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Did Alfred Harley made an open Apology Instead of Answering the Questions SMN News Posed to him last Week --- Harley the people of St. Maarten wants to know what really happened 26 years ago?

alfredharley18072915Who did you hurt 26 years ago?  and what about this “true love thing” are you referring to the young Guyanese woman you got deported after impregnating her in St. Kitts?

PHILIPSBURG:--- SMN News posted some questions to Mr. Alfred Harley last week Saturday and gave him on or before July 13th 2015 to respond to our questions. But instead of getting the answers to the questions that was posed to Mr. Harley last week. Harley posted this lengthy comment on his Facebook page.

Alfred Harley
9 hrs ·
I think about life and about the bad things that I have done and have had done to me and I wonder so often whether I am able to live through the rest of whatever it is that should or would happen in my life. I am very sorry for the many people that I have hurt. And there are those who have hurt me and hopefully some people who have hurt me have had time to rethink their priorities. I believe that there are times in all our lives that we have struggled through one sin or difficulty or another and whether through the help of others or through our own strength and guidance from God we emerge victorious. We should never bring back the excuses that we used in the past to explain the things we did or failed to do, neither should we try to create new excuses for the same past. But as long as we live we should try to aspire to live extraordinary lives and love hard and strong. Yes, love is a gift that we all should experience, and to love hard is as scary sometimes as the challenges we have faced and often some of the past hurt and pain has even come from failure to close the deal with one or another person who we thought was the one. But in the game of love we have to learn that there are times when the true one or true love we seek is never really there, except from God. What’s worst is that there are strengths that are lost and there are strengths that we put aside or ignore because it tells us to walk away which is one of the hardest things to do. But sometimes you have to because the truth is there are times when we recognize the time we spent has been wasted on someone who didn’t deserve it, couldn’t see it or didn’t want to wake up to the reality that they were with someone great. And in this life that and the many other things we do or experience sometimes brings regret. It seems fitting that regret has to play such a major role in our lives. But as my dear friend Scot says, once we have life the rest is gravy, and who doesn’t love a good gravy. So while we are alone thinking about the things we have experienced and done to others, or ourselves, we should really take the time to think about the truth, which is while there is simply no correcting the past, the great thing about being alive is that we can accept responsibility for the things that we have done. Some of these things are embarrassing, and some truly hurt to the core. Some we think are better left hidden or unexposed because they are not a celebration of anything good that we did and their memory doesn’t just hurt us. And through the constant changes in our lives, and growth periods many are going to challenge us on these experiences and question our integrity, but how we handle them and what we do to correct them will determine to a great extent how society sees us and how we are accepted by our friends and family. These struggles may make us feel the need to isolate ourselves from others because we are experiencing a rehashing of our traumatic past, or suffering and struggling through the steps to the future. But hopefully then we remember Gods’ grace and we accept his gift, while remembering that once we do that, we will make it through the storm and through the rain and even through the hurt and the pain. With true friends and strong family and our trust in God, we are able to come out on the other side renewed. And in the end we still have to be the bigger person and forgive those who trespass against us. I personally live with the pain and suffer the hurt from a very traumatic incident I experienced 26-years ago, as does the family of the victim involved in this horrific incident. I pray Gods guidance on those I have hurt and his healing of the wounds, and I look forward to the wrongs that I can make right and with every breath I take I will continue as I have done to create a path of hope for those who like me have suffered through traumatic pasts. Not all of us have the support and the strength to work through difficulties and this incident has given me a different outlook on life and made me appreciate this life even more and take it so seriously, that I am often accused of being too serious. But I am serious not only because I still struggle with the knowledge of my past, and the fear that this past experience can become a handicap if I do not remain close to God, true friends and family, but because I will never be able to make up to the family that my actions have hurt.

Here are the Questions Posed by SMN News to Alfred Harley on July 11th 2015

PHILIPSBURG:--- Alfred Harley, the consultant who found it fit to use his mother’s sole proprietorship company that was registered as an inter- island purchasing company needs to answer a few questions, which he should do publicly, by means of a press release to SMN News.

1, Can Alfred Harley tell the people of St. Maarten if he was a member of the St. Kitts Police Force? If the answer to the question is yes? Then can Alfred Harley tell the people of St. Maarten especially potential employers why he is no longer a member of the St. Kitts Police Force?
2. Do you Alfred Harley have a criminal conviction in St. Kitts for example second degree murder or manslaughter and did you spend almost two years in prison in St. Kitts? Did you shoot a man while being a ‘rookie cop” and killed him and was prosecuted for this crime?
3. If so have you ever made this known to your employers when you left St. Kitts and came to St. Maarten and worked for the Daily Herald as a journalist? Have you ever made known to your employers that you Alfred Harley is a convicted felon or what the Kittians would call a “Jailbird.”
4, Already SMN News posted one of your convictions regarding XBC, but did you make this known to St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association? Diamond Hotel and Resort, UTS in St. Maarten when they hired you as manager for their St. Kitts company?
5 Did you mention these convictions to XBC who engaged in business with you?
6, Did you mention this to the Members of Parliament Johan Janchi Leonard and Theodore Heyliger? And The Daily Herald and the Today Newspaper who gave whistle clean recommendations for GEBE? Or did you mention to GEBE management or Supervisory Board?
7. There is an advertisement that showed in St. Kitts for UTS where you said “ I am Alfred Harley and I approve this message” can you now approve these very legitimate questions? And provide the answers on or before Monday July 13th 2015? Bear in mind these are all questions and not accusations Mr. Alfred Harley so you will need to provide the answers.


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