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Public Urged to Attend DP Public Meeting This Friday at the Miguel Arrindell Property in Sucker Garden Starting at 7pm.

dplogo23072014"Come out to hear the real issues"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Democratic Party of St. Maarten is inviting the residents of Sucker Garden, Middle Region, the At. Th. Illidge Road, Guana Bay and surrounding areas to come out to its public meeting this Friday, August 22nd starting at seven pm at the Miguel Arrindell property in Sucker Garden. The Board, membership and candidates invite the public to come out to listen to the red thread and hear what the DP plans for its vision bringing St. Maarten forward when elected to Parliament. Candidates will also have the opportunity to interact with the candidates, board members and DP membership and exchange ideas and information.

DP Leader and Prime Minister the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams and the Board and members of the Democratic Party also thanked the public for braving the rainy weather last Friday to attend the second public meeting which was held in St. Peters; "Despite again facing the rainy weather we had an excellent turn-out with people from all walks of life and every community coming out to hear what our plans are for St. Maarten once we are elected into Parliament. I would like to thank the communities of St. Peters, South Reward, Mary's Fancy, Betty's Estate, South Reward and Ebenezer for coming out strong. Similarly I urge all to come out to hear about the issues at this public meeting in Sucker Garden, especially issues related to land and land sale," commented Wescot-Williams.

The DP is urging all to come out and hear the red-thread and its vision for St. Maarten.

DP Press Release

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