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Minister Lake applauds NV GEBE for Providing Relief to seniors.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake, applauds NV GEBE for remaining on track and providing seniors of the country who qualified relief which should be seen in their monthly utility bills.
Minister Lake took note of a NV GEBE press release announcing the news this week.
"NV GEBE has kept its promise to the seniors in our community. There was a lot of speculation in the country, but NV GEBE lived up to its word.
"I have been informed that there was an attempt within the company by a person or persons to sabotage this whole relief program. This is very unfortunate. I have always stated do not play politics with our senior citizens.
"I have been concentrating on the issues of our seniors, and won't be deflected from those trying to play political games with our seniors," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.
NV GEBE will also be carrying out an awareness program geared towards the senior citizen population about cost saving measures such as changing their light bulbs to LED.
General relief for household consumers and the business community is being worked on, Minister Lake added.
Minister Lake commends Princess Juliana International Airport for stepping up to the plate to help the country's seniors who make use of the John Larmonie Center on the Pondfill.
"As a good corporate citizen, SXM Airport is giving back to the country and in particular our seniors. The airport will support the project to provide an 'accessible railing' as well as remodeling the kitchenette at the center. We must treat our seniors with respect and provide for them whereby they live a comfortable life in their senior years.
"We have a lot to give thanks for what our seniors have done for our community and building the Sint Maarten nation. We have a responsibility to give back to them," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake concluded.

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