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International Blue Flag Inspection at Divi Little Bay.

diviblueflaginspection04022015PHILIPSBURG:--- Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) representative Mr. Finn Bolding Thomsen poses at Divi Little Bay's Blue Flag information Board with Divi's Human Resources Manager Ms. Marije Lodewijks and Environmental Protection In the Caribbean's (EPIC) Project Manager/ Blue Flag National Operator Rueben J. Thompson during the Blue Flag inspection which took place at the resort this past week. Blue Flag is an exclusive, voluntary eco-label annually awarded to beaches and/or marinas which meet a specific set of criteria concerning environmental information and education, water quality, safety, services and environmental management.

Divi Little Bay Resort was one of two local locations first awarded the prestigious Blue Flag eco-label in October of 2011, making St. Maarten the first country in the Dutch Caribbean to have Blue Flag locations. Little Bay has been recertified annually since 2011, during his inspection Mr. Thomsen noted that the beach is kept exceptionally clean and that all was found to be in order where Blue Flag Criteria is concerned. Mr. Thomsen furthermore complimented Divi Little Bay on the information the Resort provides about Sint Maarten's Natural Resources and the Water Quality at Little Bay on its Blue Flag Information Board as per the relevant Criteria. FEE and EPIC encourage Divi Little Bay Resort to continue and expand its Sound Environmental Management practices and exemplary efforts at maintaining adherence to Blue Flag Criteria.

EPIC Press Release

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