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Letter of new majority formed in Parliament sent to Governor --- Marlin to become Prime Minister --- Reliable Sources.

williammarlin07082014PHILIPSBURG:--- The eight members of Parliament who voted on a motion of no-confidence against the Gumbs cabinet on Wednesday did not waste any time on forming a new government.
According to information reaching SMN News as soon as the motion was passed in Parliament, two letters were dispatched to the Governor of St. Maarten, one informing him of the motion of no confidence along with a copy of the motion and another informing the Governor of St. Maarten that there is already a majority in Parliament that are ready to form a new government.
The source said the new government will consist of four Members of Parliament from the National Alliance, one from the Democratic Party, the USP and two Independent Members namely Silvio Matser and Maurice Lake.
SMN News further learnt that at least two MPs from the National Alliance faction will leave their seats in Parliament to go over to the executive branch. Unconfirmed reports states that the leader of the National Alliance William Marlin will become the next Prime Minister, while MP Silveria Jacobs will be taking up the Education, Youth and Sports Ministry.
While the Members of Parliament that formed the new government are tightlipped as they continue negotiating, SMN News could not get full confirmation on the make-up of the new government.
It is further stated that the two incoming Members of Parliament that will replace the leader and deputy leader of the National Alliance is Rodolph Samuel former Chairman of Parliament in the last governing period and Hyacinth Richardson also a former Member of Parliament during the last governing period.
Several persons in the community said that they are pleased with what transpired on Wednesday since the country has been in total disarray with the UPP/De Weever/LRM/USP coalition.
SMN News will be following the developments on the formation of the incoming government and will bring you more information as it develops.

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