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UPP Leader Implicated in forcing GEBE COO to Employ Journalist without Supervisory Board Approval GEBE COO another Heyliger Scapegoat (UPDATED)

romeliomaduro17052015PHILIPSBURG:--- A board member of GEBE Supervisory Board is over the edge claiming that the leader of the United Peoples Party is forcing his way over them and has used the Chief Operations Officer (COO) to do his dirty work and now that person is being penalized by the Supervisory Board.
The board member said that the COO Romelio Maduro took orders from Heyliger and hired a former journalist that will cost GEBE $120,000.00 annually. The journalist managed to obtain a five year contract while the supervisory board was not consulted. The board member said that because the COO knows exactly who he is working for he should not have taken orders from the leader of the UPP. The board member further explained that that this is not the first time the UPP leader got the COO to what he wants. "The MOU signed with the company in the Dominican Republic was decided upon by Heyliger and the supervisory board and CFO were the last persons to know of this deal. This MOU will benefit Heyliger as it relates to LPG and other gas.
The board member said that the board is split because they promised the COO to renew his contract if he prepared a five year plan for the company and when that plan was prepared the Supervisory Board informed the COO that they will only renew his contract for two years and now they have decided not to renew the contract because of the decision he took to hire the journalist independently.
Apart from the GEBE saga the board member said this not the first time people are getting hurt because they chose to listen to Heyliger. Fernando Williams is a key figure that lost his job at the St. Maarten Harbor Group of Companies after he did what Heyliger wanted him to do.It is understood that Romelio Maduro who has until the end of the week to clear his office has threatened to take all the document that were removed from GEBE office to the Public Prosecutor's Office including the mysterious MOU signed with the company GB in the Dominican Republic.
According a board member the leader of the UPP visited the Dominican Republic  at the end of July 2014 where he sealed the deal prior Maduro signing off on the MOU that will deal with waste management, heavy fuel, LPG gas and waste to energy treatment plant.

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