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MP Leona Marlin-Romeo makes Vice President of Parliament position available

leonaromeomarlin15022015PHILIPSBURG:----- Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Leona Marlin-Romeo, has notified the current President of Parliament Hon. Dr. Lloyd Richardson and Secretary Generals, that effective immediately, the position held as Vice Chair is made available.

MP Marlin-Romeo duly notes that there is a new majority in Parliament and therefore, the appointment of the new chairmanship must transpire.

In order to facilitate the process, notice was given to the respective persons in order for the new appointment to continue.

Press Release MP Leona Marlin Romeo

Editors note:- Now that the Independent Member of Parliament who jumped ship from the USP to support the UPP/ De Weever coalition has made her position as vice chair available citing that there is a new majority in Parliament, the Member of Parliament did not say if she will continue doing the honorable thing by having the Minister she appointed tender his resignation. MP Leona Marlin Romeo appoined her uncle in law  Ernest Sams as the Minister of TEATT who forms part of the Gumbs cabinet. The entire Gumbs cabinet including Minister Sams received a motion of no confidence on September 30th 2015 but to date none of the Ministers has seen it fit to tender their resignation. While the Prime Minister has refused to tender the resignation of his cabinet unless the governor signs the LB to dessolve Parliament each of the Ministers could tender their own resignation knowing that they each got a motion of no confidence and no longer enjoys the confidence and support of Parliament. SMN News tried reaching MP Romeo Marlin by telephone to see if she will continue on this same path but she could not be reached by telephone.

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