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PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF COUNTRY ST.MAARTEN --- Reality sinking in and support growing.

Finally, the panic, hype and hoopla are dying down.
Just the mere mention of the word, 'St. Martiner', had certain people 'scrambling for cover'.
Making the 'crisis' even worse, was the 'audacity' of the nation builders, to even 'entertain' the thought of amending the constitution to actually recognize the people of the country.
Preposterous-, and even 'u
Of course - that is self-evident.
But, just a minute, you St. Martiners want that too and in your own land of heritage ?
Alas, what an apocalyptic nightmare.
However, now that the 'dust is settling', most people are coming to their senses and are starting to accept the inevitable reality that St. Martiners too are a people with a history and heritage, which they must protect.
In addition, most people also accept the principle, that there can only be real, sustainable, development and socioeconomic stability, once such is based on a solid 'foundation'.
And for all intent and purposes, the best 'foundation' for the development of any country, is the native people and their cultural heritage.
Such a 'foundation', allows for a natural, moral and logical basis for inclusion and subsequent integration towards a harmonious society.
It therefore follows, that preserving and reinforcing that 'foundation', is of essential importance for the house called 'Country St. Maarten'
That the elected officials of this country, who were its architects, made a blunder beyond comprehension, by simply omitting the foundation, we hope that they will 'repent'.
One way to 'repent', is to amend the constitution to now 'insert' the 'foundation' of the house called 'Country St. Maarten' and to take precautionary (affirmative action/positive discrimination ?)measures to maintain - it at all cost.
We thank those who have offered us their services to prepare a proposal to this extent to Parliament.
We expect to have our first meetings within a few weeks.
Hopefully, we are able to present our proposal to the relevant authorities at a date, appropriate for the occasion.
While '11-11-11' might sound like a beautiful catch-phrase, that date might be too ambitious.
But then again, we still have other options, like 10-10-11 or 01-07-12.
Amending our constitution as proposed, will go a long way towards real nation building, unification and nationhood.
Regardless, of the challenges ahead, eventually it will be accomplished and the spirit of our deceased ancestors, who shed blood, sweat and tears, will be able to finally be at peace.
We owe it to them and that is our sacred mission as grassroots movement. 

Drs. Leopold JAMES
President SNBF/ Association L' Esprit de Concordia

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