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Acting governor calls for law faculty

intjusticeday17072015International Justice Day

PHILIPSBURG:---- Acting governor for country St. Maarten his excellency Reynold Groeneveld called for a law faculty for the island during his address at the ceremony for comemorate justice day on Friday July 17. St. Maarten should work with the University of St. Martin to establish this as soon as possible said the acting governor.
The uniform division of the Justice chain marched from the Police station
in Philipsburg to the Festival village for the ceremony. Acting Chief of Police
Carl John talked about the continued cooperation between the police and its brothers and sisters in the other justice departments. The acting chief surprised the Minister of Justice Denis Richardson with a honorary police badge, thanking him for his contribution towards fighting for the police of St. Maarten.
Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs did not shy away to mention the bad relationship presently going as it relates to justice in the Kingdom, calling it "toxic" however he has faith in the continued growth of the justice departments on the island. Minister of Justice Denis Richardson honored a group of civil servents who contributed to the Justice system for the past 40 years. Different departments employees were honored by the minister.
Before the event started, all the uniformed groups took part in a march presentation to the guests. VKS did an outstanding job and got the most applause by the attendees.

Commemoration of International Justice Day
July 17th, 2015

Your Excellencies,
The Prime Minister and Minister of Justice,
Other dignitaries,
Representatives of the Court, the Public Prosecutors Office, Police
and the other sectors and departments within the Justice chain,
Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen,
It is for me an honor to be able to address you this afternoon on the occasion of the commemoration of International Justice Day. It is appropriate that we join other countries around the world in commemorating this day on which the Treaty of Rome was entered into establishing the International Court of Justice which is seated in the Hague.
It is important that countries stand still to reflect the progress that is being made against the challenges of war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, war and aggression throughout the world, we think of Syria, Iraq and others in the Middle East. We are most fortunate to be living in this part of the world where we are not directly faced with such atrocities. We are lucky to live on this beautiful and peaceful island we call Sint Maarten.
Nevertheless it is also highly appropriate that we also reflect and to thank and recognize the persons who work in the field of justice in order to secure the safety, peace and stability of our country. Justice is one of the fundamental pillars of any society, without a proper functioning Justice system there would be much chaos and suffering around us.
intjusdaycel17072015We may recall that Sint Maarten on becoming a country within the Kingdom was faced with the enormous task of building its Justice system from the ground. We had a lot to learn with very little time to make it work as we had no previous experience in managing a Ministry of Justice and the related organizations such as the Police, Immigration, and the Prosecutor's Office. Today just 5 years after obtaining Country status we all may be very proud of what we have been able to accomplished in such a short period of time, although the necessary financial means and personnel were and are not always readily available. We all recognize the need for further improvement, this day serves as a day of reflection that the Justice system requires our constant attention.
I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank the previous Minister of Justice Minister Mr. Roland Duncan and the present Minister, Mr. Dennis Richardson for their input under these very difficult circumstances. I furthermore would like to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to the Management, staff and personnel in all of the justice organizations for their tireless, dedicated and committed service to our Country, especially those of you who constantly put your lives at risk in the exercise of your duties so that others may enjoy peace and security and especially those of you who have been in service for 25, 30, 35 and 40 years, I congratulate you and your families and hereby thank you in particular for your years of service. At times we are confronted with crime and criminals. We depend on your service and actions to reassure the community that justice will be served peace and tranquility is restored. We thank all of you for your dedication and valued service in the administration of justice. On this International Day of Justice we have a lot to be thankful and grateful for. The almighty God continues to keep a special eye on Sint Maarten and its people.
As we commemorate the past and look the present we must continue to prepare for the future in order to guarantee continued growth and stability. I dare say that our future tomorrow will largely depend on what preparations we make today. I submit that we must continue to invest in our People. Educating our people, the young and the old is an essential requirement for the future development of our country. Education just like Justice is another important pillar that lays the foundation for a brighter tomorrow.
I applaud the efforts of the Justice Academy in providing training for new recruits in our Police force and to offer other professional training opportunities for your personnel, I encourage you to continue with your endeavors. Today we celebrate International Justice Day, we must commit to make all efforts to continue to provide a good and proper functioning Justice system. We must realize that Education is the key to a brighter future and continued prosperity.
I hereby suggest that our Government together with our Parliament, the Private Sector and the University of Sint Maarten, all join hands in a concerted effort to establish a Law Faculty at the University of Sint Maarten, without further delay. I have spoken to many persons who have expressed the desire to acquire a legal degree but are unable to leave Sint Maarten to attend a University elsewhere and I am quite certain that many members now working in the various justice departments will gladly make use of such opportunities for further advancement.
I am convinced that such a Faculty will provide our Country with the necessary professional expertise to strengthen the administration of Justice in our Country as well as provide opportunities for persons who work in the Public Sector to further obtain professional knowledge that will assist them in executing their tasks as civil servants. We have to invest today in order to guarantee a brighter future tomorrow. A tomorrow where we all can continue to enjoy peace, security and tranquility. A future with more economic prosperity for all and less poverty and suffering, a future with equal opportunities for all so that persons will not have to revert to crime in order to survive.
In closing I request you to continue rendering your dedicated service to the further development of our beloved Sint Maarten. Let us continue to strive for peace, tranquility and prosperity for all who live in or visit our country. And as we come together next year to commemorate this day we will again be able to look back at the positive achievements that we have made in providing a secure and peaceful island. I thank you once more for your service to country and pray that God may continue to protect you and give you the strength to execute your duties.
Thank you, God Bless You, and may God bless Sint Maarten and protects its coasts!

Click here to view photos of the 2015 Internationl Justice Day Celebration.

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