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Sint Maarten represented at Parlatino 50th Anniversary Celebration.

sxmrepsatparlatino07122014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday, December 6, 2014 the Latin American Parliament, Parlatino, celebrated its 50th Anniversary in a Commemorative General Assembly in Panama. A delegation comprising of Members of Parliament of Sint Maarten headed by the President of Parliament, Hon. Lloyd Richardson, MD attended this gathering.

The gathering started with the raising of the Parlatino flag, singing of the Parlatino anthem, paying homage to the founders and former Presidents of Parlatino, speeches from dignitaries followed by the presentation of gifts from the member countries to Parlatino amongst others.

The Hon. Vice-President of Parliament, Leona Marlin-Romeo presented the President of Parlatino, Dip. Elias Castillo and the Secretary General Sen. Blanca Alcala with a painting on this occasion on behalf of the Parliament of Sint Maarten, while Hon. Member of Parliament William Marlin briefly addressed the attendees. The painting depicts a typical Sint Maarten scenery and is from local artist Romeo Carty.

The delegation members who attended the General Commemorative Assembly also attended other meetings on the days prior to this event such as committee meetings, the meeting on women in politics and the meeting of young parliamentarians. From these meetings the possibility derived to host a woman in leadership conference in Sint Maarten in the near future.
Parlatino, is a regional, permanent organization composed by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Parlatino was created in 1964.
Parlatino was established to promote human rights, and economic and social development; to maintain and foster relations with other geographic parliaments, as well as international organizations; and to promote self-determination and defence against imperialism and colonialism.

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