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National Alliance Board Calls for MP Matser Resignation from Parliament.

nalogo24062014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Board of the National Alliance calls for the immediate resignation of United People's Party Member of Parliament Mr. Silvio Matser. The National Alliance Board is of the opinion, that in light of the verdict that has been handed down to MP Matser by the Court on Wednesday January 7th, 2015, to 2 years for 'tax evasion', that the honorable thing to do would be to step down and relinquish his seat to the people of Sint Maarten.

Sint Maarten has faced extensive challenges in maintaining integrity in its Governance and considering that being elected to Parliament, the highest body in our governmental structure; it would be yet another gross injustice and ill representation of the people of Sint Maarten to have a convicted Member of Parliament continue to retain his seat in light of such a sentence.
This cannot be the state of 'readiness' that the United People's Party chanted to the people of Sint Maarten throughout the election period.

The board of the National Alliance believes that it is critical for the people of Sint Maarten to be reminded, that within 3 weeks after the Elections of 2014, the National Alliance, Democratic Party & the United St. Maarten Party came together and formed a government and created a complete governing program, which would have been an historical moment in the formation of a government in our country. This was a true example of 'readiness' to govern and to do so with the highest level of integrity. To date the United People's Party has failed to show their readiness to govern this country due to the lack of the required seven Ministers to govern. Is this how they were "Ready"?

It goes without question that the continuance of MP Matser, in retaining his seat, will only block the efforts of the House of Parliament as it relates to any discussion of Tax Reform.

The board of the National Alliance would also take this opportunity to emphasize, that should the seat of MP Matser be opened, that the next person in line to sit in Parliament would be
Mrs. Maria Buncamper-Molanus who currently has a pending case against her. It is the opinion of this board, that the future of our Parliament remains questionable; would Mrs. Buncamper- Molanus decline the seat in order to preserve the integrity of the highest body?

In conclusion the board of the National Alliance strongly feels that the confidence of the People of Sint Maarten in its elected officials must be regained and maintained. It is only through this practice shall our economy and by extension, the social & cultural fabric of our country be strengthened and sustained for generations to come.

NA Press Release

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