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Minister Lourens-Philip receives Plan of Action Regarding Children Rights.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip has just recently received the Plan of Action regarding Children Rights from the "Kingdom Taskforce" which was established during the Kingdom Conference held on April 2nd 2014 in Aruba.
The document termed "Plan van Aanpak Kinderrecthen "Eerste Aanzet" 20 November 2014 outlines proposed priority areas for cooperation between the Countries of the Kingdom, and were selected from the recommendations of the UNICEF reports previously presented last year to all governments.

The final chapter of this initial report advises that the "Way Forward" is to ensure that not only government but also the entire society is engaged in chartering said way forward.

This would be accomplished by means of round table sessions regarding the priority areas such being:

  1. The family as the Central Point
  2. Child Abuse
  3. Safety Net/after school care of children
  4. The role of the parents in the raising of the child.
  5. Stipulations/Criteria/Parameters and Infrastructure

This report will also be presented to the Council of Ministers and Parliament, Minister Lourens-Philip disclosed on Wednesday.
"It is the intention that after the process of engaging civil society and the final plan is established, that the Kingdom Taskforce will officially submit this to the various Governments at the next Kingdom Conference scheduled for April 2015," Minister Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said on Wednesday.

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