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Moonlight Golf Lights up Mullet Bay Golf Course.

MULLET BAY:--- Over the weekend, 27 avid golfers split up into 7 teams and headed out to Mullet Bay Golf Course to show off their skills in the softly star-lit darkness.
Geared up with glowing golf balls and a pair of flashlights, each team tried to score as low as possible. After a fierce battle, lost balls, and near hits, the surprising winner of this year’s Moonlight Scramble was the team comprised of Thomas Zorn, Andy Holmes, Jan Peter Holland, and Keith Graham, who ended the 10 holes stroke play event with a total score of 34 net.
With a relatively low average handicap, the team with players from Germany, England, and the Netherlands proved that practice makes perfect, even in the dark.
The second prize was won by the Max, Floor, Ryan, and Bart team with a total score of 36 net. Third the prize was taken by the team of Chris Marshall, Malcolm Marshall, Anil Sabnani, and Vivic Sabnani
with a total net score of 37.
After the golf, a wonderful prize-giving ceremony was hosted at Huppeldepup, and all teams enjoyed snacks and drinks until late at night.
For more information on this tournament or membership don't hesitate to get in touch with the Golf Shop at the Mullet Bay Golf Course or check out the SMGA Facebook site at

Second National Job Fair hosted by the National Employment Services Center in Collaboration with SHTA and SMMTA

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Second National Job Fair scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 2024, from 9am to 4pm at Aleeze in Madam Estate features over 700 job opportunities presented by 40+ companies representing 11 different industries in Sint Maarten.

Job applicants can expect on the spot hires and the opportunity to align their career goals with the many job openings across various positions, educational levels and departments. In-person attendees can meet with talent professionals and hiring managers face-to-face during interview opportunities and submit their resumes by hand. In collaboration with the Tallahassee Sint Maarten and stakeholders in the Netherlands, the NJF will also feature online interview sessions for international professionals and graduates who are interested in exploring careers in Sint Maarten.

NESC’s employment development efforts, including our employability enhancement sessions and the job fair held in 2023, have helped countless job seekers find rewarding careers and develop the necessary life skills to strengthen their career development goals.  

This year, the NESC is collaborating with the Sint Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) to ensure that the objectives of this job fair align with the recruitment efforts of the business community. As such, SHTA representatives will support this initiative by providing resume and interview tips to attendees and job seekers.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, SHTA will also host a Business Mixer for representatives of the participating businesses, key representatives of Ministry VSA, and volunteers.

In addition to SHTA, the SMMTA will be present at the Job Fair to highlight the variety, scope, and potential careers in the Hospitality and Marine sector. This collaboration is designed to give job seekers a clearer understanding of these industries, emphasizing their significance to the local economy and the wide range of career paths.

NESC, SHTA and the SMMTA are hopeful for a successful event and are committed to maintaining an ongoing dialogue to better explain and promote the various leading industries on the island. Future discussions with SMMTA will focus on developing easier processes to hire for skilled positions and continuing to strengthen this partnership by looking at training and education needs.

For more information about the NESC and the upcoming National Job Fair on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, visit the National Employment Services Center’s LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram Page. You may also contact us via our NESC Connect WhatsApp on +1(721) 523-6390 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More information about the vacancies can also be found on



-in collaboration with the Fire Department-

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Student Support Services Division (ESD) is organizing fire drills at 21 government-subsidized and public schools in collaboration with the St Maarten Fire Department. These drills are scheduled to take place between September 26th and October 22nd, 2024, during morning hours. The purpose of the drills this year is to ensure that schools are fully prepared to evacuate in the event of a fire and further enhance the quality of school safety procedures in our schools. The Fire Department is supporting this initiative and will be present at the participating schools with their fire truck.

One of the focal areas in SSSD’s school safety program this year is Fire Safety. As such, all schools were supported in the first half of the year in working on their Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for fire. The 21 schools with SOPs are now participating in phase two, which included them submitting a scenario on which the fire drill at their respective schools will be based. In preparation for the fire drill, the Safety & Emergency Team (SET) of the various schools was asked to prepare their school community for the drill. The SD applauds the work of the SETs, who continue to work diligently on pushing the school safety agenda forward with the support of school management.

SSSD hereby notifies the public of these critical drills to avoid any unnecessary panic during the drill period. These drills are a necessary part of preparedness to safeguard our school communities. Schools will provide more details to parents and neighbors to brief them and in so doing avoid panic when students start to evacuate the premises.
"Our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, school staff, and the broader school community. Drills are essential for equipping everyone with the knowledge and confidence needed to respond effectively in emergency situations. Through collaboration with the Fire Department on the fire drills, we continue to strengthen our collaboration and coordination of school safety initiatives and provide a safer environment for all”, said Mrs. Olga Mussington-Service, Head of the Student Support Services Division/School Safety Focal Point St. Maarten.

The SSSD would appreciate the public’s cooperation during this time as we work to ensure that our schools are prepared for any emergency. Students may be crossing roads to evacuate their schools and some roads may be blocked during the drill. Road safety is critical and so we also thank the St. Maarten Police Force for their support in this critical area. The SSSD reminds all motorists to always reduce their speed around schools during school hours.

The Student Support Services Division coordinates school safety on St. Maarten and school safety is executed by the safety and emergency teams in the various schools. School Safety is everyone’s business, Mussington-Service stated, and she looks forward to the support of the entire community.

For further information, please contact:
Student Support Services Division at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Repairs Complete on 19 Schools as Trust Fund’s School Repair Activity Concludes.

trustfundschools24092024PHILIPSBURG:---  The National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) has marked a milestone in St. Maarten’s post-Hurricane Irma recovery with the completion of the school repair activity.

Funded by the Sint Maarten Trust Fund and financed by the Dutch government, the activity restored resilience and safety to 19 schools damaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Repairs to schools included structural reinforcements, roof repairs, electrical work, and installing hurricane shutters. These repairs have enhanced safety for students and staff, strengthened the schools’ ability to withstand future hurricanes, and enabled schools to open sooner once a storm has passed.

The works to repair the schools began in 2021 following a technical assessment in 2020, coordinated with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport (MECYS). NRPB was tasked by the Government to focus on 19 subsidized schools which were repaired in three prioritized batches to minimize educational disruption. An Education Logistics Plan was developed, incorporating partial relocations, online learning, and staggered school days, as full relocations were not feasible. To ensure long-term safety, the NRPB will continue engaging with schools for six months post-completion to address any defects that arise during the liability period.

Oralie Boirard, Manager of the Division for Educational Innovation within MECYS, expressed satisfaction with the completion of ERP school repairs, noting, "Although there are still a few schools outside the scope of the ERP that are to be repaired by the government, most of our school facilities under the school repair program are now fully operational. Students no longer have to face leaky roofs or relocations." She emphasized the importance of maintenance, stating, "It is my opinion that one of our biggest challenges now is to ensure that the schools are properly maintained."

The NRPB, on behalf of the Government of Sint Maarten, was tasked with addressing hurricane-related damage, with the specific objective of focusing on repairs. As a result, full-scale renovations were beyond the scope of this activity. As the repairs progressed, more issues outside the project's scope and budget were identified in some schools. Where feasible, the NRPB extended support to address these challenges after completing the critical repairs. The primary goal was to ensure that each school could resume adequate operations following the necessary repairs.

La-Vaune Hodge-Henry, Acting Principal of Sundial School, shared, “Now that construction is finished, and we can see repairs like new ceilings and windows in place, we're happy and the students are relieved. The only issue we face now is with the electrical system, which remains an ongoing challenge due to the old wiring."

The NRPB acknowledges that while upgrading electrical systems that were not damaged by the storm were not part of their directive, there are continued challenges in some schools with aging infrastructure. Where necessary, NRPB has increased the safety of electrical infrastructure by installing new electrical panels.

With the school repairs complete, focus now shifts to the repair of 13 school gyms. These repairs will address damage and enhance the resilience of these facilities, continuing the commitment of the Trust Fund to building a stronger, more resilient educational environment for Sint Maarten's youth.

Update on Missing Teen – Ramon Javion Christophe SING.

missingsing16092024PHILIPSBURG:--- Family members of Ramon Javion Christophe SING, the 15-year-old male who had been reported missing, have provided additional information to KPSM, indicating that Ramon returned home last week, took some clothing, and subsequently left again.

The family is seeking help and is deeply concerned about the behavior and safety of this minor. This situation is being addressed in collaboration with the police to ensure that all necessary help is sought for this minor. J.C. SINH, a 15-year-old, was reported missing and is a student at the Sint Maarten Vocational School.



KPSM Press Release.



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