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Was there an Internal control department set up?

gpantophlet13032015PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet will be submitting some questions to the Minister of Finance Mr. Martin Hassink regarding the setting up of an internal control department. The Member is looking forward to these questions being answered in writing. He needs clarity on this matter since claims have consistently been made by former Minister of Finance Roland Tuitt that during his tenure this was done. The Member of Parliament understands that there was an agreement signed between the SOAB and government. This agreement apparently has in it that the SOAB would set up the internal control department within 2 years, write the internal control process and also train the employees. In addition to that a Director for the department would be recruited. The Member is requesting the Minister to provide him with a copy of the agreement signed between government and the SOAB. Another matter of importance is the fact that the Minister of Finance informed Parliament during the discussion on the Financial Statement of 2011 that two controllers had left. One from the Department of Education and the other from the Department of VROMI. What was interesting is that the controller from VROMI was transferred to concern controller. The questions on this matter the Minister will have to answer are; who authorized the transfer and who is then authorized to approve the financial transactions for these two ministries now that they don't have controllers and why did the controller of Education leave? I guess the same methods will be used in finding the two Ministers that are still needed for VROMI and Health. The Member said the issue of having proper financial control is vital for governments operation. The General Auditing Chamber in its report stated and he quotes: There was inadequate internal control procedures noted at all ministries. As a result the annual financial statements include numerous errors and uncertainties end of quote. The report amplifies the need for having a proper internal control department in place.

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