the meeting to Friday May 17th, 2013 and he notified all the Members of Parliament that the meeting was rescheduled. He made clear that all Members of Parliament were informed, yet the eight members from the UP/DP/Laville decided to proceed with the meeting while he and the griffier were present in the building when the illegal meeting took place. He further stated that the Vice Chair of Parliament Romaine Laville could not preside over a meeting while the President is in the house and more important he could not have done so without a recorder. Samuel made clear that he did his work in accordance with the law/constitution and the rules of order. Samuel said what took place in the house of Parliament on Monday is very much unusual. Samuel further said that he does not know how to describe what took place in the House of Parliament on Monday because there was no convocation sent out for the meeting. This he said is laid down in the rules of order. He said the agenda point that was dealt with was not a separate meeting and what happened on Monday does not have his blessings and he knows that it was also terribly wrong. Samuel concluded by saying he will discuss the matter with the Governor of St. Maarten.

Click here to view more photos of the Illegal Meeting of Parliament on Monday May 13th, 2013.
Click here to view the motion presented and passed by the UP/DP MPs and MP Laville on Monday.
Click here to view the various letters that were sent to the President of Parliament and his responses.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments and the vote of no confidence against certain members of the Council of Ministers has been cancelled and rescheduled for May 17.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Friday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The meeting for May 13 was initially requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson. The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013.

The aforementioned three MPs in a letter to the President of Parliament Hon. Rodolphe Samuel on May 13 requested that the meeting be rescheduled due to the funeral of Curacao MP H. Wiels which is scheduled for Tuesday. The three MPs indicated that they would like to attend the funeral.

An additional agenda point had also been added to the 13 May plenary session based on correspondence dated May 7 and May 9, 2013 from MPs Hon. Roy Marlin (DP), Hon. Petrus L. de Weever (DP), Hon. Janchie Leonard (UP), and Hon. Gracita Arrindell (UP): Establishing that Minister W. Marlin, Minister R. Tuitt, Minister R. Duncan, Minister R. Pantophlet and Minister S. Jacobs no longer enjoy majority support from the Parliament of Sint Maarten.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

chickfilaleadercast12052013Philipsburg:--- Participants who attended the Chick-fil-A Leadercast at the Sonesta Great Bay Resort on Friday May 10th, left motivated and inspired to "Simply Lead;" the theme of the conference. Chick-fil-A® Leadercast® is a one-day leader development event broadcast live from Atlanta, Georgia to hundreds of sites throughout the world. St. Maarten became one of the sites for the first time this year, thanks to the foresight of Victorious Living Foundation which purposes to enlighten, empower and reconcile communities.
The attendees at Friday's event were drawn from a wide cross-section of society including business, the clergy, education, health care and Government, among other sectors. Participants followed the presentations of world-renown speakers on leadership streamed live and projected on a large screen in one of the conference rooms at Sonesta Great Bay Resort.
Among the star-studded Leadercast were: Andy Stanley, Best Selling leadership author and communicator; Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric; Mike Krzyzewski, Head men's basketball coach, Duke University and Team USA, John Maxwell, bestselling author and leadership expert, Dr. Henry Cloud, best-selling author and leadership consultant, LCDR Rorke Denver, Navy SEAL and star of the 2012 movie Act of Valor; Sanya Richards-Ross, 2012 London Olympic gold medallist, track & field; David Allen, Best-selling author of Getting Things Done and productivity expert, and Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State (2005-2009), via exclusive Simply Lead video interview.
In his powerful presentation, Andy Stanley shared and elaborated on three pivotal questions that each leader should ask in order to be effective: "What am I doing?" "Why am doing it?" and, "How do I fit in?" His presentation was the first for the leadercast and was well received by the gathering. David Allen highlighted the importance of maintaining calm in the midst of chaos as a key trait to leadership. Mike Krzyzewski used his experiences as head coach of Team USA dealing with superstar basketball players as lessons that can be applied in leadership in any organisation.
Sanya Richards-Ross was interviewed by veteran sports anchor Linda Cohn of ESPN. She spoke mainly on how to be successful in the midst of distractions; the challenges she faced as a professional athlete on the road to success, the support of her family and the need to have a vision board: setting goals and working assiduously in achieving them. Most of the participants seemed impressed with the presentation of John Maxwell, who spoke on the topic "Simplicity in leadership."
The Leadercast was not just about the overseas speakers. Representatives of the St. Maarten Youth parliament were given the opportunity to present their 30 year vision for St. Maarten. The group highlighted some of the issues as they see it that are paramount to St. Maarten including having more and improved recreational facilities; hypocrisy among social leaders; more accountability from politicians; more support for entrepreneurs; and leadership among employees. They also presented their views of St. Maarten currently which include political instability, a booming economy and the environment under threat.
President of the St. Maarten Youth Parliament Rochana Richardson, after the Leadercast, said the event was very informative and useful and believes principles learnt can be applied to leadership of the Youth Parliament. The Youth Parliament's presentations were well received with rousing applause from the audience. The attendees also concurred with some of the issues raised by the youth and expressed concern that their findings were seemingly ignored by the current St. Maarten parliamentarians.
Okama Brook, from the Department of General Affairs gave a brief presentation on the National Plan for St. Maarten. "An exercise we have embarked on in the last two months is actually developing a framework; a methodology that we can use to capture your feedback of what the priorities should be that should go into a national vision—a national vision that would transform into a long term plan," Ms. Brooks told the Leadercast gathering.
Visionary of the Victorious Living Foundation, Dr. Nicole Erna Mae Francis was pleased with the outcome of the Chick-Fil-A- Leadercast, despite the challenges endured in the planning phase. "The response was phenomenal. I have been promoting quite a bit for the past two and half months and to some extent I didn't really know what to expect. I went on pure faith and trust that it was the right thing to do at the right time," Francis said. She noted that the event proved to be appropriate in addressing the leadership challenges in St. Maarten, considering the current political situation in St. Maarten.
She also believes that the leadership transformation necessary for St. Maarten has begun with the successful staging of this event. "I sat back many times during the session and observed the faces of the people who have come from a wide cross section of the community. I looked at their faces and saw the transformation that was taking place. I saw what was happening internally and all the hassle and the entire struggle that I had to go through to make it happen, was fulfilling for me at that juncture," explained Francis. She assured that the event will be held next year and already participants have indicated their intentions to support when held again on May 9th, 2014.
Representatives of the contributors to the event were also present with display tables, namely: the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, A Platinum contributor and Dartam N.V., a silver contributor. Dartam N.V. operates several companies and provides a myriad of services, including customer service. Representatives of the company found the Leadercast very useful as they see leadership as a vital tool in customer service.
Victorious Living is grateful to all of its contributors, especially to its main contributor to the event, the Government of St. Maarten under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism & Economic Affairs. Thanks are also extended to UTS for providing the streaming, WTN, Cable TV, Sonesta Great Bay, PJD2, Sheer Restaurant, Li'l Man Productions, and all others who supported in one way or the other. Persons interested in learning more about Victorious Living may call them at 1721-524-8731 or visit them at

rochelleward12052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- St. Martin's first natural hair group and hair care product line, "Don't Break the Comb," will launch at the St. Martin Book Fair on June 1, 2013, at 11 am, at the University of St. Martin, said biologist Taymer Mason.

Don't Break the Comb is the brainchild of founders Taymer Mason and Rochelle Ward (Faizah Tabasamu), both writers on the island as well.

From its Facebook and other digital media responses, it appears that the hair care products and the workshop introducing the line, are "highly anticipated," said Ward, a teacher at the St. Maarten Academy high school.

The workshop is entitled "Natural Hair Mixology: Make your own homemade hair products." "We will show attendees how to make quick, safe, easy and natural recipes to combat several hair issues like dryness and breakage," said Mason.

"The workshop is for naturals and anyone interested in using natural products in their hair care regimen. Parents of children who proudly wear their natural hair are all invited," said Mason.

The attendees will get recipe cards, an information booklet to take home, and exciting giveaways and surprises. But the special treatment won't end there. "The hair care workshop guests will get to network with each other and we hope they realize that they are not alone in taking care of their natural hair," said Mason.

Mason and Ward want their guests to leave the workshop "armed with hair care knowledge, homemade hair treatments, product samples, and even a full belly if they choose to," said Mason, who is a vegan cookbook author.

Last year Mason hosted the highly successful cooking workshop at the St. Martin Book Fair. That was followed by the tremendous turnout for her Caribbean food demo at the annual vegetarian festival in Toronto.

This year Taymer Mason is offering tasty eats along with the treatment for beautiful hair at the Friendly Island's book fair. "We will offer optional $20 VIP gourmet box lunches, so go to and register for our free workshop and sign up for a hearty lunch," said Mason.

And talking of networking for success, "Our group was conceived because of the St. Martin Book Fair 2012, where we met for the first time, each person eyeing the other's proudly-worn natural hair," said Ward.

"Although we met at the Vegan cooking workshop where Taymer was the speaker, I eventually ended up talking about hair care, styles, and the YouTube natural hair mines. It took off then. Bit by bit we are learning about natural hair groups on other islands. It's great. Just the other day we got followers from Cameroon. Go St. Martin!" Ward said with glee.

The two beauties, who have been wearing natural hair styles for a few years, want women to feel empowered with the upcoming workshop and their other hair-related activities – such as the St. Martin Natural Hair Expo slated for later in 2013.

"For the women of St. Martin, we want to give them back themselves. We want to give them space to network and conquer fears and problems they might have about their hair and their history with it," said Ward.

Showing a new generation of women home treatments for their hair does actually have a history-based reason for the founders of Don't Break The Comb. In the Caribbean, "so much information is being lost as it pertains to natural hair care with the advent of the hot iron, relaxers and weaves. We need to salvage this information before it becomes lost forever," said Mason.

What about teamwork at the beauty works company? If Mason is the scientist, then Ward is the one dealing not only with marketing but also giving "aesthetic feedback" when Mason makes the products.

"During product development I also document recipes and get my hands messy. It is riveting to decide on final colors and the aromas of our creations," said Ward.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments is scheduled for May 13.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Monday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

This meeting was requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson. The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

Dr. A.B. van Rijn, Professor of Administrative and Constitutional Law at the (former) University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA) discusses "The Right of Government (The Council of Ministers) to dissolve Parliament".
On page 216 of his excellent textbook entitled "Constitutional Law of the Netherlands Antilles" (Staatsrecht van De Nederlandse Antillen), which appeared in 1999 professor van Rijn offers an in depth explanation of exactly what the right to dissolve Parliament is, and how it works in practice when used in cases where Parliament sends home the government by means of a vote of no confidence.
Professor van Rijn defines the right to dissolve Parliament as the "Conflict Rule". In the former Netherlands Antilles this right was regulated in Art. 88 of the Country Regulations of the Netherlands Antilles. In country St. Maarten in is regulated in article 59 of the Constitution of Country St. Maarten.
"The right to dissolve Parliament", van Rijn writes, " is passed by means of a Landsbesluit or Country Resolution. This right can be seen as the mirror image of the "confidence rule". (n.b. the confidence rule, which is found in the explanatory notes to the constitution of Country Sint Maarten, states that ministers must resign when Parliament passes a vote of" No Confidence" against them).
This right is not subject to any restrictions. It is however a violation of the principle that elections are held every four years, and should therefore be used only in exceptional cases. The right to dissolve Parliament is the instrument of government in the power play between government and Parliament. It arose as a means to resolve conflicts between government and Parliament. If there is an unbridgeable difference of opinion between both, Parliament can dismiss the government by means of a vote of no confidence. Government in turn can dissolve Parliament in order to let the voters have their say. The existence of that right, means that Parliament has to be careful. If Parliament forces the issue, it runs the risk of ending up holding the short end of the stick," according to Dr. van Rijn.

Article 20 of the rules of order of the Council of Ministers of Sint Maarten state that decisions are made by the majority. There are at present seven Ministers in the Council. Therefore, it takes four ministers to pass the resolution to dissolve Parliament. Article 13 states, that the council meets whenever two or more ministers request a meeting. The Prime Minster was therefore wrong when she suggested that government should not dissolve Parliament and obstructed the Council of Ministers from voting on the matter. This is a right of government, and it was meant to be used precisely in a situation in which we presently find ourselves, with government facing a vote of confidence by Parliament. Finally, it is not her decision, but a decision as taken by the majority in the Council of Ministers that counts. She will, in the final analysis, be forced to submit to the will of the majority in the Council of Ministers. That's just the way it is, has been, and always will be, in a Democratic State.

Click here to read a short excerpt of Staatsrecht van De Nederlandse Antillen by Dr. A.B. van Rijn.

POINT BLANCHE:--- The cargo transport vessel Marietje Andrea, the largest ship ever to enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon Sunday evening departure has been postponed until Monday, May 13 starting at 5:45pm – 6:30pm. The transit from the Lagoon into the Simpson Bay should take approximately 30 minutes which means the Simpson Bay Bridge will be open for that amount of time.

The Sunday evening departure from the Lagoon into Simpson Bay was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Marietje Andrea entered the Lagoon on May 3 to deliver the Swing Bridge for the Causeway.

The 126 meter long (413 feet) vessel is 15 meters wide (49 feet) and has a gross tonnage of 5418. The longest vessel to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon was the 96 meter (316 feet) mega yacht Limitless. The Andrea is almost 100 feet longer than the Limitless.

The Causeway Swing Bridge left Hollandia Shipyard in the Netherlands on April 19 for Sint Maarten and arrived May 3. The Swing Bridge is 220 feet long and weighs 450 tons. The Causeway has a total length of 2493 feet and features a two-lane motorway, a bicycle track and footpaths.

Construction of the Causeway started early 2012 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2013. Construction is being carried out by Volker Stevin Construction Europe BV.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

utsdonatesphonestowomensdesk12052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- In light of a new project headed by Women's Desk, the United Telecommunications Services (UTS) has donated five (5) Alcatel One Touch 813D phones to the Network and Support Group for Women.

The Network and Support Group for Women is a new initiative that aims to provide women with mutual support and coping skills in a comfortable and low-threshold environment.

It also aims at strengthening collaboration between different entities so that together they will be more effective in addressing the needs of the community.

Women's Desk teamed up with four organizations to provide support groups for women in relationships, single mothers, women battling substance abuse, mentors and foster parents, cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones.

In recognizing the need for support and empowerment of women and by virtue that of the community at large, UTS not only provided each support group with a phone, but also made a commitment to continuously provide call credit.

Moreover, the telecom provider is in the process of negotiating reduced calling rates for (Chippie) callers. With this generous donation the support groups can reach out to more people and provide assistance 24/7.

The numbers for the support groups are as follows:

  • Support Group for Cancer patients, survivors and their families: 554-8023
  • Support Group for Women in Relationships: 581-2899
  • Support Group for Substance abusers and their family: 554-6670
  • Support Group for Single mothers: 554-6553
  • Support Group for Mentors and foster parents: 554-8058

nagicoplaygroundofficiallyopened12052013Belvedere:--- The "NAGICO Playground" was officially opened in Belvedere on Friday morning during a small private ceremony held between representatives of the company and the stakeholders; St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF).

The playground which is located close to the entrance of the housing project is fully fenced in with colorful slides, two covered gazebos and a large play area. Managing Director of the Housing Foundation, Henry Lynch was pleased to see the project officially completed and thanked NAGICO for their support.

"This project has been in the pipeline for a while and we have had a few setbacks, but on behalf of the foundation I want to thank NAGICO not only for their monetary support but also for their assistance with this project," Lynch said.

He also explained that while the project was officially inaugurated today, the playground has been open to the community of Belvedere and is being enjoyed by the children living in and around the area. NAGICO Insurances was represented by their two Marketing Assistants; Lisa Brown-McKay and Derin Kucuk, who have been working with the SMHDF on this project.

sarahwescotwilliams05052013Says the best thing for everyone is to move forward in the interest of the people; "Governing has to continue"

Philipsburg:--- During a special edition of her weekly radio broadcast on 98.1 Pearl FM, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams answered questions and gave thorough explanation on the current political developments currently being experienced by the Country. The Prime Minister explained various items related to the dissolution of Parliament, her role as Prime Minister and the role of the Governor in the current political environment. One of the main points made by the Prime Minister is that Ministers cannot move to dissolve Parliament in order to keep from being fired.

"What we are seeing again on St. Maarten is similar to what we saw last year where you had a shift in terms of the Parliamentary Coalitions or the Parliamentary combinations. While there are several things that are up for discussion, the main fact remains that the Majority of the Parliament of St. Maarten has taken a position that they no longer support the Government of St. Maarten as is and that the eight members that form the Parliamentary Majority have found a common ground to issue a declaration stating that they can work together with another government or a new government.

"We must remember that the fundamentals of our democracy is that Parliament of St. Maarten is the supreme body and that the last word rests with them. What has become a topic of debate because of that Central Democratic Principle is whether that statement as signed off by a majority of Parliament, the eight members we have been referring to, can suffice to have a change towards a government with which Parliament can work. The fact remains that the political reality is that a Majority of Parliament, whether you agree with the actors involved or not, or whether you agree with the actors involved in 2012 or not, no longer supports the Government and certain Ministers. Once this happens then the processes as outlined in the law need to be allowed to take their course," stated the PM.

"I, like I did as Prime Minister in 2012, have as my job that as soon as the signal has been given that there is no longer majority support of Government in Parliament, and correspondences to that effect have been sent to the Government, to Parliament and to the Governor, it is then upon me to tender the resignation of my Cabinet and the Cabinet Ministers. It must be understood that it is clearly outlined in the law that this cannot be twisted nor be turned; if Parliament declares that it does not have confidence in one or more Ministers, that Minister or those Ministers will then have to make their position available. No Ifs, No Buts, No Whens or No Hows. This is what the law states and we must adhere to this or else we would be in reality breaking the law."

During the hour long radio broadcast the Prime Minister also explained that indeed Parliament can be dissolved by Government given certain circumstances as outlined in the Constitution through a Decree, but that this must occur in consideration of various factors: "The issue here is how and in what instance would Government dissolve Parliament. The dissolution of Parliament can never be a result of Parliament saying that they have no more confidence in Government. That would, like I mentioned in previous statements, turn things on its head. Imagine a scenario where a Majority of Parliament decides they do not have any confidence in the Ministers. Imagine now that then the Ministers can then quickly run and dissolve Parliament to save their seat. Or to put it in other words dissolve Parliament in order to not get fired. We will then have a situation that Government will be able to decide on the fate of Parliament, which is not up to the Government to do. However you can, for example, have a situation that there is an impasse in Parliament where there is no cooperation or majority. In that case there would be no effective Government resulting in a political crises. In a case like that then yes, Government can step in and dissolve Parliament which has as a secondary result new elections, but not when a Minister tries to save his or her position by trying to dissolve Parliament. That is the cardinal issue at play here. Imagine it was customary that every time Parliament speaks its mind about a Minister or Ministers and they feel a vote of no confidence will be tabled they run to dissolve Parliament in order to keep from being fired; that would result in an erosion of our democratic system," emphasized Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

The Prime Minister did confirm that certain Members of Government have explored the possibility of invoking the article necessary for dissolution in order to avoid a motion of no confidence, and have made a proposal for the Council of Ministers to take that decision. "If and when that does occur I will do what I have to do as Prime Minister, what I will do in any case when a proposal is tabled no matter what that proposal is, and that is to make sure that it is ready, advised upon and has the legal context before it is put to Council for debate in order for a decision to be taken on it."

The Prime Minister did stress that once Parliament decides through the majority that they have no confidence in the Ministers, those Ministers are required by law to immediately make their position available. "When this happens the dismissal will have to be done by a decree of Government and new Ministers will be appointed also by Decree of Government. Of course incoming Ministers will be screened in accordance to the law to ensure that they are fit to be Ministers," stated the PM.

The Prime Minister also explained the formal role of the Governor; "The Governor is actually the head of the Government, however he has no political responsibility. So when decisions are taken or a decree is sent to him for signature the Governor cannot reject that. However what the Governor does have the authority to do is that if a Decree or decision is sent to him taken by Ministers or the Council of Ministers, and if he believes that that Decree is in conflict with a law or in the general interest of the Kingdom, the Governor has the possibility to seek an annulment of that decision depending on the relationship between the Governor and the Ministers or Council of Ministers," explained the Prime Minister.

Wescot-Williams also answered various questions posed by listeners to the program, one of which was centered on the issue of governing being relegated to second place when Political Events such as the recent one takes place. The Prime Minister answered that indeed, during any event marked by political change, debate or anything of that nature there is an impact on the functioning of Government. "Right now we have seen that people are starting to wonder about what is going to happen. What will happen to ongoing projects or complaints or contacts with a particular Ministry or Ministries. It must be clear that these types of issues and circumstances have an impact on Government. But it must also be clear that Government will continue and Ministers will continue to work until they are replaced. The best thing in situations like this is that there is clarity and that it is clarity as soon as possible because the lack thereof significantly slows things down. The best thing for everyone at this moment, and something which I would like to emphasize, is that decisions are taken quickly and that we move forward as quickly as possible in the interest of the people," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rduncanwithgraduatingpolicecadets10052013Philipsburg:--- Several cadets graduated at the Police Academy on Friday afternoon. The cadets started off their profession as BAVPOLERS. On Friday, they were handed their certificates after fully completing the course making them full-fledged officers. Most of the officers that graduated on Friday were from the Department of Customs, Immigration, Prison Guards, VKS off Control unit officers, and Police Officers. The graduates also had to participate in an EMS course which was 100% compulsory, instructor of the Police Academy told the attendees. He said that if any of the officers had missed one of the EMS courses then they could not have graduated.

The certificates were presented to the cadets by Minister of Justice Roland Duncan while EMS identifications were also presented to them. Several Department Heads including Chief of Police Peter de Witte, Head of Customs Anthony Doran, Wilfred Williams from the Prison Facility, and Head of the Department of Licensing Martha Thewet attended the short ceremony.

Click here to view more photos of the Graduation Ceremony.

eholiday14122012Harbour View:--- On May 6, 2013, His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, was presented with a letter by Prime Minister Mrs. S. Wescot-Williams from three members of Parliament, Mr. P. de Weever, Mr. R. Laville and Mr. R. Marlin, in which they informed the Governor that they withdrew their support from the present coalition government consisting of the NA/DP and independent members of Parliament Mr. P. Illidge, Mr. F. Richardson and Mr. R. Laville. On May 6, 2013, Governor Holiday also received a separate letter from Prime-Minister Wescot-Williams signed by the 5 members of the UP-fraction, the 2 members of the DP-fraction and Independent Member Laville in Parliament in which they informed him of their willingness to form the next government of Sint Maarten. The letter included an attached Governing declaration signed by the leader of the UP, the leader of the DP and above mentioned 8 members of Parliament.
Today May 10, 2013, the Minister of Justice, Mr. R. Duncan submitted his letter of resignation to Governor Holiday as a result of the declarations of the 8 members of Parliament.
Governor Holiday following various discussions received a letter dated May 10, 2013, from Prime Minister Wescot-Williams with an overview and her observations of the current political situation for his considerations.

From the Governor's Cabinet

rolandduncan08032013Dutch Quarter:--- Minister of Justice Roland Duncan announced at the graduation ceremony at the Police Academy that he tendered his resignation at 4pm on Friday afternoon due to the current political situation on St. Maarten. In an interview with SMN News, Minister Duncan said that even though he tendered his resignation on Friday, his position remains the same as of Tuesday where he indicated that he will not support the Prime Minister with her dictator attitude when she proposed that the Wescot Williams II Cabinet resign based on a letter that was sent to the President of Parliament. "Prime Minister Wescot Williams jumped the gun and I made it clear to her that what she is doing is unconstitutional. The constitution states in article 33 -2 that the individual Ministers have to make their position available when they lose the support of Parliament. What I have a problem with is the fact that the Prime Minister is trying to manipulate the constitution which in my view is dictatorship. The constitution states that the Government and the Governor are the ones that have to take the decision to dissolve Parliament and not the Prime Minister alone. This is in the Dutch Constitution since 1848, over 200 years ago.

The Minister of Justice who is still functioning until there is a replacement said that the reason he submitted his resignation on Friday is to let everyone know that he is not in need of a job. Furthermore, the letter that was signed by eight Members of Parliament to say they are forming a new government does not bear the signature of the Member of Parliament who appointed him as Minister (referring to Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge). "That means my term is up and that is enough reason for me to leave office. Those Members of Parliament who signed the letter formed a majority in Parliament and they clearly indicated that they do not have confidence in me so I did the honorable thing and tendered my resignation when I wanted to and not when the Prime Minister wanted me to do so because that is not within the constitution."

Prime Minister penned Letter to Minister of Economic Affairs on Labour and Immigration Control after her son's Restaurant was Inspected.

SMN News learnt some weeks ago that inspectors from the Inspectorate of Health, Labour, and Immigration conducted an inspection in the Simpson Bay/Cupe Coy area and one of the businesses that were inspected is Brasserie New York in Cupe Coy, that business establishment is owned by the son of the Prime Minister Andy Wescot. According to information provided to SMN News, the inspectors found a number of illegal workers and other health violations. SMN News further learnt that the owner of the restaurant insulted the inspectors and even asked them if they knew who he was. Several business persons in the Simpson Bay/Cupe Coy area told SMN News that they are extremely dissatisfied with the way government dealt with the matter because even though the restaurant was found with several violations including health violations, the restaurant was never shut down or fined by the inspectors. "If it was one of us, they would have shut us down and we would have been taken to court and issued with a huge fine despite the economic situation on St. Maarten."

On Friday, SMN News asked Minister of Justice Roland Duncan if the information SMN News received has any truth to it and if he could comment on the matter. Minister Duncan confirmed that an inspection was conducted at the establishment "Brasserie New York" and the inspectors found a number of violations. When SMN News reporter asked if the process verbal was made up and sent to the Prosecutor's Office, Duncan said that it was being worked on. He said he could not remember if it was six or seven persons found working at the establishment illegally but he does know that illegal workers were found along with other health violations. Minister Duncan further explained that the Public Prosecutor informed him that they are in the process of preparing the process verbal in order to prosecute the businessman but he could not say how far they are with the process.

Minister Duncan also confirmed that the Prime Minister sent a letter to the Minister of Economic Affairs (TEATT) Romeo Pantophlet which was also copied to him. The Prime Minister expressed some concerns that she has about the raids. The Minister of Justice said he did not respond to the Prime Minister's letter which was sent after her son's restaurant was raided.

williammarlin10052013Philipsburg:--- Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin told reporters on Friday afternoon during a press conference that there will be a "Mexican Stand Off" on St. Maarten due to the current political situation. Marlin said the National Alliance Ministers will be not resigning based on a letter that was signed by eight members of Parliament. Marlin also announed that Minister of Justice Roland Duncan tendered his resignation on Friday but his position remains the same where he believes that the Parliament of St. Maarten must be dissolved and new elections be called.

Since the news broke on Sunday that Member of Parliament Romaine Laville and the two Members of Parliament from the Democratic Party faction namely Petrus Leroy De Weever and Roy Marlin are no longer supporting the NA/DP/I-3 coalition, Friday afternoon was the first time Marlin spoke out on the ongoing political saga on St. Maarten.

Marlin explained to reporters that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams told him about the letter that was sent to her by the three members of Parliament on Sunday during the Fish Day Festivity. He said at no time did Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams or anyone give him a copy of the letter but on Tuesday the during the regular Council of Ministers' weekly meetings, the Prime Minister came to the meeting with one extra document and just before the meeting started the staff of the secretariat distributed copies of a proposal of the Prime Minister referred to as "The Resignation of Wescot Williams II Cabinet". Marlin further explained that in her elucidation she mentioned that she received a letter signed by three Members of Parliament stating that they no longer support the current NA/DP/I-3 coalition government and that there were eight signatures from Members of Parliament who stated that they are ready to form a new government. Marlin said that letter is not a decision and even if the letter was signed by all fifteen members of Parliament, the letter would still not have been in conformity with the law since that letter would not have been a decision of Parliament.

Marlin said that even though he never saw the letter up to Tuesday morning, he went with a prepared document where five of the seven Ministers of the Council of Ministers stated their position and took a decision which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for new elections based on article 59-2 of the country's constitution. He said had the Prime Minister accepted the document they presented to her then she would have had to draft up the decree and send it to the Governor for him to sign. After that, the Prime Minister would then have to organize the election which would have had to be by August 10th, 2013. However, the Prime Minister decided that she would not entertain the discussion neither would she put it to a vote. "The Prime Minister made clear that the only thing she was discussing in that Council of Ministers' meeting was the dissolving of the Wescot Williams II cabinet which she would have put forward to the Governor of St. Maarten. Because of the Prime Minister's attitude, a huge argument started between Minister of Justice Roland Duncan and the Prime Minister. Marlin said the other Ministers could not have gotten between them but the other Ministers including himself made their position clear to the Prime Minister, they were not resigning and their position was that they want the Parliament of St. Maarten to be dissolved and new elections be called based on the current situation on St. Maarten. The Prime Minister is creating the impression that the only person to table a decision to dissolve Parliament is the "The Prime Minister." Marlin described the statements of the Prime Minster to be ludicrous because the constitution of St. Maarten clearly states that the Council of Ministers could dissolve Parliament and not the Prime Minister.

nafaction10052013The Deputy Prime Minister said that the reason his party took this stance is not because they want to stay in office or hold on to power but he as the leader of a political party will not allow the political party (DP) that has the least seats in Parliament to give the people of St. Maarten three governments "Wescot Williams III" in three years. "This should not have happened in 2010 and it should not have happened in 2012 but when the negotiations took place last year, the DP Members of Parliament insisted that they wanted Wescot Williams to remain as Prime Minister." This is the political party that won two of the fifteen seats and they are presenting a third Wescot Williams' Cabinet in three years.

He said because of the developments in recent months, they have to dissolve Parliament. MP Romaine Laville filed a complaint against the Leader of the United People's Party on at least two occasions claiming that Heyliger tried to bribe him twice. "Once Laville said his party leader offered him $250,000.00 and then $350,000.00 and he said it did not work because he did not accept it. The question we have now is what amount worked and what changed from the budget debate where Laville voted in favor of the budget and tabled several motions all of which were passed. Laville did not only make these statements to the Public Prosecutor but he also made it publicly on radio programs and other places."

Marlin further explained that the same people who could not work together from 2010 to 2012 are the ones that want to come back now and they are busy seeking out people in the community to create the impression that they are putting together a business cabinet. Marlin said the reason for this is because the former Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto cannot return to office because of the Piranha investigation neither can the former Deputy Prime Minister because of several investigations especially the ORCA investigation where his name was called by those in the tape who said that the person behind the taping is Heyliger because he wanted to use those tapes as blackmail to get back in government. Therefore, they are creating a smoke screen to fool the people of St. Maarten.

Marlin said that under no circumstances will the National Alliance Ministers resign and he assured the people of St. Maarten that even though the eight Members of Parliament think that they will bring a motion of non-confidence against the Ministers representing the National Alliance on Monday during the meeting that was called by two members of the National Alliance and Independent Member Frans Richardson that will not happen. Marlin indicated that there are people on St. Maarten that have been expressing themselves on the radio, blog sites, and in the public domain regarding what they think should happen. Marlin further explained that some persons on St. Maarten have put together a petition where they are collecting signatures and asking that the General Representative Bodies act now and call a new election. Below this article is a copy of the petition that is circulating on St. Maarten.

Click here to view the petition that is circulating on St. Maarten.

hilliarduinpresentsbookstopjl10052013Philipsburg:--- Children's book author Hili Arduin, presented 2 of her most recent award winning books, "Ik Neem Je Mee" and "Aboikoni", to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library Director, Monique Alberts on May 7, 2013. Both books use stories and poetry to chronicle the lives of children, who although born in slavery are in pursuit of freedom and a future beyond their chains.

sarahwescotwilliams24092012Dear Fellow St. Maarteners and Fellow St. Maarten Mothers,

As Prime Minister of St. Maarten, and as a daughter, mother and grandmother, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers and grandmothers of our wonderful nation a very happy and healthy Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is a day in our celebratory calendar where we take the time out to reflect on the central role that mothers play in the development of our children; the important role that all mothers have in contributing to our society as a nation.

Mothers are the ones who nurture and instill in us a sense of right from wrong, a sense of morality and ethics and who make us aware of our place as human beings in this journey which we call life. Mothers prepare us for what lies ahead and give us the advice necessary to meet the challenges that life sometimes gives head on. Mothers instill in us a love of God and a love of humanity which is crucial in meeting life's challenges with bravery and confidence.

Considering this it must be very clear that all the mothers of our nation, regardless of social or economic background, are united by a common thread; you are all united by the fact that you are mothers, you are united by the sanctity of maternity. Mothers are the mainstay of our society, whether you form a unit with your husband or partner, or whether you are a single mother, the role that you play in shaping this nation through the nurturing of your family is one which is indispensible. You are shaping a new generation, or have shaped the current generation, into what it is now and what it means for us as a Nation. You have worked hard in order to provide for your children while still maintaining the grace that mothers have in instilling a sense of morality and belonging in your children.

Know then that you are a part of History, a history that is signified by that ancient name for St. Maarten Oualichi, Land of Strong Women. And I daresay, Land of Strong Mothers. You have defined and are defining a nation, and know that on a day like Mother's Day the selfless sacrifices you have made for your children are being recognized and applauded.

It has always been my priority to strive hard to make the necessary changes with regards to the empowerment of mothers through providing the proper social services and support necessary. We are working on improving maternal health for example, and are striving hard to make St. Maarten a forerunner in providing quality maternal health care in the region.

Recently I witnessed the signing of a project to train selected members from a Core Group of the Network and Support Group for Women to become support group facilitators, to ultimately establish support groups for women in general and mothers more specifically, to tackle the various social issues that mothers and all women face. The objective of this group will be to train participants to set-up support groups, to guide participants in developing a provisional business plan, to establish support groups for women and mothers in particular, and to establish a network structure for women to support each other and network with relevant stakeholders

And so today we honor each and every Mother on this island. Women who raise children, sometimes by themselves, while still working and contributing to our society. Women who are the cornerstone of their homes, their families, their community and their country.

I encourage the community to recognize and to celebrate the mothers and grandmothers in our Country who have made our Sweet St. Maarten Land what it is. So Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and may God bless you and God Bless St. Maarten.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

creyeswithponumdancers10052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- The New York firm Milestone Architecture PLLC recently filmed rehearsals of the Ponum, St. Martin's only "national dance," said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

Milestone plans to use the video footage to develop the illustrations for the Ponum book based on the scientific "dance notation" method called labanotation.

Clara Reyes, a leading choreographer and author of the upcoming Ponum history book, coordinated the Ponum dance, song, and music rehearsals that were filmed, said Sample.

The Ponum master's thesis of Reyes was accepted last year by HNP for publication in book form. The publisher has since been in preliminary discussions about the book's illustrations and design with Milestone president Margaret Matz, said Sample.

"With Margaret and her team's input, the idea has evolved toward designing a book that would be an authoritative history text and a dance choreography manual of St. Martin's only surviving folk dance. The Ponum is arguably at least between 165 and 200 years old," said Lasana M. Sekou, HNP's projects director.

The filming of the Ponum Dance steps is the second of two recently concluded pre-activities of the St. Martin Book Fair, which is speeding along to its set date of May 30 – June 1.

Sample said that Book Fair 2013 has made it possible to bring the Milestone team of Matz, Martha Luciano (administration), and Joe Flinder (videographer) to the island to work with Reyes, dancers Rudy Davis, Dashaun Prince, and Clifford Henry; master drummer Hellier Coquillas and fellow musicians Albert Pierre and Claudine Dessert; and videographer Eric Boyer.

The videography and photo-shoots of the Ponum, and a Reyes interview, took place between April 22-26, just as Carnival was heating up, said Sample. The cultural project venues included John Larmonie Center, Laser 101 FM radio, and outdoors at the property next to the historic Diamond Estate on the Union Road/Bellevue Road.

"HNP would also like to thank Francis Carty and his Laser 101 personnel, Phyllis Meit and Darin "Versatwizy" Hodge; the Honorable L.C. Fleming; Denis Glisa-Vandepul; and book fair coordinator Shujah Reiph, for contributing to this part of a cultural project that we think will make the people of our island very proud," said Sample.

Conscious Lyrics Foundation and HNP are organizing the 11th annual St. Martin Book Fair in collaboration with the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and the University of St. Martin.

Philipsburg:--- Locally owned travel agency, Let's Travel, is announcing a new programme for its clients called "SAVE NOW, TRAVEL LATER" in observance of the fact that it is almost a year now that the travel agency
is under new management and the locally owned agency is looking to give back to its clients in the community of St. Maarten.

Let's Travel will be celebrating 25 years in existence this year and the agency's management will be implementing a number of initiatives and programmes to thank its customers for the years of support and to give back to the community in a number of empowerment ways, including organizing a budgeting course in cooperation with a local budgeting expert.

More information on this budgeting course, wherein heads of households will learn how to budget their income and expenditures, will be forthcoming next week. People participating in this budgeting course will learn the different ways of saving money under the "Let's Save" programme the company will be stimulating. Once students learn how to effectively save money, they will also be taught how to invest via investment clubs and how to do marketing research, write a business plan and start a business in future courses as well. Students completing these courses successfully will qualify for funding from the aforementioned investment clubs set up under the "Let's Invest" programme.

Under its SAVE NOW, TRAVEL LATER programme that has started today, clients of Let's Travel can save for their future travel plans at the travel agency and earn significant discounts for committing early to their travel plans with this SAVE NOW, TRAVEL LATER programme.

For more information, clients can visit the Let's Travel office, call 523-3564 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Let's Travel was acquired last year on June 1st, 2012, by local internet entrepreneur, Terrance Rey, who owns several e-commerce businesses, including virtual airline, AirStMaarten. Terrance Rey, who is a former Policy Advisor to the Parliament of St. Maarten, is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Progress Committee set up by Kingdom decree to monitor the progress in the ministeries of General Affairs, VROMI and Justice based on agreements made prior to St. Maarten obtaining country status on 10-10-10.

~ Bamboo Banks can be returned ~

The St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation is inviting the public to its triple celebration of Mother's Day, Tzu Chi's 47th anniversary and Buddha's (Teacher's Day) at the local Tzu Chi Office at #18 L.B. Scot Road this Sunday, May 12 from 5:00pm.

This triple event is to celebrate the important role of mothers in our lives; to commemorate 47 years of Tzu Chi compassion, charity and benevolence around the world and to express and inspire appreciation and reverence for Buddha's spirit.

Tzu Chi holds this celebration annually to inspire and motivate. An enlightening, entertaining and educational programme has been put together for this auspicious occasion. Guests will learn more about Tzu Chi and its various missions as well as get a chance to voluntarily participate in a special ceremony planned for the evening.

The event will also feature the Bamboo Bank (Tzu Chi donation boxes) Return ceremony. For this ceremony, persons who have Tzu Chi donation boxes at their businesses or other locations can return their boxes and empty them. This is a special ceremony usually performed by Tzu Chi branches around the world at functions such as these.

Tzu Chi St. Maarten Commissioner Sandra Cheung is urging persons with Bamboo Banks to attend the ceremony so that they can get a chance to be part of this ceremony.

Tzu Chi's charity will also be displayed, with donations of relief items to a number of families in the community. Drinks and a healthy vegetarian snack will be offered.

The event will be held from 5:00pm to 7:15pm. Please feel free to wear something white to celebrate the good work of the foundation, the love of mothers and Buddha's reverence.

For more information please contact Sandra Cheung at Tel: 586-3019 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"It is through young, dedicated and driven young persons that we can build this country"

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams yesterday expressed her congratulations to former student of St. Maarten Academy and St. Dominic High School Olayinka Badejo, who graduated last Saturday with double Master of Science degrees in Systems Engineering and Operations Research from the Florida Institute of Technology, in Melbourne, Florida, USA.

"I would sincerely like to congratulate Yinka and of course her mom Linda Richardson and her father Fabian Badejo on this very important achievement. The fact, Yinka, that you have achieved your two degrees in what I am sure were sometimes challenging times not only makes me as Prime Minister proud, but also makes the people of St. Maarten proud. As I said in my recent congratulatory message to Tracy Blijden who won a very important culinary competition recently: our young people are continuing to shine in their chosen fields, and I look forward to having you return home to build your country and to secure our St. Maarten for the future. It is only through young, dedicated and driven young persons like yourselves that we can make this a reality," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rlaville08052013Philipsburg:--- Member of Parliament Romaine Laville tried very hard to convince reporters that the only reason he decided to go back to "his" party (the United People's Party) was because he wants to work for the people of St. Maarten and the NA/DP/I-3 Ministers are not working in the interest of St. Maarten and its people. Laville made a very passionate statement on Wednesday afternoon when he tried his best to convince members of the media that there was no financial gain in his decision. "I want to put some of the myths to rest, and what has been discussed in the media, on the blocks and in homes, and I want to make clear that there has not been any financial gain when I took the decision to pull my support from the NA/DP/I-3 coalition," said Laville on Wednesday.

In doing some research, SMN News found out a few things that Laville did during the one year period he gave his support to the coalition government. He said he was tired of knocking on the Ministers' doors and begging them to work and assist the St. Maarten people. A free breakfast program and free education were some of the things Laville said he wanted government to implement despite the budget cuts.

Laville claimed that the fallout from his party came when the former Minister of Economic Affairs refused to grant some of the Pelican workers taxis and bus licenses because some of these workers were his friends and supporters.

SMN News learned that as soon as Laville formed part of the NA/DP/I-3 government and was attached to the Ministry of TEATT, Laville managed to get the Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet to grant his friends and the persons whom he promised to help with taxis and bus licenses, one of the things "his" party refused to do for him. Laville also mentioned that he wanted to get the boys off the blocks because he felt that St. Maarten youngsters must get work. Last year, the Minister of VROMI awarded Naf. 150,000.00 to Garden Boyz for them to clean drains and waterways. According to the information divulged during the signing off of the project which Laville attended, the intention back then was for the Garden Boyz to purchase weed cutters and work half a day every day so that they would have a steady income which could be as much as the minimum wage every month. SMN News learnt that instead of Garden Boyz executing the plan that was agreed upon, the Garden Boyz contracted MNO Vervat and paid them some Naf. 15,000.00 for the use of their excavator to clean the drains that were supposed to be cleaned. What happened to the rest of the money? Only Laville and Garden Boyz could tell the people of St. Maarten.

Another project Laville worked on that was highly criticized by the UP faction was TEMPO Turns 7 and $400,000.00 that was paid by the government of St. Maarten. Reporters were told by TEMPO organizers that TEMPO Turns 7 would have done St. Maarten great and the $400,000.00 would have been made back with ticket sales. Well what we found out is that TEMPO Turns 7 was a loss and government did not get back its monies. As if that was not a good lesson for Member of Parliament Romaine Laville, he approached the Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet and told him he wanted $600,000.00 this year for TEMPO. SMN News learnt that when Laville was told that the Ministry no longer handles the marketing budget for Tourism, he threw a tantrum.

The United People's Party mentioned once that Joe's Construction N.V. which belongs to MP Laville's father got contracts from the harbor and he was one of the directors of the Company. Laville admitted to SMN News that he is a director of his father's company in an earlier interview because he is his father's only child. He explained back then that his name was placed as the company director ever since he was a child. When SMN News researched the information the UP faction released, we were told that Joe's Construction N.V. was not given a contract but they were sub-contracted by the main contractor and already earned over one million dollars since they began working at the Harbor Group of Companies.

On September 1st, 2012, Member of Parliament Romaine Laville approached the Minister of VROMI William Marlin and told him that he wanted a piece of land for his father, the owner of Joe's Construction N.V. where MP Romaine Laville is one of the company's directors. Laville told Marlin that he needed the land space for his father to store construction material and to build a car wash. Exactly two weeks later, MP Laville's request was honored because the Minister of VROMI William Marlin signed off on the resolution for MP Laville and Joe's Construction N.V. on September 17th, 2012 granting Joe's Construction N.V. 1200 square meters of land in the FOGA Sucker Garden. The resolution is beneath this article for viewing.

It now leaves SMN News to challenge MP Laville to tell us and the people of St. Maarten if he was really knocking on Ministers' doors for the people of St. Maarten "the single parents" or for his own self interest and that of his family.

SMN News will also call on the Member of Parliament to tell the people of St. Maarten the true reason why he pulled his support from the NA/DP/I-3 coalition because it is rumoured that Laville was shown video footage by a businessman that supports the UP party. A source said that embattled Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge was also involved in the break-up because he does not want his friend and colleague in Parliament to face the same dilemma he is facing since the Bada Bing scandal broke. If any of the information that is printed in this article is incorrect then we urge the Member or Members of Parliament to come forward and to tell the true story because the National Alliance will be releasing information on what transpired during the one year they took office sometime soon.

Click here to view the resolution that was signed off by Minister of VROMI William Marlin for Joe's Construction N.V.

Click here to view the signing of Garden Boyz Contract.

kingfamily09052013Airport:--- The relatives of slain Americans Michael and Thelma King had nothing but praise for the Police Department (KPSM) for apprehending the three suspects that murdered Michael and Thelma King in their Cupe Coy Condominium on September 19th, 2012. Todd King who spoke to SMN News on Thursday on behalf of the family said that the detectives (officers of KPSM) showed their professionalism when they assured them that those involved in murdering their loved ones will be apprehended and brought to justice.

Todd King said he is still wondering how the police department knew they were coming to St. Maarten the day after the murders took place. He said the family did not inform anyone that they were coming to the island. Todd King said he visited St. Maarten before but when they left their country to come and deal with the horrific deaths of their loved ones they were fearful of the island and did not know how they would have been treated. "I just don't know how the police knew we were coming but when I reached immigration and I gave my passport, suddenly I saw a hand waived and immediately after we were introduced to detective Dientje Muller who drove us straight to the police station where we met over 40 officers who all assured us that the killers will be found. We saw a police force that acted with professionalism and officers who felt our pain and sorrow." Todd King further explained that shortly after that they met with the Prosecutors who did a very good job in explaining to them the difference in the American law and the Dutch law and what they should expect at the trial. One of the things the Kings said they asked the Prosecution to do was to demand a life sentence for Johnson, the man who admitted to murdering Michael and Thelma King on several occasions.

"We read those statements and I want to state that the suspects told a different story in their statements to police when they were first apprehended and did not have contact with each other. But when they appeared in court on April 10th, 2013 they changed some of their statements. Johnson gave police five detailed statements prior to the trial and he gave police the gruesome details of the robberies and killings but in court on April 10th, 2013 he suddenly got amnesia. Another conflicting statement that was told to the court is that Jeremiah Chevon Mills and Jamal Jefferson Woolford claimed they were not inside the house when the murders took place. In the statements to police they admitted to being inside the house when Johnson killed Michael King. Jamal Jefferson Woolford told the court that he was not inside the villa when Michael King was killed but in his statements to police he gave details on how Mike was killed because he was inside the villa. We read the statements and we compared them and what the defense attorney told the court on April 10th was not reflective of what really transpired. We thought from the inception that if the judge read the statements we read then justice would have been served." Todd King said the entire family was convinced that the three murderers would not have gotten away.

When SMN News asked the Kings how they felt when they heard of the mistakes that were made by the prosecution, they said they discussed it but would prefer not to comment on that. They also said that the main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson smiled when he was leaving the courtroom on Wednesday even though he was given a lifetime sentence. They said they heard what Jeremiah Mills said to the police officer but they did not see when he smirked at them, but for them Johnson had a big smile on his face throughout the sentencing and when he left the courtroom.

Killings and Trial took a toll on Michael King's mother.

The siblings said that their mother could not return to St. Maarten to witness the outcome and the decision the judge rendered because after the trial she got really sick. "All of this took a lot out of our mother because when she went back to the United States after the trial she ended up being sick for a few weeks." When SMN News reporter asked how she reacted when she heard of the court decision, the siblings said their mother reacted very emotionally.

Who were Michael and Thelma King?

For the first time the King family decided to give information on Michael and Thelma King whose lives were snatched away by three greedy young men who were trying to get quick money. The King family said Michael and Thelma King dated from the time they were very young. They broke off their relationship when Michael moved away to Texas and went to study. When he returned to the home town after school he was a broke young man who went to live with his brother and his wife (Todd and Paula King). Not long after he returned home he met Thelma and they started back dating and finally they got married. Thelma King was five years older than Michael but they were a very happy couple. Thelma King was working in a major US bank.

Todd further explained that Mike's best friend Brad had an insurance agency and his friend hired him. Todd said within a period of time his brother did really well and he was promoted to a district manager and at some point he convinced his brother Todd to go and work with him and he too became a district manager. Sometime later, Michael was promoted to General Manager and that was when they moved to Charleston where he met David Kennedy. Todd said about ten years ago Michael and Thelma King visited St. Maarten with their friend David Kennedy. He said at some point his brother got out of the insurance business and got into business with David Kennedy in a labeling company. Todd said that Michael and David developed that company and that too became very successful. Some four to five years ago his brother sold that company and decided that he was going to further invest in St. Maarten. Todd said Michael and Thelma King were frequent visitors of St. Maarten and they invested in seven properties on the island. Their latest venture was to invest their monies in a rum factory. The King family described the couple as very friendly and they were people that everyone wanted to be around.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ombudsman Dr. Nilda Arduin and all members of the Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) with the celebration of their 15th anniversary. Thank you for choosing Sint Maarten to host this conference.

Congratulations to all keynote speakers for making their invaluable contribution towards making more aware to our citizens the critically important role of the institution of the Ombudsman in our community.

Without a doubt the conference created an arena for thought and for sharing experiences between the visiting Ombudsmen. I too share the view that the role of the Ombudsman's will become more and more important in a diverse and complex society.

The Ombudsman has to focus on various forms of complaints; however, its primary focus is first and foremost on the protection of such values as accountability, equality and fairness.

The Ombudsman first originated in Sweden with the Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted in 1809 to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch. The word Ombudsman is not gender specific.

The concept of the Ombudsman as an independent person who can investigate and resolve disputes between citizens and government has spread to cover 120 countries and is seen to be an essential accountability mechanism in democratic societies.

I am proud to see a vision I had since 2004 as an Island Council member became a reality under our new status since 10-10-10 and anchored in our Constitution.

I wish all participants a safe trip from Sint Maarten to wherever their final destination may be.

MP Arrindell would also like to congratulate Curacao's Ombudsman Alba Martijn who has been appointed the next President of the CAROA.

Drs. Gracita Arrindell
Member of Parliament
United People's (UP) Party

marietjeandreaarrivinginsxm09052013POINT BLANCHE:--- The cargo transport vessel Marietje Andrea, the largest ship ever to enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon on May 3 to deliver the Swing Bridge for the Causeway, is tentatively set to leave the Lagoon on Sunday evening at 7:00pm. The transit from the Lagoon into the Simpson Bay should take approximately 30 minutes which means the Simpson Bay Bridge will be open for that amount of time.

The 126 meter long (413 feet) vessel is 15 meters wide (49 feet) and has a gross tonnage of 5418. The longest vessel to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon was the 96 meter (316 feet) mega yacht Limitless. The Andrea is almost 100 feet longer than the Limitless.

The Causeway Swing Bridge left Hollandia Shipyard in the Netherlands on April 19 for Sint Maarten and arrived May 3. The Swing Bridge is 220 feet long and weighs 450 tons. The Causeway has a total length of 2493 feet and features a two-lane motorway, a bicycle track and footpaths.

Several milestones have been reached within the past few weeks St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies (SMHG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo said, such as the arrival of the Swing Bridge and the installation of the aforementioned on May 6. Mingo expresses gratitude to all those who have contributed to the project to date.

Construction of the Causeway started early 2012 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2013. Construction is being carried out by Volker Stevin Construction Europe BV.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

swescotwilliamsmeetswithgacreps09052013Discuss various matters related to the Institution

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams met with the Chairman of the General Audit Chamber R.C. Halman and the Secretary General of the General Audit Chamber J. Dovale-Meit at the Prime Minister's Cabinet on Wednesday afternoon in order to discuss various items as it relates the tasks of the institution as it relates to its function as a body within the High Councils of State.

The General Audit Chamber checks that government spends public funds and conducts the various policies as intended.

The General Audit Chamber is required by law to execute audits, in particular financial audits and performance audits.
The General Audit Chamber also can make arrangements regarding collaboration and support with the Courts of Audit of the Netherlands, Curaçao, and Aruba.

The General Audit Chamber was established by law in order to formally commence operations on October 10, 2010 and consists of a three-person board; specifically a chairman and two members.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliamsu2canmove09052013Encourages community to also take part in the free Zumba classes

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams will continue the U 2 Can Move fitness campaign this Friday with a special Mother's Day Zumba Edition. "This Friday's Zumba session is especially dedicated to all Mothers. I would like to see to all mothers out there that Friday will be your chance to work off of all of the Johnny cakes and chicken that I am sure you enjoyed in the village during Carnival and to get fit for your Mother's Day on Sunday. Also I would like to say that yes the initial idea was to encourage civil servants to take part in these fitness programs but I would also like to encourage the wider community to come out and participate," commented the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister has stated previously that the Zumba sessions and other events are a part of a larger fitness campaign where she encourages Civil Servants and the community in general to take their health and fitness seriously. "There is much we can do for ourselves as individuals and as a country as far as good health is concerned. Information, diet and exercise are the basic ABC's to good health and are valuable in any situation. I want to encourage our health institutions, practitioners and NGO's in this field to focus on educating our community on aspects of health and I call on all, especially our women, to take responsibility for their health, regular check-ups, and to heed warning signs such as aches and pains," the Prime Minister said.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

civilservantscompleteintegritydilemmatraining09052013Philipsburg:--- On Friday afternoon, April 19th 2013, The department of Interior and Kingdom Relations successfully concluded the Follow-up Integrity Dilemma Training for the civil servants of Sint Maarten. The training was officially opened by the Prime Minister on April 8th and the Goal of the training was to measurably accelerate the success of the civil servants through:
Increasing their personal credibility, living in harmony with their deepest values and beliefs, having courage to stand for principles, being able to make integrity based decisions and getting results in a way that inspires trust and integrity. The focus of the training was on morals, values, mindset and behavior. The participants counted over 700 civil servants and included all levels, like Secretary Generals, Department heads, policy workers, clerks, cleaners etc.

On Tuesday April 23rd 2013, the Council of Ministers had the opportunity to invite Mr. Ralston Eric Bennett of Life Transformimg Institute, (LTI), the trainer of the follow-up training, for a special session during the Council of Ministers meeting. Ministers were briefed on the training and got to share in this learning experience themselves.

After reviewing the evaluation of the training, Mrs. Tammy Richardson the Integrity Program Manager at the Department of the Interior and Kingdom is very satisfied with the outcome. As part of the Integrity program for The Government of Sint Maarten and the Integrity project funded by means of Dutch Development Funds via USONA, there are plans to continue with the intensification of the current Integrity awareness campaign and to establish of an Integrity Bureau.

olayinkabadejo09052013Melbourne, Florida/Great Bay, St. Maarten:--- Former student of St. Maarten Academy and St. Dominic High, Olayinka Badejo, graduated last Saturday with a double Master of Science degrees in Systems Engineering and Operations Research from the Florida Institute of Technology, in Melbourne, Florida, USA.
Yinka, as friends and family call her, is the daughter of former Minister of Education of the Netherlands Antilles, drs. Linda Andrea Richardson and well-known media practitioner and cultural worker, Fabian Badejo.
"I am glad it is all over," she said, obviously relieved at the end of the commencement ceremony.
Surrounded by family, friends and other well-wishers, Yinka Badejo, said she was grateful first to God and to all those who made her graduation possible.
"She made us all proud; she's made St. Maarten proud," said her mother.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Reports continue to reach the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour that individuals have been observed picking up or catching fish from the Salt Pond for possible human consumption.

The Salt Pond fish could be poisonous and residents should refrain from eating fish from the Salt Pond.

Fish poisoning symptoms can occur anywhere from two to 12 hours after eating fish. They include: abdominal cramps, diarrhea (severe and watery), nausea and vomiting.

Secondly, due to a lack of circulation of the water in the Salt Pond near an area where work is being carried out, a large number of fish have died due to the lack of oxygen.

Residents and other persons are strongly advised to leave the fish, do not take them home to cook as the fish are not fit for human consumption. The Ministry of Public Health continues to receive reports of individuals fishing in the area.

pneumococcalvaccineforchildrenunder2yrs08052013Philipsburg:--- On Wednesday, May 8th at the Council of Ministers' press briefing, Minister Cornelius de Weever announced the introduction of a new immune boosting vaccine called the Pneumococcal vaccine (pronounced noo-muh-kok-uhl). This new vaccine will help protect children under the age of 2 from bacteria called Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumococcus) which can cause Pneumococcal disease, such as pneumococcal pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis and otitis media. Pneumococcus (a type of bacteria) is in the nose and throat of many people and is spread by coughing, sneeze
ng, or contact with respiratory secretions which can be very dangerous for children under the age of 2 and elderly adults.

Vaccines have been used to prevent pneumococcal disease for more than 30 years. Currently, there are 2 different types of pneumococcal vaccines on the market: (1) a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) available since the early 1980s and (2) 2 conjugate vaccines available since 2009, one 10-valent (PCV10) the other 13-valent (PCV13). The 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) is gradually being removed from the market. The vaccine that is new to St. Maarten which we are now introducing is the 13-valent vaccine.

Currently available PCVs are safe, effective and the increased number of serotypes present in these vaccines, compared to the first licensed PCV7, represent significant progress in the fight against pneumococcal morbidity and mortality. The use of pneumococcal vaccine is complementary to the use of other pneumonia control measures, such as appropriate case management, promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months of life, and the reduction of known risk factors, such as indoor pollutants and tobacco smoke.

In the event that children started the series of pneumococcal vaccination with a different vaccine type (PCV 7 or PCV 10) and they are under the age of 24 months, the schedule can be completed with the PCV 13 vaccine. Registration for the vaccination will take place on the yellow vaccination card in the field "others", in the child's chart and in the baby book.

As of May 12th 2013, the Baby Clinic next to the Yogesh Building will begin administrating the Pneumococcal Vaccine to all children under the age of 2. You may also contact your family doctor or pediatrician for more information.

swescotwilliamsduringoneononewithpm07042013PM to Discuss Political Developments; Urges Listeners to Call in or Email their Questions Regarding Recent Issues

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams is urging the population to listen to her radio program One on One with the Prime Minister on Friday the 10th of May at nine in the morning. This week's radio show will be dedicated to the recent and ongoing political developments and will allow listeners to call in with their questions.

"With all that has been happening I again would like to encourage the community to listen into the program and have your questions on the topics we will be discussing from beforehand. If you feel uncomfortable calling in you can email your questions in and I will make sure to answer them. As I mentioned in my recent statement concerning whether or not we will be having elections I would like to reiterate that what we need direly on all levels and even in the broader community is dialogue, communication and participation. Yes it was a politically tumultuous week and therefore I think it is very important for the population to listen in this Friday as we discuss the issues and to ensure that we have that dialogue, that communication and indeed that participation," commented the Prime Minister.

The weekly program will allow listeners the opportunity to do exactly what the title of the show suggests; to go One on One with the Prime Minister on various pertinent topics within the community and government, allowing the listener to ask questions. The show airs weekly every Friday from nine to ten on 98.1 Pearl FM and callers can call in on 5430462 or via sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

sarahwescotwilliams05052013Follows is the statement by the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams as was read during the Council of Ministers' Press Briefing on Wednesday, May 8th 2013.

Elections or a new Cabinet:

"I have heard many queries and opinions regarding calling elections, or not calling for elections considering the current political developments; why not call elections now?

Elections in this context is not the main constitutional act. The main constitutional act is the dissolution of the Parliament; the "disbanding" of Parliament if you wish, which CAN be done. As a consequence of that, the law dictates that elections must be held in such a case. The question is then when should they be held?

The law does not state such. The law does state however that once it is decided to dissolve Parliament, elections must follow and a new Parliament must take seat within three months."

So that brings us to the crucial question. By whom is Parliament dissolved?

To understand the logic behind that answer, you need to first ask: who appoints the Ministers?

"If you say Parliament, you are both right and wrong. Ministers are nominated by a Parliamentary majority. This can be done informally and this can be done via the official formation process. This means that Parliament, -and with that we mean a Parliamentary majority- can decide a Minister does not enjoy its confidence. When that is clearly stated, the Minister MUST make his or her position available. This so-called confidence rule is part of the bedrock of our Parliamentary system. The possibility is also in the constitution for the Parliament to legislate how this confidence rule can further be executed. That however has not happened yet, so basically, it states that the Minister who does not enjoy parliamentary support makes his/her position available.

Nominating a successor for the Minister is a political interaction, but again the appointing of that Minister only becomes a fact with a government decree.

What we call an LB."

"In addition, for any LB to become effective it must be signed by the Governor and one or more Ministers.

In the case of appointment or dismissals of Ministers, the Prime Minister is the "co-signee", along with the Governor.

So this brings us back to the question regarding the dissolution of Parliament.

How does this occur? Through a Government Decree (LB).

That is a product (decision) of the Council of Ministers. A decision that only goes into effect when it is formulated in an LB, signed off by the Governor and one or more Ministers."

When can or should Parliament be dissolved?

"Parliament can never be dissolved when Parliament invokes the confidence rule against one or more Ministers or the whole Cabinet. If this occurs we are turning things on their head.

Imagine this scenario. Parliament (a majority) decides they have no confidence in a Minister or in the Council of Ministers. These council members say, 'Aha, you think you are going to get rid of me? No, I am going to preempt you and dissolve you, Parliament.

Again if this occurs then we're turning the roles around and throwing the whole system on its head.

If the Parliament decides they no longer have confidence in the Ministers and Parliament cannot get its act together to agree on "nominating" Ministers for appointment or agree on a way forward for the governance of the country, then you have what is termed an impasse.

But there could never be an impasse between Parliament and the Government, because imagine if Parliament ( a majority) decides they have no confidence in Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams for example, and I turn the rules around and say I am not going anywhere and instead I decide that what I will dissolve parliament. If that argument is upheld, this Country will be facing some turbulent times when all Parliamentary rules of engagement will be thrown to the wind."

"It is important for the population to not think for a moment that in 2012 I was not equally challenged to call elections, when there was a Parliamentary shift which lead to a new Government Constellation. I was challenged by the coalition partners at that time to "call for elections" and I was criticized by some for not doing so. The same circumstances that applied then apply now. Regardless of who the actors were, a majority in Parliament decided they had no confidence in the members of Government, and they (the current coalition partners, which is a majority) decided they could and would work together for a new cabinet.

There was no vacuum in terms of parties not being able to find common ground and/or the Government not knowing whether they had majority support. That vacuum did not exist in 2012 and it does not exist now."

"So what has really transpired the last week. I came back from the Netherlands, still impressed by the abdication and the inauguration of the monarchs, and was faced with these facts: a new majority in Parliament and mind you, a majority is a majority, it is not qualified in terms of size, color, or make-up. The majority decided they are willing to work together and those of that majority who supported the current coalition, withdrew their support for this coalition.

"With that expression by a majority of Parliament, the constitutional thing to do is tender the resignation of my cabinet.. To whom do I tender my resignation? To the Governor. Followed by the starting of preparations to discharge of the Ministers. Then consultations start or continue between the factions and the Governor.

"However, you can't discharge a Cabinet, this is done individually and if you have Ministers who say, 'I am not resigning', then you are challenging the constitution.

Objections were raised last year in May by former Ministers, and objections are being raised by Ministers now. But if we feel the system is not working, let's change it, not bend it to suit us.

"The answer I gave last year when government changed (to what it is today), to the question: 'Why no elections?' is again valid today; the possibility to dissolve Parliament can't be used to circumvent one of the most principled rules of a Parliamentary Democracy, namely that the Government must have the support of the representatives of the people. What demonstrates that support? A majority of Parliament.

"I could not close off this point without again stressing the need to effectuate electoral reform to bring our systems more in line with what fits our young democracy. We have adjusted somewhat from what we had as an island territory, but in my humble opinion, more needs to be done to ensure that a Parliament, elected by the people and a Government supported by that Parliament can truly together work in the people's best interest, and be judged on the basis of that work upon completion of the term by the people who elected them.

"Yes, I know Parliament has also unanimously adopted a motion for reform, which by the way I support, but that is more campaign reform, which I believe should also happen, but as a part of overall electoral reform.

Only then can we truly motivate and guide young people to prepare themselves and seek to take over the leadership of this country in the future and do so for all the right reasons.

"I viewed with concern some of the developments within coalition circles, not only in the council of ministers, where I have also had my challenges, mind you. But I consider those challenges a part of our new system and new found authorities, which is the delicate balance between a common vision and the individual political responsibility of each Minister; the dualistic system we have introduced, which again is necessary, but which takes getting accustomed to and for us to understand its workings.

What we need direly though on all levels and even in the broader community are dialogue, communication, participation."

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

updpandrlaville08052013Philipsburg:--- Independent Member of Parliament Romaine Laville came out from his hiding place and attended a joint press conference that was held by the three factions United Peoples Party (UP), Democratic Party (DP), and Independent Member of Parliament Romaine Laville on Wednesday afternoon at the House of Parliament.

Laville told reporters at the press conference that he wants to make clear that his actions did not have any monetary gain, instead he is doing what he believes in and has gone as far as sacrificing a secure position as a Member of Parliament and will become the Minister of TEATT. Laville said that he knows the consequences of his actions because the same Members of Parliament he is supporting now can bring a motion of non-confidence against him before the remaining term is over. He said despite all of that he is making a personal sacrifice in order to work for the people of St. Maarten. Laville said that ever since he entered the political arena in 2010 he has made sacrifices such as giving up his job at the harbor to become a full time Member of Parliament. He said that he did so in order to work for the people of St. Maarten. Another point Laville raised as he defended his actions was the fact that he was very vocal and spoke out against his party "UP" during the Pelican layoff. He said he has not changed his position ever since he entered politics because he has one objective which is to serve and work in the interest of the people of St. Maarten. "I am tired of leaving the House of Parliament to go over to the Government Administration Building and knock on the doors of the Ministers and beg them to work for the people of St. Maarten. I am really tired of doing this therefore I had no choice but to withdraw my support from the current coalition because there has not been any change in government. When I saw that nothing has changed then I was left with asking myself why I really left my party. I also had to look and see if the unresolved issues I have with MP Jules James is more important to me or the affairs of the people. The same goes for the unresolved issues I have with my party leader Theodore Heyliger. My hope is that one day I will be able to resolve these issues and move on."

Laville said that some of the things he wanted to see implemented by the current government are a "breakfast program" for students that are going to school hungry, free education on St. Maarten, and to ensure that prisoners who are released from prison get a job. He said that government needs to structure its organization because there are qualified St. Maarteners that have returned to the island and they are unable to find jobs in the fields in which they have studied. He said that right now the people do not understand his actions but he believes that someday everyone will understand when the dust settles. He also said he is regretful of what is happening with the constant change of government. However, he believes that the people of St. Maarten need to take stock on what they really want for their country. He said the people would constantly say they want change but they are not willing to do what is necessary like making sacrifices and the brunt to achieve the change. Laville said that he tried to put several things in place such as putting what is necessary for the elderly but it never happened, he said that what is happening on St. Maarten is that the voters are failing to call the politicians to order when they are not doing what they have to do for the people that elected them.

rlaville08052013Laville further said that if he has to be the sacrificial lamb in order to achieve the change they need then so let it be. He said he heard all sorts of things during the past days, even those that are telling him to look at what happened in Curacao with MP Helmin Wiels. He said if that has to happen then let it be because he intends to stand on his principles and beliefs.

Member of Parliament from the Democratic Party Petrus Leroy De Weever said in his presentation that this is a sad day for St. Maarten because he is not at all happy with the decisions he was forced to take. De Weever said that he has a very good relationship with the Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin and others. He said what has happened now derived from what took place during the budget meetings and they that are supporting the current coalition have lost confidence in the government. De Weever called on the Ministers from the National Alliance Faction to do the right thing and resign because they do not want to get to the point where they would have to put a motion of non-confidence against these Ministers. He said the Ministers and Parliament have certain rules that they need to follow and there should be trust between the Ministers and those that support them in Parliament. De Weever said he was peeved during the budget meeting when he learned of the new taxes that will be imposed on the people and the Minister did not consult with Parliament prior to taking these decisions. He said that matters that were tabled and suggestions made by the Democratic Party were not considered when these new taxes were imposed. Secondly, he said they have asked many questions about the harbour and to date they have not received any answers from those in charge and that has clearly breached the trust that was placed in the government. MP Roy Marlin said to date St. Maarten does not have a budget because the budget is not yet signed off by the governor. Marlin said just prior to the budget debate St. Maarten was facing an instruction from their Kingdom partners, especially regarding the justice park and the budget. He said that even though they are changing guard, St. Maarten still faces the instruction from the Kingdom because of the budget, one of the main reasons why he voted against the project. Marlin said that he asked if this project could have been done in phases but he did not receive the answers. When asked by SMN News if the new coalition considered the additional expenses that will be added to the budget because they would have to pay more Ministers if they are able to get into office. Marlin said they did not consider that but in his opinion the additional salaries will not have dire consequences for St. Maarten. Marlin further explained that the National Alliance Council of Ministers is putting the horse behind the cart when they tried to send the Members of Parliament home. He said it is the Parliament of St. Maarten that sends the Council of Ministers home and not vice versa. Marlin further explained that the only one that can call for new elections is the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams and no one else.

Member of Parliament Gracita Arrindell also spoke at the press conference, she said that the UP faction members have been raising a number of issues for the past year and have been highlighting the inadequacies of the government.

mjohnsonjmillsandjwoolford08052013Philipsburg:--- Judge Tamara Thyhius sent a strong message to the three suspects that were found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of murdering American citizens Michael and Thelma King on September 19th, 2012 and also for robbing the Happy Star Chinese Restaurant earlier that same evening. The main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson, a national of Jamaica, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Judge Thyhuis told Johnson that his actions on the evening of September 19th, 2012 were intentional and premeditated, while he acted out of greed when he robbed and murdered the Kings. Judge Thyhuis further told Johnson that his demeanor in the courtroom during the trial did not give her reason to believe that he is remorseful for his actions, especially towards the King family and the community of St. Maarten. Judge Thyhuis said the murder of the Kings basically destroyed the community of St. Maarten and affected the island's economy and tourism industry. The arguments presented by Johnson's lawyer Brenda Brooks were not considered especially when she asked the court to deem the prosecutor's case inadmissible. Judge Thyhuis said that there is no decision by any court that would show that the court or the prosecution infringed on Johnson's rights when they served him two summons on the same day. She said that the court found it legally and convincingly proven that Johnson robbed the Happy Star Chinese Restaurant and he also robbed the Kings and took their lives. Judge Thyhuis said the murders were intentional and premeditated, therefore the court found Johnson guilty of murdering both Michael and Thelma King and the punishment for this crime can only be a life sentence, especially since Johnson can ask for clemency. Johnson was convicted on all the charges presented by the prosecution on April 10th, 2013.
The second suspect Jeremiah Chevon Mills was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment for the role he played in the brutal murders and robbery of the Kings and the Happy Star Chinese Restaurant. The court acquitted Mills for the murder of the Kings but found that he was indeed an accomplice to the killings that rocked St. Maarten. Judge Thyhuis said Mills is guilty of kidnapping Thelma King by using what looked like a gun to hold her hostage, tie her to a chair, and blindfold and gag her while he was also found guilty of giving Johnson a second knife to murder the Kings. Mills was also found guilty of laundering the monies and goods he gained from the robberies of Happy Star and the Kings.

Judge Thyhuis told Mills that she considered his age when deciding on his punishment as well as his criminal record. She told Mills that he did not show remorse for his actions during the trial and neither did he show any remorse towards the family of the Kings who are suffering the loss of their loved ones. As soon as Judge Tamara Thyhuis pronounced the 28 years sentence for Mills, he immediately asked for some water. But when leaving the courtroom, Mills looked at the King family all of whom attended the trial and smirked at them. He even told the police officer that was escorting him from the courtroom not to hold him. Judge Tamara Thyhuis sentenced the third suspect Jamal Jefferson Woolford to 22 years imprisonment for the robbery committed at the Happy Star Restaurant and the use of violence by cranking what appeared to be a gun. Woolford was acquitted for the murder of the Kings but he was also found guilty as an accomplice to the murders since he participated in kidnapping Thelma King, under threat he tied her to a chair and gagged and blindfolded her. Judge Thyhuis also found Woolford guilty on the charge of money laundering because he used the monies he gained from the two robberies along with the other two suspects on prostitutes and alcohol. She also found that Woolford did not show sufficient remorse for his actions and since the crimes he committed are serious, the court found that he should be put away for a very long period of time so that there is no recurrence of such crimes on St. Maarten.

Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos who was present when the decision of the court was pronounced told SMN News that he is very happy with the decision of the court. Mos said he is extremely satisfied because the judge followed almost all of their demands during the trial.

After the decision of the court was pronounced the King family that attended the trial began weeping and hugging each other as they consoled one another. They asked reporters that were present not to take their pictures. The Kings also promised to make a statement on the court decision sometime on Thursday.

lionfish07052013The United States Federal Government recently issued a warning regarding lionfish carrying Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. The warning, issued by the American Food and Drug Administration, echoes a previous Nature Foundation recommendation suggesting that St. Maarten residents not eat lionfish due to the risk of being poisoned by the toxin.

The Nature Foundation is recommending that the Invasive Lionfish not be eaten or consumed based on a study where flesh samples which were taken of larger lionfish caught in St. Maarten waters showed levels of the poisonous ciguatoxin which causes Ciguatera poisoning. Ciguatera poisoning is caused by naturally occurring toxins, called ciguatoxins, which are produced by microscopic plants - gambierdiscus toxicus - that live on seaweed and other surfaces within coral reef communities. When fish eat seaweed or algae they consume the organisms and the ciguatoxins build up in the fish's flesh. The toxin is stored in the fishes' body and not excreted - so it builds up as it goes up the food chain. The bigger fish eat the little fish and the toxin gets passed on until it is consumed by humans. Predators at the top of the food chain - like barracuda and lionfish - can end up with large amounts of the toxin in their flesh. No test can be done to determine if the fish is poisoned and cooking and preparation have no affect on the toxin. The toxin is unrelated to the venom found in the spines of the Lionfish.
Ciguatoxin is the same toxin which is present in the flesh of Barracudas, large Jacks and large Snapper, which are traditionally also not eaten if caught in our waters. Various countries and territories in the Caribbean have been promoting lionfish as edible. However these areas usually do not have a high level of ciguatoxin in their larger reef fish. The North Eastern Caribbean from Guadeloupe to the Virgin Islands, including St. Maarten, have a higher level of ciguatoxin than most other areas in the Caribbean. So to be absolutely safe rather than sorry, the Nature Foundation can not recommend the eating of lionfish as a method for controlling them.
Ciguatera poisoning or fish poisoning as it is also known causes nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, electric-shock-like or painful sensations, reversal of hot and cold sensations, intense itching or tingling fingers and toes, slowed heart rate and a drop in blood pressure, weakness or fatigue, muscle or joint pain, depression, and headaches. There is no effective treatment or antidote for ciguatera poisoning and the mainstay of treatment is supportive care.
The lionfish is an invasive species which was introduced into the Caribbean through the aquarium trade. The fish is a threat to local fisheries because they have the potential to destroy local fishing grounds and the economies which depend on them. The lionfish is also a venomous species which can inflict a dangerous sting; therefore the Nature Foundation requests that if a lionfish is spotted to please contact the Foundation at 5444267 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

swescotwilliamsatremembrancedayceremony07052013Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined with numerous dignitaries and uniformed officials in commemorating National Remembrance Day 2013 last Saturday afternoon remembering fallen soldiers who fought during the Second World War.

The Prime Minister was joined by His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday, Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. William Marlin, President of Parliament the Hon. Rodolphe Samuel, Police Chief Commissioner Peter De Witte and NA Faction Leader Member of Parliament the hon. George Pantophlet, representatives of government and uniformed officials attended the commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony which took place at the Captain Hodge's Wharf in Philipsburg.

The Prime Minister and His Excellency the Governor inspected the Honor Guard followed by a wreath laying ceremony. Two minutes of silence were also observed in honor of those who gave their lives during the Second World War, which started in 1939 and ended in 1945. Approximately 50 to 70 million people lost their lives making it the deadliest conflict in human history.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

sxmyouthcouncilparliamentmeetsrodolphesamuel25012013Great Bay:--- Residents and visitors on St. Maarten are poised to be enlightened, empowered and equipped with powerful professional leadership development tools from nine internationally renowned leaders and authors. Among this star-studded group of persons are John Maxwell, best-selling author and leadership expert; Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State in the United States (2005-2009), Sanya Richards-Ross, 2012 London Olympic gold medalist in track and field; Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric; Andy Stanley, best-selling leadership author and communicator; and David Allen, bestselling author of Getting Things Done and a productivity expert.
No leadership is truly effective or impacting without leaving a legacy for our youth to navigate life and be prepared to take their place in the community. Consequently, the St. Maarten Youth Parliament has been invited to present their vision for leadership on St. Maarten over the next five to thirty years. So what can we expect from the dynamic youth parliamentarians at the Chick-fil-A -Leadercast? "Those in attendance can expect to hear the hard-core truth from our perspective, representing how we as youth experience life on St. Maarten, and what we recognize need to be changed in order for St. Maarten to move forward," stated YMP Kamilah Gumbs.
Registrants will receive certification in 5.25 hours of professional leadership development from Chick-fil-A Leadercast. Participants already registered are filled with anticipation of what promises to be a powerful event and a transformational experience.
With the growing interest expressed by the public to be a part of this dynamic event, Victorious Living has extended the deadline for receiving registrations until today Wednesday from 2:30-5:00 p.m. at the Victorious Living Foundation's office at 158 B. Back Street, Philipsburg. Persons may reserve their space by visiting and e-mail Victorious Living; send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or call 721-524-8731.

wibvacationexpoposter07052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. (WIB) will be hosting "WIB's Vacation Expo" on Saturday, May 11th 2013 at WIB's Personal Loans and Mortgage Center (PLM), Le Grand Marche, Bush Road. The Expo starts at 9:30am and ends at 5pm.

WIB will be offering you the opportunity to benefit from the best Vacation Loans, Vacation Package Discounts, Travel Cards, Travel Insurance, Travel Tools & Tips and much more. Besides vacation loans, the PLM department will also open for personal, vehicle, and mortgage loans.

This event will bring all travel related options to you in one place. Our Business Partners who will be displaying vacation packages, travel related items, information and other specials they have to offer include; Carib-A-Travel, Intermar Travel, Insel Air, Sel Maduro Travel, Travel Planners, Windward Islands Airways, Super Bikes, Ruby Bute, Office World, and Rolling Systems.

WIB representatives will also be available to provide everyone with information on other products and services the bank offers.

WIB invites the community of St. Maarten to join them and their business partners at the "WIB Vacation Expo".

It's always more relaxing with your partner in progress.

It was a memorable moment for the Directors, the Board and Artistic Advisor Hans Minnaert of N.I.A. when the statues of the foundation were signed in the office of notary public Meredith Boekhoudt.
This is a dream come through for the two institutions, Imbali and Motiance dance schools, which have been working on this merger for the past months.

The National Institute of Arts will be accessible to the community at large, kids through adults. We are excited to announce our inauguration to SXM with extensive community participation on October 10, 2013.

N.I.A. will also feature a professional stream in which professionals in the field will train, coach and guide the career minded talents.
NIA will initiate immediately the three following departments: dance, music and drama to be followed by visual arts, literature, art history, media, cirque nouveau and community arts later on in the year. The start of these classes will cement the foundation for collaboration with "CODARTS Hoge School voor de Kunsten" in Rotterdam.

At this time a Classical Ballet audition for the Selection class has already taken place. The audition was open to the general public (ages 8-13 years). The audition panel consisted of a professional team inclusive of a physical therapist and musicologist.

Directors Arlene Halley, Clara Reyes and their staff are making great advancements in the intensive training from artistic advisor Hans Minnaert. N.I.A. is most thankful for the support of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds in this project.

Fish Day is an event organized annually by the North side of the island to recognize the fishermen for their endeavours to make a living off the sea. This has been carried out by our ancestors for decades and continues today by a much smaller number.

The day's events were attended by thousands of people including visitors to our island destination who enjoyed themselves and were able to sample local cuisine offered by many vendors, unfortunately the day closed off with a senseless act of violence that left one dead and seven injured.

On behalf of the UP parliamentary faction, we express our deepest sympathy to the family of the victim who died in this senseless violence.

The UP parliamentary faction also wishes a speedy recovery to those who were injured. We also offer our prayers to the victim who had to be flown out to Guadeloupe due to the serious nature of that persons injuries.

The UP faction offers its prayers and strength to the President of the Collectivite Aline Hanson and members of the Territorial Council with respect to the cowardly acts of violence that took place on Sunday evening. We stand in unity with our colleagues of the North.

The UP faction has already indicated that the legislative branch should meet with the Territorial Council of the North side of the island, and one of the issues of mutual concern for discussion would be how to address senseless acts of violence whether gang related or not.

Theo Heyliger
Leader of the United People's (UP) Party

telemgroupcellsite02052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group technicians have identified equipment being used in neighbouring Anguilla as the possible source of interference to the company's 3G mobile network in recent weeks.

The interference has been plaguing TelEm Group's mobile voice and data customers by causing calls and internet connections to drop suddenly without warning.
TelEm Group Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa said after reporting the interference to the local telecommunication regulator, the Bureau of Telecommunications, St. Maarten, last week, a team of company technicians and engineers were ordered to carry out their own series of tests and scans to locate the source of the interference.
He said this was especially important to make a strong case for a new temporary frequency from the regulator, to better serve TelEm Group mobile customers until the problem is permanently fixed.
"We have been able to identify the source of the interference as coming from the neighbouring island of Anguilla," said Mr. Louisa.
He said the findings and readings from his technical staff have been reported to the local regulator whose own technical expert has since confirmed.
"We have requested immediate action on the part of the regulator to contact those causing this interference. It is affecting the quality of mobile service we are offering to our customers. We have now officially requested the use of a new frequency on a temporary basis in the interest of our mobile customers," said Mr. Louisa.
Mr. Louisa is advising customers who are experience problems with the TelEm Group 3G network to take their handsets and smartphones off AUTO to "push" their service onto the company's 2G network.
"Mobile handsets and smartphones that are set to automatically select the most suitable network will jump from the 2G network to the 3G network depending of what signal is available. We are advising users who have their phones set for 3G use only, or for AUTO use, to reset their handset or smartphone to the 2G network as a temporary fix. They should only do this if they are having difficulty with the 3G voice and data service," advised the Chief Technical Officer.
At present, customers operating their devices in the areas of Cole Bay, Simpson Bay, Maho, Cupecoy, Lowlands, and South Reward are most affected.

Telem Press Release

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Cabinet of the Minister of Justice announced on Tuesday that as of May 1, 2013, the National Ordinances to establish the judicial paternity and the joint custody of minor children went into effect.

As per article 207 of the ordinance, "the paternity of a man can be established though he may be deceased, based on the grounds that he is the procreator of said child, or the man, as the life partner of the mother, has agreed upon the act that has resulted in the procreation of a child".

A request for paternity can be expressed by the mother; if the child is less than twelve years old; by the child; or by the court of guardianship on behalf of the child, with the mother's consent.

The National Ordinance on Joint Custody states that having custody of a child obligates parents to care and provide for that child. This includes taking care of the child's physical, spiritual and safety needs.

During a marriage, parents enjoy the privilege of joint custody of their children. Upon dissolution of a marriage, other than death, parents will enjoy the same privilege. However; article 251a states that, based on the request of one or both parents, a judge can grant sole custody to one parent if he/she finds that a change of care is in the best interest of the child.

In the past, joint custody had to be requested by one or both parents. The judge would then determine if custody should be granted solely to one parent based on the best interest of the child.

According to the amendment of article 253a, this states that in case of a dispute between parents who have joint custody, said dispute may be submitted to the judge of the Court of First Instance upon the request of either parent or both parents.

Article, 253a further states, the judge may, upon the request of either parent or both, establish an arrangement concerning joint custody.

Based on the competence of either the father or mother, he or she can petition the judge to grant them sole or joint custody of the minor child or children. Provisions have also been made as stated in articles 377a & e, that custody of a child can be granted to someone other than a parent, such as the grandparents or someone close to the child.

ssmmeetswithsfinthenetherlands07052013The Hague – Last week, during the brief holidays the locally based Soualiga Social Movement met with the Soualiga Foundation based in the Netherlands to discuss how the two foundations could work together. President of the Soualiga Foundation Perry Geerlings and three other board members met with co-founder and Treasurer of Soualiga Social Movement Sjaoel Richardson and after a brief introduction of the aims and goals of each organization the foundations got down to business.

The Soualiga Foundation, based in the Netherlands aims to increase social, cultural awareness and participation amongst St. Maarteners in the Netherlands. While across the Atlantic the Soualiga Social Movement aims on promoting social awareness while encouraging participation and inclusion of the people of St. Maarten, for the progressive development of the island. Recognizing these overlapping areas of awareness and participation to social issues the groups have agreed to work together on several projects.

The main reason for the meeting was the co-development of a few mutually progressive projects in targeting students returning from the Netherlands or leaving the island to study. Mentioned, was a workshop on personal finance for students leaving the island to study as most students living alone for the first time are often surprised to find themselves in financial problems which subsequently becomes a distraction to their studies. The Soualiga Foundation spoke on how they can engage groups of young St. Maarteners in the Netherlands to be active in community projects there, allowing them to gain experience and project expertise, which they can apply to St. Maarten when they return. Also, discussed was a project aimed at job placement for returning students, where the Soualiga Social Movement can approach the private sector through other organizations, about these students who are returning with new insight and knowledge in different industries.

The two foundations will continue to correspond on several mutual interests and hope to execute these projects in the near future.

pjiaedelegationatairportcitiesworldconferenceandexhibition07052013Simpson Bay:--- A high-powered delegation of the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), led by managing director Regina LaBega returned to the island last week after attending the 11th annual Airport Cities World Conference & Exhibition held recently in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The SXM delegation included Mirto Breell, Director of Technical Division, Anastacio Baker, Manager of Quality Assurance, and Kalifa Hickinson, Head of Corporate Communications. It was the first time the conference would be held on African soil.

Over 700 delegates from 45 countries representing more than 100 airports or airport authorities attended the three-day conference, which featured a jam-packed program that began with a foundation level and advanced level master class, conducted by Conference Chair, Professor John Kasarda, Director of the Center for Air Commerce at the University of North Carolina.

The SXM delegation attended each master class, which provided a full overview of airport city or "aerotropolis" development as well as the processes and strategic guidelines for planning, designing and developing a successful airport city.

LaBega had articulated the vision of transforming SXM into an airport city at the beginning of her tenure and the South Africa conference, hosted by the city of Ekurhuleni (home of Oliver R. Tambo International Airport, recently voted among the best three airports in Africa), confirmed that this was in line with world trends in airport development.

"Airports are not just transportation infrastructure. They are multimodal, multifunctional enterprises generating considerable commercial development. Airports are now cities themselves," stressed Prof. Kasarda. He added: "airport planning must include just as much emphasis on commercial strategies as aeronautical strategies. There should be synergies between the two."

"This is in fact the direction we have embarked on at SXM," explained LaBega. "It was most gratifying to note at this world conference that we are indeed on the right track with our new strategy of developing non-aeronautical revenues, focusing on the hub function of our airport and looking ahead to the next level of making SXM an airport city or aerotropolis to use the term revived by Prof. Kasarda."

An "aerotropolis" is simply defined as an airport based economic region – a scenario where the global meets the local – with the airport city as the core of the aerotropolis.

The general idea of the airport city/aerotropolis is to foster an environment where one can shop, eat, do business and be entertained all within no more than 15 minutes from the terminal building.

Airports are indeed becoming business centers as evidenced by KPMG moving its European headquarters from London to Frankfurt Airport just because the new location provided a mere 6-minute walk to the international check-in counters.

One recurrent theme at the conference was connectivity as the engine of economic growth. Prof. Kasarda called air travel a "Physical Internet" with over 53,000 routes worldwide. According to him, airports are the routers of this physical internet. He said on a global level, "hub airports, as such, are business magnets and regional economic advancers."

In his own presentation, the Mayor of Denver, Michael B. Hancock, stressed the importance of global connectivity and global competitiveness. "Connectivity is the engine of progress," he said. Denver International Airport (DIA), though only 18 years old, is now the 13th busiest in the world and fifth busiest in the US.

But the grandfather of airport cities is Schiphol, which was just voted the third best airport in the world. It was an airport city even before the term was coined.

Schiphol features shopping arcades, Internet cafes, theme restaurants, businesses such as Unilever, Microsoft, Solomon Brothers, etc. "Though SXM is small in comparison, there is much we can learn from what airports are doing globally that can further solidify SXM's position as a leading, world class international airport in the Caribbean region," LaBega said.

Airports are now destinations in and of themselves, as the South Africa conference revealed. Airports are now taking on their own brands, and developing a unique "brand image." SXM just a few months ago unveiled its new brand. "This shows we are progressive, forward-thinking and right on the mark," remarked Kalifa Hickinson.

Non-aeronautical revenue is very important for the competitiveness of an airport, the conference stressed. Airports should keep aeronautical costs down and grow non-aeronautical revenue to provide funding for expansions, etc. "This is exactly what we have embarked on at SXM with our new retail strategy, which is expected to be implemented by the fourth quarter of 2013," Hickinson said.

According to Prof. Kasarda, "Airlines service a market, not an airport." Airlines are most concerned with making a profit by filling their seats.

However, airlines, airports and the region are all functionally interdependent stakeholders of an aerotropolis. Cities don't compete against one another; regions do, Prof. Kasarda said. "We must compete as a region on a global stage," he added.

Cooperation, collaboration and communication with all our stakeholders were emphasized at the conference. "This is the goal we have been pursuing and will continue to pursue at SXM," LaBega said.

The next conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia next year when for the first time, the "Airport Cities Excellence Awards" will be granted to recognize industry leaders and acknowledge those successful airport cities that have changed the face of aviation across the globe.

artsaveslivesfundraiserbyfredgrigsby07052013~Art Saves Lives Program will be held June 24-30 on St. Maarten~

Cupecoy:--- Local Award winning dancer Nicole C. De Weever of Art Saves Lives and Erika Cannegieter of the Be the Change Foundation, were the invited guests of Mr. Fred Grigsby and Ms. Carol Pope at a fundraising event held on April 23rd last. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams, Minister of Culture Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Health and Labor Cornelius De Weever were among the invited guests. Ms. De Weever and Ms. Cannegieter provided the gathering with information on their foundations, and information was distributed about the upcoming Art Saves Lives summer intensive program scheduled to be held in June.
Ms. De Weever expressed her thanks to Be The Change Foundation that was instrumental in putting the event together with Mr. Grigsby and Ms. Pope and for their support of the project.
ASLP continues to raise funds to bring this project to fruition to serve local youth who are interested in a career in the arts and strengthen the performing arts on St. Maarten.

shootingfillin05052013Marigot:--- Gang members went to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital Monday night in two vehicles and fired shots in the parking lot of the hospital signaling that they are going after one of the victims that is receiving treatment at the LCF Hospital. SMN News learnt that the incident occurred around 8pm Monday night. The hospital security told reporters who went to the scene that after the shots were fired the two vehicles took off at high speed. According to well placed sources, two of the victims that were shot are brothers, one of them was shot in the neck area while the other was shot in the stomach.

According to information reaching SMN News, the gang members are very upset because one of the victims that are currently in the hospital had a gun on him on Sunday when the shooting took place at the Cul de Sac Bay. SMN News was told that this person (a male) reacted by firing shots at the attackers and the bullets that were fired from the victim injured some of the victims and they (gang members) are blamed for the entire shooting incident that left one person dead on Sunday and seven injured.

SMN News also received unconfirmed reports that a second victim succumbed to her injuries. The person who passed away was six months pregnant and she was shot in her throat. Captain of the Gendarmerie Sylvain Jouault told SMN News on Monday that one of the victims was airlifted to Guadeloupe for further treatment, that person is a 21 year old young woman who was an employee of Corilita Real Estate which is located in Marigot. SMN News learned that the young woman received severe injuries to her face and that she lost an eye while she also suffered serious injuries to her nose. The Prefecture of St. Martin confirmed that the victim that was airlifted to Guadeloupe received severe injuries to her face but no further details on the injuries were released.

SMN News tried to get confirmation on the incident that occurred Monday night at the LCF Hospital and also to confirm if a second person passed away but we were unable to get confirmation from authorities. When SMN News contacted Captain of the Gendarmerie Sylvain Jouault on Tuesday afternoon for confirmation on the information we received, Jouault said that he was extremely busy and unable to speak to reporters.

Philipsburg:--- Five of the seven members of the Council of Ministers voted down a proposal presented by the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams during the Council of Ministers' meeting on Tuesday. Wescot Williams presented a motion to the council asking that the NA/DP/I-3 cabinet resign by the end of this week so that the Ministers that will form the third government of this governing period could take over.

Those that voted against the motion presented by Wescot Williams are, Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin, Minister of Finance Roland Tuitt, Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs, Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet, and Minister of Justice Roland Duncan. Minister of Health and Labour Cornelius de Weever entered the meeting late so he did not vote on the proposal that was presented by his party leader while Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams voted in favor of the motion.

Another turn of events during the Council of Ministers' meeting on Tuesday was that Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams who has the minority seats in the Council of Ministers refused to deal with an agenda point that was added by the other Members of the Council of Ministers. The National Alliance Ministers added an agenda point to Tuesday's meeting based on article 59 of the country's constitution where they proposed a motion to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten and call for early elections. Minister of Justice Roland Duncan told SMN News in an exclusive interview after the Council of Ministers' meeting that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten is acting as a dictator since she thinks she is the one who would decide for the Council of Ministers. Minister Duncan said that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams cannot decide for the cabinet because she only has two seats, besides that she is the spokesperson for the cabinet and not the decision maker.

rduncan17072012Minister Duncan said that the Prime Minister is stating that it is her prerogative whether or not to call for new elections. He said does not know where the Prime Minister got that information from. Duncan said that the Prime Minister told them that she was legally advised and she will not deal with the matter unless she is properly advised. Duncan further explained that the Prime Minister gave them the indication that she will submit the resignation of the current cabinet even though they voted it against it. He further explained that he and the other Ministers representing the National Alliance informed the Prime Minister that they will not resign unless they see a resolution from the Parliament of St. Maarten. The Minister of Justice said that the constitution is very clear and its states that Parliament has to send Ministers or a cabinet home not some Members of Parliament. Minister Duncan said the Prime Minister then referred to what transpired last year, he said it is true that letters were sent to the Prime Minister and he and the Prime Minister immediately submitted their resignation but the other Ministers from the United People's Party faction submitted their resignation three weeks later. Duncan said he has 38 years of experience as a lawyer and he taught the Prime Minister constitutional law. Minister Duncan said the Prime Minister could stall the process but she cannot hold back or stop a decision from going through which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. He further explained that Parliament can be dissolved by a "Landsbesuluit" but nowhere in the constitution it states who has to sign the Landsbesluit.

Due to the fact that Wescot Williams refused to deal with the agenda point presented by the National Alliance Ministers, on Tuesday an official letter was sent to Prime Minister Wescot Williams by the other five members of the Council of Ministers requesting that she call an official meeting to deal with the agenda point which is to dissolve the Parliament of St. Maarten. Prime Minister Wescot Williams has two days in which to call this meeting but since Thursday is a holiday then the meeting has to be called on Friday.

The Minister of Justice went as far as saying that it is time for the people of St. Maarten to speak out on whether or not they want new elections. He said he does not know what the Prime Minister and Leader of the Democratic Party is afraid of when it comes to having a new election. Duncan said that the two letters state that the Government no longer enjoys the support of Parliament which also includes her.

Prime Minister acts in Conflict of Interest when she voted twice on Justice Park --- Son and Son in Law are negotiating for Sameer Andrwos and American Company.

While a lot of attention is being placed on the Independent Members of Parliament especially Romain Laville and Patrick Illidge who is now under investigation for allegedly accepting a bribe and causing the fall of Government, it should be noted that the Democratic Party is playing a major role in the political instability on St. Maarten even though they only have two seats.

SMN News reported before that the two persons that are negotiating the Justice Park project with the Minister of Justice is the son of the Prime Minister, Andy Wescot and her son in law Gary Master. Minister of Justice Roland Duncan confirmed on Tuesday that he has been dealing with the two persons mentioned. Duncan said he will not make a judgment on the conflict of interest because he never dealt with her personally but he has been negotiating with her son Andy Wescot on behalf of Sameer Andrwos and her son in law on behalf of the Americans. It should be noted that article 35 of the country's constitution clearly stipulates when a Minister has to recuse his or herself from voting on projects or any matter that relates to Government. The Minister of Justice said that both Council of Ministers that the Prime Minister was part of voted in favor of the Justice Park and on both occasions Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams voted.

The main company that is offering financing for the Justice Park is WPK Carey and Company Limited who uses subsidiary companies to do business for them on St. Maarten. In the case of the Justice Park, the company Global 17 Limited is operating for WPK Carey and Company Limited. Minister Duncan said that Gary Master is representing these companies while Andy Wescot is representing Ourista N.V. which belongs to Sameer Andrawos.

Minister Duncan in explaining the Justice Park said that Ourista N.V. would have sold the BOX and the six story unfinished building that Andrawos owned in Cay Hill to Global 17 Limited for 25 million dollars and Global 17 would have completed and even built other buildings to lease to government for a period of 30 years after which the Government of St. Maarten owns these properties. He said that he has no signed document with these companies, the only thing he has is a letter of intent. He said that the project now stands at 85 million because he adjusted some parts of the project.

Heyliger ditched to Parliament to Avoid Screening --- Four Investigations against Heyliger could to hinder Heyliger from becoming Minister.

According to the rumors that have taken over St. Maarten, the Leader of the United Peoples Party Theodore Heyliger will not be a Minister in the third government, instead he will take up a seat in the Parliament of St. Maarten. For Heyliger to become a Member of Parliament it means one of the UP MPs would have to resign. Also based on rumors, it is said that MP Romaine Laville will be the next Minister of TEATT, if that is so then Laville would have to resign and he cannot appoint anyone to his seat in Parliament because the seat then goes back to the UP. The press release that was sent by the three factions on Monday said that the UP/DP and Independent Member Romain Laville is forming the new government which means that Laville becoming a Minister has been ruled out. Unless the negotiations are still ongoing and Laville will give the UP back their seat in exchange for the Ministerial seat after a decision has been taken on whether or not there will be a third government or if the call for new elections on St. Maarten will go ahead.

Another indication that could lead Heyliger to take a seat in Parliament and not in the Council of Ministers is that he risks failing the screening process because currently there are at least four investigations against Heyliger. Those four investigations are the famous Election Fraud Case that the Prosecutor's Office has for almost three years now, his involvement in the Bada Bing scandal, the complaint filed by Member of Parliament Romain Laville who claimed that Heyliger offered him a $350,000.00 bribe, and the guns that MP Patrick Illidge claimed that he bought from two UP Ministers. It should be noted that at least one person did not pass the screening process when the Democratic Party submitted his name to become the Minister of Plenipotentiary because that person was part of an ongoing investigation.

SMN News learnt from well placed sources that Member of Parliament Dr. Ruth Douglass will soon be leaving her seat in Parliament to take up a job in Curacao since she has been hired as the Director of the Adventist Health Institute in Curacao. Recently, MP Douglass has not been attending all the Parliamentary and Central Committee meetings because she has been focusing on placing her patients under other doctors. Should MP Douglass resign then the door is open for Heyliger to return to Parliament. SMN News tried to reach MP Douglass for a comment on this issue but she could not be reached.

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Police on Curacao conducted two searches at the home and office of assassinated Member of Parliament, Helmin Wiels. The first search took place on Sunday evening around 10pm just hours after Wiels was shot to death by a lone gunman. Radio Direct reporter Richeron Balentien said that the first search took place on May 5th, 2013 around 10pm at the home of Helmin Wiels while the second search was done the following day May 6th, 2013 at the office of the slain Member of Parliament and Leader of the Pueblo Soberano (PS).

Balentien said that the detectives that are investigating the murder were looking for documents that the late PS leader said he has in possession that would send certain persons to prison. According to Balentien, the late PS leader announced last Friday that he had documents that would implicate the Director of UTS. During the two searches the police seized computers and documents as they continue the investigation. The slain Member of Parliament also dispatched a letter to the Government of Curacao with some 31 questions regarding UTS and Robbie's Lottery.

The letter was sent on behalf of the PS faction of the Parliament of Curacao. The slain MP wanted to know if United Telecommunications Service (UTS) has a permit to sell lottery via mobile phones. He also asked if UTS has authority to use its data system to sell lottery numbers. He further asked if there is any truth to UTS selling numbers through its mobile phone services locally (Curacao) and also on an international level by using the Smartplay number game and the Daily number game.

Helmin Wiels outlined in his letter which is posted beneath this article that persons or companies that are selling lotteries must abide by the laws of Curacao, therefore he wants to know if UTS is acting in accordance with the law and if they were granted a tax exemption from the sale of lottery numbers through mobile phones.

Besides the investigation that is in high gear, Balentien said that the people of Curacao remain in shock and the members of Pueblo Soberano (PS) have been calling on the population to remain calm.

So far police in Curacao have not arrested anyone for the assassination of Helmin Wiels.

Click here to view the letter the late PS Leader Helmin Wiels sent to the Government of Curacao regarding the operations of UTS and Robbie's Lottery.

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- The U.S. Consulate General in Curacao condemns the murder of Helmin Wiels in the strongest terms possible. A passionate advocate for the disadvantaged and unemployed, Wiels bravely fought against corruption and to expand education opportunities for Curacao's youth. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
We hope that those responsible will be swiftly brought to justice, and encourage anyone with information to contact the police at 911, 866-6124 or the anonymous 108 line.

silveriajacobs02102012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Silveria E. Jacobs expressed her sadness at the events that transpired at the Fish day on Sunday May 7th 2013.

The Fish day was a shining example of harmonious socialization of St. Maarten's people. The organizers did a tremendous job in bringing this event to the level that it enjoyed. It is a serious dilemma that individuals chose this opportunity to mar a fête rich in culture, history and community to settle vendettas.

This is not St. Maarten's Way. The Minister expressed her condolences to the families of those injured and killed during the fish day.

Minister Jacobs also expressed her shock and sadness at the murder of Member of Parliament (MP) Helmin Wiels of Curacao. "This is truly a sad day and I express my sincerest condolences to the family and the people of Curacao" Minister Jacobs said on Tuesday.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports the Hon. Silveria Jacobs commends the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) for a well-organized and an almost incident free Carnival 2013.

The Minister also thanked the SCDF for bringing back cultural aspects that were clearly visible in the shows that were hosted.

Both Local and international shows garnered the support of many who turned out in full force. Though the SCDF made valiant efforts to incorporate cultural aspects into the carnival calendar of events, there is still much left to be desired with regards to this aspect.

The minister would like to see the cultural wear and speech segments of the Queen shows brought back to the village so that more persons can benefit from the rich cultural heritage displayed and the presentations of the participating young ladies.

All stakeholders put in the 100% + and should be commended for their commitment to making St. Maarten Carnival the best in the Caribbean. A lot of time, effort and creativity and enthusiasm was put into offering locals and visitors culinary delicacies in the various booths, troupe leaders who dedicated themselves to making the parade livelier and more colorful as well the musicians and bands who entertained both the local and international public. Without their support, we wouldn't have experienced such a successful Carnival, the Minister pointed out.

Special commendations also go out to the security personnel and police force during the events as they delivered exceptional service during the festivities. "It was great to experience a carnival in an atmosphere of safety," the Minister said.

We look forward to Carnival 2014 which will mark 45 years of Carnival on St. Maarten. Many are already marking their calendars and reserving their spaces for what promises to be an even greater opportunity to 'Come Experience Life'.

sxmzooboard06052013The Board of the St. Maarten Zoological and Botanical Foundation met recently and held new Board elections.
Pictured left to right are:
Melanie Choisy: elected Assistant Secretary
Amy Arrindell: elected Vice-President
Barbara Cannegieter: Public Relations Officer
Fons O'Connor: Treasurer
Martin Holtermann: elected Board member
Tina Arents: Secretary
Rob Heil: President

The existing Board of the Foundation which has worked together many years, welcomes these new members and looks forward to being able to implement new direction for the Zoo.
Although the Zoo currently is managed by an N.V. operation, this arrangement will terminate in a few months and the Board will once again take over the running of the Zoo.
We will be announcing new initiatives for the Zoo and hope with the help of the community, to be able to make many new improvements there.

cdeweeveratconferenceonhivmedscostreduction07052013Maho:--- On May 7th and 8th a large group of experts from various Caribbean islands and European countries will be attending a conference on St. Maarten at the Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort. The main objective of the consultation is to discuss how Sint Maarten can reduce the prices on HIV/AIDS medicine (anti-retrovirals - ARVs). The option that is being explored and will be discussed at the meeting involves opening access to generic anti-retroviral drugs and intellectual property rights. Current challenges that this meeting will seek to overcome is the fact that under St. Maarten's constitutional structure we are not allowed to purchase generic versions of ARV drugs due to intellectual property rights and various treaties St. Maarten is associated with.

Therefore, at the two day conference participants will review the challenges St. Maarten is facing when it comes to getting access to affordable treatment in St. Maarten, gain an understanding of the various Dutch Laws that affects the access to affordable medicines (ARVS) in St. Maarten, and ultimately identify appropriate strategies that will support access to affordable medicines (ARVs) in St. Maarten. Currently, St. Maarten does have access to treatment for everybody who is diagnosed, however compared to other countries in the region our prices are much more expensive.

The conference is being hosted by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat/Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP), in collaboration with the German International Cooperation (GIZ), EPOS Health Management and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Financial support for the implementation of this activity is provided by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) together with the EU under the project "Strengthening the Integration of the British and Dutch Overseas Territories in the Regional Response to HIV/AIDS through PANCAP."

carnivalqueensreceivecars06052013Cole Bay:--- Signed, sealed, delivered! Senior Carnival Queen Davinia Brooks (below left) and Mature Carnival Queen Paula Gordon (below right) took home their brand new cars on Saturday, the main prizes for winning their respective pageants for Carnival 2013. Motorworld and the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) teamed up to offer the winning prizes. Motorworld was also a title sponsor for both pageants. Managing Director of Motorworld Reza Amjad (first on the left above) and General Manager Ronald Elferink were present for the presentations. The queens thanked Motorworld and the SCDF for the vehicles which they termed as "incredible prizes".

causewayswingbridgebeingputintoplace06052013POINT BLANCHE:--- St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies (SMHG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo announced on Monday that the Causeway Swing Bridge is in place. Mingo expresses gratitude to all those who have contributed to the project especially this particular part.

The Swing Bridge is 220 feet long and weighs 450 tons. The Causeway has a total length of 2493 feet and features a two-lane motorway, a bicycle track and footpaths.

On Sunday, a critical stage was reached in the installation of the Swing Bridge. After removal of some sea fastening devices, preparation of skidding equipment, and the trimming of the Marietje Andrea, the operation started on Sunday at 2:00pm and was completed around 6:00pm the same day.

Monday, the last critical step was the lowering of the Swing Bridge onto its bearing.

April 17 the Swing Bridge was loaded out from a shipyard in the Netherlands onto the transport cargo vessel Marietje Andrea which departed the Netherlands on April 19 for the cross-Atlantic voyage. The vessel arrived on May 03 and transited into the Simpson Bay Lagoon on the same day.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Causeway falls under the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation. The Lagoon Authority aims to ensure that Sint Maarten remains a top yachting destination in the Caribbean while ensuring a safe, secure, pollution free and environmentally sustainable Simpson Bay Lagoon. The Causeway is just one of several initiatives leading to the aforementioned.

Construction of the Causeway started early 2012 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2013. Construction is being carried out by Volker Stevin Construction Europe BV.

The Causeway will improve accessibility to Simpson Bay, the airport and Cole Bay. It will become even more important when the existing Simpson Bay Bridge is open or temporarily out of operation.

The new Causeway will have two round-a-bouts at the Airport Road near the end of the runway and at Union Road near the border. There will be two protected sidewalks for pedestrians and a bicycle track.

The swing bridge is the only element of the Causeway that had to be constructed in the Netherlands. There will be two navigating channels for boats to pass through simultaneously when the swing bridge is open. Large mega yachts will also be able to pass through.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

eholiday14122012Distinguished delegates, ladies, and gentlemen,

Good evening,
It is a pleasure for me to address you for the opening of your seventh Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association Conference here on Sint Maarten. I extend a special welcome to our guests from abroad and in particular to the president of CAROA Mr. Valton Bend. Sint Maarten is honoured to host this CAROA-conference and I invite you all to enjoy the warm hospitality of our friendly island.
As I deliberated on the topics of the program for this conference and the objectives of CAROA it became increasingly apparent that this conference is a celebration of our continued quest for freedom from injustice through the promotion of democracy and the rule of law. Namely, freedom from injustice is fundamentally what it is all about when speaking about promoting good governance to protect the rights of the people.
Our continued quest for freedom from injustice has deep roots in the history of mankind. Justice is not and has never been automatic. Major developments in history going back to the bible, the 400 years enslavement of Africans, the prosecution of the Jews in the second World War and countless other wars including several ongoing conflicts, are testimony to the threats to our freedoms and rights.
As you know following the devastation of the Second World War a new world order was established with the creation of the United Nations and regional international organizations like the Council of Europe, which placed the promotion of human rights and good governance high on the global agenda. The International Treaty on Civil and Political Rights, the International Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Convention for the protection of human rights are important results of this development.
On a national level, in most countries around the world and in the Caribbean, institutions have been created that play a role, in establishing checks and balances and good governance, and in the promotion of democracy and the rule of law. Institutions that support and help in the perfecting of the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, accountability, transparency and justice. Principles upon which our young Sint Maarten nation was founded, as anchored in our constitution. According to Abraham Lincoln, I quote: "The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves—in their separate, and individual capacities." . Unquote. Abraham Lincoln's statement depicts the fundamental role of government in society and by extension underscores the importance of "good governance" in any community. From experience we know that the practice of good governance is not without challenges.
It is therefore essential to establish checks and balances through institutions that help to foster properness, effectiveness and adherence to human rights in and by government. One of these institutions is the Ombudsman. Although the Ombudsman is a very old institution that was founded in Sweden in the 19th Century, the rest of the world has only come to know this phenomenon more recently. I am therefore looking forward to the presentation of the keynote speaker Mrs. Marianne von der Esch, the international representative of the Ombudsman of Sweden, who will speak on the topic "The Evolution of the Ombudsman concept as started in Sweden and its worldwide status today.
In Sint Maarten the Ombudsman only exists just over two and a half years. The Ombudsman can and investigates the behavior of government towards the people to assess the degree of properness of government actions. Here in Sint Maarten the decisions of the Ombudsman are not legally binding and time will tell as to what extent, advices will be followed by Government. Because of that it is expected that the effectiveness of the work of the Ombudsman will more so depend on the quality as well as on the weight and confidence the public places in the Ombudsman as guardian of the public cause. Establishing and securing a solid place for the Ombudsman as a relevant actor in the promotion and realization of good governance is thus essential. I say this because every injustice that remains unresolved is a threat to our collective freedoms and rights.
It is therefore imperative for all Ombudsmen to participate in international frameworks like the CAROA to continue to strengthen and promote the development of Ombudsman institutions throughout the region and the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In closing, I hope you find some time, during your discussions regarding the noble quest for freedom from injustice, to enjoy our friendly island and I wish you all success in your deliberations.
And with that I now declare the seventh Biennial Conference of the Caribbean Ombudsman Association open.

Thank you.

Festival Village:--- With three months away, Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten is in full gear for the second annual event on Saturday August 3rd. 2013 and tickets are on sale now. This year featuring 9 time Grammy award winner John Legend and Percy Sledge famous for numerous songs one of them being "When a man loves a woman".
The Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten event is organized by CD Entertainment, one of St. Maarten's premiere event organizations with over 30 years experience in the industry. According to Mr. Clarence Derby "This is an event unlike any other in St. Maarten". "The St.Maarten Hennessy Artistry event has set the standards for other Hennessy Artistry Events in the world".
This year there will be two entrance fees; VIP tickets will be US $150 in advance, and US $175 at the door. This includes premium Hennessy drinks and food, with VIP service in the front area that will offer amazing tasting stations and great service. Tickets are also available for those who would like to experience only the concert aspect of the show at US $55 in advance and US $75 at the door. Food and beverages will also be available for purchase. According to the organizers, requests for especially VIP tickets are already pouring in, and so it is important to get tickets early. Tickets are available at Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco in Philipsburg, both van Dorp Locations, Mr.Clarence Derby phone: 520-1872 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and 721 Scene Lounge at Puerta del Sol upper floor (former Mooi). Other locations will be announced shortly.
Westin Resort St. Maarten Dawn Beach Resort & Spa will be the host hotel and is working closely with the marketing and sales team of Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten to finalize the vacation packages with various tour operators from various regions such as the Caribbean, North America, Europe, and South America. Westin has arranged for the local market as well packages that can be booked at Travel planners. This is a perfect opportunity to enjoy a nice weekend unwinding and staying at the resort the artists will be accommodated.
Percy Sledge performance will be accompanied by one of our own local band that has been put together by Fred York called: "The Musicologists". They have performed for the Bob Marley tribute back in February and the Heineken Regatta in March. These 13 highly talented artists will be gracing the stage that evening with their own performance first.
Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten is a flexible music communication program blending talents from different genres. It gives the brand a voice to consumer, press, and music industry leaders about Hennessy's long-standing legitimate link to music. Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco is the official distributor of Hennessy. For more information on the Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten visit or contact us at Phone: +1 721 520-7120 / 520-1872 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hennessy Artistry St. Maarten Press Release

"It is with profound shock and sadness that I learned of the senseless killing of Curacao's politician, Pueblo Soberano's (PS) leader, Mr. Helmin Wiels. Firstly I would like to express my deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Helmin and the PS membership and wish them much strength and courage in these most trying of times.

To the people of Curacao, I would also like to extend my condolences and wish you courage, strength and God's wisdom. Although we are no longer part of the same country, our culture and history are so entwined that I indeed speak for the people of St. Maarten in saying that we are all deeply shocked and affected by this tragic and horrible event.

I would like to echo what has already been said by colleagues in Curacao in saying that I too am praying for calm and reflection. Although I know the people of Curacao are momentarily grieving, I urge you to come together in your grief and uphold the principles we all hold so dear; the principles of an open democracy and the right of freedom of speech.

We should now let justice take its course, and trust that those responsible for this heinous act, will be brought to justice. Let us uphold the memory of Helmin Wiels and what he stood for. Let us remember him for the man that he was. Let us all come together, as Caribbean neighbors and support the people of Curacao in this most trying and difficult time."

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

I am very pleased that the Council on Law Enforcement in its latest report has strongly advised for the establishment of an Office for Victim Support. It was in 2011 that the Government decided upon establishing such an office, but two-years later, nothing has come out of it.

The amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure has to also be executed.

I fully support the conclusions of the Council that the society of St. Maarten in general and the victims of crime in particular deserve such an office.

As a Member of Parliament, I would seek an audience with the Council of Law Enforcement within short in order to discuss how from Parliament's point of view society can be assured of such an office can assist victims in the best possible manner.

Drs. Gracita Arrindell
Member of Parliament
United People's (UP) Party

helminwiels06052013Another king

just crowned in the kingdom

of blood, a coronation of bullets wheezing death

in a hail of the assassin's contract of hate

circling to puncture through

the riddled breastbone of the nation

to still&rent the sovereign heart from beating true

but we are who we are even when we fear to be


and "E Politico mas grandi di Curacao

diadomingo pasa di 5:15 atardi

a yega pa cumpra cuminda na ..."

this day, de doden de doden dem walk

victorious, from liberty park to mari pampun

to carry him away, the fallen son, Home

but for the living,

aki, yunan

lucha no kaba.

© by Lasana M. Sekou 2013.

theyliger04032012I was in shock when I heard the news. It is a senseless murder of a representative of the people. Never in the political history of the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles have you heard about a Member of Parliament being murdered.

On behalf of the United People's (UP) Party, I would like to express our deepest sympathy to the family of the Honourable Member of Parliament Helmin Wiels and to the people of Curacao.

This is a sad day in the political history of not only Curacao, but also for the other islands in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. We hear from time to time government officials being killed in other countries where there is civil strife. We don't expect to hear it here in the Caribbean especially on one of the former islands of the Netherlands Antilles that we have an affinity with.

I am confident that the perpetrators of this crime will be apprehended by the authorities within short.

Theo Heyliger
Leader of the United People's (UP) Party

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams released a statement yesterday expressing her sympathy and well wishes to those effected by the shooting at the Fish Day in Cul-de-Sac on Sunday. The Prime Minister stated that she would firstly like to extend her condolences to the family and friends of the victim who lost his life during the shooting and wished those hurt in the incident a quick recovery.

"When I received the news that there was a shooting at the Fish Day event on Sunday evening I was indeed very upset and saddened. Saddened firstly by the loss of life and that innocent bystanders were injured and secondly at the fact that a day in which many people, including families with young children, elderly persons, and various groups within the community of both sides of the island came out to celebrate our fishing heritage, was marred by such a horrible incident.

"When I left French Cul-de-Sac I left it with a warm feeling of togetherness in the community and it is indeed tragic that this has happened. I am praying for the family and friends of the individual that lost his life and for the quick recovery for those injured in the incident. My thoughts are with you all. I would also like to wish the authorities on the Northern Half of our island much strength and courage in bringing the perpetrators to justice," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rodolphesamuel03012013PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. drs. Rodolphe Samuel on behalf of the Parliament of Sint Maarten, expresses his heartfelt condolences to the people and Parliament of Curacao with respect to the murder of Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Helmin Wiels.

MP Wiels was the Leader of the Curacao coalition party Pueblo Soberano (PS).

President expressed shock of hearing about the murder and said that the people of Sint Maarten were also in a similar state as well.

"Our prayers and thoughts are with the family, friends, colleague MPs on Curacao and the people. This is a senseless murder.

"This type of violence regarding a Member of Parliament is unacceptable in a democratic peaceful society. On behalf of the parliament and people of Sint Maarten, we wish the people of Curacao and its leaders much strength as they try to come to grips with what has happened within their society," President of Parliament Hon. Rodolphe Samuel said on Monday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament regarding recent political developments is scheduled for May 13.

The plenary public meeting will be held on Monday morning at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

This meeting was requested by Members of Parliament (MPs) Hon. George Pantophlet, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist of the National Alliance (NA) faction, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson. The request for the plenary session was dated May 6, 2013.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend the parliamentary session.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

hermanwiels05052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Authorities in Curacao have taken major action since the assassination of Pueblo Soberano (PS) Leader Helmin Wiels on Sunday. Radio Direct reporter Richeron Balentien told SMN News on Monday that Wiels was shot in Marie Pompoen around 4:45pm on Sunday while he was hanging out with some of his friends. Balentien said based on reports he received in Curacao, Wiels was at a certain location with some of his friends for about an hour. At some point he asked his friends if they wanted something to drink then he left and went to the bar next door and purchased four Heinekens, one Amstel Malta, and a bottle of water. Balentien further explained that while Wiels was walking back to his friends with the items he purchased a lone gunman that was driving a small gold color KIA stopped, exited the vehicle and fired several shots at Wiels from the back.

The Radio Direct reporter said that based on information they received from police, the gunman was wearing a mask and he was alone in the vehicle at the time of the shooting.

Police in Curacao has elevated their security and surveillance in Curacao by having helicopters flying around Curacao to ensure that no suspicious person or persons leaves the island by boat, the same security measures were taken at the airport in Curacao.

Balentien said that the authorities who are investigating the assassination of the most outspoken politician on Curacao said they are not ruling out any possibility and they have also taken note of the contents of what the late Wiels said on his radio program on Saturday where he said that Robbie's Lottery and United Telecommunications Services (UTS) is involved in some sort of racket with the SMS lottery that are sold via UTS. According to the late PS Leader, the monies that are derived from the sale of the lottery via UTS mobile phones are placed in an account in St. Maarten and it is then transferred to another account in the Bahamas. Wiels claimed during his radio program that Robbie's Lottery is not paying any taxes on the sale of the SMS lottery in Curacao and as such the country is losing approximately 37 million guilders per year. The late PS leader Helmin Wiels also called for an investigation into the alleged scam.

When asked by SMN News how the assassination of Helmin Wiels has affected the people of Curacao, Balentien said that everyone is in total shock because this kind of thing is not known in the Dutch Caribbean. The last radio program that Helmin Wiels broadcasted can be heard on the PS website under their live streaming. The PS has since put in place a condolence book for persons who wish to express condolences to sign at the PS headquarters.

Click here to view MP Helmin Wiels' last Radio Broadcast.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The application process for Mobility Passes for the 2013 Hurricane Season started on April 22, and business sector and vital organizations, have less than three weeks before the process comes to a close.

The pass allows the aforementioned to assess possible damage to their property. Potential applicants have until May 25 to present all relevant information related to the process of requesting a Mobility Pass.

For the 2013 season, the application form as well as information sheet can be downloaded from the Fire Department's website under the tab link "Hurricane Information" followed by the "Hurricane Passes" tab.

Passes are issued to the following categories: government personnel, personnel of essential companies or organizations, (sub) contractors for the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (VROMI), transportation passes for hotel staff, business owners and members of vital organizations to assess possible damage to their property.

The hurricane pass application procedure is only intended for businesses and vital organizations with respect to their key personnel receiving an exemption to a curfew.

The Office of Disaster Management is handling the application process for the passes on behalf of the Prime Minister.

The application form has to be completed and submitted to the offices of the Fire Department & Disaster Management, to the attention of the secretary located at Jackal Road 5, Cay Hill before May 25, 2013, with all necessary documents attached between office hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Philipsburg:--- Three Members of Parliament namely George Pantophlet, Frans Richardson, and Louie Laveist submitted a letter to the Chairman of Parliament dated May 6th, 2013 requesting that he call a meeting to discuss the current political situation on St. Maarten and the reason for the break up of the NA/DP/I-3 Coalition Government. SMN News obtained a copy of the letter that was sent to the President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel, that letter can be viewed beneath this article.

On Sunday, SMN News reported that the Prime Minister of St. Maarten notified the Leader of the National Alliance who is also the Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin that the two Members of Parliament representing the Democratic Party Faction in Parliament and Independent Member of Parliament Romain Laville have withdrawn their support from the current government. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams informed Marlin on Sunday at the Fish Day celebration on the French side of the island.

On Monday, the Cabinet of the Prime Minister announced in a press release that the Prime Minister confirms receipt of a letter from the three Members of Parliament indicating that they have withdrawn their support from the current government. Wescot Williams also indicated in her press statement that she also received a letter that is "supporting a government based on Items Outlined in a draft declaration." That declaration was not sent to the media.

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams also indicated that the Governor of St. Maarten drs. Eugene Holiday got the same letters and she is expected to meet with the Governor on Monday afternoon on the installation of the third government for the governing period 2010 to 2014.

Below is the press statement from the Cabinet of the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Confirms Receipt of Letter Withdrawing Support From Current Government --- Also Confirms Receipt of Letter Supporting a Government Based on Items Outlined in Draft Declaration.

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams issued a statement yesterday informing the population of the current political developments. The Prime Minister confirmed the receipt of two letters, one confirming that the Government of St. Maarten no longer has political support in Parliament and the second regarding the supporting of the formation of a new Government based on several principles outlined in a draft declaration.

"I hereby confirm receipt of two letters: one by three Members of Parliament, namely by the two Parliamentarians of the DP Faction and Independent Laville expressing the fact that they no longer support the current Council of Ministers. This has as a consequence that the Government, so the Council of Ministers, no longer enjoys Majority Support in Parliament. Secondly, I also acknowledge that I have received a letter by the now majority of eight Members of Parliament consisting of the five members of the UP Faction, two members of the DP Faction and Independent Laville supporting a Government based on certain agreements and principles as outlined in a Draft Declaration. The aforementioned letter was also signed by the two member DP Faction and Independent Laville," stated the Prime Minister.

The PM also confirmed that the Governor His Excellency Eugene Holiday has also received the same correspondence and that on Monday afternoon she would be meeting with the Governor regarding the ongoing political developments."

SMN News learned that the political parties that are planning to take over the leadership of St. Maarten will announce the names of the persons that will form the next cabinet sometime on Monday afternoon.

Population Enraged at Laville --- Radio Listeners described Laville as a spoiled child that cannot be trusted.

Several persons within the community of St. Maarten expressed outrage on Monday during the Lloyd Richardson radio program "View Point". Several persons said that St. Maarten politicians especially Romain Laville cannot be trusted and that if he is part of the formation of another government that government will also not last long because according to one of the callers Laville is a spoiled child. "This Member of Parliament cannot be trusted and when he does not get what he wants or his way he will throw down the government. This foreigner is not looking out for St. Maarten's interest he is looking at his own interest and how much he can benefit." Another caller said that St. Maarten should have laws that would prevent naturalized citizens to be on political lists, she said that it is high time for St. Maarteners to elect its own people and not the foreigners that postulate themselves on political lists.

Other persons that called in on the daily radio program felt that it is time that St. Maarten calls for a new election since it is clear that coalition governments are not working in the interest of St. Maarten and its people. Another well known caller on the radio program said St. Maarten needs to change its electoral laws especially when it comes to campaign funding because only then people would be able to vote by their conscience and not be paid to vote for any particular political party. The caller said that the politicians that are now in government cannot be trusted and the only way new blood can take over is if there are specific laws that would control campaign funds.

SMN News reporter spoke to several persons even Members of Parliament that embraced Laville when he left the United Peoples Party. Some of the MPs said they are in total shock with Laville's action. "We simply cannot trust Laville, this "boy" said so much horrible things about the UP Leader and he went as far as filing a complaint against Theodore Heyliger claiming that Heyliger offered him $350,000.00 as bribe to stay with his party and two weeks later he puts the UP back into government. It is clear that the UP leader has something on Laville because it is impossible for him to say one thing today and do another thing the next day." SMN News learnt that a well known businessman on St. Maarten showed Romaine Laville a video they (UP) have on him and if he rock and roll then that video would be made public just like the famous Bada Bing video.

Political pundits in Philipsburg said that the people of St. Maarten are suffering tremendously especially the pensioners and yet politicians find it fitting to change government every year. "Within a period of four years St. Maarten would have to continue paying members of three cabinets. The government of St. Maarten is still paying the UP/DP Ministers who served for a period of 18 months, and should this government be kicked out of office then the salaries of the outgoing Ministers and the incoming Ministers will be added to the payroll. What is happening to St. Maarten is a bunch of power hungry and greedy people looking for their own interest and not the interest and economical situation of the island."

SMN News will bring you more updates on the political situation on St. Maarten as it unfolds.

Press Release from the UPP Faction, the DP Faction, and Independent Member R. Laville.

The eight members of Parliament who currently hold the majority issued a press statement yesterday explaining the current development in Government. The eight members consisting of the DP Faction, UP Faction, and Independent Member Laville said in a joint statement that the difficult decision that was made to withdraw their support was based on the functioning of the Council of Ministers and some Ministries in particular.

"Regretfully there is a divergence of opinion in the Parliament of St. Maarten regarding how the Council of Ministers operates, and specifically in the way in which some Ministries operate in particular. After brief but intense consultations, it became apparent and clear that there is an understanding in principle between the members of the DP Faction, UP Faction, and Independent Laville, and thus the majority of Parliament, on the direction the country should take in the coming months. This understanding in principle is formulated in a Declaration as presented to the Governor and the Prime Minister on Monday, May 6th 2013. This Declaration, and the contents thereof, will be made public in the coming days," read a statement from the DP/ UP/ Independent Laville Parliament.

The statement continues by explaining that the approach of the previous Government lacked cohesion and professionalism especially when it came to the operation of some Ministries. "In essence it is the feeling of DP/UP/Independent Laville Members of Parliament that there must be a much more cohesive approach coming from the Government of St. Maarten. Policies and plans must be aligned as individual Ministers work on further development of the Country. A cohesive and professional approach towards the myriad of issues confronting our young country is the most pressing concern facing us today," concluded the statement.

Click here to view the request submitted by National Alliance and MP Frans Richardson to Discuss Recent Political Developments.

shootingfillin11102012Marigot:--- The Gendarmes are in high gear as they investigate the shooting that left one person dead and seven injured at the Cul de Sac Bay on Sunday afternoon where the annual Fish Day event was taking place.

Captain of the Gendarmerie Sylvain Jouault told SMN News on Monday afternoon that no one was arrested in the shootout but the gendarmes heard one person as a witness. Jouault said he wants to make clear that no one was arrested as it has been circulating on Blackberry messages. "One person was heard but we cannot release the details on what was said and who we heard as a witness." Jouault further explained that one person was shot to death in the shootout while seven persons were injured, of the seven injured one of the victims were air evacuated to Guadeloupe for further medical treatment while the other six persons are currently receiving treatment at the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital in Marigot. Dead is 20 year old Johanthan Freedom from French St. Martin.

SMN News learnt that the person that opened fire at the Cul de Sac Bay was after another youngster known in the Concordia area as Jamal. A source who was at the Cul de Sac Bay said that Jamal ran for his life when he saw the gunman whom he knew was after him. It is further understood that the shooting sparked from two gangs that reside in the Concordia area. Sunday's shooting has sent shock waves throughout the community of St. Martin/St. Maarten leaving many persons in fear. Some persons who would normally attend the annual event said that the event pulls people from all over and they believe that tighter security measures ought to be in place when such huge events are held.

shootingfillin05052013French Cul de Sac:--- A shooting that took place at the Cul de Sac Bay where the annual Fish Day Event is held has left some five people injured. SMN News learnt that two of the victims died as a result of their wounds but that could not be confirmed by authorities.

Currently, ambulance personnel and the Gendarmes are at the scene investigating while persons from both sides of the island that are at the Cul de Sac Bay are scrambling to leave the location in fear for their lives. Captain of the Gendarmerie Sylvain Jouault confirmed to SMN News that a shooting has taken place at the Cul de Sac Bay where the Fish Day Event is held. Captain Jouault said he did not have details on the shooting as he and other law enforcement were on their way to the scene.

SMN News learnt that one of the victims is a man that sells natural juices around the island. The natural juice vendor SMN News understands lives in Agrement while another victim is a younger person from Chevries in French St. Martin, a third victim is said to be a Caucasian female whom it is understood was shot in her throat.

Deputy of French St. Martin Daniel Gibbs told SMN News that he was on the Bay when the shooting occurred. Deputy Gibbs said he was on the bay during the morning hours when the official ceremony took place. He said he left the bay and went home but returned later in the afternoon to enjoy the evening when the shooting took place. Gibbs said he did not see what transpired because his main objective was to get out of the area and to get home.

A resident of Cul de Sac said the 2013 Fish Day was the largest event ever. The resident who preferred to remain anonymous said there were about 20,000 people in attendance including several government officials from the Dutch side of the island. SMN News could not reach the Commandant or Captain of the Gendarmerie for further update Sunday evening. SMN News will bring you more information when it becomes available.\

Below is a Press Release from the Gendarmerie.

On 5 May, 2013 19:45, several shots were fired at the site of the "Fish Day" in Cul de Sac. A twenty year old was killed while 7 people were injured by gunshots in varying degrees, the prognosis is not limited to these seven people. The motivations of these shots are still to be determined as part of the investigation by the Gendarmerie. Anyone who can provide useful information in the investigation is asked to contact the research brigade of the Gendarmerie of St. Martin:

  • By calling "17" or "05 90 52 30"
  • Or in person at the police barracks in Savannah.

The identity of witnesses wishing anonymity will be preserved.

Gendarmes Press Release

randallrobinson05052013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- The St. Martin Book Fair will be an interesting mix of new, famous and senior authors for its 11th edition on May 30 - June 1, 2013, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

Randall Robinson, who the Huffington Post calls an "internationally respected foreign policy advocate," will deliver the keynote address at the St. Martin Book Fair. The author/attorney is also well known for the self-imposed exile from his native USA, followed by his emigration to St. Kitts-Nevis.

The opening ceremony of the literary festival, which alternates between both capitals of the island, will take place at the Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Spring Concordia, Marigot.

The theme of the 2013 book fair is "Drum Beats." "It's thrilling just to think of how a towering intellect, dedicated novelist, and internationally-respected human rights champion will interpret the theme and set the pace for our 'book fair for the entire family'," said Sample.

"I think the links that Mr. Robinson will make between the traditional or ancient meaning and uses of the drum and the very modern communication messages and devices that we use will be a 21st-century stimulation for book fair-goers," said Sample.

Robinson, founder and first director of TransAfrica, the influential Washington, DC-based lobby group – is the author of An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President, The Reckoning: What Blacks Owe to Each Other, the novel Makeda, and other books.

And what's new for the home-front at the literary festival? "The author Robin Boasman will represent the St. Martin writers in 2013," said Shujah Reiph, book fair coordinator.

A teacher at the Sister Magda Primary School, "Robin is completely new to the scene but what a wonderful story she's coming with in her first children's book, Lizzy Lizard," said Reiph following a Book Fair Committee meeting on Saturday.

robinboasman05052013The Boasman adventure story will be launched as the "main book" of the St. Martin Book Fair on June 1, at Belair Community Center, Cay Hill, said Sample. Lizzy Lizard will be one of three HNP titles released during the festival.

There's more. Award-winning author and fine literary critic Dr. Chika Unigwe (Nigeria/Belgium), engineer-turned successful novelist Garfield Ellis (Canada/Jamaica), and one of the most-translated new generation Dutch authors Judith Uyterlinde (Netherlands), are all packing their bags for the Friendly Island this year, said Sample.

Also on the book fair agenda is the Literary Evening of fiction, prose, and poetry readings, set for Grand Case on May 31, and apparently on its own "internal" tour. "The idea has always been to take parts of the book fair to different villages and districts every year – just like we do with the schools on the Friday morning," said Reiph.

"In 2011, we were in Maho with Derek Walcott for the Literary Evening. Last year on the Marigot Waterfront we had writers from all over the world and from the nation, reading from their own works to a full house. We plan to circle the island year by year, so yes, it looks like a tour," laughed Reiph.

Throughout the "main book fair day" on June 1, the festival's workshops, the Children's Room, and other activities will be hosted at the University of St. Martin, Soualiga Blvd., Philipsburg.

Conscious Lyrics Foundation and HNP are organizing the 11th annual St. Martin Book Fair in collaboration with the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and the University of St. Martin.

swescotwilliamsatfishday05052013The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined residents and dignitaries from all over St. Maarten and the neighboring islands in celebrating the island's fishing heritage at the eleventh annual Fish Day Celebrations in French Cul De Sac. The PM also joined the President of the Collectivite Mrs. Aline Hanson in laying a wreath in the waters just off of Pinel Island in remembrance of the hard work and dedication fisherman have provided in feeding the population. "It is good to be here and to be a part of this traditional event celebrating our fishing heritage. It is a good moment, in this celebratory atmosphere to remember the hard work and dedication of our fisherman and our fishing ancestors have shown in going to sea to face the elements in order to feed our population," commented the Prime Minister.

hermanwiels05052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Three men who were in a moving vehicle shot Member of Parliament of Curacao Herman Wiels to death on Sunday afternoon. SMN News learned that Wiels was shot next to the Breeze Hotel in Marie Pompoen around 4:45pm on Sunday. Reporters from Radio Direct told SMN News that Wiels was wearing a bullet proof vest at the time he was shot, but he received between seven to ten gunshot wounds. They said that the Member of Parliament was taken to the St. Elizabeth Hospital in critical condition. MP Herman Wiels was the leader of Pueblo Soberano. However, other reporters told SMN News that Wiels died on the spot where he was shot. They said police already found about sixteen catridges that were fired apparently from a machine gun.

According to reliable sources, speculations are that the shooters could have been related to the Dos Santos families due to a radio program that was broadcasted on Saturday. Other sources in Curacao said that Herman Wiels has been very radical and forceful with some of the measures he has been implementing in Curacao. SMN News further learnt that Wiels broke loose when he discovered that UTS and Robbie's Lottery allegedly has some secret bank account on St. Maarten with millions of guilders. So far, no official report from Curacao law enforcement has been released.

romeopantophlet24092012PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications Hon. Romeo Pantophlet, would like to congratulate the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) and Carnival participants for making Carnival 2013 one of the best festivities the country has ever seen.

"The organization was done in a professional manner making the 44th St. Maarten Carnival a huge success. The Carnival participants are the ones who made the country's premier cultural event the best ever.

"Without their support, we wouldn't have experienced such a great cultural event. I would also like to thank the visitors from abroad as well as the visiting troupes that came from Curacao and Antigua.

"Thank you to the troupes and all their participants. A lot of time, effort and creativity were put into making each troupe the best in their own right. Everybody is already looking at Carnival 2014 and making that one even better than this one. Once again congratulations to everybody who made Carnival 2013 a huge success," Minister Hon. Romeo Pantophlet said on Sunday.

Philipsburg:--- What was dubbed as a constant rumor since Friday; that the present NA/DP/I-3 coalition government has fallen apparently became a reality on Sunday when the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams informed the leader of the National Alliance William Marlin that the two Members of Parliament representing the Democratic Party and Independent Member of Parliament Romain Laville has withdrawn their support from the current government. Marlin could not be reached on Sunday for a comment on the news he received about the fall of government where he holds the majority seats.

SMN News learnt that Marlin was informed verbally while attending the Fish Day celebrations on the French side of the island but nothing was presented to him in writing. A source close to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten said that Prime Minister Sarah Wescot William did not even know that her two Members of Parliament withdrew their support from the current coalition government prior to Sunday. However, rumors have it that the DP and Laville are in discussion with the United Peoples Party to form a new government. Names of several persons were mentioned claiming these persons will become Ministers in the third government for this governing period.

SMN News was also reliably informed that Member of Parliament Romaine Laville joined forces with the Democratic Party Members of Parliament because he has been a part of the Democratic Party Youth wing for a number of years now. The source said that Laville wants to become a Minister because he feels he can do more work for the people of St. Maarten than those currently holding Ministerial positions. One of the portfolios the source said Laville wanted is Education because his dream is to send St. Maarten students to Dominica to further their education rather than the USA and the Netherlands. SMN News contacted Laville on Friday evening for a comment on the rumors and he was asked if he pulled his support from the current coalition. Laville said that he will always remain an Independent Member of Parliament. Laville also said that the present political situation is affecting his parents because his name is always called in scandals. However, MP Laville never denied pulling his support from the current coalition government and while his name is called constantly during the past days he cannot be reached by phone for a comment. Laville did not confirm any of the above statements when he was asked about them.

The only thing MP Laville said is that he is the only child for his parents and the political situation is affecting them, since then Laville could not be reached for further comments.
SMN News also learnt that Laville is constantly at rift with the Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin because he is constantly demanding that certain things be done the way he sees fit. One of the things Laville demanded was that the Government of St. Maarten invest $400,000.00 in TEMPO which turned out to be a loss for the country.

SMN News further learnt that the politicians are now discussing different strategies since one of the options for the island is to call for early elections. Certain politicians contacted persons on the French side of the island that has dual nationalities to see if they were interested in going on a list.

SMN News dispatched an email to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten on Sunday requesting that she provide information on the rumors but up to the time this article is published the Prime Minister did not respond to the email.

Below is the email that was sent to Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams on Sunday. SMN News will bring you an update as soon as more information becomes available.

Dear Madame Prime Minister Wescot-Williams,

During the past days the island and its people are bombarded with rumours and Blackberry messages claiming that the current coalition government namely NA/DP/I-3 have fallen and negotiations are currently taking place between the DP/UP with MP Laville.

I have heard that Laville has decided to join the DP camp since he was part of the Democratic Party Youth wing. I personally contacted MP Laville on Friday and he said his name is always being called. He also stated that he will always remain an Independent MP ever since then Laville cannot be reached even though his name is called constantly. MP Patrick Illidge denied having anything to do with any discussions taking place now and so did MP Frans Richardson.

Since the DP was part of the former coalition and also part of this coalition I am contacting you for a statement as Leader of the Democratic Party and also as Prime Minister of St. Maarten. The constant rumours has caused some sort of instability within the community therefore I think it is only fitting for the Prime Minister who is the Leader of the DP to say whether or not her party is currently involved in any type of political discussions to form a new government.

If this is the case can you also explain the reasons behind the possible break up of this government? And if the former coalition was doing a better job why was it broken in the first place a year ago?

Can St. Maarten afford to damage its credibility with having 3 governments in one governing period? Would this not place St. Maarten in a awkward position and allow possible higher supervision or an instruction be given to the island by the Dutch?

Can St. Maarten afford to pay 3 sets of Ministers now when the island is in an economical crisis especially knowing that the CFT is not too pleased with the 2013 budget and the amount of cuts that had to be made before they approved the 2013 budget?
During the budget debate two weeks ago it was clear that the DP MPs were having problems with the budget and it took a long time for you to get your MPs to vote in favour of the 2013 budget while MP Roy Marlin voted against the Justice Park... A project that was approved by the former Council of Ministers and this Council of Ministers. It is clear since last November that the DP, MPs are having some problems with the coalition. This could be seen during the Parliamentary and Central Committee meetings. Therefore, if my assumption is incorrect I am asking that you make some clarifications.

I took the time to send you all this information while formulating my questions to you in order for you to send me a response as soon as possible.

sarahwescotwilliams05052013"On behalf of the people and Government of St. Maarten I would like to say thank you for your care."

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated all nurses and health care professionals for international Nurses Week celebrated from the sixth to 13th of May. This year the celebrations will occur under the theme of "Delivering Quality and Innovation in Patient Care," and the Prime Minister emphasizes that the nurses and caregivers of country St. Maarten continuously strive to deliver quality health care to patients. "Our Nurses on St. Maarten oftentimes go far beyond what their job description entails; providing care for our sick and infirm and ensuring that those amongst us who are most vulnerable receive their much needed care. I must also commend our nurses for continually innovating to enhance the quality of patient care provided here on St. Maarten, whether improving conditions for one patient or solving a problem for many, their work is indispensable.

"Patients island-wide are benefiting from nurses' leadership role in improving quality health care and in using their knowledge, compassion, and skills in helping patients maintain and improve their health, educate them about their treatment, and care for their bodies and minds throughout their lives. So once again to all nurses and on behalf of the people and Government of St. Maarten I would like to say thank you," concluded the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Congratulates Culinary Student, encourages all studying abroad to excel in chosen fields

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated St. Maarten Johnson and Wale University (JWU) Student Tracy Blijden on winning first place at the Seafood Competition at the JWU North Miami Campus. Ms. Blijden tied first place with Jaquille Edgecombe for the top spot at the prestigious Culinary Institute's seafood competition. "I would like to congratulate Tracy for this very important milestone. We all know that St. Maarten has some of the best restaurants in the region but now the region knows that St. Maarten also produces the best chefs. I am very happy to hear of Tracy's achievement and I look forward to sampling some of her seafood creations in the future," congratulated the Prime Minister. Tracy, who is studying Culinary Arts at JWU's North Miami Campus, will present her winning dish at the ninth annual Deering Seafood Festival on Sunday at the historic Deering Estate in Palmetto Bay, Florida. The cooking demonstrations are one of the most popular events at the festival and in the past have had standing-room-only attendance. Tracy will present her dish at 4 p.m. "I encourage Tracy and all students to continue to represent St. Maarten in your chosen fields. Know that you make us proud," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

omarsmithnelson20032011Pointe Blanche:--- A prison riot that began early Saturday morning has left Omar Smith Nelson better known as Chucky with either his hand or fingers severed. SMN News learned that Nelson was seriously injured on his arms and legs. At least two ambulances and a number of police vehicles were seen racing to the Point Blanche House of Detention shortly after 9am on Saturday morning. A reliable source from the prison said that Chucky was severely injured during the prison fracas that involved several prisoners. The source said that the other prisoners severed either the arm or some of Chucky's fingers. He was said to be in serious but stable condition at the St. Maarten Medical Center. SMN News has been informed that the Police Department is currently investigating.

Omar Smith Nelson (Chucky) is a well known prisoner who is currently serving an 18 year prison sentence for the murder of Wouter Romejn. Chucky Nelson escaped from the Pointe Blanche House of Detention in March 2011. He was recaptured on August 29th, 2011 in an apartment on Nazarette Drive, Dutch Quarter. Chucky was later charged and convicted for escaping from the Prison, two armed robberies, and a kidnapping.

Prison Director Edward Rohan could not be reached on Saturday morning for a comment. SMN News also could not reach Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos for a comment on the incident that occurred Saturday morning leaving one prisoner injured.

SMN News learnt that the police and Minister of Justice could not reach the Prison Director Edward Rohan when the fight broke out. Later Rohan showed up at the Prison Facility where the fight and investigation took place.
Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte told SMN News in an invited comment that police were called to the prison facility to provide assistance because of a fight. De Witte said based on their preliminary investigation it appears as though several prisoners were involved in the fight leaving one of them severely injured in his hand and legs. The top cop said that the victim has been seriously injured but his hand or fingers were not severed. "At first those that attended to the victim felt that his fingers were cut off because of the amount of blood but that is not the case." De Witte also confirmed that police arrested one prisoner (suspect) that was involved in the fight while the injured prisoner Omar Nelson better known as Chucky is now a patient at the St. Maarten Medical Center.
De Witte said that it is possible that other prisoners that were involved in the early morning fracas will be arrested as they progress with the investigations. "Presently the detectives are interrogating the suspect and the Prison Guards that were on duty when the fight broke out on Saturday morning."
Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte made clear that the Police Management is not in charge of the prison facilities including the holding cells at the Philipsburg Police Station. "The persons that have to give information about the Prison are the Director of the Prison Facility or the Chief Prosecutor that oversees the prison. The only reason the police is involved in this case is because a crime has been committed inside the prison."

rolandduncanreceivesreportonvictimsassistance03052013Philipsburg:--- On Tuesday April 23, 2013, member of the Council on Law Enforcement, Mr. Franklin Richards presented a copy of a completed report to Minister of Justice, Mr. Roland Duncan. The report entitled "Victims Assistance in St. Maarten" looked at the "methods employed by the criminal justice system for helping the victims of crime".
The council stated that in May 2012, the parliament of St. Maarten adopted a new criminal code known as the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP), which is "currently being reformed". These amendments have improved the legal position of victims in many ways. However, the Council claimed that these laws "fall short of the level of protection for victims of crime as recommended by the United Nations.
The report further stated that "much to its satisfaction, it has found that within the criminal justice system, the position of victims has gained considerable attention lately'. The Minister of Justice, in deciding that an Office for Victim Support must be established in St. Maarten, has taken an important step". It is the Council's opinion that such an office could very well raise the support and assistance for victims to a new level.
As its starting point, the Council used recommendations as stated in the United Nations declaration, "Basic Principles of the Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power", on the fundamental rights of victims of crime. These recommendations were also compared to other "relevant statutory laws of St. Maarten. According to the report, the Council has also used these recommendations as a standard to assess procedures for victim support
"The Council hopes that the establishment of the Office for Victim Support and the amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) will be effected without delay and that the government of St. Maarten will provide proper funding, as these are of the utmost importance. The Council is of the opinion that the society of St. Maarten in general and the victims of crime in particular deserve this"

Click here to view the Council on Law Enforcement Report on Victims Assistance.

From the Cabinet of the Minister of Justice

swescotwilliamsatcausewaybridgearrival03052013Simpson Bay:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined a large crowd of onlookers and invited dignitaries to witness the arrival of the swing bridge section of the Simpson Bay Lagoon Causeway. The Prime Minister, who had just arrived from the Netherlands where she attended the inauguration ceremony of His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander, joined in the excitement in seeing the ship carrying the bridge the "Marietje Andrea" pass through the Simpson Bay Bridge. "This is an important milestone for the island in completing this major project. I commend all of those who were involved today in making this happen, no small feat considering the large size of the ship, the largest to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor Hon. Cornelius de Weever extends words of congratulation and thanks to management and staff of the Ambulance Department for doing an exceptional job in medical safety during the Carnival Season.

The Ambulance Department is the responsible agency for providing medical assistance on the whole and specifically during the yearly premier large scale event like Carnival.

"Once again it has been demonstrated that proper coordination & teamwork with our two voluntary organizations WIEMS & Red Cross paid off to be able to guarantee continued timely, effective and efficient medical response and assistance during this period.

"As Minister of Public Health, I would also publicly like to thank these two voluntary organizations and the entire staff of the Ambulance Department on their professionalism and for a job well done," Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Hon. Cornelius de Weever said on Friday.

"When every second counts it is important that during large scale events that we have medical teams at strategic locations as was demonstrated to administer emergency care in order for them to save our lives," Minister De Weever added.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Preparations are being finalized for National Remembrance Day 2013 on Saturday afternoon. Government will again remember the victims who fought during the Second World War.

The commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony will take place on May 4 at 5:30pm at the Captain Hodge's Wharf in Philipsburg.

His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday, President of Parliament Hon. Rodolphe Samuel, Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams, representatives of government and uniformed officials will be in attendance.

HE Governor Holiday will inspect the honor guard followed by his line-up next to the President of Parliament and the Prime Minister.

At 5:50pm the flag of the Netherlands and of Sint Maarten will be hoisted and flown at half-mast and saluted by the honor guard. This will be followed by an invocation by a representative of the Council of Churches, theme freedom.

Two minutes of silence will be observed in memory of those who died during the war.

At 6:02pm the wreath-laying will take place by HE Governor Holiday, the Prime Minister and the President of Parliament.

The Second World War was a global war that started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It has been described as the most widespread war in history, where more than 100 million people served their countries in military groups.

Approximately 50 to 70 million people lost their lives making it the deadliest conflict in human history.

cedricpeterson03052013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Department of Communication (DCOMM) Broadcaster Cedric Peterson is current in Curacao attending a Caribbean Media Summit workshop that is being held on Curacao from May 3 to 5.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Government of Curacao, Curacao Media Organization, Association of Caribbean Media Workers, Caribbean Media Workers, Caribbean Broadcasting Union, Caribbean Media and Communication Institute and Curacao National Commission for UNESCO, celebrated on Friday, May 3 World Press Freedom Day followed by the summit.

The world theme of this year's World Press Freedom Day is "Safe to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media."

The two-day Caribbean Media Summit is featuring among other things three capacity building workshops targeted for journalists/media professionals. The workshops are: reporting elections; reporting disaster; and reporting sustainable development.

The key note speech will be delivered by Alison Bethel McKenzie, Director of the International Press Institute about Safety of Journalists and Criminal Defamation.

Some of the other topics to be addressed are: Safety of Journalists in the Caribbean: Where we are and what should be done?

Decriminalizing of Defamation; Voices against impunity; Online safety for journalists; Community media and sustainable livelihood in the Caribbean; Towards quality journalism education in Caribbean: Are you doing enough?

The summit will conclude on Sunday with a final session on Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media.

The summit is taking place at the Renaissance Hotel.

causewayswingbridgearrivesinsxm03052013POINT BLANCHE:--- The extended bridge opening for Friday, May 3 lasted less than half an hour as the longest vessel ever to enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon, the Marietje Andrea transited without any hitches to the applause of many onlookers on both sides of the Simpson Bay Bridge.

Minister of Harbour Affairs Hon. Romeo Pantophlet and St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies (SMHG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo were on-board the vessel for the transit through the bridge.

The operation started a little after 1:00pm and by 1:25pm, the vessel had safely cleared the draw bridge and moved through the lagoon to the causeway where it positioned itself for the later transfer of the swing bridge unto its mount on the causeway.

After the safe transit was completed, Minister of Harbour Affairs Hon. Romeo Pantophlet presented a token of appreciation to the Captain of the Marietje Andrea Henk Danser in the presence of members of the Harbour Supervisory Board of Directors, its CEO and Mrs. Danser.

romeopantophletpresentstokentocapthenkdanser03052013The Minister thanked Captain Danser for his professional seamanship with the North Atlantic Ocean crossing to Sint Maarten and with the seamless transit of the vessel into the lagoon without incident.

Minister Pantophlet also thanked all harbour personnel who played a role in the preparations leading up to the transit of the vessel into the lagoon, as well as the emergency services (Ambulance, Fire Department and Police), public works, contractors and others who in one way or the other played a role.

The Minister also thanked stakeholders for their cooperation in informing their employees and hotel guests, about the bridge opening.

Observations were made that it was a perfect day for the transit to take place as the wind was nearly non-existent.

The 126 meter long (413 feet) cargo transport vessel Marietje Andrea is 15 meters wide (49 feet) and has a gross tonnage of 5418. The longest vessel to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon is the 96 meter (316 feet) mega yacht Limitless. The Andrea is almost 100 feet longer than the Limitless.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

philipsburgpioneerpathfindersandsxmnaturefoundationguanabaybeachcleanup02052013Guana Bay:--- The Philipsburg Pioneer Pathfinders and the St. Maarten Nature Foundation held an impromptu cleanup of Guana Bay Beach last Tuesday. Nature Foundation Turtle Watch Volunteer Marco Brouwers and some two dozen young volunteers cleaned the beach of approximately twenty bags of Garbage and numerous ropes, fishing nets and plastic debris. "This spontaneous activity was a great success. We managed to get the Guana Bay Beach clean especially for the nesting sea turtles and managed to clear some large fishing nets which were washed ashore. This is especially important and we would sincerely like to thank the Philipsburg Pioneer Pathfinders for their effort," read a Nature Foundation statement. The St. Maarten Nature Foundation actively manages the sea turtle population on St. Maarten, particularly during the nesting season. The Foundation conducts various activities with regards to sea turtle nesting including beach surveys, nest excavations, tagging activities and nest success research. This research is done through beach patrols by staff, volunteer checks and dedicated research activities conducted on a daily basis during nesting season. The Foundation urges the community to call its offices on 5444267 if they notice sea turtles nesting or if they notice illegal activities on any of the island's beaches.

sxmrepsmeetwiththomascook02052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Honorable Minister Romeo Pantophlet, representatives of the Sint Maarten Tourist Bureau, Department of Civil Aviation and L'Office du Tourisme de Saint Martin, met with Tour Operator Thomas Cook Northern Europe last week to discuss the possibility of starting a service from Stockholm, Sweden to Sint Maarten for the 2014-2015 tourist season.

Representatives of Thomas Cook Northern Europe were on the island for a familiarization trip in order to see if Sint Maarten/Saint Martin has the type of hotel accommodations as well as activities required to attract the Swedish/ Scandinavian traveler.

Large hotels on both the Dutch and French sides of the island were visited as well as a day trip to St. Barths was made in order to show the unique position this island is in and the advantage for travelers to be able to island-hop, thus maximizing their Caribbean vacation - experience.

During the discussions, the representatives of Thomas Cook Northern Europe indicated that the hotel rates on the island are 20-30% higher than most other destinations they service. However, they will await proposals from the hotels visited on this trip with the rates for the 2014-2015 season.

"Securing this agreement with Thomas Cook will be significant for the island. Based on the travel behavior of the Scandinavian travelers, the airline will be flying to Sint Maarten every two weeks, which means that the visitors will be on island for two weeks as opposed to the present average length of stay of four days. This means better occupancy figures for the hotels and a greater impact on the economy. I trust that the hotels will be more than cooperative in securing this venture by lowering their rates," Honorable Minister Romeo Pantophlet pointed out.

Thomas Cook Northern Europe will utilize an Airbus 330 aircraft with a capacity of 325 seats. The representatives informed the Minister that they will have a final decision by October 2013 on whether or not they will start service to the destination.

telemgroupcellsite02052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group is busy working with the Bureau of Telecommunications on St. Maarten to identify a source of interference that is affecting the company's 3G mobile customers.
According to Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa, the interference is a total mystery and it is causing mobile voice and data customers to drop calls and lose internet connections without warning.
He said the problem was reported to the Bureau of Telecommunications as soon as it was determined that the interference was not caused by faulty hardware of software from TelEm Group's own 3G mobile voice and data network.
"We have reported the matter to the Bureau and we have requested a different frequency for our customers until we can find the source of the interference and shut it down," said Mr. Louisa.
He cannot say at this stage if the interference is deliberate and malicious, but says it is certainly affecting regular 3G voice and data services to TelEm Group mobile customers.
Customers who are experience problems with the TelEm Group 3G network are advised to take their handsets off AUTO and "push" their service onto the company's 2G network until the new 3G frequency request to the Bureau of Telecommunications is granted.
Using AUTO will cause the handset to toggle between 3G and 2G. This is not desired. At present customers in the affected areas should keep their phones on 2G only. The affected areas areCole Bay, Simpson Bay, Maho, Cupecoy and South Reward
"Mobile handsets and smartphones that are set to automatically select the most suitable network will jump from the 2G network to the 3G network depending of what signal is available. We are advising users who have their phones set for 3G use only, or for AUTO use, to reset their handset to the 2G network as a temporary fix if they are having difficulty at this time with the 3G voice and data service," advised the Chief Technical Officer.
According to Mr. Louisa a team of engineers and technicians along with Manager, Network Operations, Mr. Julien Lake, are diligently working on the problem of locating the source of the present inference and at the same time are preparing the network for any new frequency configurations that may be deployed.
"Customers can rest assured that we are doing all that we can to resolve a matter which is not totally within our control," Mr. Louisa added.
TelEm Group management has meantime apologized to customers for interference to their regular 3G voice and data mobile service.

Telem Press Release

usfolrepairsnoswelitaseniorcitizenshomeroof02052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- On 26 April 2013, members from the U.S. Forward Operating Location (USFOL) attended the grand opening of Nos Welita Senior Citizen's Home. Over the past year, USFOL organized 7 events in which 54 volunteers donated 190 hours to do painting and roof work.
For their contributions to the facility, the USFOL was honored by having its name placed on the "Wall of Sponsors" located at the front of the building. The corresponding picture is from one of the roof installation projects held last summer.
The men and women of the U.S. FOL frequently volunteer in the local community in an effort to build friendship with the citizens of Curacao.

swescotwilliamsatkingsinaugurationceremony02052013AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams (sixth from left) paused for a group photo with public officials from throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Tuesday morning, right before the Signing Ceremony for the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander at the Royal Palace on Dam Square in Amsterdam. Also joining the Prime Minister in the photograph were His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday (third from right, rear row), President of Parliament the Honorable Rodolphe Samuel (fourth from left) and the Minister Plenipotentiary the Honorable Matthias Voges (sixth from right). "We are excited for the Kingdom, for the new royal couple and look forward to visit our island St. Maarten," commented the Prime Minister prior to the Inauguration.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

POINT BLANCHE:--- The extended bridge opening for Friday, May 3 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, could be less than two hours St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies (SMHG) Management said on Thursday.

The extended opening could be less than two hours on Friday and every effort will be made to keep the bridge opening as short as possible. Emergency service vehicles (Ambulance, Fire Department and Police) have been given permission by the French authorities to use French territory in order to reach the Western side of the country via the Cupecoy/Low Lands route in the event of an emergency.

All stakeholders should have informed their employees and hotel guests, about the bridge opening. The extended bridge opening is in connection with the arrival and transit through the draw bridge by the cargo vessel Marietje Andrea carrying the Causeway Swing Bridge.

Notification Boards have already been placed at strategic points notifying motorists about the extended bridge opening on May 3.

Night-time transition of the cargo vessel into the Lagoon is not feasible for a number of reasons. Firstly, during the day time its high tide and this would contribute to the safe transit of the vessel into the Lagoon; secondly, from a safety perspective, daylight allows for all coordinators to have a bird's eye view when the vessel moves through the draw bridge which leaves very little room for error because there will only be 80 centimetres of clearance between the vessel and both sides of the bridge.

Management of the Harbour Group of Companies regrets any inconvenience that this extended bridge opening will cause and expresses its apologies to all stakeholders. At the same time, the harbour group would like to thank all those to date who are playing a critical role in making this transit safe and incident free.

The 126 meter long (413 feet) cargo transport vessel Marietje Andrea is 15 meters wide (49 feet) and has a gross tonnage of 5418. The longest vessel to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon is the 96 meter (316 feet) mega yacht Limitless. The Andrea is almost 100 feet longer than the Limitless.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

Philipsburg:--- The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports would like to inform the general public that the Carnival, Queens Birthday, and Labour Day vacation for schools ended on Wednesday May 1st, 2013. Regular classes resumed on Thursday May 2nd, 2013. There has been no approved changes to the 2012 -2013 vacation schedule. Therefore all parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that their children report to school.

No decision was taken by the Minister of Education to close schools on May 2nd, 2012. Any such decision would have been communicated formally through the media. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children report to school and are asked not to take heed of messages forwarded via smart phone or other means of communication that reports school closures other than that communicated through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports.

In addition, persons issuing statements regarding school closures without formal directives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports are strongly urged to refrain from such behavior as it misinforms the public and could adversely affect children and their education.

rodolphesamuel03012013PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. drs. Rodolphe Samuel on behalf of the Parliament of Sint Maarten, would like to congratulate the newly appointed President of the Collectivite Hon. Aline Hanson.

President Samuel said he is looking forward to working with President Hon. Hanson during her tenure.

President Samuel added that he was also looking forward toward the Parliament of Sint Maarten establishing a working relationship with the Territorial Council of the Collectivite.

Hanson first served as Vice President before taking on her new post.

telemcarnivalrevelers01052013Pond Island:--- An old time brass band, a majorette group and non-stop public participation contributed to a "memorable" carnival 2013 experience for St. Maarten's premier telecommunication provider, TelEm Group.
The company's team of volunteers were out in force during the Carnival Grand Parade Tuesday whipping up the carnival crowds with dance routines and a loud brass ensemble.
"We wanted to bring some of the "Old School" feel back to carnival. Judging by the response from the crowds, we were very well received," said TelEm Group Marketing Officer, Marelva Felix-Jones.
She says TelEm Group customers have come to expect something different from their favour telecommunication provider on big occasions such as these and all efforts were made not to disappoint.
"Our customers and friends can expect us to continue to be different and put new twists on other events for the rest of the year," continued the Marketing Officer.
She said the company's involvement in this year's carnival began weeks before the opening of carnival on April 18, with some pre-carnival roadshow parties.
It continued with sponsorship of several carnival events including the opening night of Carnival, two hugely successful beauty pageants and a Youth Extravaganza concert.
"We could not have done any of it without the help and participation of the public, especially TelEm Group customers and friends who have been with us from the start of our campaign right to the final parade," continued Marelva.
She thanked the group's costume designers, sponsors, helpers, band participants, the majorettes, coordinators and especially TelEm Group personnel who worked tirelessly to make the event a fun one for everyone concerned.
On behalf of the team, Marelva has also thanked TelEm Group management for supporting the company's Carnival Core Team Carnival program 2013.

Telem Press Release

steelbridgeforcausewayleavingholland21042013POINT BLANCHE:--- The extended two-hour bridge opening is tentatively set for Friday, May 3 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies (SMHG) Management said on Wednesday.

All stakeholders are reminded to inform employees and hotel guests, while others are requested to take note, airlines, travelers (day visitors), employees, car rentals, taxis and others, of the extended bridge opening that will take place in connection with the arrival and transit through the draw bridge by the cargo vessel Marietje Andrea carrying the Causeway Swing Bridge.

Notification Boards have already been placed at strategic points notifying motorists about the extended bridge opening on May 3.

Prior to the transition of the longest vessel ever to enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon, the wind conditions at the Simpson Bay Bridge must also be at an acceptable safe level to have an incident free transit.

Night-time transition of the cargo vessel into the Lagoon is not feasible for a number of reasons. Firstly, during the day time its high tide and this would contribute to the safe transit of the vessel into the Lagoon; secondly, from a safety perspective, daylight allows for all coordinators to have a bird's eye view when the vessel moves through the draw bridge which leaves very little room for error because there will only be 80 centimetres of clearance between the vessel and both sides of the bridge.

Management of the Harbour Group of Companies regrets any inconvenience that this extended bridge opening will cause and expresses its apologies to all stakeholders. At the same time, the harbour group would like to thank all those to date who are playing a critical role in making this transit safe and incident free.

Everything will be in place for a smooth transition of the vessel through the lagoon, and provisions are also in place for emergency services. Police, Fire and Ambulance contingencies, are in place. Protocol arrangements are being made with French government officials for Dutch side emergency vehicles to use the French road network to access the Western and Eastern sections of the Dutch side during the two hour bridge opening in the event of an emergency.

The 126 meter long (413 feet) cargo transport vessel Marietje Andrea is 15 meters wide (49 feet) and has a gross tonnage of 5418. The longest vessel to ever enter the Simpson Bay Lagoon is the 96 meter (316 feet) mega yacht Limitless. The Andrea is almost 100 feet longer than the Limitless.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation, is a subsidiary of SMHG, and has an advisory role with respect to Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

arthurlugisse13082010PHILIPSBURG:--- April 1-3 was International Day in Tallahassee Florida which was attended by Arthur Lugisse, Director of the Tallahassee-St. Maarten Foundation Inc. (TLH-SXMF) and St.Maarten Government Liaison in Florida for Trade-Tourism Economic Development, Infrastructure and Social Development etc.

His report indicates the opportunity for local businesses to be able to set up joint ventures with Florida companies and also options for financing for local businesses to get goods and services out of Florida.

Minister Hon. Romeo Pantophlet and the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce will have an informative meeting for local businesses soon, and Lugisse is calling on the business sector to pay attention for the information when and where it will be held.

"There will be opportunities for Food and Beverage supply, Green Houses, Heavy Equipment, Building Materials, Freight options, St. Maarten Air Ambulance, Shoes, Clothes, Appliance, Technology, Solar Lighting, New and used vehicles, road construction equipment, opportunity for manufacturing and packaging out of St. Maarten," Arthur Lugisse pointed out.

Jerry Gilpin for Agriculture and food supplies, Floridian Companies will be coming to St. Maarten on a trade mission within short. Florida being one of the main export cities in America and its close proximity to St. Maarten makes a lot of sense to pursue this initiative.

At the event that Lugisse attended, he met with the Ambassador to Brazil Mauro Vieira, the Florida Chamber President, Steve Fancher, President & CEO of FEFC, Manny Mencia, Ken Detzner, Secretary of State, and Governor of Florida Rick Scott.

"The consensus at the International Days event was tremendous. All principals and members were very much up beat on Florida being the export City of America. International trade was the main focus. I am currently working on a trade mission to and from Florida for the near future," Lugisse added.

The Executive Director of the St. Maarten Chamber Claret Corner recently welcomed and gave a tour to one of Florida Chamber of Commerce executives Leslie Snyder with two other Tallahasseeians who had many pleasant things to report about St. Maarten and its hospitality.

Arthur Lugisse said it's also an opportunity for the St. Maarten Chamber to be affiliated with the Florida Chamber who has been planning many international trips with other countries and St. Maarten can be part of this effort. If business thrives then these can offer better prices to our Community, St. Maarten will also be business friendly and become a distribution centre to the rest of the Caribbean.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 marked a historic moment in the constitutional history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands as many people witnessed in person or via the media the changing of the sceptre as our beloved Queen Beatrix signed over the reins to her son Prince Willem-Alexander.

The UP Party once again takes this opportunity to congratulate the House of Orange.

The UP parliamentary faction extends heartfelt congratulations as they accept the new responsibilities and task bestowed upon them, thereby signalling the end of the one era and the start of a new one.

May God give them strength, wisdom and patience as they carry out their duties as Head of State.

We are looking forward, together with the people of Sint Maarten to enthusiastically welcome the Royal family on our soil in November 2013.

Drs. Gracita Arrindell
Member of Parliament
United People's (UP) Party

soniatondureceivesrecognitionawardfromcdeweever01052013Philipsburg:--- The Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the Tripartite Committee organized a church service which was held at the Philipsburg Methodist Church in commemoration of Labour Day (May 1st). Among those that attended the service were Minister of Labour Cornelius de Weever, Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin, Minister of Finance Roland Tuitt, Ombudsman Nilda Arduin Lynch, Chairman of the Council of Advice Mavis Brooks and several persons from the Department of Labour such as Policy Advisor Raphael Boasman and Head of the Labour Department Peggy Ann Dros-Richardson. Also among the invited guests were President of WITU and Vice President of the WICLU Claire Elshot and President of the WICSU/PSU Deri Leonard.

At the Sheer Restaurant, the invited guests including the three honorees were recognized for the efforts they placed in the labour movement on St. Maarten. The late Alrett Peters was considered the father of the labour movement. Relatives of the late Mr. Peters, including his son Sixto Peters and other family members accepted the recognition award for their father.

Head of the Policy Department and Chairman of the Tripartite Committee Raphael Boasman said Peters was the founder and President of the first labour union, General Workers Union of the Windward Islands in 1966 that was formed on St. Maarten. Peters was the first unionist that led a strike on St. Maarten in 1968 and also the first to sign a Collective Labour Agreement on the island, while he was also the first to organize Labour Day celebrations on the island in 1967. The late Alrett Peters represented workers from GEBE, Little Bay Hotel and Casino, and Harbour Corporation N.V. All of this was done under one union. During the 1960's when Peters established the first union he had approximately 500 members. He was the one that introduced the 40-hour work week for workers on St. Maarten, the family medical plan for workers, and extra pay for workers who worked on holidays. He also established that St. Maarten's Day (November 11th) be recognized as national holiday (working holiday).

The second honoree Willy Haize did not attend the service neither his son since both of them are overseas due to medical reasons. Haize was described as a man that is fearless, aggressive and has a style of militancy, some things that workers deemed necessary to deal with what they saw as ruthless corruption and exploitative businessmen and politicians. Willy Haize represented the workers of GEBE when he was contacted by the workers of that company. In 1973, Haize formed the United Federation Union (UFA) of the Windward Islands. His dress code back then was the living symbol of the UFA. His militant attitude and his talks made employers uneasy. Joy Arnell said just mentioning Haize's name would make some of the most ruthless employers hesitant and nervous. Haize's status skyrocketed overnight from being a magician to a messiah. Workers on St. Maarten admired Haize after he began to deliver victory upon victory for workers. The UFA had the power to close down trade since they represented workers at the Harbour, St. Maarten Aviation Services, and GEBE. The UFA could have shut off electricity and water in no time in St. Maarten, Saba, and Statia, the movement basically was in a position to cripple activities on the island.

The third honoree Sonia Tondu, worked behind scenes for workers. She has been a lifelong member of trade unionism. Tondu worked for ABN bank when she returned to St. Maarten and was part of the union "BEBA" that represented workers of ABN in the early 1980's. She later worked for the Philipsburg Jubilee Library and became a member of the Windward Islands Civil Servants Union/Private Sector Union (WICSU/PSU). In the 1990's Tondu joined the Government civil core in the Department of Finance. To date Tondu under the WICSU/PSU banner represents workers of the prison and casinos and has taken part in a number of negotiations on behalf of these workers with the government of St. Maarten. While still working for the Government of St. Maarten, Tondu remains a member of the GOA and continues to negotiate the benefits of workers with government.

Click here to view more photos of Labour Day activities.

It is Official. Imbali and Motiance Dance School have merged to become NATIONAL INSTITIUTE OF ARTS.
As one of the first activities to embrace the new vision, we are organizing a special audition to create a selection class in classical ballet...
We hereby invite all students of dance, to audition for this class. This is a first, in a series of upgrading of our dance curriculum.

WE know many of you are still in Carnival mode, but this is a wonderful opportunity for many of you, who are dedicated to your dance arts.

We are inviting a special panel of judges that include, a physical therapist as well as musicologist. Of course your teachers, will be there to lend you their support...

This is an open audition. All lovers of dance are welcome. You need not only be a Motiance or Imbali student. Tell a friend. This class is created with you in mind. Please call us for more information.

Audition National Institute of Arts
"Selection Class" Classical Ballet

On May 3, 2013 in the John Larmonie Center at 4:30 pm.
The N.I.A. will host an audition for classical ballet for youth ages 8 to 13 with at least 2 years of classical ballet training.

The audition panel will consist of a professional team inclusive of a physical therapist and musicologist.
Attire: leotard, tights, ballet slipper, dance skirt allowed.
Interviews will be conducted at the end of the audition.

Address: John Larmonie Center, Long Wall Road #20, and Philipsburg
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

'Discover Card' a main sponsor for SMART 2013.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Well known card credit brand – Discover Card – has signed on as the main sponsor for St. Maarten/St. Martin's Annual Regional Tradeshow (SMART) set for May 15-17. The card company will officially launch its campaign for the North Eastern Caribbean at the tradeshow slated for the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort &Casino.
SMART is the biggest marketing effort of the North Eastern Caribbean sub-region for which Princess Juliana International Airport functions as a hub. This is the twelfth year of the tradeshow that draws hoteliers and activities providers from St. Maarten/St. Martin and numerous surrounding islands.
Forty wholesale travel company representatives from South America, including Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Colombia, and Uruguay, will spend a week here for site and activities inspections and to attend SMART. This is a new initiative to boast the region and, in particular, St. Maarten/St. Martin's presence in South America by St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, in cooperation with the French side Tourist Office, the Anguilla Tourism Authority and COPA Airlines.
Invitations have also been sent to wholesalers in Europe. This has resulted in 11 wholesalers registering for SMART from Sweden and 2 from the Netherlands. This will triple the wholesale/buyer attendance for the first time.
Another new feature is the presence of a number of merchants promoting their products and services adjacent to the selling floor.
Hoteliers from surrounding Islands are encouraged by SMART organizers to register immediately to still be able to be part of this unique tradeshow.
The Welcome Party will take place at Sky Beach at Sonesta Maho on May 15 and the Farewell Party will be at the elegant La Samanna Hotel on May 16.
To register online, go to and click on SMART or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Time is running out. Be SMART, attend SMART 2013!

SHTA Press Release

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Head of the Ambulance Department at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labour Cylred Richardson, announced that an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) team will be stationed at the Simpson Bay Police Sub Station during the approximately two-hour passage of the Swing Bridge into the Simpson Bay Lagoon tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 3 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

Any emergency's that take place within the two hour period while the draw bridge is open, the ambulance and emergency medical technicians will be able to respond immediately.

Protocol arrangements are also being made by the relevant authorities with French side government officials to allow the ambulance to transport a medical emergency through French territory to the Dutch side during the two-hour bridge opening.

sarahwescotwilliams24092012Urges Community to Take Heed of Drought Warnings

Philipsburg:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams expressed her gratitude and admiration for the St. Maarten Fire Department for their effective response to Saturday's and Sunday's Bush Fires on the Mary's Fancy Hill and the A.Th Illidge Road area.

"Although I was in the Netherlands attending the inauguration of King Willem Alexander I received continuous updates on how the situation was progressing up to late at night. I therefore understood that it was through the hard work, professionalism and dedication of our brave firefighters that homes and lives were saved. Therefore I would like to express, on behalf of all the people of St. Maarten and of the residents whose livelihoods were threatened, a very big thank you to the Fire Department of St. Maarten for their response to what could have been a very different situation," commented the Prime Minister.

The PM also stated that the public should take heed the warnings of the Fire Department concerning best practices in this time of drought. "As Minister whose responsibilities the Fire Department fall under I would like to encourage the population to pay close attention to the instructions from the Fire Department. Let us avoid situations where people's lives and livelihoods are put at risk," ended Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

grandcarnivalparade30042013Philipsburg:--- A large number of troops and bands lit the streets of St. Maarten on Tuesday during the Grand Carnival Parade 2013. A Grand Parade named Chippie's Grand Parade pulled a number of businesses who participated in one way or another. The largest troop that lit the streets up was Brenda Wathey's troop, "Wild Indians". One of the things Wathey depicted in her troop was a number of small toy guns and one would be curious as to why Brenda Wathey chose to use weapons such as guns in an activity she participated in year after year. Other toy weapons that were carried by some of the revelers were hatchets. Former Minister Franklin Meyers, his brother Toochi Meyers, UP Leader Theodore Heyliger, Marcel Gumbs, Michael Ferrier, and Judge Rene van Veen formed part of the Brenda Wathey Troop.

Chippie UTS, Motorworld, GEBE, Sheer Restaurant and several other businesses including Alberto Brooks from French St. Martin all had astounding troops that started off at St. Johns. The revelers jammed from St. Johns Estate through L.B. Scot Road on to Bush Road, then turning by Vlaun & Sons towards Front Street to Emmaplein then back to the Pondfill before they headed towards the Festival Village. Police Officers were seen in numbers trying to control the thousands of onlookers that flocked the streets to get a glimpse of the revelers and the troops. The Grand Carnival Parade began just after 10am and by 6:30pm all the troops were in the Festival Village where the official judging took place.

Click here to view more photos of the 2013 Grand Carnival Parade.

toasttokingwillemalexander30042013Philipsburg:--- A small ceremony was held on Tuesday April 30th, 2013 at the Holland House Hotel in honor of the Abdication of Queen Beatrix now Princess Beatrix and the official crowning of King Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima.

Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin and Acting Governor Reynold Groenveldt addressed the small gathering that also got to see the official abdication and crowning of King Willem Alexander via a pre-recorded video. Governor Eugene Holiday and Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams also left a pre-recorded message which was shown for the historic occasion within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Those that attended the ceremony were Member of Parliament Dr. Ruth Douglass, Minister of Finance Roland Tuitt, Minister of TEATT Romeo Pantophlet, Ombudsman Nilda Arduin Lynch, and Members of the Councils of State. A toast was also held in honor of King Willem Alexander whose rein as King of the Kingdom began on April 30th, 2013.

All the speakers including Governor Holiday who is currently in the Netherlands attending the abdication and crowning ceremony and those that spoke here locally praised the Princess Beatrix for the 33 years of her life she dedicated to public service.

After the official speeches they invited the gathering to the balcony to witness the cannon salute shots which were done aboard the Royal Navy ship "Friesland."


Message of Appreciation and Congratulations

on the Occasion of the

Abdication by Queen Beatrix & Inauguration of King Willem Alexander

by H.E. Governor Eugene B. Holiday

Today April 30, 2013, we celebrate the dawning of a new day as Her Majesty Queen Beatrix abdicates the throne in favor of her son His Majesty King Willem-Alexander.

This momentous day gives rise to a new era and comes as the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands prepare to commemorate its bicentennial at the end of this year. During the last thirty three of those 200 years we have been privileged to have Her Majesty Beatrix as our Queen offering continuity and stability thanks to her strength, her wisdom and her dedication to the people throughout the Kingdom.

Reflecting on the three plus decades of her reign I draw from the fond collective memories of the people of Sint Maarten in recalling the memorable visits of Queen Beatrix to our island. From her first official visit in 1980 directly after becoming Queen to her last three visits immediately after the passing of hurricane Lenny in 1999, her official inauguration of the new terminal building of the Princess Juliana International Airport in 2006 and her first visit to Sint Maarten as a country within the Kingdom in 2011, Queen Beatrix through her sharing and caring nature, has nurtured and embodied a special and warm bond with the people of Sint Maarten.

Today the people of Sint Maarten therefore join with our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom to pay homage to Queen Beatrix as we reflect on her reign. In Sint Maarten's rich linguistic tradition I, in paying tribute, take this opportunity to say: Terugblikkend op deze periode is het mij een bijzonder genoegen, mede namens de bevolking van Sint Maarten en mijn vrouw, mijn diepe dank en bewondering te betuigen voor de manier waarop u zich steeds ten behoeve van onze bevolking met toewijding heeft ingezet. Yes as we take leave from you as our Queen I am on behalf of the people of Sint Maarten pleased and honored to express sincerest appreciation to you for your thirty three years of exceptional service as our Queen. Additionally I hereby express my deepest gratitude to Queen Beatrix for the opportunity and privilege to represent her as Governor of Sint Maarten.

Voorts is het mij, mede namens de bevolking van Sint Maarten en mijn vrouw, een groot genoegen om onze nieuwe Koning, Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem Alexander en zijn vrouw Hare Majesteit Koningin Maxima hartelijk te mogen begroeten en feliciteren met de inhuldiging op deze voor hen en ons Koninkrijk bijzondere dag. On this historic day as I welcome and congratulate our new King we join His Majesty King Willem Alexander in celebrating his inauguration and the dawn of a new era for our Kingdom under his reign as King. We therefore wish him strength and wisdom as he leads our Kingdom into the start of its third centennial.

Thank you,

God Bless Sint Maarten, and God Bless the King.

Inauguration Message from the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams.

"On this auspicious occasion in the history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on behalf of the people of St. Maarten I would like to express my gratitude to Her Majesty Queen Beatrix for having served as the reigning Monarch for more than thirty years. I look back fondly on the reign of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix through the years as she visited the Netherlands Antilles and subsequently also country St. Maarten in 2011.

I wish her Majesty well in the coming years and we hope to see her back on our island very soon. Queen Beatrix has always considered all the citizens of the Kingdom of the Netherlands her constituents and has shown this time and time again through her warm and sincere interest and concern for the people of the Dutch Caribbean. My sincere gratitude goes out to the Mother Queen Beatrix as I wish her many more years of good health and enjoyment.

Having said that I would like to congratulate His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander on his inauguration and I look forward to his reign as Monarch of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. King Willem Alexander is no stranger to our islands and I am sure he will, just as his mother did before him, have the best interest and a warm heart for the residents of the Kingdom in the Caribbean.

He has grown up accustomed to visiting this part of the Kingdom, sharing with us many moments of great joy as well as moments of tragedy and shown the same caring and compassion, his Queen mother has shown.

The people of St. Maarten are proud to be part of this historic event. The last inauguration of a monarch of the Kingdom was 33 years ago. Outside of the Kingdom this is also a historically significant event as it has been decades since the world has seen the inauguration of a new monarch.

The people of St. Maarten came out in force to celebrate as well as with all members of the Dutch Kingdom to celebrate this occasion that was marked with various activities in which our young people participated. We are excited for the Kingdom, for the new royal couple and look forward to visit our island St. Maarten. We hope that God will continue to bless the Royal Couple as they take on this important task as leading the Dutch Kingdom and all of the people within it. God bless the Royal Couple, the Dutch Kingdom and the Nation and People of St. Maarten."

Click here to view more photos of the ceremony held on Tuesday at Holland House.

The President of the Collectivité, Aline Hanson, is informing you that from May 2, 2013, the construction of the road will continue from Rue de Hollande and Doigt de Gant up to the City Snack Restaurant.
This will be for the period of 6 months.
We thank for your understanding.

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