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Majority in Parliament calls urgent meeting of Parliament to appoint new chair and vice chairs --- MP Pantophelt to chair meeting.

meetingletter14102015PHILIPSBURG:--- The eight seat majority in the Parliament of St. Maarten has called for an urgent meeting of Parliament to be held on Thursday October 15th 2015 at 6pm in the legislative hall of Parliament.
The agenda point for the meeting called on Thursday is to appoint the new chairperson of parliament along with the vice chairpersons.
A letter which is signed by the majority states that in view of the meetings held the past two days the current majority have agreed to have the meeting chaired by Member of Parliament George Pantophlet.

A majority of 8 in parliament has convened a public meeting of parliament for Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 6 pm.
This invitation has been sent to all members of parliament with the appointment of a chairperson and vice chairpersons being the main agenda point.
In an elucidation to the invitation, the members constituting the majority outline the reasons for this extraordinary meeting, going from the premise of the "majority-rule".
While the Rules of Order of Parliament provide for a change in chairmanship at any time, no further procedures are in place in the event the sitting presidium members take on a hostile attitude and refuse to accommodate the change-over.
This could make a lame duck of the parliament.
Below is the motivation as provided.

Ref: urgent meeting of Parliament on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 18.00 hours.

Agenda point: Appointment of a chairperson, a first deputy chairperson and a second deputy chairperson.

On September 30, 2015, a majority in Parliament informed H. E. the Governor of St. Maarten of its agreement to work together and form a new coalition, consisting of 8 members of Parliament.

On said date, a motion of no confidence was passed by the Parliament of St. Maarten against the 7 ministers of government;

On October 1, 2015, during a parliamentary meeting, duly convened, the chairperson, MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson at the last moment excused himself and passed the duties of chairing the meeting to the 2nd deputy chairperson, in the absence of the 1st deputy chairperson.

The 2nd deputy chairperson, MP V.H. C. de Weever abrogated this responsibility by refusing to take up the chairmanship duties, citing having "made his position available". This was done by letter dated September 30th, 2015. The next in line to fulfill the duties of chairperson would be amongst the longest serving, the oldest member. This duty therefore befell MP Johan Leonard, who also declined. At the last moment, MP George Pantophlet was the designated chairperson, based on the same ranking mentioned above. However the MP could only establish that there was no quorum present and called off the meeting.

By letter dated October 12th, the chairperson of parliament, the honorable MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson, made his position available and subsequently left the country as parliament president, which in itself is an anomaly.

A legally constituted public meeting was convened for October 13, 2015 at 09.00 hrs.

Misusing his authority, the 2nd vice chairperson of Parliament unlawfully closed this meeting of parliament under the mum of "requesting legal clarification" on the decision of government to dissolve parliament. This closure has been done indefinitely.

With the mentioned actions by aforementioned members of the presidium of Parliament, the functioning of Parliament is in serious jeopardy.

Therefore the undersigned members of parliament, have agreed to call a meeting of Parliament and making use of article 6, sub 4 of the Rules of Order of Parliament, relieve MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson, MP Leona Marlin-Romeo and MP Van Hugh C. De Weever, respectively chairperson, 1st deputy chairperson and 2nd deputy chairperson of the parliament of St. Maarten of their aforementioned positions as per immediate.

And further in accordance with article 6, sub 4 of the Rules of Order appoint a new chairperson and 2 deputy chairpersons.

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