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Minister Lake welcomes new PRO for Ministry VROMI.

mauricelakeandemmalexisvelasquez27112014PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake welcomed on Tuesday Emmalexis Velasquez to Ministry VROMI as its Public Relations Officer (PRO).

Minister Lake met with Velasquez to discuss a number of things and is very pleased with her work to date.

"There is a lot of information that needs to be communicated from time to time, and I am very happy that Ministry VROMI continues to move upward and improving its services to the Sint Maarten community.

"The ministry has completed the Plans of Approach monitored by the Progress Committee, and this is a very positive development of the ministry. We look forward to further improving services in 2015.

"This means building permits should be handled more quickly. This creates work for the construction sector and brings in more income for the government coffers.

"The ministry has to operate in an open and transparent manner. Communication is key! By having its own PRO, this ensures that more information will be reaching the community with respect to road closures, projects etc.

"I take this opportunity to wish Emmalexis Velasquez much success in her new job," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Velasquez holds two degrees in Marketing Management & Events and Sports, Entertainment & Event Management and Graduated Summa Cum Laude at Johnson & Wales University. She has since practiced her expertise at various private and government organizations.

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