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PSS Supervisory Board of Director presents new vehicle policy to SMCU.

stuartjohnsonpresentsvehiclepolicytosmcu12022015PHILIPSBURG:--- Postal Services St. Maarten (PSS) N.V. drivers now have a new vehicle policy to regulate the efficient use of company vehicles throughout the work day.

The new policy was presented to the St. Maarten Communication Union (SMCU) on behalf of workers by the Supervisory Board of Directors, Postal Services St. Maarten during a brief ceremony at the main post office in Philipsburg Tuesday.

Supervisory Board Interim Chairman, Stuart Johnson, said the new policy governs the use of company assets while providing useful information on St. Maarten's postal services products and services, this is a impressive promotional method to expose how that PSS network is serving the St. Maarten community daily with PSS N.V. vehicles.

Mr. Johnson said PSS N.V. made a substantial investment in a new fleet of vehicles for its workers and the new policy will go a long way towards keeping the vehicles in good working order for as long as possible.

He said tracking devices are now available on the vehicles that can log the location any of the company's vehicles in real time.

The smart device can also monitor the number of stops made by the fleet of company vehicles and indicated which areas are most frequently served by the postal authority.

PSS N.V. Interim Managing Director, Antonia Wilson, said management is pleased to be presenting the new vehicle policy to demonstrate its responsibility as a government-owned company.

"We are doing our bit to cut out on waste by ensuring our vehicles are parked in the yard in the evenings and at weekends when none postal task is being executed," said Ms. Wilson.

She said there are also specific reporting procedures that must be followed in the event of an accident and whenever a vehicle is malfunctioning.

"We would like to thank the drivers themselves for cooperating with the policy, which is covered under the Collective Labor Agreement of Management and personnel, because we think it is the interest of all of us to make responsible use of the company's vehicles asset," said Ms. Wilson.

For more information about postal service rates and products and services available from the Postal Services St. Maarten N.V., call + (1721) 542-2289.
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PSS Press Release

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