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PM Gumbs responds to Wescot-Williams on Dutch Secret Service.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister the Hon. Marcel Gumbs has responded, via official letter, to the questions by Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams as submitted to the Chairman of Parliament via letter dated January 13, 2015. The letter from PM Gumbs to the Chairman of Parliament the Hon. MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson was submitted on Friday, January 16. The content is as follows:

Honorable Chairman,
It should be noted that I am not accountable for statements of Minister Plasterk or for publications of the media. Besides that I wish to ask your attention for the fact that the letter from Member of Parliament Mrs. S. Wescot Williams, refers to a recent quote of the Minister of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations but does not specify when and where the quote was made. As a result thereof, it is not possible for me to ascertain the validity of the quote and relevance of the questions.
In regard to the questions:

  • 1.
    • q What exactly was the role of the Dutch Secret Service in the screening of the Ministers of Sint Maarten?
    • a. The Prime-Minister is responsible for activities of the National Secret Service agency on Sint Maarten. The screening of the candidate ministers started on November 12, 2014 and was concluded on December 16, 2014. Therefore, during the tenure of the former Prime Minister, Mrs. S. Wescot-Williams.
      Since taking office on December 19, 2014, I have not made any statements regarding a role for the Dutch Secret Service in the screening. As stated above, I am not responsible for statements or publications of others.
  • 2.
    • q. Was that involvement only for this batch of ministers of will the Dutch Secret Service henceforth be involved in the screening of Sint Maarten ministers?
    • a. See response to answer under question 1.
  • 3.
    • q. How is the role of the Dutch Secret Service formalized nationally?
    • a. The Prime-Minister is responsible for national Secret Service activities on Sint Maarten. Since assuming office I have not taken any steps to formalize a role for the Dutch Secret Service nationally. I am not cognizant of any activities of the Dutch Secret Service on Sint Maarten.
  • 4.
    • q. Finally, are the new screening regulations and procedures that apparently include a role for the Dutch Secret Service, laid down in a national decree or other national regulation and if so, has such been publicized or has the national decree (LB) of May 22, 2013, no. 0442 been amended?
    • a. See response to answer under question 3. I have not taken any action to amend the national screening regulation as established in national decree (LB), no. 0442 of May 22, 2013.
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