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HSA: Celebrate Cayman Thanksgiving By Giving Life.

caymanislandthanksgiving271CAYMAN ISLANDS:--- Every year, many of us celebrate Thanksgiving the same way; family, food and shopping. But there is another tradition the Cayman Islands community should consider. On Saturday, December 5th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA) is encouraging the public to celebrate Cayman Thanksgiving by giving blood. While the need for blood is constant, the supply isn’t – especially around the holidays. According to the American Red Cross, blood donations typically decline from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day while people are often consumed by festivities.
“During Thanksgiving, many people look for ways to give back to the community and donating blood could give someone the most valuable gift of all – the gift of life,” said Lizzette Yearwood, CEO of HSA. “Without the generosity of blood donors, we would not be able to maintain a stable blood supply for our patients. One blood donation can help save up to three lives, which, in turn can grant patients the opportunity to celebrate the holidays with their loved ones. Donating in December is a great way to start the holiday season because it reminds us that one person can truly make a difference. Thanksgiving is a time of thanks and I encourage people to think of the life they can save with donating blood” said Ms Yearwood.
Donors are asked to prepare for their donation by drinking a lot of water and eating healthy, iron-rich meals starting a week or so before they donate. On the day of donation, donors should drink plenty of water before and after donating and should remember to bring their ID, a list of all the medications they are taking and persuade a friend to join in too.
The Blood Drive will be held in the Cayman Islands Hospital Atrium on Saturday, December 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information contact 244-2670 or 244-2669. Walk-ins are welcomed.
The HSA will also be offering sign-up and collecting samples (only) at the Cayman Thanksgiving event at the Agricultural Grounds in Lower Valley on Saturday, December 5th from 10:00am – 12:00pm.

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