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Prime Minister Gumbs making rounds through General Affairs Ministry.

marcelgumbsvisitsmingeneralaffairs11012015PHILIPSBURG:--- Besides devoting most of his time on extremely pressing matters such as budget 2015, Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Hon. Marcel Gumbs has still been scheduling time to meet with departments under the General Affairs Ministry for which he is responsible.
The Prime Minister is taking his "stability, civility, tranquility, prosperity" message to the public servants as well, stressing that service is what they provide and it should be practiced with the utmost professionalism. He complimented them for their hard work and perseverance even under certain circumstances that may not be ideal.
At the Civil Registry Department for example, the PM acknowledged and praised the staff as the frontline for very important government services. As such, he said, they bear a great responsibility in dealing with hundreds of people every day. Under those circumstances he said, frustrations may set in, but urged them to continue being exemplary as they have been in executing their tasks.
He also took some suggestions and ideas from the staff of Civil Registry and apprised them of the type of Prime Minister he will be (an open and approachable one) as well as how the management structure of the Ministry will be approached to allow more efficiency of work.
In the past few days the Prime Minister also received a tour of the new facilities of the Department of Communications and visited the Legal Affairs Department.

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