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Dr. Ian Robertson Lectures tonight at Library.

ianrobertson14112012MARIGOT/GREAT BAY:--- Creole language expert Dr. Ian Robertson is the guest speaker on Thursday evening at the language and history lecture, at Philipsburg Jubilee Library, said Shujah Reiph, president of Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF).
The lecture, which begins at 7:30 pm, is entitled "Linguistics and History: Associates or strange bedfellows," said Reiph.
Dr. Robertson is an author and professor at the University of the West Indies, and a former Dean of its Faculty of Humanities and Education.
Dr. Robertson has been researching Dutch and French Lexicon Creoles for the past thirty years. "Berbice Dutch Creole, the only uncontroversial Dutch related Creole, is dying today with only one last speaker of the language still alive," said Dr. Robertson.
The Berbice Dutch Creole was spoken in the forest of Berbice, Guyana, according to results of a 2009 study by the professor.
The lecture on Thursday is organized by CLF and House of Nehesi Publishers, in collaboration with Philipsburg Jubilee Library.

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