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Rotaract Donates Water to Primary Schools.

rotaractsxmsunrisedonateswatertoprimaryschools23032013Philipsburg:--- The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise recognized Word Water Day on March 22nd 2013 by distributing cases of bottled water to the 1st graders in all 20 primary schools on the island of St. Maarten. International World Water Day is held annually on March 22nd as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Rotaract Sunrise presented the cases of water to management, 1st grade teachers and students at the primary schools between the hours of 7:30am-1pm. The members presenting the water, spoke about the importance of clean water and encouraged the students to spread the word of its importance to their family and friends.

The primary schools that received cases of water were; Charles Leopold-Bell, Leonard Connor, Montessori, Seven Day Adventist, Sister Regina, Learning Unlimited, Asha Stevens Hillside Christian, Oranje, Sister Borgia, St. Joseph, Marie Genevieve de Weever, Marie Laurence, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Helmich Snijders Hillside Christian, St. Dominic, Sister Magda, Prins Wilhem Alexander, Ruby Labega, MAC-John A. Gumbs Campus, and MAC Browlia F. Maillard Campus.

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