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EXCLUISVE:Labor Policy Advisor and Mediator Raphael Boasman goes on Pension end of June --- No Mediator Selected.

raphaelboasman24062015PHILIPSBURG: --- Raphael Boasman the policy advisor and acting mediator of the Department of Labor and Social Services will be leaving government function at the end of June 2015. Boasman has been a civil servant since January 1st 1979 and is now leaving on pension after giving 36 years of service to the government of St. Maarten.
SMN News understands that Boasman will be entering the private sector as a businessman and consultant, whether he will continue to provide government with his services that is not yet known. When asked recently he said as long as he is paid properly he will continue to work as a consultant but certainly the price for his services has to be right. “I have worked for years for a minimal wage and has given my best in various areas. Now that I am leaving on pension I have to ensure that I do something that will allow me to earn something more.” Boasman may not have a huge smile on his face for everyone but one thing he does have is a wealth of knowledge regarding labor and social affairs.
As Boasman leaves office then there will be no labor mediator to work for government. According to information SMN News received is that Derie Leonard the former president of the WICSU/PSU who is an employee in the Ministry of Justice is still fighting to get the promised position of mediator, but Boasman already gave negative advice towards her appointment since she is not qualified for the position, and certainly her attitude towards people is not one that will fits a mediator’s position. Besides Leonard several persons applied for the position but none was selected for the position which becomes vacant on June 30th, this of course leaves another hole in the Ministry of Labor, already the country St. Maarten do not have a Minister of Labor in its office since November 2014, yet the office of that Ministry is fully equipped with the staff that worked for former Minister of Labor Cornelius de Weever, some of whom are politically appointed.
With the current trend one has to ask if those in government is taking the country in the right direction. Since September 2014, there is a coalition government in place with a ten seat majority yet two Ministers are missing from the executive branch while some senior posts are open.
Efforts made to reach Boasman on Wednesday for a more information on his departure proved futile as he is not willing to make further comments at this moment.

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