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EXCLUSIVE: APS Board and Investment Committee had no information VORST land Agreement.

.Board calling on Parliament to call APS board in since procedures were not followed --- Reliable Sources.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The board of APS including is investment committee are now seeking to present their case to the Parliament of St. Maarten regarding the VORST land agreement with the caretaker Government of St. Maarten that was published by SMN News.
According to information provided to SMN News the board of APS and its financial committee were not aware of the negotiations APS financial controller George Willems had with the caretaker Minister of VROMI Claret Connor prior to having a Landsbesluit prepared.
The source said that APS board members and its investment committee only found out about the project and agreement when they saw it published on SMN News. While APS is very much interested in investment projects, even those that involves government the board believes that proper procedures must be followed, one being an agreement (greenlight) must be given and signed off by the Governor of St. Maarten prior to the agreement being made, the investment committee must be fully informed and most important when all of the above procedures are followed then the project has to be placed on bidding before its awarded to anyone. The source said none of the above procedures were followed within APS and neither did the caretaker Minister follow Government procedures as he was supposed to get an advice from the Secretary General which according to the source was not done.
SMN News further understands that when the Landsbesluit was published on SMN News only then the board and investment committee confronted Willems and he brought them up to speed with his conversations and or negotiations with the caretaker Minister Claret Connor. SMN News further learnt that the director of APS board Franklin Richards whose name appeared on the LB had no knowledge of what transpired and thus he gave the financial controller a stern warning letter for his actions and even using his name on documents he had no knowledge about.
It is understood that the Parliament of St. Maarten were requested to call for a meeting so that APS could shed light on what transpired.

Click here to view APS agreement

Click here to view incomplete advice

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