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Wreath Laying Ceremony in remembrance of Dr. A. C Wathey scheduled for Friday July 24th

claudewathey23072015PHILIPSBURG:---- The annual wreath laying ceremony, commemorating the life of the late Dr. A. C Wathey will be held on July 24th at his statue in front of the Government Administration building in Philipsburg at 9.00 a.m.
July 24this the birthdate of the “Old Man”, as Claude was affectionally called.
During the short annual ceremony, wreaths are laid by the Government of St. Maarten, the Democratic Party, which he co-founded, the United People’s Party, the University of St. Martin, A.C. Wathey Educational & Awareness Foundation, The Family of the late Dr. A.C. Wathey
“The wreath laying event is coordinated by the A. C. Wathey Educational and Awareness Foundation, a foundation created in his honor to promote political awareness amongst the general population of St. Maarten”, according to foundation president, Mrs. Valerie Giterson-Pantophlet.
Dr. A. C. Wathey was born on July 24, 1926 and had dedicated his life to serving the people of St. Maarten in numerous political capacities.
He, along with the late Clem Labega founded the Democratic Party of St. Maarten, and the University of St. Martin was the brainchild of himself and Ambassador Hushang Ansari, just to mention 2 of his lasting contributions.
The wreath laying ceremony is also a sign of homage to his indelible contribution to the overall growth of our beloved St. Maarten land.

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