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Prostitute Filed Official Complaint against Businessman and his Lawyer --- Businessman now using Woman’s Landlord to get her off the Island to escape bills.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Trinidadian prostitute that was arrested last Thursday by immigration officials as a favor for a well known businessman filed an official complaint against the businessman and his lawyer with the detectives department on Monday. The complaint that the woman filed against the businessman is for stealing her passport while she filed a complaint against the businessman's lawyer for issuing threats to her when he was negotiating for his client.

Last week Thursday, the woman was arrested by immigration officials at the Philipsburg Police Station where she went to file a complaint against the businessman who refused to pay her for the kinky sex she provided to him for a period of time and to also get back her passport from the businessman since he took it from her sometime ago. The woman claimed the businessman ran up his kinky sex bill to $11,000.00 and so far he has only paid $4,000.00.

The woman whose identity SMN News chose not to release went to the Philipsburg police station with a lawyer who was trying to settle the dispute between the woman and the businessman through his lawyer.

The woman told SMN News on Monday evening that her landlord (Michael Wescot) approached her Monday morning and verbally informed her that she must vacate his property within two days.

The woman further explained that she did not pay her landlord because he knew the problems she was having with the businessman and also because she was out of work. "My landlord said he did not have a problem with me not paying my rent now because he wants me to market two businesses for him, those businesses she said are Brasserie New York and the Taste Factory. He even told me that he would put me in a smaller apartment in Cupe Coy because he needs my services but suddenly he came to me on Monday morning and informed me verbally that he wants me out of his property within two days. It is clear that the businessman who did not get his way last week to get me deported is now using my landlord who is the stepson of the Prime Minister to get rid of me without following the legal procedures."

It should be noted that the woman told SMN News last Friday that the shrewd businessman told her that he had brothers that were Ministers and he was also advising two Ministers. However, it must be made clear that the businessman does not have any brother or brothers that held Ministerial positions on St. Maarten. However, he does have a brother that holds a top position in the civil service.

SMN News will bring you more updates on this case as it develops especially now that an official complaint has been filed against the businessman and his lawyer.

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